DAY APRIL 17, 1943 Shopping Worries J. L. Curry iLate of Yukon) Chiropractor Westholnie Rooms WTON'S recently opened jjall order Office at Prince jjpcrt offers you a new and gierestlng method of shop-gig by Mall. Our capable Sresentattve Is In charge yd will be only too glad to lp you solve any shopping Snblems you might have. this added Service and t the EATON Order Office next time you are shop- Before you leave home, Ac through EATON'S Cat- ue You'll find an endless iety of clothing, home fur- ings and linen, drapes, small ware. Make a list s.uit vnn need and leave j ,ith us or If you wish you telephone your order In. PRINCE RUPERT ORDER OFFICE I 3rd Ave. W. Ph. Blue 400 T EATON C. SAYING MAKETII Die speaker says "Mah-RET st beleaguered line in ltinisia TOURNEY ADVANCES Results of ,this week's play in Queen Mary Chapter, Impe'rial Order, Daughters of the Empire, bridge tournament were as follows- George Rudderham and George Howe won over Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Blank. Mr. and Mrs. Paulln won over Corp. C. Blues and Corp. Tansley Mr. and Mre. George Hills won over Mrs. S. L. Peachey and Mrs. West (eliminated). Private Weiner and Private Orne won over Mis. Ernest Gammon and Mrs. J. E. Jack (eliminated). Stoker W. C. Johnson ana Private D. Dempsey won over Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Teng (eliminated). Mrs. Sam Hougan and Mrs. J. T. Kaspar won over Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Glassev (eliminated). Sergeant Robinson and Leading Aircraftsman Millar won over Mrs. A. H. Silvcrsldes and Mrs. Timmer- meister (eliminated). Ernest Wtldliw and A. H. Hill Tout won over Mrs. C. E. Dodimead and Mrs. George Hill (eliminated). Next Week's Draw The draw for next week Is as fol lows: . Mrs. P. Q. Oldham and Corn. D Hodgson vs. Geo;ge Howe and G. w. Ruddernam. Mr. and Mrs. Paulin. bye. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Blank vs. Mr. and Mrs. Geoige Hills. Corp. B)ues and Corp. Tansley vs. Ernest Wilding and A. H. Hill-Tout. Stoker W. C. Johnson and Private D. Dempsey vs. Sergeant Robinson and Leading Aircraftsman Millar. Sam Lanfer and Dean Pefley vs. Private Weiner and Private Orne. Mrs. Sam Hougan and Mrs. J. T- Kaspar, bye. I Fresh Local Raw and a Pasteurized MILK 1 VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PROP. "A Homo Away From Uoine" Rates 75e up M Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. phon 281 P.O. Box 111 OR APRIL SHOWERS I nd SPRING CLEANING Get Hand Cleaner French Balm two sizes Almond Hand Lotion Adrienne Creams Talcum Powders large tins in assorted perfumes 25c tin Ormes Ltd. TZha Pioneer Druqpists T"E KEXAI.L STORE PHONES 81 and 82 g Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7 - 9 Pm- jj m MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE fhones 1S-1!) 317-319 3rd Avenue West Groceries Vegetables Fresh Fruit Tobacco Cooked Meats "Where Dollars Have More Cents" We Deliver P.O. Box . Tonight's train, due from the East at 7 o'clock, was reported this morning to be five hours late which would bring it in at midnight. The train, which was due at 11 o'clock' last night, arrived at 1:30 this WARNING Re ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS We have been advised by the City Engineer that water service will be reduced from Saturday 4:30 p.m. until Sunday 8:30 a.m. Unless electric healers have automatic control it would be advisable to switch them off as no water will be permitted during the above period, by authority of the City Engineer. NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. LTD. rfhHcuhcemehtJ All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. 24. 20. Sonja Home Cooking sale. April C.C.F. Bridge. Valhalla Hall, April Can. Legion W. A. Spring Sale and raffle April 21. Queen Mary Easter Monday Tea, Mrs. Parkin. Cathedral Easter Sale, April 29. C.C.F. Invitation Dance Oddfel lows' Hall, April 29. Mayday Ball, Oddfellows' Hall, Frl. April 30, W.A. Coast Regiment, Service Men's Dance, Empress Club, Easter Monday. Cambral Spinster's Spree, May 14. Spring Bazaar W.A., May 6. May 8. United Church Little Norway Tea. Mrs. Munthe, IN THE SlTKK.Mi: COI'llT OP IIKITWII COI.l'Mltl A IN IMtOHATK In I lie Mutter of the "AtlinlnMratlon Act" anil In the Mutter of the Kstate of Thunius llalilson Ijilril, lieceiisecl. Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Iloiior, W. E. Fisher, mode on the 9t (lav of April. A D. 1943. I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Thomas Davidson Laird, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to rurnisn same, properly verified, to me on or about the 9th day of May. A.D. 1943, and all partlec Indebted to the estate are required t pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prtnoe Rupert, B.C.. ttlU 9th day of April, A.D. 1943. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert, p.C IN TI1K SITItF.Mi: rOl'UT OF rtlUTIM! COU MHIA IN TKOIIAIt; III the Mutter f the ''Administration .in linn III the Matter of the Ksiaie or i.rorge Mitchell I'raser, lieceaseil TAKE NOTICE that by Order ot HU Honor Judge Fisher, local Judge of thu Supreme Court of British Columbia. 1 was on Mie 5Ui day of April A.D. 1945 ormirwtivi Administrator of the Estate Of Oeorge RI(Mineii rrwr, " hhe City of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Deceased, who died on or about the 18th day of January, iihj. aii per sons Indebted to the said Estate are re ni.vir! in miv the amouMt of their In rinhtArinixi to me forthwith and all per. mm iMvvlnK claims aisalnst the said .r. TAnulred to tile them with me properly verified on or before tho vv.h Tv- a! May. A.D. 1943. faJllng ..,i!, rfi-fmiiiMitlnn will be made hav lng regard only to sucih claims of which , v.n hava Iwni notified. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 5th day of April, wu. .. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Mrs. G. W. Rudderham I leaving tonight for a trip to Vancouver. A Elio's Pay Cash for Furniture, Stoves, Tools,. Musical Instruments. Mrs. Austin Goodenouzh. from Smithers, is leaving tonight for a iu io Vancouver. Passenger-leavlng for the Queen Charlotte Islands Include G. W. Singer. W. Middleton, P. King and Mrs. Martin. Gerald R. Haughey of the J. R. Morgan Logging Co.'s camp at Huxley Island on the Queen Char lottes left Thursday night for Vancouver. DANCE for Dry Dock Employees, staff Dining Hall, Hays Cove Cir cle, Saturday, April 17, from 9 to midnight. Admission 75c on presentation of red or yellow pass. LADIES FREE. (91) Olof Hanson. M. P. for Skeena, wu is in uie city xor ine Easter Parliamentary recess, was accom-nanled west from Ottawa by Mrs. Hanson who Is at present in Prlnc Rupert, B.C Cash for old gold, Bulger's. E. Friesen Is leaving tonight for a trip to Vancouver. A The shoe sale at Ladies' Style Shoppe continues. Stock is moving fast at reduced prices. Joseuh Pooley. 26-year old labor er fiom New Westminster, a recent recruit for the Canadian active ser vice forces, left this morning for Vancouver to Join up. Geoff ley Wootten, Victory Loan organizer for this area of the prov ince, returned to the city on last evening's train from a business trip to Prince George and other interior ' ' points. Music Teachers and Pupils TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS Practice) inn and July Theory Junt 10th, 11th and 12th Application ftnd le mut rtach tht ConMrvAtory not Urcr than MAY 1st, 19-13 15 College Stft, Toronto r WANTED Pipefitter's Helpers and General 'Labor for work in Prince Rupert. Good wages and bonus. Apply National Selective Service Office, A.M. 40. Classifie FOR SALE FOR SALE L C Smith typewriter. Elio's. gk FOR SALE Cash register which i itemizes and totals individual sales, eliminates writing sales slips, operates electrically or by crank, recently overhauled at factory. Apply Mussallem's Economy Store. (91) FOR SALE Barber chair, baby carriage, cabinet battery radio. 1956 Seal Cove. (92) FOR SALE Small cook stove. 1349 Pigott Place. (91) FOR SALE 9-piece Dine Suite: Table, 5 Side and 1 Arm Chair, 1 Buffet, 1 China 'Cabinet; 6-piece Kitchen Suite: Cabinet, Table, 4 Chairs; 7-piece Chesterfield Suite: Chesterfield and 2 Chairs to match, Smoker, Magazine Rack, 1 End Table, 1 Centre Table; complete Bedroom Suite: Bed, Spring, Springfilled Mattress, Vanity and Dresser.; 1 Day Bed and Mattress; 6 plain Kitchen Chairs; 1 Philcp Radio; l Bed. SDrinc and Springfilled Mattress and Chiffonier. 