- . f AB urks. ecapture hanqteh ... -t 'lliirtr Itlrp Iloal In fhinfk' lianm Again. Iir "lOKINa. Dec. 0 tt The IJteh Command an-todriy that Chlnee - rr-'-apturcd the stra mportant city of in Hunan rrovlncr I. to the Japanese De )s after many days of !'.ing v noua Chinese stroke 1 t. : other decisive turn u'Uf s In which China-r -e Bowl" area U the ,v of Changteh last ed the prospect of an t', it on Changtha, the ; f the province. MBULANCt VAIIARIF nnffmrnti Made for TrniDor- ry Service. " p nne Rupert Ambu-1 f n.miMe announced this one opcrato? and ask ..anre." r i ni . . . . i .vim-1 .1 i iirivimiv 1' 1 t. 1(11 Kill lOllllUU I . Till I'HI III li I I Mill WvtseiV. MIlonary 8o-" frst Unlid Church iici'i-ii Christmas meet-Monday evening In the Mrs J carr. president Ktlety. 935 Borden M in the program was Imprc vslve candle light during which Mrs. aw sang the hymns. of a life membership rntcd to Mrs. Carr by r,ber In appreciation of ";'ul and valuable t.er-Tlic presentation was ty Mrs J S. Irvine. .i!l token of remembrance en to Mrs. C. Hogarth, '-c president, who Is leav-the south to Join her a- refreshment were III! MIUlflM All. Ill I W L ftT I VHfirna ffKent (,'ol of Living Bonus to "Tome Part of Basic Wage Hale Mltchfl Says. OTTAWA, Dec. B 0 Labor !r' '-'-r Humphrey Mitchell : ? ruibllc todny n revised 1 control order providing Incorporation of the ' living bonus Into basic :r and altering the method idlm? wnge adjustments view to tighter stablllza-' he east of living. recast by Prime Minister krri7lr King, the order bases waso adlustmcnts on the f ation of "cross lncqual- cr Rrrws InJuMlce." Coupled t" m i.iii" nniiiLv ni uie vcr to pay an Increase nt raising prices. order Ineffective Fi'b- ; i:. HUNS ARE E ENCIRCLED MOSCOW. Dec 9 army gains which FIFTH ARMY . MOVING ON Hthth AIo .Ma Vine rrn(rr,ln Italian Campaign. fhat arrangements had keeping up ; l ie for the use of an e and driver tn cases his drive. A pending the pur- ( nnfpnfK SlIfHirP a permanent unit. tim.s of ambulance ;NotlSigax) Guilt vr only, and that ad- hrlp would have to be .rd by the applicant LONDON.1 Dea 9 OK British required, '.army gunner, 24. year-old Den- hope wa expressed that jnts Edmund Leckey. had his con-V' vilege would not bcjvlctlon of murder and death and that the service 'sentence quashed by the Court be u'lllied only when noof Criminal Appeal which held unable conveyn$e waithat alienee ot the part of a bie In ra.se of emergency T man accused of crime shall not ub:.c l advised to call; be construed as pointing to Ms RUllt. It was the tenth time Uie court has quashed a murder conviction. Leckey was accused of strangling an 18-year-old movie house' usherette. The conviction was because 'Mr. Justice Singleton il.lnn In In his Jury address drew attention to the silence of Leckey when first charged with the crime. Laid at Rest Last Monday The funeral of the late J. Ben nett took place on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Greenville Court Funeral Chapel. Rev. Canon W. F. Rushbrook of ¬ ficiated and Mrs. J. C. Ollkcr presided at thc organ for the hymns. Pallbearers were O. L Murray. J. McLcod, J. Mac-Phaden, J. Murray. R. Duchan and Mr. Miller. Interment was made at Falrvlew Cemetery. Among thasc "sending flowers were: Sinclair Paton. Jap Inlet: Col. and Mrs. C. 8. Von Auron; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and Family; Mr. and Mrs. Miller. Jap Inlet; Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Mc Leod; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Finnic; Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Murray and Family; Mx. and Mrs. Arthur Bayne. Brain Stroke Proves Fatal Arrangements have been made for the funeral tomorrow She ANNOUNCED Labor-l'rogresUve party Adopts Plans or Provincial Election. The following platform has been aaoptcd by the Prince Rupert Labor-Progressive Club, wmch nas nominated Bruce Mickleburgh as its candidate lor the next provincial election: Laoor Atnenuinent I.C.A. Act mi eliminate couany unions, Increased minimum wage, Workmen s MHiipenMuion to cover an it juries at high rates. t.etuuieiK vAniple 1 1 o n Skeena Ilignway. link to Alaska Highway, bclentuic development of the north, completion and public ownership P.U.E.. hydroelectric development under pub-... uuttu.j, iet linn lor B.C. , Social Security from before the cradle to the grave, imple mentation and extension health ' I Insurance, provlcial educational ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN finance system, extension social TMY. Dumber 9 a - The security benefits to natives, free nrifsh-Amertcnn Fifth Army 'dental, optical and other nee'es-vesterday fought lU way past 5ary treatment, $50 old age pen-important elghU Into the val- si0n at 60. ley of the Oarlano River on the Co-opcratlvcs Amendment