imv aphHj 28. 1943 links- : ,4: . . o THE DAILY NEWS course Welcome Your Victory Loan Salesman V . He'll show you how you can play your '. full part Hf-reaching the Ath Victory Loan Objective of $1,100,000,000 Canada's greatest financial endeavour "OU'LL find that your Victory Loan salesman is a chap worth knowing a ncighhor or certainly a fellow citizen a man with whom you'll have a lot in common perhaps a son at Dieppe or one who flies a Wellington; or one who rides a pitching Corvette. Above 'all, you'll find him one who loves Freedom as you do. You'll find him an earnest Canadian; a man intent in the cause of Freedom. He asks only that you lend your money to Canada from your savings and income that you buy bonds two ways; bonds from available cash and more bonds from income over the next six months. He asks that you buy all the bonds you can rather than making a small "token" purchase just so you can say, "I bought a bond." t During, the next three weeks, you'll see him working early and late at the greatest, most-important financial task in Canada's history. His immediate job will be to help you and fellow Canadians play your full part in reaching the 4th Victory Loan Objective of Onc-Rillion-One! Welcome your Victory Loan salesman when he calls. Give him every co-operation. Be ready for him and help conserve his time. Kuy Victory Ronds "for all you're worth" and hasten the day of Victory and Freedonn LOCAL VICTORY LOAN HEADQUARTERS Recruit inp Office, 303 Third Avenue. Phone 301 BUY MORE NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE SOWS T.1 t'l.V. M. ffe. i:-4 . rs jjjj f PAGE THRffl