ffi PAGE TOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Charge J I Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OL'K BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China, Dinneruare, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant 77iet Loue Tiem Because they arc smartly styled, because they wear like iron and, moic important, because they build feet strong and healthy, WHAOGE Shoes for Boys and Girls are among the most widely used on the market. Smart parents recognize the long run economy, too. The perfect choice for all school wear. Sole Distributors WKAGGE CHILDREN'S SHOES MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Cut Rate Shoe Store 50G THIRD AVENUE WEST (Across from Orme's Drug) BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... At Your Local Butchers NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Qq, Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA Every Home Should Have a Complete FIRST KIT First aid may save a life possibly your own. Every home and car should have a complete first aid kit to cope with any emergency. This is a wise precaution while we arc at peace but an obvious necessity in wartime. See our complete line of First Aid Kits and stocks of hospital-fresh dressings, antiseptic and other supplies. Get yours today and be prepared. Ormes ltd. 37m Pioneer Drurigiats THE It EXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 88 Open Dally from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. 1 CFPR (1210 Kilocycles) SCHEDULE Monday p.M. 4:00 Victor Record Album 4:30 Shall We Dance? 5:00 Blue Shadows 5:30 Barbara Norman 5:45 Accordiania 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Jimmy Cash, tenor 6:15 Vagabond's Road 6:30 Salon Music 6:45 Lutheran Hour 7:00 Telephone Hour 7:30 Your Broadway and Mine 8:00 Fred Waring 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 To be announced 9:30 "Downbeat." 10:00 CBC News Rebroadcast 10:05 Music a la Carter 10:1 Song Sheet 10:30 Silent 1 Tuesday A. M. 30 Strictly Informal 45 CBC News 50 Strictly informal - 00 Musical Minutes 30 Morning Meditations 45 Composers' Corner 00 Dinah Shore 15 Studies in Black and White 30 CBC News 35 Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra 00 A Morning Visit 15 Boston "Pops" Orchestra 30 Swing and Sway 45 They Tell Me 00 Wilf Carter 15 Broadcast of Messages 17 Marek Webster's Orchestra 30 Let's Go Modern PJW 00 Mid-day Melodies 30 On the Bandstand : 50 CBC News : 55 Today's Program Highlights : 00 One O'clock Muslcale : 30 B.C. School Broadcast : 00 Silent COCK- Local Tides Tuesday, February 23 High 3:11 20.9 feet 15:19 20.2 feet Low 9:24 5.3 feet 21:39 4.2 feet Wednesday, February 21 High 3:44 20.7 feet 15:56 19.3 feet Lod 10:01 5.5 feet 22:14 5.1 feet Thursday, February 25 High 4:19 20.2 feet 16:42 18.1 feet Low 10:46 5.9 feet 22:55 6.1 feet Friday, February 26 High 5:04 19.9 feel 17:42 16.9 feet Low 11:39 6.1 feet 23:42 7.3 feet iBiiaiiKiKi.miica'Ki 2 ditions permit. mum I GOLD SEAL pussy Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon and Herring in Tomato Sauce are both on active service but will be back on your j grocer's shelf soon as condi- " THE DAILY NEWS "P! MONDAY, ae 1 SAVE ENERGY 1 JkJor War WorkM CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. LIMITED ACTIVITIES U-23 2 OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GAR BUTT The Hostess Four dances are on this week's program and might as well be noted right here and now. Tonight. Monday, an armv unit dance is being held at the Empress. This dance is by ticket and is open to all service men and their ladles. Tickets will also be sold at the door. Wednesday and Thursday nights are the two regular dances, the first being the "Y" dance at the Empress and the other the regular Ontario regnment dance at the camp. Over the week-end the Royal Canadian Navy Band will be in Prince Rupert and will play for a navy dance at the Empress on Friday night. I will keep you post ed on this In case there are any alterations In plans but, at anv rate, keep Friday night open. Thanks for the nice big rocking chair, Mrs. Rhodes and Mrs. Mason! We are having it re-uphol stered and its cosy comfortable depths will be greatly appreciated. There's some talk of one of thQ navy sailmakers covering it lor us and, if so, how would good sturdy anchors stencilled all over it look? No? Ye-es? When the dance is over and "The king" is played I am usually standing In the background and can watch everyone and mv ob servations have led to the sad fact that our girls and women need to learn how to stand at attention. That does not mean a rigid military bearing such as comes from long training but it does mean standing reasonably still with eyes Such Coffee AND partly because it is "cream-A- ed" with Carnation Milk. Makes a wonderful difference in the flavor, color, aroma of coffee. TALE OF " JUNLGES Hedy Lamarr and Walter Pid-geon are a dynamic combination