ESDAY DECEMBER 28, 1013 THE DAILY NEWS Christmas Tree Locals CFPR FAMILY J At Day Nursery V, SI 4 if I .'X- JBT . . nr . W-.r, 1 t.m. tm . . 4Uk i iw Mini n jmr m " don't worry about Vitamins and Minerals!" "I get all the extra titainin anil mineral I nee J In my three mraU, with Oval tine night and moraine. And liow drllriou Uvaltine i mul how well I frrl!" Authorities ay 3 out f -t irople are nnderpar -under-Douriliel fr tacL f mouth Vitamin and Mineral. Hut fxjHTli agrre with 3 anrrarr.gjmd meats a day ami Otaltine you are filing all llie extra itamiiu anl minerals Jon ran" profitably tir etrfjn Vitamin (I which it plrnlifut lit fruit juice. Ofaltine it recofnirrd not tily a a rich source of titainiut ami mineral but, equally important, as a Mclbbalaured dietary food upil'mriit prrM-rild by doctor the world orer lor tui iiertous, or uiulrrpar. So don't worry about titainin and mineral. Helt on Ovaltine to rie you all the rjfra one ton ran iim in addition to II oilier well-known iH-iirfit. Jut follow this rrrir for better Iir alth 3 MEALS A DAY OVALTINE NIGHT AND MORNING Get Ofaltine today at your drug or grorery trr. fxt a Tnnrmfr UVALiJLX11Ii tmi motictino rooo-otiNK FOR WE FEATURE k. a uiiit a rm I liirt i&i 4'? ctL" sfr;; - VVTyTTTTTVTVTTTYtTTrTtttfttTTTTTTTTTVTTVTtTTTTtTT Wood Fuel Please let us have your order for wood fuel at once. We" have plenty of wood on hand. Phone your order for wood to your rejnilar fuel dealer. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. 1 PHONE 116 and 117 3 Thrifty Housewives A full line of Swift's Premium Meats at all times. A complete and Fresh stock of Fruit unci Vegetables. You can get everything you want at this Community Shopping Centre-Prices Right. SEVENTH AVE. MARKET It Pays to Advertise in The Daily News Gordon's Hardware will be" closed from Christmas Eve December 21 to Monday, January 3, 19(1. (301), A Closed Thursday and Friday for Inventory. Rupert People's ?torc, Rupert Men's and Boys' Store, Cut Rate Shoe Store. (303) To Whom it May Concern I will rjot be responsible tor any debts contracted in my name by anyone but myself. W. Flewto. OLD TIMERS' XMAS PARTY JOLLY EVENT "I have a nice little house1 and I live all by myself, so If any of you bachelors now . . ." , was the invitation extended by Uhe charmme 82-year-old win- t SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) t AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ENTEKPHISE FUU1T MARKET We catry a complete line of DF.LNOIt FH07.EN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES K1VONO SANO IHNG HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to King Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST AH your patrohage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 p.m. Tuesday 10 p.m. to 12 p.m. Outside Orders from 1 p.m. 12 p.m. rhone Red 217 TTTTTTTTrYyVfTTTTTTTTTTt aw r THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: S p.m. to I am. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Phone 173 Xi.aaVAAAA AaVAAAAAAA AaVaVaVaVAA (1248 Kilocycles) Schedule TUESDAY F-M. 4!0O Sound Off 4:15 O. I. Jive 4:30 Vocal Varieties 5:00 California Melodies 5:30 Personal Album 5:45 Metody Round-up fl:Q0 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 Sports Interview 8:30 Sports Interviews 7:00 0. I. Journal 7:30 The Latin Americans 8:00 Fred Waring's Pennsyl- vaniahs 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Contented Hour fl:C0 Fibber McOee and Molly i t'.n n Ojxll1nni I V .OU DUIIIUUJ 10:00 CBC News Broadcast 10:05 Recorded Interlude 10:15 Show Time. 10:20 8uspente 11:00 Closlrtsr announcement hi:dnkshay A-M. 