A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Bay" What the Doctor ordered: "Plenty of rest and quiet." Where better td find it than on a GOOD MATTRESS BUILT FOR SLEEP We recotamend ... The "RUPERTIA." Size 4'6 only. Cash Price $29.50 hrPhone 775 m 3rd Arfnne Expert OPTICAL SERVICE A combination of chic and rt tined good taste. A selection ? both crepes and wools in all sizes both large and smalL Only one of a kind. No duplicates. PLEASINGLY PRICED RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Chas. Dodiraead Optometrist in Chuf Witch, Clock, Irmtirj Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OfR BASEMENT .ORE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant Your Smart Holiday Outfit Now on Display Happy Nevs Year! Start the New Year right by resolving to get YOUR NEXT PERM at ANNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE 4th Street (Across from Post Office). Paris Maid SI ippers Phone Bine 91" New Arrivals in Women's, Men's and Children's Slippers, in Soft Soles PLI0-PEDIC ARCH SUPPORT SHOES Just Arrived. Family Shoe Store Ltd. The Home of Good Shoes' Car" C -r:k ni b.'rrtd T,r rrk 03 the bark by a fa. s 1 k we wortLsg at the c -j dock TtiTday night John Carrie left Saturday morning far a bsasess trip to Vancouver. ! Patrick Taylor, charged with keeping liquor for sale, was fined $300 by Magistrate W. D. Vance in dy pobce court. SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria Waypoints, Stewart and and North Qoeen Charlotte Islands FnH InlwrniUoo, TVktts and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Pitnct Rupert Arent Third Ave. rhene Jtt SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box Ml FRASER STREET PRINCE RCPERT For Income Tar RETI'RNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER Phone 89 X2I 2n Ave. For ! Mutual Benefit alth and Accident See JOHN L. WRIGHT Phone Til Pioneer Rooms No. S GOLD SEAL Fancy Red gSockeye 'gfg Salmon and Herring In Tomato Sauce are both on acth't service but will be back on your rrocer's shelf soon as conditions permit. OIL BURNERS CLEANED HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Black 7J5 221 Seventh Ave. West J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Smith Block J.M.S.Loubser D.O, BA. Chiropractor Wallace Block Pheos 611 ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY OAR3UTT What wth the newnpapers hrtnff Arti lor mwnl dam I missed oat on teBmg uae Junior HostesMt about the Highway dance wtneb is held tonight. Tuesday, of the usual Tharsday Carl Clay has the Navy Dunce Band for the oecasten so we expect lots of girls oat. Junior Hoctesses and ohaperuncs will meet at the V Hut. Mrs. Jeastr Ha:dy and Mrs. Eva Paptou will be the Y W.CA chaperones and representatives of to Order of the Wobmb of the Moose take over. What a grand Chrtotmrt it nj at aH at all! Starting off vtth the day being one of the nicest on recosd and the stunt of all the ships in the harbor carrying tiny Or tree at their masts, the Christmas spirit found ccrxpiete expression in the gathering of the dans at the Y.M.C.A. Cafeteria. Here Pat Trant. Mine Host for the day. served sach a beasttful Christmas dinner to everyone on Uv Y staff and to everyone's boy friend and girl friend as Starting vuh soup, the dinner vent a.'iroagh the emire Chn: mas mesa. Everyone knev everyone else and s; was Uke mm . H - . -T1 CTgCaTsacraCrananaCTaTl j meant wi for someone for the I Fresh Local Raw and ', T80 " B ; panned it aJL Later ia the day. Pasteurized MILK Pat. ua run of ptam paddtng , , , u and ibe Father Christmas NALENTTN DAIRY " rpirA heli open house to aQ PHONE tST rvtaUBijLaVBjj.i i the "Y" people up at the staff House on Borden Street. We an wandered in and oat as fancy took us. ate eosd turkey sandwiches, helped with a monster 14 saw puzzle, fingered out meiodies oq the ptano or listened almost with reapect while , Don Adanw. thundered symphonic chords or carois ior as or went inrougn , T album after aJbum of "Twenty , a Five Years of