r ! ..i . - , r.-.v. DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue G. A. HUNTER, MANAGINQ EDITOR ' 3IEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The CanadlanPress Is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press in this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. LOCAL ADVERTISING Transient, per Inch - L.1..L $1.00 Contract, per inch .50 Rea'ders, per line - - .25 Black "Face Readers, per line 40 Business and professional Cards inserted daily, per month, per Inch - FLOOR COVERINGS 3.75 "MonaTyTTuhe 28, ""1943 A Crisis in United States . . . WANTED IMMEDIATELY Truck Driver For Local Oil Company. Good wages, overtime. APPLY: National Selective Service, Number AM 02 For your Floor Covering Requirements visit Elio's Furniture Store, next to the Daily News ton Third Avenue. Elio's have a tremendously large stock of Seamless Axmlnster Carpets, Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs, Inlaid Marboleum, Congo-leum, Felt61, Rexoleum, six feet wide. Elio's enormous turnover in Floor Coverings" for years gives you better choice at money saving prices. Buy War Savings Stamps at Elio's. Saleslady to serve you Just say: "My change in War Savings Stamps." Elio Furniture Store , Third Avenue (Next , the .Daily News) Prince Rupert Central Hotel Dining Room OPEN TO THE PUBLIC BREAKFAST .... 6:30 to 9:00 LUNCH W.:30,tp.2:Q0 DINNER 5:00 to 8:00 All White Help. 1st Avenue and 7th Street NEW GRADES FOR PUPjLS j Where King Edward Pupils Will Be Found in September The following lists show the grades where pupils of King Edward School will be found at the beginning of the fall term: Grade 2 Melvin Aldersen. Ross Andersen, Bobby Barnes, Joan Berg, Larry Branch, Robert Brewerton, Lionel Brietzke, Dick Cameron, Patricia Carlson, Ronald Ciccone, Melvin Ducharme. Helen Dunstan, Gertrude Durran Donald Dwyer, Robert Dennison, David Finlayson, George Flewin, Gerald Gilbert, Joan Grimble. Shirley Haugan, Ann Healey, Harjorie Howe. Olav Husvik, Karen Inglehart, Everett Jeffrey. Donald Jensen, Joyce Jensen, Clifford Johnsen, John Kelly, The overridine- bv United States Congress of A1"ld Knutsen, Fred Kristman- President Franklin ,D. Roosevelt's veto of the drastic SJ anti-strike measure is replete with implications ana Matwide Marki, ross MarUn. Sequel possibilities. It has the makings of seriOUS Betty Mordaunt, Gordon Morrls- COnseflUenceS. on' Pnylis Nystedt, Helen Olsen, rti ", . i n ll i i i -ii noralppn Dlspn. Rnse Marie . ine sensational turn ine maner nas lanen wun - n; sh- He;nolds 'Mar qramaiic Jramatic suddenness suuuenness may may quite quae possibly ijuMiniy lead jean to lu iui-llene fur-, pnp Retlseth Redseth, Joan Joan Saunders Saunders, ther labor unrest. The President himself gave as his Valerie starkeii, Billy Thain, reason for the veto that the anti-strike measure wasiPa"ie Toogood, Marion vaider- mnt-a lioHa tn fnmcmt lahnr 'vncf Toocnocc fVi'nn if woe h?- Eleanor Wallace, Bob i a ui i iu: i: ...ui-v. i-. ..au,i ! Watts, iu eiue uuuuit: aioiig ims line wiuui nas leuciieu its height to date in the coal strike which has been not completely settled even yet. The 'anti-strike bill contains an element of compulsion which may not be so happily accepted. In spite of the overriding of the veto, there are other steps which the President may be able tore-sqr't' tb should he consider 'it in .the interests of .the Ti'ation.to take the initiative further in spite of Congress. It would not have been the first time that Roosevelt has taken daring and precedent shattering steps. Further developments of great interest and importance in this domestic crisis of the United States may.be "expected. There are few who anticipate that Roosevelt will lose control. It is a critical situation but this man seems to have the .faculty of mastering critical situations and maintaining' his personal prestige and esteem in the eyes of his people in spite Of them. On Working Too Hard . , . A great many neqnle are workjng too hard .these Strenuous davs of ton pressure and. in so doim f some are undoubtedly sapoing their efficiency. There comes a point in work, like evervthine else, where, if over-indulged in, it loses its effectiveness. . (; '-Many are niakinc: the mistake of acrif icing very '2 I necessary rest, relaxation and diversion so that we Ji may.make more time for work. The outcome of this ' .Uli. if .persisted