m PAGE FOUR " THE DAILY NEWS Monday Expert OPTICAL SERVICE " .aTM- y Optometrist In Cbarte y Ml I Watch, Clock, Jewelry . Repairing, Iland Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant Summer Scoop! SLACK SUITS Designed for Work or Play Our Fashion Scouts looked over the best of the Eastern Styles and selected the choicest of the lot. Thus you may choose from many styles that Rupert ordinarily would not see. Limited quantities of each style assure you of something differ-end at prices you'll, recognize as' quite inexpensive MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" S THIRD AVE. (Next to Heiibroner's) Phone BLUE 907 ? AWWAV.V.V.WWAVASV.VAV.W,V.V.VAV.VWW A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Granny, "who only reads the headlines of the newspaper," said today they are advertising Rommel's Remnants. I wonder If they are coupon free! We have Floor Covering Remnants; no coupons required. Our Store Closed All Day Thursday Phone 75. 327 3rd Avenue ATTENTION LADIES! Violet Mah, always alert, and ever on the search for new techniques to make you lovelier, has returned from a tour of the east with the latest trends in Victory Coiffures, Hair Shaping, Permanent Waving, Manicuring as well as many other phases of modern beauty culture. Of 'course, you will want to know what Is new . . . and you will want to avail yourself of the opportunity for up-to-the-minute beauty services. Why not call today for consulatlon? SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON Cor. 6th Ave. and Fulton St. Phone Blue 943 I "flAi l A WIT SHOES IN BROWN AND BLACK BROGUES, GILLIES, TIES AND LOAFERETTES. Welted Soles and Genuine Calf Leathers. Perfect Fitting Lasts in Fittings AA to C Width. Priced $5.85 and $5.50 Family SHOE STORE LTD. "The Home of Good Shoes" CFPR (1240 Kilocycles) SCHEDULE Monday p.m. 4:00 Afternoon Muslcale 4:30 Loumtll Morgan Trio 4:45 Sextette from Hunger 5:00 Tea Dansant 5:30 At the Console 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Tropical Tunes 6:30 Musical Comedies 7:00 Telephone Hour 7:30 Your Broadway and Mine 8:00 Fred Waring 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Sound off 8:45 Are You a Genius? 9:00 Down Beat 9:30 London Palladium- Orches; tra 10:00 CBC News 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10:150. I. Jive 10:30 Vocal Varieties 11:00 Silent Tuesday - a.m. 7:30 Musical Clock 7: 45080 .News 7:50Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Meditations 8:45 Jimmy Cash, Tenor 9:00 Piano and Violin 9:30 CBC News 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 A Morning Visit 10:15 Barnabas Von Gcczy 10:30 Wilf Carter 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Wilf Carter 11:30 Petit Concert P.M. 12:00 Luncheon Music 12:30 Varieties in Wax 12:45 CBC News 12:55 Program Resume 1:00 One O'clock Muslcale 1:30 B.C. School Broadcast 2:00 Silent Local Tides High Low Tuesday, May 18 12:35 19.1 feet 6:27 3.9 feet 18:30 5.9 feet Wednesday, May 19 High 0:32 21.9 feet 13:16 19.9 feet Low , - 7:09 2.4 feet 19:12 5.5. feet Thursday, May 20 High 1:10 22.3 feet 13:50 20.0 feet Low 7:50 1.5 feet 19:54 5.5 feet Friday, May 21 ' High 1:49 22.8 feet 14:44 20.0 feet Low 8:30 1.0 feet 20:35 5.9 feet SPY FILM ; ON SCREEN A swift and furloui spy drama. "Lucky Jordan," with a novel theme, comes to the Capitol Theatre next Monday and Tuesday. "Lucky Jordan,' is Alan Ladd'q first starring picture. He was pre-' viously featured with Veronica Lake in "This Gun for Hire" and, "The Glass Key," both smash hits. In "Lucky Jordan," Ladd Is supported by a brilliant young newcomer, blonde and gorgeous Helen Walker. Others in the picture are Sheldon Leonard, Mabel Paige and Lloyd Corrigan. Ladd plays a gangster who tries to put the "fix" on the army when his draft number comes up. When he finally lands In uniform he promptly goes absent without leave, kidnaps a canteen hostess. steals an automobile and heads for the big city. What he doesn't know is that a brief case in the stolen car contains vital military secrets, secrets that his old gang Is after for sale to Axis agents. How Ladd at first plays along with the crooks and then suddenly turns patriotic and rounds up the spies for the Federal Bureau of Investigation is the story of an exciting and unusual film. RED CROSS SHIPMENT Clothing and warded Other Articles to Vancouver For- Another shipment has been sent from the local Red Cross workroom to headquarters In Vancouver as follows: ' Civilian Clothing 