way to Rome, the last Import- co-operative Act to make ant hill having been taken. "phony" co-oos imDossiblc. On the Adriatic srde of Italy Rehabilitation for returned General Bernard Montgomery is ! men to give each one chance to enter profession of own choosing, those electlne to bo on land, to go on already developed sites with assured markets and government help. Extensive agricultural program Including assistance In establishing farm co-ops, government machinery depots, full use of science. Rights of criticism Removal property qualifications for voters and candidates In municipal elections, proportional repre sentation, extension franchise to native Indlas. Chinese and. Sikhs, ; voting age lowered to eighteen. Czechs Rout Nazis Over quashed Bay of Biscay LONDON, Dec 9 01 Outnumbered by 7-1. the Czech crew of a Coastal Command Liberator1 shot down a Ju 83 and damaged two others In a 45-minutc run-ntng battle over thc Bay of Biscay. Thc Liberator, whose pilot had , had eight previous combats! DEFEATED Stewardesses X)f Air Lines Are Promoted MJlM'HlSKN AND CENTRAL mtlTISH COLUM BIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1943 er mans race Duigar X' -HFORM -ATFORM tff.K C.C.F. IS Ux-j.- .1 r 7T" , O) - Red outflanked the strategic Dnieper Bend rail centre of Znamenka and severed the Important Znamenka-Niko- laev railroad threatened encirclement today of tens of thousands of Oermans concentrated on the lower banks of the Dnieper River. Russian forces outflanked Znamenka by capturing the town of Sharkova, 15 miles south, the Soviet communique said. 'Med to Fleet Candidate In Vancouver Civic FJectlon, Non - Partlzans Sweeping Field. VANCOUVER, December 8 'finadian Press) Non-Par-tizan candidates made a clean sweep In the Vancouver civic 'lections Wednesday, defeat-'IX the Co-operative Com-lontvealih Federation and trade union representative committee candidates. Four Non-Parllzans wre elected as aldermen, four won xeats on the school board and three were chosen for the Parks Board. Four Non-Partian aldermen and Mayor J. XV. Cornett, clt'ONon-Parthan, were elec-tedlfor two year terms a year ago so the 1911 council will K ni hund.'ed percent Non-Partizan. Aldermen re-elected yesterday were S.-L. Corey, Charles Jones, George Buscombe and Jack Price. W'NixEO. December 9 Miss Edith Htmlngson. formeily -hlef stewardess for Trans-Ca-lada Air Lines at Lethbridg ias been apoolnted suTerviwr of stewardesses with headquart -rs at 'nnlpeg, D. R. McLaren, supervisor of passenger service. announced yesterday. She suc ceeds Miss Margaret Dickson who has resigned after three "ndahBtf-years' service with" 'he Air Line. Miss Hemlngson "vas born at Manson. Msnltoba, and is a graduate of St. Boniface hospital She Joined Trans-Canada Air Lines In March, 1911. Miss J. Beattle, who goes Lethbrldge as chief stewardess, trained In the Toronto hospital T.C.A. service In September, 1941. She was born In Calgary Miss Leone Barry has been wlth fighters tn thc bay, was ted chief stewardess. Moncton on an antl-U-boat patrol when was born In Cobalt and tialned seven Ju 88's were sighted above the aircraft, said the Air Ministry News Service. The fighters attacked tn force three or four times and suffered such heavy damage that they broke off the fight. MUSICAL IS MERRY "What's BiiMln' Cou'ln?" Completing Showing at Capitol Theatre Today. A merry swinging musical, What's Buzzln' Cousin?" Is -onvletlng Its run at the Cap In the Civic Hospital, Toronto. She entered Trans-Canada service In December. 1941. Old Coaches Given New Lease of Life MANCHESTER. Eng.. Dec. 9 f(B No one wanted the darn thing before the war, but when a 30-year-old landau once the property of a peer came up for auction an offer of $180 was refused. An old-fashloncd brougham, destined for cab work, realized $81. A high-wheeled, open-fronted, three-seater Ralll car which Ilol Theatre here today. There might have had a pre-war value Is also an Interesting stoiy with of $14, went under the hammer good music, singing, dancing, comedy and a fine cast In a foil rounded plot. The leading lady, Ann Miller. !s a clever little actress and fine dancer. Rochester Is the other featured player and Is droll as afternoon of George Henry Brls- ever. tol, who was seized with a cere- In the picture Miss Miller Is bral hemorrhage on Tuesday an heiress who Inherits a Rhost morning while at work on Bor- town. In companv with three den Street and succumbed that tlrl friends she goes to claim evening in the Prince Rupert the property. By taking over the General Hospital. town's hotel and Installing Mr. Bristol, who was a car- Freddie Martin's orchestra they penter. wns born In Ontario 63 revive the town. Rochester finds vpbm neo. He had resided In a nuegct in his victory garden British Columbia for 30 years ana inai sums a goia msn. tsv- Bud here for three years. He Is ervbody H haooy and business survived by a widow at 133 drives, the story ending up on 1 Eighth Avenue West. n high note of fun and melody. at $99. Railway Train Houses Miners EDINBURGH, Dec. 9 O) A community of 50 miners from Purghlce Colliery, near here. Is living In a train, the fuel ministry's latest experiment In pro viding homes for the Increased labor It wants for thep its. Five railway carriages have been adopted to form a lounge. There are two dining rooms and three double-size carriages with sleeping accommodation, and two meals a day. State of Emergency As JAPANESE WARSHIPS ARE SUNK PEAItL HARBOR, December. 