1 plain Rocker; 1 Child's Rocker and Kindergarten Set; 1 Clock; Safe. Phone Blue 773. 1259 Park Ave. FOR SALE House with two lots, centrally located, 8 rooms and bath, completely furnished. Garage. $3,000 cash. Quick sale. Mc-Clymont Agencies, 307 3rd Ave. W. (92) FOR SALE Mirrors, all descrip tions. Elio's Used Department. WORK WANTED RELIABLE Typist desires light em. ployment afternoons or evenings. Box 472 Daily News. (91) WORK WANTED Chinaman would like work by hour: no gardening. Apply Box 486 Dally News. (02) PERSONAL STENOGRAPHERS and TYPISTS NEEDED badly by Government for war work. You can train at home for Job as Stenographer, Typist, Office Clerk, Letter Carrier, Mall Clerk. Customs Exam-lnr, etc. Free advice and re cord of appointment of our students from M.C.C. Civil Service School Ltd., Winnipeg. The old est in Canada. No Agents. $500.00 Protection, Sickness and Accident for ten cents a day. J. A. Pope, Prince Rupert Hotel. Write or Phone. (93) RED CROSS J; SHIPMENT Knitted Goods, Refugee Clothing, surgical Dressings and Hospital Supplies Sent Forward Another shipment of knitted goods, refugee clothing, surgical dressings and hospital supplies has oeen made by- the local Red Cross workiocm to headquarters in Vancouver. Mrs. C. II. Elkins, in chargs oi tne workroom, is making an ur gent appeal for more surgical dressings and handkerchiefs. The latest shipment is as follows: Knitted goods 9 sleeveless sweaters. 1 turtle neck sweater. 1 tu:tle neck tuck-in, 1 khaki scarf. 3 Balaclava helmets, 6 pairs sea men's stockings, 4 pairs gloves, 6 dozen service socks. 3 helmets. Civilian clothing, grade A 20 women s gowns. 20 childrens py Jamas, 10 children's combinations, 0 rompers. 9 sleeners, 17 women's sups, 4 girl's slips, 3 girls panties 6 girl's dresses. 1 sweater suit. 6 sweaters, 3 pajrs soakers, 3 crib quilts. 5 women's coats,' 1 girl's coat. 2 womens dresses. Civilian clothing, grade B pairs stockings. 1 heanie. 4 nalr bootees. 1 bonnet, 1 pair women'3 shoes. 4 single quilts. 1 crib quilt, 1 afghan. 1 women's suit. 1 wo men's, suit. 1 wool dress, 4 silk crepe dresses, 1 jacket. Surgical dressings 800 wipes, 66 4" compresses; 120 small pads 9x5. 80 medium pads 9x10, 3 large pads 9x12. HosDltal supplies 2 convalescent jackets, 18 dozen khaki handkerchiefs, 4 dozen wash cloths, 3 amputation covers. A.C. Cameron PHYSIO THERAPIST STEAM ELECTRIC TREATMENTS for Lumbago, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Neuritis and Sciatica Hours 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Room 1 NEW ROYAL HOTEL d Ad s I1EL1' WANTED YOUNG Lady for office, after noons. Possibilities permanent position. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission A.P. 46. . CHURCH NOTICES (tf) I WANTED Girl or woman for light house duties, good wages. Phone Green 596. (91) WANTED Truck driver for Cart age Business; must be able to keep records. Apply Unemployment Commission AM 34. (tf) WANTED Bookkeeper for cartage business, male preferred, military exempt. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission A.M. 38. (tf) West. WANTED WANTED Chesterfield suite in good condition. 537 Seventh Ave. (94) WANTED ($15 reward) Urgently, light housekeeping furnished room, suite or apartment by married couple. Phone Red 617. (96) .Y.W.CA. Rooms Registry. Rooms urgently needed. Mrs. Garbutt, WANTED, by May 15 Three adults want 3 or 4 roomed house or suite. Would take possession earlier if available. A. MacDon- i aid. Phone Black 937. WANTED Party to care for child; cottage room and board plus salary. Apply Box 470 Dally News. (91) WANTED Chesterfield suite in good condition. Write Box 473 Daily News. (94) MARRIED Couple with small baby would like to rent apartment or house, close in or down town. Will pay $50 rent for suitable place. Call evenings after seven. Mr. Murrary Conn, 1001 Third West, back entrance. (94) WANTED Two or more unfurnish ed rooms, house or apartment. Phone Red 162. (92) WANTED Apartment or small house, furnished. $25.00 reward. Box 471, Daily News. (91) For Income Tax Returns see R. E. Mortimer Phone 88 321 2nd Ave. St. Paul's Lutheran . Church 5th and McBride Rev. Magnus B. Anderson, Pastor PALM SUNDAY 11:00 a.m, "5 Days To Live." 