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8 i30 Morning Dewtions 'nerpf the "Oldest Lady Present" ; 8:45 Novelty Tunes prize at the "Old Timers' Christ- 9:00 Morning visit, mas party" held at the UJS.O.i 9:15-Freddle Martin and Hall In the United Church. Dinah 8hore Originally scheduled as a ."Jig"; SdRvVrieUes -tea." the party surprised if loioo-Hornemaker's Program self by rapidly expanding into , Qii5Kennv naker e fu!lsl2ed turkey-dinner as a 10!30VTune Wranglers 232 X .SSSS?6 IBSSSSSiSSlJf Melodies terest of the community. , uMSBroadeaat of Messages Anticipation was keen as n:i7Recorded euets started arriving at 2 n RnHe Madrlauera o ciocK. Trie program, wtin m. rx. Stephens acting as master of ceremonies, led off with a banc with "Oh Oahada." in which the gufsts. all "70 and over" but nonetheless still luty of voice. Joined wholeheartedly. The pro- I gram. Interspersed with Christ mas carols led by John E. Davey, In whleh all present Joined, progressed .smoothly through "Star of the East" sung by the delightful Wartime Housing children's quintette and "A Gypsy Dance" plaved by 10-year-old George Olllis. noted young pianist, but broke Into riotous laughter when Joe Slavtard gave a stde-snlltting rendition of "The Preacher and the Bear." The audience wns next treated to a 'piano soto by Miss Derry. followed by "Jingle Bells." lustily Try a Results. Want-Ad for Quick ryyry yyyyy v v vtyyvvttvvv mm . n m i. Meet lYle At JOHNNY'S Johnny's 12:00 Matt. Kenny Orchestra 12:30 Srotlleht Bands 12:45 CBC News 12:50 Recorded 5; 3 WANTED 19-55 Program Resume 1:00 One Night Stand W0 Rebroadcast O. I. Journal 2 :$0 Silent WEDNESDAY VM. 4:0lSound Off 4:15-0. I. Jive ,4:30Blondle FOR SALE Child's electric train, complete engine American Flyer. 101 7th Ave. East. (301) FOR SALE-Central Hotel Din ing Room. Reasonable. Apply within. (306 WANTED Two room furnished apartment, within walking distance of town. Reward $35 for information and securln? of apartment. Phone Signal Corps, Extension 40fi, M. J. Edwards. (306) $50 Reward for securing suitable furnished or unfurnished ap-arment or house. Phone Green 155. (302) NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 vvvvvvvwvfYVYvvtTvfTyyy l Trappers ! Don't be foolish and sell your Furs on the Waterfront to buyers who afe getting bis commissions. Goldbloom can pay 30 per cent more i than anyone else as a result of finding the best markets when in Montreal and New York. SEE GOLDBLOOM FIRST flaifAAA a A A A A A A AAAAAAaVaVaV Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charted for a full ifiont'j at 25c word. Moose Ladies New Years dance Oddfellows' Hall, Dec. 29. 10 tt2. Jean De CaiWs orchestra. Re freshments Burns' Tea at the home of Mrs. George Mitchell. January 2Cth. f iL LOST Black wallet containlns $32. Phone Red 933. Reward (302) LOST Leather wallet with In itials "J.A.M.M Reward. Finder please return to Daily News. (303) LOST Girl's sterling Identifi cation bracelet with Navy crest. Finder please leave at Daily News Office. (tf) LOST December 24, fdurttaln pen top. mottled blue gray color. Name R. S. Oreig engraved. Return to C.N.R. ticket office. Reward. IIELP WANTED STENOGRAPHER for accountant's office. Neat and accurate copy . typing Essential. Shorthand not so Important. Applicants with knowlidge of commercial book-keeping, or those willing to learri, will have preference. Written applications only. State experience, If any. Apply U. I. C. AM 96. Itf) WANTED Capable housekeeper for small family; room and board; good wages.. Phone Red 879. Moose Lodges hristmas Tree (tf) More than 100 children atten ded a Christmas tree party held Jointly by the Moose Lodge and the Women of the Moose in the Oddfellows' hall Thurs day afternoon. Beginning at 2 oclock the children sang carols and played games with enjoyment made keener by their antlcipatl6n of the arrival of Santa Claus, Very popular was a booth purveying hot dogs and soft drinks. The artlval of Santa Claus heralded the distribution of such toys as dolls, blackboards, tea sets, and teddy bears, as well as quantities of apples, or anaes. and candy. The committee in charge of the party was under Mrs. W. H Tolln. and consisted of Mrs. Kaspar, Mrs. T. W. Grlmble Mrs, F. W. Chandler and Mrs. Tom Morgan. A number of men of the Moose, .lodge also assisted The tiny tots of the day nur sery of Mrs. W. B. Kerr and Mrs. R. Berg at 441 Seventh Avenue East provided Interesting and enjoyable entertainment for parents at a Christmas tree party last Wednesday afternoon. Following a delightful program refreshments were served to the , parent while the children re- j eeived gifts .and candy from Santa Claus. The program Included songs by Dona Duke, By- ron and Jacqueline Hitchens. i Neta and Oail Weise and Ldrna McSweeny and recitations by Jacqueline Hltchins and Joan Berg. C.N.R. Trains For the East-Dally except Sunday . 