Popular song" or 4 Medleys of Familiar Music" or t 'CoIWtinns" nl una that or the LOVEABLE over Use Christmas wk-eaif00" .wf; i thanks. ;detits of one of the islands in the harbor came over and took back a boatload of service people to their home for the day The thrfll of eating Chnstsias diner away oat on an island , racttcalty in the Pacific Ocear 1 1 was oae those girls and borj t " from the East will iongremecn- her r grwt I iayi I SAVE ; I while vou Shave err" nam &exj rjnim i tc Jcait m csr. sr. r;wm Binnse Boa ass uM' tertajser. tboo tea In fllw PUn Delixhtf al Character in leaves nltr. tt It jl III M -Man From Down Cade r Years pu isd fad III Coming Here at Middle ol mature. Down Ra Week. ihmfy pej girl rUsflial Carbon, AutrtaaaaViU Charles Laagntaa takes taelbaxtr. Huwnr, M H part of a hmahie AasVaaUn.ijJo hit Uuihtodug d rhtr character ia "The Man From vifcss Brini?piiiiiiikk to the .-. be nakiaauaaftiiuSB' Capttal The Ire here tats wed- tost eTtrjthint bead - In neaaay and TaamUy. (Wlta the ottbrandsinit i re. The story starts at the ead Uaji&c taHrti at ti . it W of the hvot war when Laujhtoa array tntfl the tfcrU Willi)- leaves Besgiam, taxing wwa nan anete innaon as tai musical asaa. It was a taaswage ly deUghtraL hesaelr Chrtstmii. and to Heather Bestsie aad Pat Traat vho hesped aaake as fee! one big hua oar aaooasdedl name Mtiotoi cs an rater the anny tsj tutootaaitt Kite arsu. Ues4.ttlO .C- -O cer caesiatei thMil Kapert lixikt OO I thiDk an the serotc bars : mtrJhI 1 s and girls we pretty Hi eared!"681" ,llt! mv&H As this is the last daae or over Chmtaaa. I kaov all where chaperoaes alU he called vartaas meases were haTing for this month I axsakl Ike to Cbrtitaaas dsaaers psaaned and thaak the Women of the Moose dova at the aary they had a for their splendid service and H! eatertatBtaent after din- numnum Mntaik in ner We had oaate a number 1 month chack-a-hlock vtth do-1 rf mw,Ve inv.uUorj f r ;metc dvUea. Next moaati the! girts for (Lcr i ladies of the Oraaae Lodo wtn aaa one super aiiair wnere res- 1 'rutiti aaaPaamar ' rsi o-4Hm Ms Its good common sense to look for tcoonjis at bttllv quality in your shaving supplies . . Our emu m-ru vity and brashes, our razors and blades are prictdRlOOMcIOHIk thrifty budgets Here. too. are alt the bnndj yooot T tul want for hippy sharing: Ormes ltd.C Jhonr DrtuigUU THE REXALL STORE rflOHS II tt gliHO Open Daily from t sja. till f a. Sundays and Holidays from 122 pa inj . a To bring retail prices o veal under similar control to that prevailing for bee andlamUrwli MAXIMUM RETAIL PRICES ior became effective in this area MONDAY, DECEMBER 27th 33 cuts have been designated as the only cuts which may now be sold. Maximum prices have been set for each cut. Illustrated charts showing cuts and ceiling prices for each cut have been supplied to all butchers who are required to display them in their stores CONSULT CHART AND PRICE TABLE BEFORE i;hhihiiii II.K.II'.maM t ENDS TONIGirr Gwrie lorraky U, Xf) LIMIT AITS WEDNESDAY 2 DUs LAUGHTQH i- w WSPSA h iv u X-H imtiw tamexmmmimn ami aaaai ml am. I un ini 11 y I 1 UUaamnrilM " TRIIXCS THAT Hlxiu, C tallll.i n .an l.i l ll I " I II I i (Kite, ComaJglamPte 8hom .it 1 10 U I so - tMlti sT- aatiifn m! 1 in 1 1 aft 4 W ? 'v - Alliaw . a si aw. a. o lIIISBaiIIIBSSIBBBBaBiBIIIIIIllI ' mini. --ar j Ike Answer to the Coal Shortage is VWOOD FUEL Arrssavnge to see your Dealer t -cia , Dcliwcries may be delayed v, snow", so order early. Wood rratust be paid for before Dei:,"- PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. JMART DESK SETS For lie Home For the Office For tlaaae Secretary atd the Hu- Man or Woftnn Attractive aabaje m Waek or whit-. r: with fountain pen. 54.75 - S5.0O - S5.50 CI GENUINE K WATERMAN DESK SKTS (guaranteed) 19.90 and S29.75 bove prices include tax lliTlllitlfr I'atlafiaal I ! i ! A i BCIU! WW . . . OUR SINCERE WISH A full rrsjieasure of happiness to all ourrssifricnda . . . including VlCSTOUY AND PEACE II The "Variety Store "iiumHo...