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. "7 Words from the Cross." Seven different speakers. Holy Thursday Communion Ser vice, 8 p.m. A' cordial welcome to all! St. Andrew's Cathedral Dean, Very Rev. J. B. Gibson Organist and Choirmaster, P. Lien Sunday School Supt., F. J. Skinner 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m Morning Prayer and Sermon. 12:30 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. Evening Prayer and Sermon. The Choir will render Stalner's "Crucifixion" on Good Friday evening at 8 oclock. First Presbyterian Church (Fourth Avenue East) Rev. A. F. MacSween, U.A., Minister Mrs. E. J. Smith. Choir Leader 11:C0 a.m. Morning Worship. 12:15 p.m. Church School. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. 8:30 p.m. The Sunday Evening Hour. The Minister will preach at both services. Strangers and Men in the Services are cordially welcome. First Baptist Church (Fifth and Young) Rev. C. A. Wright Minister Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. "Behold Thy King Cometh Unto Thee." Junior Choir. Sunday School, 12:15. Evening Worship, 7:30 p.m. "Paul the Fearless." Senior Choir. Social Fellowship Hour following the evening service. Welcome! "Enter into His gates with thanks giving and into His courts with praise." , The "Friendly Church" where stnfngers. and visitors are es pecially welcome. First United Church G36 Sixth Avenue West Public Worship at 11:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m; Church School at 12:15. Come and worship with us. HAMBURGERS 6th St., Behind Royal Hotel PHONE BLACK 59 HKoooiiaoHjwoHWoKioa St. Peter's Anglican Church (Seal Cove) Rector Rev. E. W. Scott 11:00 ajn. Morning Service. Sermon: "God and a Crisis in History." 12;00 noon Sunday School and Bible Class. 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. Sermon: "A Question of Import ance." Wednesday Evening, 7:30 p.m. Midweek Lenten Service. Good Friday Service, 7:45 pan. The service will be held at this time to enable any of the younp people who come by bus to be on time. Thursday Evening, 8:00 p.m. Prince Rupert Yoking Couples' Club will meet In the Hall. All young couples will be. welcome. Salvation Army YOUNG PEOPLE'S COUNCILS Conducted by Brigadier A. Keith, Young People's Secretary for Canada. SATURDAY Welcome meeting to all visiting delegates conducted by Brigadier and Mrs. J. T. Gil-llngham, Divisional Commander for Northern B.C. and Alaska, in the Citadel, Fraser Street, at 8 p'm. The public are welcome. SUNDAY Council Sessions, Briga dier A. Keith in charge. 10:30 am. and 2:30 p.m., in the I.Q.O.F. Hall Admission by invitation card Holiness Meeting in the Citadel, 11 ajn. Sunday School and Bible Class, 2:30 p.m. United Salvation Meeting in the Citadel, 7:30 p.m.; speaker, Brigadier A. Keith; soloist, Sergeant Scarvie. MONDAY Public Salvation Meet ing, 8 p.m. Conducted by Brigadier A. Keith assisted by Brigadier and Mrs. Gillingham and visiting delegates. You are welcome one and all this week-end of spiritual blessing. J. M. S. Loubser D.C B.A. Chiropractor Wallace Block Pbonr 4t savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. rhone 37 P.O. Box 511 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT Your Last Chance At Today's Low Prices The Price of Maclean's Magazine goes up on May 1st Mail or bring this coupon to McRac Brothers, Prince Rupert DO IT NOW! McItAE BROS. LTD. Piince Rupert, B.C. Please enter my subscription for Maclean's for the term Indicated below at the old price.' 3 years for $2.25 C 1 2 years for $1.50 1 year for $L00 Name - (please print plainly) Mall Address - City or Town - - This is a new order X renewal mark which. Payment must accompany order This offer definately expires Friday, April 30 ilia 5 i s s