8 p.m. f'or Terrace and Pacific Sunday Monday, Wednesday, ( Friday 4 Jjjn From the East Dally except Mon. 10:45 p.m. From Terrace and Pacific-Monday Tuesday. Thursday Eyestrain Time is Here! CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Advertisements are payable in advartre at the Office No telephone orders Rate ?c per word per Insertion. FOU SALE LOST delivered by four ltUe boys, for SALE 8-tube consol ra- LOST Blue diamond. Parker True to the Welsh trndltteny Mr. did".' JOeral Electric, five i fountain pen. Reward $5 1344 ! Davey next dellhted the gueats bands. 146 Fourth Ave. East 8th Ave. East. . 302) with a Christmas carol m his phone Red 127 beautiful tenor. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIFi fublic Accountant, Auditor, te. Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Phone 487 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning Authorized "FLEXFORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty We Pick Up and Deliver PHONE 838 Mail Orders Box 99 R. LAMB, TAILOR Ladies' & Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes. 303 Third Ave. W. Black 187 National Monuments You can now mark the grave of your loved ones by buying a monument from National fclonu- j j rnents at the most reasonable prices. Box 1125 Tostal Station B Workshop 602 5th Ave.. East, Prince Rupert "Made in Prince Rupert" HELEN'S BEAUTY SnOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 306 1th St. Phone 653 SMITn & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers. Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 International Correspondence Schools Canadian Limited B. F. Lovln, Representative Box 528 1315 PIsrot Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. U1 U L Minti Logio, Swift's fimed Home Economist, whose weekly cooking column it a ttgvUt feirore of this fge. Look for d)CK valuable bints every Monday Now ihe time to enliven meals wifH the tart flavour and high Vitamlri content of Canadian Cranberries Cranberry sauce is practically a "must" for the holiday season and, just in case you haven't a good recipe handy, we give our favourite method in the panel opposite. But there are other delightful ways of using this valuable fruit in meat dishes. For instance, now that ftesh pork is a little more plentiful, you might like to try these Oanberry Pork Chops. (If pork Is still .hard to get where you live, try the recipe with veil). A pork chops Vi cup honey tsp. Salt W tsp. dores 2 cups raw M tsp. rtutmtg cranberries Brown pork chops in heavy frying pan. Season. Grind cranberries, mix with honey and spices pour Meat f fe material i of war page urates by Martha Lart Cranberries over and wash cranberries and add to syrup; cookjrwithout stirting, unul cranbTiesare tender and all skin lute burst' (about 5 minutes), get sauce aside to cool, in saucepan la , which it was cooked i Come on Prince Rupert let's lead Canada! I over chops. Cover and took slowly for I hour. j For more valuable, nftat recipen send 10(f for "Meat Complete;"! J Martha Logan sumqusnandboo of meat cookery, ro' Sfcift Cana dian Co. limited. Dept. NE W New Westminster. 2 ' CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 cups water " 2 cups granulatoTsugif ; 4 cups ainberrieT ' i Mike a syrup of w3r arid" sucar and boil 5 minates. Pick ' SWIFT CANADIAN CO. wl"1 a Dominion-wide organization devoted to the cpnsenitwa , and efficient distribution of Canada's food fesoorcesi 5 ::-3t .fu it! Continue to Speed the Victory! Support the B.C. Stationers, Printers, and Booksellers -i . 5 i.uuu.uuu.uu : War Savings Stamps Campaign for November and December .1 Each Stamp Purchased Entitles You3o a 1 FREE Draw on Valuable PRIZES! Get Your FREE TICKET Buy Your War Saving Stamps'. from Z Dibb Printing Company Besner Block. 3rd Street Phone 234 We Wish All our Friends THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON; ' Canadian Fish & Cold Storage ritiNCE RiirtitT (Jo, Ltd. British cdUJMBia It Pays to Advertise in The Daily News 1