PAGE SIX 8 Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Enjravlnf VISIT OUR BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. j MAX HEiLBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant VICTORY BONDS PROTECT YOU! mm nam Help Yourself ' By Helping Canada Buy Victory Bonds Today Space Donated by: PI1PERT PCnPICQ QTHRF IVvl Lilll J. JUU1 LiUJ U1U11L ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE For Lovely Pcrmanents Annette has the assistance of Estelle Powers who is very efficient, having had years of experience in the better Vancouver shops. Fourth Street Across from Post Office ' ' " - FljOJiE BLUE 917 FOR APPOINTMENT A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY A COMPLETE STOCK OF FURNITURE ON HAND Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg, Wilhelmshaven, left In flames. Night and day the Air Force are at work and their deeds fill us with pride and gratitude. But the announcement that "... of our aircraft have not returned strikes a note of irrecoverable loss: they have given to the uttermost. It will soon be TOKYO, OSAKA, NAGASAKI, YOKOHAMA. BUY CANADA'S FOUKTII VICTORY L6ArljONDS to the uttermost to pro.vidc the tools for our men! Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue "GALIVANT" SHOES IN BROWN AND BLACK BROGUES, GILLIES, TIES AND LOAFERETTES. Welted Soles and Genuine Calf Leathers. Perfect Fitting Lasts in Fittings AA to C Width. Priced $5.85 and $5.50 Family shoe store. ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" CFPR (1240 Kilocycles) SCHEDULE Monday P.M. 4:00 Afternoon Musicale :30 Louintll Morgan Trio 4:45 Sextette from Hunger ' 5:00 Tea Dansant 5:30 At the Console 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Tropical Tunes 6:30 Musical Comedies 7:00 Telephone Hour 7:30 Your Broadway and Mine 8:00 Fred Waring 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Sound off 8:45 Are You a Genius? 9:00 Down Beat 9:30 London Palladium Orches- I tra 10:00 CBC News 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10:150. I. Jive 10:30 Vocal Varieties 11:00 Silent Tuesday A.M 7 ISO Musical Clock' 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Meditations 8:45 Jimmy Cash, Tenor 9:00 Piano and Violin 9:30 CBC News 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 A Morning Visit -10:15 Barnabas Von Geczy 10:30 Wilf Carter 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00- Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages U: 17 Wilf Carter 11:30 Petit Concert P.M. 12:00 Luncheon Music 12:30 Varieties in Wax ' 12;45 CBC. News ' - l s: ao urogram Kesum6 ,I;00T-One O'clock Musicale il:30B.b. School Broadcast 2:00-iSllent rlsciilaSmith Is Married To Dry Dock Man The marriage took place at First United Church Manse, on Saturday evening, Revr James A. Don-nell officiating, of Miss Priscilla Smith of Port Simpson and Austin Larcene Lundy of Prince Rupert. The witnesses were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sankey of Prince Rupert. Following the ceremony, there was a reception at the Commodore Cafe. The bride Is well known in Prince Rupert. The groom is employed at the dry dock. Port Essington Woman Is Dead Mrs. Rebecca Inncs, Native of Kit-selas, Passes Away Mrs. Rebecca Innes of .Port Essington died Saturday morning in the Prince Rupert General Hospital. She was a widow, 56 years of age and was born at Kitselas. THE DAILY NEWS Miss Faust Is t Speaker For Church Women The Women's Missionary Society of First United Church held their Easter meeting at the church on Tuesday evening. There was a good attendance including members from other women's missionary societies in the city. The program was very interesting, the theme of the meeting being "Africa for Christ." A beautiful duet, "There is a Green Hill Far Away," was rendered by Mrs. R. G. Large and Mrs. It.' T. Lock, accompanied by Misi Swana Olafson at the organ. Miss Mabel Faust, R.N., was the guest speaker, She gave a clear Insight into the missionary work In Africa, giving a vivid description of the difference between'the non-Christian and the Christian homes, stressing, the importance of missionary work in the lives of native people. After the meeting, the members and guests adjourned to the Manse where a social hour was spent. FLOWERS GO EAST Service Men in West Remember Folks at Home With Spring Blossoms VANCOUVER, April 26 Express cars of the Canadian National sys tem and air express compartments In TransCanada Air Lines silver transports have been scented these days with the fragrance emanat lng from spring blossoms in transit from British Columbia to des tinations east of the Rockies. Much of the tremendous volume just flown by air express was comprised of shipments from one individual to another, with the tra ditional rush occasioned by Easter, Largo flower shipments being dispatched In rail express cars of a commercial nature from Pa cific coast nurseries; to florists at various places. Many of the spring flower -varie ties conveyed