13 women's gowns; 12 pairs pyjamas, size 8; 2 pairs pyjamas, size 6; 3 combinations, child's; 5 sleepers, child's; 5 pairs' rompers; 3 slips, women's; 5 slips, girls'; 8 sweaters, children's; 2 bonnets; 1 jacket; 1 shirt, baby; 3 pairs bootees; 1 coat, girl's; 2 coats, size 16; 1 coat, size 40; 1 crib quilt; 1 afghan; 7 single quilts; 2 infants' vests;. W.A. Service 3 pairs ankle socks; 1 long-sleeve sweater; 1 pair knickers; 1 pair stockings. Knitted Goods 1 turtle-neck sweater (altered); 4 pairs seamen's stockings; 63 pairs service socks; 1" avy scarf; 2 service sweaters; 4 Balaclava helmets;. Hospital Supplies 1 body belt; 40 dozen handkerchiefs; 212 dozen wash cloths; 1 convalescent Jacket; 4,180 2x2 wipes. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Bus S(t PHASER STREET PRINCE KUPEKT FIRST AIDS FOR SUMMER GROOMING! Don't wilt like the last Rose of Summer -while it's still only May! Look fresh as a daisy all summer with personal necessities you'll always find In profusion at THE VARIETY STORE! They'll "keep your hair curly and your teeth pearly" with practically no effort at all. Check the list of what you want. No doubt we have It. We've so many things!' - . . THE VARIETY STORE "Where your dimes are llttie dollars" PHONE RED ISO 618 3rd AVE. WEST New Volumes For Library Many New Books Are Shelves I Added To New books for Public Library here include the following: 'The Forest and The Fort," Allen. "Let the People Know," Angcll. "We Landed At Dawn," (the story of the Dieppe Raid), Austin. "Retreat With Stllwell," Belden. "Experiment Perilous," Carpenter. "The Unconquered," Carse. "Congo Song," Cloete. "Excuse Me, Mrs. Meigs," Cor-bett. "The Affair At the Boat; Landing," Cunningham. "War Discovers Alaska," Drlscoll. "Search For a Key," Duranly. "The Sea Is So Wide." Eaton. "Siren In the Night," Ford. "Another Claudia," Franken. "Jungle Harvest," GUI. "Just Before Dawn," Green. "Stairs of Sand," Grey. "Old Man River," Hereford. "Into The Valley," Hersey. "The Story of Dr .Wassell." Hil ton. 1 "Prophet By Experience," lams. "I Wouldn't Be In Your Shoes," Irish. "They Call It: Pacific," Lee. "Juliet Dies Twice," Lewis. "Jak Home," McKenney. "The Best One-Act Plays of 1942," Mayorka. "I gilrwo Englands," Morton. "Last W Summer," O'Brien. "Storm At Dusk'," Parrott. "White Mammoths," Pollakov. "Hell and High Water," Ralne. "I Served On Bataan," Redmond. "Seven Came Through," Rlck-enbacker. "Eleven Came Back," Seeley. "Between the Thunder and The Sun," Sheean. 'They Dealt In Death," TerralJ. "Spell of Egypt," Wolf. "The Attic Room," Wolfee. "As You Were." Woolcott. "The Black Angel," Woolrlch. LATIN DESCENT The squirrel family gets Its name from the Latin word sclurus, which means shade-tailed. nniKsimTKr: I GOLD SEAL - Fancy Red aocraye B Salmon Herring In Tomato Sane are both on active service but will be back on yonr grocer's shelf toon as condl-ditions permit. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZAKKLLI. PROr Home Awa From Home' Kalr 75r up SO Hooms Hot & Cold WAter Prince Rnpert, DC Phone 281 P.O. Box 111 SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way-points, Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 0 t a 9 H S H i Q B n Complete Shows 1:00, Z:0i, 5:c sMinTi Feature at 1:40, 3:44, ' 8:48. 7:5J, 9:5 "6 Hits and a Miss' ALAN LADD UCKf "Mexican Police on Hrxsi Parade" uanoon SporlUght Jordan I U II I 11 W rlWNWlllrl MABEL PAIGE .SHnnnu iinwiM. ""Ul CAPTN SALE AT STYLE SHOPPE CONTINUING UNTIL FURTHER N0TICI Complete Line of New Shoes ordered last fall has just been received. GOING ON SALE AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES VICTORY SHOE RENE) 503 RICHARD STREET, VANCOUVER, BC. Let us do your Shoe Repairing. Mail Your Shoes We Pay Return Charges and rlre jot 24 HOURS SERVICE High Class Workmanship Best Material---Reasonable Ctii TRY THE VICTORY SERVICE! Prop. II. Van.Iterkel (formerly of Prince Rupert) Quality Groceries Fresh Vegetables Cooked Meats Confectionery Cigarettes Tobaccos MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones IH-10 PO. Boil PRESCRIPTION Through the years, the physicians of this community and their patients have come to know that they can depend on us. Ormes ZrfiA Pioneer DrtAVffM THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 Open Dally from 9 a.m. till 9 P m-Sundavs and Holldavs from 12 - 2 pm. and 7 - oaaaooaoooaHaoooiaGOiaao0tow It's interesting to know when reading the Daiy -lint rnln nf V, V,1n rljotrlct flffi doing