9 Admiral. Chester W. Nlrrritz announred:1ht sir Japanese warNhips, including two light cruisers, were sunk, ,four other vessels were damaged and at least seventy-two enemy planes were destroyed by American carrier task forces which attacked the enemy-held Marshall Islands in mid-Pacific Saturday. It was announced Wednesday night that pne unidentified American fthip suffered minor damage and thrre were light aircraft losses. Will Recognize Colonial Claims Sir Basil Brooke Says Aims of British Empire she is prepared to give them self-government, to cease to re-1 welcome them to her side as adults and as powerful allies, said Sir naxll Brooke. Prime t Minister of Northern Ireland, In a speech In which he attacked u-idpsrirpari lennranee and mls- for sick children and entered understanding of the structure and aims of the British Empire. "If the British Empire is the skeleton in our cupboard, I am appointee cniei siewarocss. io-ial, ,or dragging It out Into the ronto. Born at Tuxford, Sask.. nf u. M ..Tf thpn she is a graduate of Regina lt prove's not to" be a matter for General Hospital and went to sname and arwloev but a source T.C.A. In November, 1940. Miss M. E. Brezinskl, appoln- iof pride, let us put It In a pub- 11c place and declare to the world that we are proud of It. If it proves to be shameful object, let us bury It and be done with It forever." To refer to the British Com- pletely accurate," he said. Strictly speaking, the expression "Commonwealth" comprised the self-governing dominions while the term "Empire" covered the dependent crown colonies and mandated territories. He added: "But what I want to emphasize is this: the ultimate aim Is that Empire should develeop Into Commonwealth." Must Not Scorn "Honest Dirt" LONDON, Dec. 9 G Hope, that the war had taught British people that skilled craft was as nredltable as clerical work was expressed by Chuter Ede, Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education. "Many boys and girls live a life of frustration In some respectable clerical Job "because their parents think that honest dirt is something of which to be. ashamed," he said. Participation LOTTERIES DEPLORED Resolution by Ministerial Association Sunday School Attendance Survey. "We regret that money Is raised by raffles, lotteries, sweepstakes and ' other games of chance. We recognize that the end in view is often praiseworthy., that the intention of the sponsors Is to do good and that the method is, easy ad often apparently effective but, in our opinion, the use of these methods Is contrary to the whole spirit of the law, is anti-social in its implications and dries up the sources of free giving.' This resolution was the outcome of serious consideration by the Prince Rupert Ministerial Association at its meeting this week of the present trend toward the raising of money for charitable and community enterprises by these method.1!. While wishing to acknowledze the sincerity and energy BJ of those i A report was also received re- parrilnir the Hhnrrh nf Kundav gard them as children and tojsi afflilations of chndren of school age In the city. Out of a total enrolment of approximately 1160," the very satisfac tory total of 918 replies were one ' "n ana twg ne. this received. Of number, only 144 did not Indicate connecUon ey are enevea w naveop- with some denomination in the jratd " a Bang with headr the quarters in a shack off Third city. Of remaining 774. 608 claimed regular attendance at Avenue below the Isolation hos- Sunday school or church. 44 oc- Pltai- caslonal and 122 were Identified . v Tu with a church but did not at- Wff ATHpP irr IN tend.The association expressed tlLMII 111 appreclaUon of the co-operation k)nCMDCn of both the School Board and nUYLrlDLiA the staffs of the schools In the i preparation of this survey. Preliminary arrangements are being made for the annual observance of the world-wide week nf nrawr 'rlnrlnc trip first ncppfc monwealth and Empire Is com- . thp VM, nnprntinn BUSINESS FOR XMAS Local Temperature Local Tides High ?.!-; T.um 43 ll . ,-r.um 38 Low Friday, Dec. 0 21 12 IS :15 . 