1 i : a 1-W v. 4 1 si-: i ' W3L ..7 LONDON fr A R.P. rorfcert ELHAM, Kent, England 3! Investigating damage done by a Sunday being a day of rest EDINBURGH 0. Lady Hal bomb, dropped on a farm by a thp tnral rnnn(.n tnrnmA Anm a sir wuitam HaV- AUtY HHViS '4 . THE DAILY NEWS For Health and PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMMA Strength , Published Every Afternoon Exrept Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER. MANAOINO EDITOR 4 . DAILY EDITION' Thursday. December 9. WS Duty To Vote.. . Now that we are fading enough ptthltc-gpirited spirited citizens to fill the offices and make a contest of the election, it is fitting to suggest that the voters turn out, exercise the privilege of the franchise and make a true expression of majority vote. We imagine that there are few voters who do not have preier- ences as to the candidates. Failure of a supporter to I vote is a vote lost. A vote for is just as important as, fa vote against. Further than that, it is poor citizen-j ; ship to have the vote and be so apathetic or inriff fer-1 ent not to use it. However, there U reason to believe that a healthy medium of interest is now developing in the city election here. The Municipal Election . . . More able candidates are entering the field for civic office at the municipal election to be held in Prince Rupert next week and that is a good sign. It had looked for a while like some of the offices might have gone by default but now it is assured that there will be contests for the mavoraltv and aldermanic seats if not the school trusteeships. , It does not speak well for a citizenry that is nni-interested enough in its own affaire to assume the responsibilities of local government. Fortunately, enough public-spirited persons are being found to cnnre Prince Rupert that stigma. Nazi Guards Swap Eggs for Smokes LONDON, Dec. 9 O ReDatt. ated Canadian and British prisoners of war have disclosed tha in certain German prison camp there was almost a regular tariff for bartering with guards' tb get luxuries. A package of 20 cigarettes, for , raider were told over the phone dane, Q. sty of wm. ! instance, would -buy" three ee, scneme Ior men w orK on ine by the fanner: "It donfc a little . jwhen eggs were available while damage to the Held but It were Sabbath to finish cottages to to the Signet of Cloan. Auch-jone fag ww,id get 15 saccharine a rough field already." house agricultural workers. terarder. died here. itablets. ' SMI MB With Minora Blades! Minora 6irtkh ordinary double-edged raior btadev f the qualty itocf in the krw-piice field. : " ' : 1 -ir . rJ?mesm FRY SlU'UUtKS AT C.C.F. Editor, Dollys News: I shudder to think that COCOA "patty" like the CC.F. be tier- t milted for public consumption I Here we are Unhung on everv warfteal. our Canadian boys fighting Jor' freedom, for the Canada they love. While- they are fighting we allow a bunch like the C.C.F to run what we are planning and hoping tor tomorrow. Canada is Just opnlnj, beginning on the world's front, step, becomtoe a leading nation There is glory in the name "Canada" and "Canadians." But In the shadows of the public lurks an evil in disguise ulng Its method, a way to de-ceitkur. the farmer, the laborer, by softening them up, by tell iug him the things that make nun leei gooa nut when yo'i eeme to realise that this tnmt is a bluff, here's death to Canada and Canadian's hope. If the work) revolts against Noafcra and Fascism because of '.ld control, to make as do what they" want, and those who object wett. they will be placed In concentration eamps. Do you call thw freedom? Do you call this democracy? Are you hired by their ways, talks. Think twice, brother, because our country may suffer a deplorable downfall It's not what I say. but what you do. -Yorkton ColdwfU OREENFOHD. Middlesex. Rne-lanrt. . Dohy Leonard. IS. and her mother are bus con--1urti)r on u local district route ll MUSSALLEM'S FCONOMY STORE 1 5- - M " fi 3 "Where dollars have more cents" , fj W haVe fn'P'''e variety of avslUble " 1 17 Tl 'a -KK- juiu-vjr1 B ISfM?1 'BiMBK?3rEt j & Groccies, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, J I f0SKIImWmm I i Tobaccos and Confectiancry j I S WS V:'-i'8BHjMBH 1 FHEB DELIVIffiy throughout the city three times weekly J t This lovely House Coat I I ppoaUc Canan UtlJtt j i i &a?zv tin ivmiiv i irriui in ii t; o Bt j lll LADY - 1 sep: our stock of L -Jjm Whic l"Xfor you ' TOYS j : I ANNETTE'S LADIES' "We Lead, Others Follow 530 THIRD AVENUE J KUY ANOTHER VICTORY HONI) ttsMMMiMitMKsadiMisaihsaAkkkM .... i WEAR CHRISTMAS You may find a gift for anyone in our store. Gord on an d And erson Maul ware, Furniture, Klectrlral floods, etc. I DDI'KAL IILOCK LONDON Dee 9 -Twenty-five a I or cent f the important Oer- Canada's Most Popular Cocoa LETTERBOX BIG CITIES 'ARE USELESS man eitir iu . . In concentrated twenty-five ' "her th , Shop at Perce : It iUtMvf,.J!! Wallace's For Your Xmas Requirements A Few Suggest ioni from our Kxtctisifc Stock. HOUSE COATS Chenille, 0 7r to j Quilted Satin and Hengalines Q U II HANKIES Hoxwl or individual GLOVES Kid Knnl or milined and fabric HANDBAGS a pleasing variety Fancy SCARVES and HEADSQUARES TABLE CLOTHS and NAPKINS-in sets PILLOW SLIPS j Boxed L i flllllJ v-, tlllllllUlifl uiiuitiv. HUM i i T'lrshinn Tnn In Ldi BRIDGE SETS a variety of .tyle.s, set. . , BOXED STATIONERY 3Q to I In fancy pack .Men's Ties, Scarves, Suspenders, Shavinjr 5U Another Wartime Xmas .JJ JU 1.25 ,01 w n s . . I 1 v a I MM If i 7f to 0 in r l.50,o(li Gloves and Handkerchiefs Christmas Cards boxed or imlividoil Christmas Wrapping and RibUms PHONE 11 3rd inl fw . Wc ajjain siuruest that airlstmas Shoppers this year be patriotic and bur VICTORY BONDS or WAK SAVING CERTIFICATES. If you insist on buying Men's Wear, sf W. F. STONE "Clothes of Distinction"