in White Cargo," film version of this famous stage play, showing today and Tuesday at the Capitol Theatre with Miss Lamarr as a glamorous native charmer and Pld-geon as a two-fisted driving rubber plantation supervisor. The story of the African rubber Jungles is one of stark, elemental drama. As the story opens Bramwell Fletcher, playing Pidgeon's assistant, has been driven almost Insane by the jungle and leaves on the iver boat which brings Richard Carlson to replace him. The dark-skinned Tondelayo displays her charms but, warned by Pidgeon, Carlson at first shuns her. Later she fascinates him, which precipitates a tense dramatic situation ending In his fiery sweetheart's attempt to poison him. Throughout, the story Is played against the drab cabins of the rubber workers and the sinister-shadows of a jungle deep in the Dark Continent. Frank Morgan is a bibulous but kindly old' settlement doctor and Henry O'Neill Is the missionary of the district. Reginald Owen and Clyde Cook extract comedy from their roles as captain and first mate of the river steamer calling at the settlement. front and no rolling of eves and grimacing at the various lads. Try-to remember King George VI Is your King, too, and you must show him equal respect. Stand steady and eyes front Is the order of the day. Bob Gibson Is getting to be like the famous "Yehudi," the little man who wasn't there. No sooner did he get back from Edmonton than he was off again to Toronto. This time he went yla Vancouver and will travel there with Area Secretary Alan Hurst, who has so often been here. For Income Tax Returns see . . R. E. Mortimer Phone 88 321 2nd Ave. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli. Top. Phone 37 P.O. Bu 544 FKASKIt STREET PRINCE RUPERT J. M. S. Loubser D.C., B.A. Chiropractor . vVhIH,, fllnrl. That creamy-smoothness and rich flavor of Carnation does wonders for all kinds of cooked diihes-and it costs so little to use Carnation. Carnation is whole cows' milk with part of the natural water taken out until it is doublc-rkh. Sterilized to make it keep-homogenized for smoothness. And irradiated for extra "sunshine" vitamin I). Write for free Carnation Cook Book. Carnation Co. Limited, Abbott St., Vancouver. " U C arnation IRRADIATED Milk A CANADIAN PRODUCT -frm dnUnUd Gam J A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd, A GOOD PLACE TO BUY Mattresses, all sizes; Bedsteads, steel and wood; 'Baby Carriages Lloyds; Chesterfield Suites; Bedroom' Suites; Dinette Suites' walnut and natural finish; Pillows; ., Bed Spreads; Window Shades; Carpets, all sizes; Linoleum and Floor Covering of all kinds. When jou need them we have them In stock. 1 3E S3 J LiKJiririEiiBdnzixiimiK: Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue West TODAY AND TUESDAY EVERYBODY'S TALKING ABOUT IT AlRj PIDGE0I1 LflHR WHITE CARGO T?r A XTrr fn - . "California Junior Symphony" Cartoon "line Feathered Friends" Complete Shows 1:00. 3:02. 5:04, 7:06, 9:08 I. AH I C r., ' Featur! at 131, 3 33, 5:35, 'r MADE .MARSEILLES MARSEILLES n.U 18C9 made Marseilles the chief The deep na' Mediterranean port for cargoes to seilles is lmpnv :a tj'7' and, Lorn the Far East. brcakwaten &rA it r a v i - -1 T n Tii "n w-'vy-T Trnr ciMtfMfctwMWA,''1 Bp Brighten YourOutlool FLOWERING At planting time, the season oi flowering treos and shrubs addt our happiness. But did you foci . -j - - vuvwrat succession of bloom beainniaat earliest days of Spring, followed Is .wm ...d. nu. Winter? T 1 ,t i ,i 1 ! - 1 I TM .... . . . results next spring. A Complete Line of Ni FREE Garden Bt;lt EDDIE'S NURSERIES SARDIS, B.C. Member American Association of Nuncn'sr ; TRAPPERS -i Don't sell your furs at the walei front. They are bn;t a clicaper than up town. Come up town and call at the kt the price doesn't suit here, Ooldbloom will advance j to send to Little Bros. Auction Sales in Vancouver, W. G0LDBL00M (The Old Reliable) rrr r i f - j . .iir Mff 17 I UJ I I m V SKI L I I r WK H-m w mm mm H am . . I h W WW -mmW M l " WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION- 1 Year, Sl.."0 2 Years. .SU.."( 3 Yrs nmiTr.i A HtfTlTn A xt nf n rVn,i COLLIERS NATIONAL WEEKLY ' 1 Year, S:j.oo 2 Years. $5.00 3 Y-ars. Special Combinations One Year Each to One Address WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION and The AMERICAN MAOAZINE j WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION and COLLIERS WEEKLY j THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE and I COLLIERS WEEKLY I WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION, THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE and COLLIERS WEEKLY- -all three W Place all your Magazine Subscriptions with us.Ncw and ai FUDiisners' Aaverusca DEPENDABLE SERVICE LOWEST RATES. - - MAGAZINE, ANYWHERE Free nift. PnrH whpn renucstcd, . . . fnllft mi lib' iiioin. , . . . . , ninu iu uwiiiK lu nrespm snortnurs uieuai; "" weeks for commencement of subscription 1 nfI7fm j