18:56 Turkey 10 19.7 feet 223 feet 12 feet 2.3 feet PRICE FIVE CENTS Border Declared of In War Becomes More Like y STOCKHOLM, Dec. 9 (CP) Turkey and Germany have stationed troops along the opposite sides of the Turkish border facing Bulgaria and Greece and a state of emergency has l)een declared along the entire boundary. All traffic has been halted, say dispatches from Berne, Switzerland, and the Bulgarian capital. Dispatches said that border measures had J)een ordered as nervousness over a possible Allied .-invasion. mounted through the Balkans. In Ankara Foreign Minister Mcnemenioglu said today that President Inonu's conferences in Cairo with Prime Minister Winston Churchill and President Franklin D. Roosevelt had led Turkey closer to the Allied camp but he carefully avoided the natural inference that this meant Turkey is nearer to participation in war. The foreign minister made the first authoritative statements since Inonu's return from Cairo. JUVENILES REMANDED Nominations Are. Entered Appearing before Magistrate! W. D. Vance in Juvenile- Court Further. Candidates In Field ff Tuesday were five youths, I municipal contest Here Next 7; . .. . rhartred with a series of denra- "eeK- trying to promote causes inai-,- " r . . . , , dations which Included break- are undoubtedly worthy of sup- and enterln8 thc premises! The following are new nom-Isort I port by all It was felt that re- to these methods was not ,of Bacon Fkheries- f u an 1 le f1 yesterday for , the . lnly a flouttng of the. law, but prno., u. w-DiHtui .demoralizing alsondj.ithat her colonies are ready for it. 1rt.nlt irenu. af e. Smiles Cafe, the Ward civic election contest next week Electrica Company.bich wasj For Aldermen number of other recent robber- agent, proposed by H. M. Dag-ies, including the theft of sev- gett, seconded by T. II. Soren- eral bicycles. The case was re- sen. manded for eight days. Leonard C. Griffiths, manager, The youths, four of whom axe proposed by O. D. Bryant, sec-natives, were arrested at widely , onded by S. J. Hardy. separaated points two, be.ing taken Into custody in-Kamjoops,, . ! W I A. 1 with Christian bodies throughout the world. Some Prince Rupert stores estimate that Christmas bosl-ness is double this yea'r what It was last. Others say It Is about he same. The tendency seems to be generally in the way of, earlier hopping, undoubtedly to get better choice pf stocks before they become depleted. Jewelry appears to be especially popular and variety gifts are also In demand. Generally stocks seem to be more balanced and adequate than they were a year ago but some lines are already running out. One metchant specializing In gift lines said he wished he had twice as much goods and premises twice as large. In the matter of temperature the weather In Prince Rupert in November was only slightly! different than in October. The , average temperature was 46:5 , degrees, as compared with an average of 49 degrees In Oc tober. The thermometer reached a hl?h of 59 degrees on No vember 24 and a low of 29 degrees on November 30. In October the high was 66 depees. and the low. 37 Scant, however, was the blessing of sunshine In the past month. In the ten days that It showed itself, the sun shone for only 21:1 hours. October recei ved 71.8 hours during 18 days. Total hou:s of sunshine so far his year are 917.31 hours. The highest rainfall so far re--Td:d this year fell in November. It was 12.86 inches and fell over a periodof 22 days. It brings the rainfall total so far this year to 80.44 Inches. In October 7.22 Inches of rainfall vere recorded. Barometer readings showed a high of 30595 on November 25 and a low of 29.075 on November 3. The highest wind, with a velocity of 27 miles per hour, occurred on November 21. Oeorgej Bernard Casey, trans-j ferman," proposed by Agnes Murray, seconded by Emily H, Moorehouse. Ul M I ; For School Trustee Stephen Leo Peachey. enghv eer, r, 1 It; 'J proposed by H. M. Daggett, i 1 by E. A. Evans. " 1 seconded conded Service Heads Take Part in Navy League " Word has been received Navy League headquarters he that the commandants of t.u, three services of the Pacific Command have agreed to act on the membership committee of the Navy League of Canada In Its membership drive whict Is now on. They are Major General G. It Pearkes. army. Air Vice Marsha. L. F. Stevenson, Royal Canadian Air Force, and Rear Admiral V. O. Biodeur, navy. It Is believed that this maj imply official sanction for service people to accept membership In the Navy League Most Important News Withheld CAIRO. December 9 'Wha the world does not know abou the three recent Internationa conferences is more importan than what was announcec-Prime Minister Jan 'Smuts o South Africa said last night. Labor Has No Axe To Grind PRINCE RUPERT CIVIC LABOR FEDERATION I f 9 4 1