tangible Easter I greetings to those loved ones "back home" on' the prairies, Eastern Canada, and the Maritimes even to Newfoundland, from lads and lassies in uniform who are stationed at British Columbia points. Fortunately long distance, shipments now take less than a day when, flown in the speedy T.C.A. airliners and the flowers .arrlveidn perfect condition almost as if handed from one person to West Africa Is Described Miss Mabel Faust Speaks to Rotary Club at Weekly Luncheon The Prince Rupert Rotaiy Club, at its regular weekly luncheon last Thursday, heard an Interesting rtalk on life and customs of the 'people of West Africa by Miss Mahel Faust R. N., lady superintendent of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, who was engaged In missionary nursing there a few years ago. Pre sident Oeorge C. Mitchell was in the chair. The weekly raffle of a War Savings Certificate for the Queen's Fund was won by Dr. Joseph T. Mandy. BMKfheAlTACK Remember it's Freedom versus Slavery. Put your money on Freedom to win. DRAMA IS ? FEATURED Ida Lupino, Dennis Morgan, Joan Leslie Star in "Hard Way" At Capitol Theatre A tense, moving drama of a wo man's driving, ruthless ambition coupled with an Intense love for her sister and Its effect upon the lives of others shows at the Capitol Theatre here this Monday and Tuesday in "The Hard Way." starring Ida Lupino, Dennis Morgan and Joan Leslie. The film has a supporting cast of unusual merit, topped by such able players as Jack Carson and Gladys George. The picture tells the story of a relentless and frustrated woman, played by Ida Lupino, who Is so de termined for a better way of life for her sister, Joan Leslie, that decency to attain It. Eventually the fresh, lovable girl begins to show signs of strain under relentless pressure. She tries to please her sister but the latter comes to realize that all her years of planning and stiing have gone for naught and the .play ends on that note. High High Local Tides Tuesday, April 27 6:30 18.1 20.04 Low 0:25 ,!?. . "II 17.1 8.9 5.0 Wednesday, April 28 High 7:56 17.9 ' 21:14 18.0 Low 1:44 8.9 14:26 5.1 Thursday, April 29 High 9:16 18.1 22:11 Low 3:06 15:36 19.0 8.0 5.1 Friday, April 30 10:24 18.9 23:00 Low 4:19 ' ' 16:40 20.1 6.8 5.0 feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet feet Canada at War 25 Years Ago April 26s 1918 British troops drove Germans from advanced positions near Robccq, northwest of- Bethune. Long-range bombardment of Paris killed 118 persons and injured 230 In-one month. 'Van, Turkish Armenia,, recaptured by the Armenians; SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli; Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Hux 644 FRASKR STREET PRINCE RUPK.Kf A.C. Cameron PHYSIO THERAPIST STEAM ELECTRIC TREATMENTS for Lumbago, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Neuritis and Sciatica Hours 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Room 1 NEW ROYAL HOTEL vans 'Amm. : X Put your money on the winner, for this may well be the year of the second front, the all-out drfye that will set the Hounds of Hitler and Hlrohlto back on their heels. Back it up with evefjSdoliar you can scrape together: go without non-essentials. The sacrifice Is nothing compared with the alternative. Give our boys the weapons they need and let them smash the enemy. LEND your money for ylc-. lory, . . S TODAY AND TUESDAY Complete Shows at 1:00. 2-49 7T,,, ' ', 717 ii Feature at 1:00, 3:14, 5:28, 7;42, , THMlOl SIDES 10 EVERY STORY,, .MRfflilBi. -warm I 1 1, IB "The Animals Speak in South! America" Coloied Cartoon "Barney Bear's Victory Gardeal NOTICE nun tn pvlstlntf rnnditinns we are forced to nnnnunpo tv.L . . - widl-con menclng May 1st we shall be able to redeem our coupons i glassware uniy. Tn nnr rnstnmers havlnar C0UD0I1S On hand, we :ni"p tv,n. " - - - r 1 1 VlittV IJ be turned in before May 1st as we have several valuable prcc urns in stock. Coupons received after May 1st will be honored for r'.a-v, only. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones 18-11) P.O. Box i Local Fisherman Loses Mare In Interior River ENDAKO, April 26 Henry Hcl-lock, well known Prince Rupert fisherman, who has a farm at the Nithi River, lost a valuable mare through the ice on Saturday last. Efforts to get the animal out on ALL-RIMTISII HONEY I MANCHE 3IER. Aprj 25 Pedigreed Italian quera beeJ ruled British hive ; for vJ now are disappearing be aj the impossibility of rcplac:.. However "mongrel' Bi .S will take over and as or.s said: "British honey wul percent British. IKa 4 ...... U.. .... niv m.ii-miuu. h: wc ill ing and the animal had shot. WALLS wCEILINGS 'Heed meuwufi r j, ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE Now The CAMPA Is On HAMBURGERS 6th St., Behind Royal Hotel g 2BP back the attack . Annette Ladies' Weal (We Lead, Others Follow) mnuMwmtmxM'Vm - a Fresh Local Raw Pasteurized JUL 1 VALENTIN OMR I PHONE HLACK 59 K PHONE " i ii you lose anything, advertise lor it. " Oil . - , ?