in, result in breakdown'even for the strongest. I The old saying "All work and no play makes Jack a dull ,boy" never had more force than it has in the current strenuous days. : Rest and relaxation is just as important to our sustenance as our food and sleep. Fred Wlngham. Grade 3 Ann Brown, Glen Chandler, Jack Dunstan, Jean Dunstan, Michael Deildal, Dennis Elkins, Peter Forsland, Allan Fredheim, Marlene Foltz, Joan Geddes, Margaret Giske, Jean Gibb, Bobby Huddleston, Norah Halliday, Jennie Harriott, Grac; Johnston, Yvonne Kildal, Ttod-ney Larsen, Hilliard Lechman. Mary Knysh, Hugh MacKenzi?, Elizabeth Martin, William MarUn, Andrew Menzies, Norma MacKay, Bernice Michaloff, Russel Morrison, Ethel Moore-house, Errol Nielsen, Aldona tVelson, Jackie Olsen, Robert Ormiston, Harold Paulsen, Roy Pedersen, Donovan Petersen, Gordon Reuther, Jean Sharpe, John Shelton, Allan Sheppard, Beatrice Smith, Jordan Smith, Raymond Sorheim, oyce Strand, Elizabeth Watson, Lloyd Watson, Gertrude Weick, Vera Wou-den. Grade 4 Mary Addison, Del-bert Amundsen, Ethel Bagshaw, Donald Berthelet, Gerald Ber-thelet, Ann Borland, Margot Brown, Robert Craig, Alan Cur-rie, Donna Dennlsort, Gerald Dodd, Katherine Dwyer, Bever ley Ellison, Roald Fehess, amei Finlaysen, Jack Flewin, Muriel burn, Norma Jean Wesenberg, Anne Whiting, Joyce Petersen. Joan Adcock, Mae Bagnall, Joan Bird, Don Bouvette, Heath er Brewer, Roy Cocks, Carl Dan-elluk, Richard Dodd, Marjorie Fraser, Diane Gllker, Jeanette Halliday, Jacqueline Hepburn, Joyce Holbrook, Doreen Huddles- ton, Garry Ingham, Jane Inter- meia, Eileen Jerstad, Lennart Johnson, Joyce Johnston, Mar garet .Keays, Dale Laird, Lorna Larsen, Mary Leavitt, Elsie Mc- Guinness, Edgar Mostad, Maureen Nicholl, Elyina Oden, Joan Pomeroy, Donald Prendergast, Gordon Russell, Phoebe Sankey. Bernice Scarr, Thomas Seines, Phyllis Shannon, Colleen Sites, Adele Stonehouse, Patricia Tre-meer, Hazel Tweed, Benita Grade 6 Arthur Acheson, Ruth Archer, John Bergman, Cella Cheesemaji, 'Valerie Craig, Shirley Cree.doh, Gordon Dixon, Juanlta tielaney, Harold Elds-vlck, Keith Ellison, Norma Ged-. THE DAILY NEWS GERMANY WITH INVASION JITTERS GUARDS COAST That thr Germans fear an Allied invasic and are bending every effort to repel and tave off the Ailie, is evidenced by these mas ve r ..... wnlch line the Atlantic 'wall." This photo, taken from a German magazine shows the huge cement-set gun as they guard the bleak cpast. SMITHERS A number of depredations have been taking place in this community recently. Several places have been 'broken into and articles removed. On Saturday evening two young culprits were caught red-handed after several windows In the Canadian Lsglon had been broken and the premises entered. Hon. H. G. Perry, minister of education, accompanied by Dr. S. J. Willis, superintendent of education and Mr. Robson, inspector of schools, were in Smi-thers on a tour of inspection. They inspected the local schools and complimented the school board hlshlv on the condition In which the schools were found. They travelled up through the country from the south by car and continued on "west from here. E. T. Kenney M.L.A., accompanied by Mrs. Kenney, passed Uhrough Smithers on Wednes day enroute home to. Terrace after a short trip to the south. Mr. and Mrs. I. Latimer, who have resided in Smithers for the past year, are leaving' Smithers on Friday to return to Nova Scotia. Mr. Latimer has been superintendent in Smithers for the Tomlinson Construction Co, having come here from one of Fraser, Donna Gardiner, David .their operations, in Yarmouth Geddes, Iris Hart, Nancy Hill, N. S., and is now proceeding to Alwin Jeffrey, Magnus Knutsen, Alec MacFarlane, Gael McRae, Tommy McWhinnie, Karl Marki, Joan Moller, Shirley Moore, Billy Morrison, James Nicholls, Evelyn Oden, Marlys Olsen, Mondred Olsen, Hazel Paulsen, Melvin Paulson, Ernest Pipke, Muriel Shier, George Skog, Edward Stacey, William Stacey, Ann Stromdahl, isabelle Taylor, Einar Valderhaug, Dennis Waters, Donald Weaver, Teddy Webster, Robert Weiss, Robert Young, John Moser. Grade 5 Marlon Amundsen, Ada Bagshaw, Lorraine Branch, Gudrun Braun, Rose Marie Des-rochers, Ernest Elliott, Magnus Eyolfson, Beryl Fraser, Donald Glllanders, Dereen Goard, Lois Herbert, Beverly isidor, Thelma Jackson, John Ketcheson, Dor othy Laird, Kenneth McDonald,' Louise McDonald, Norma Mc Maltland, N. S. in the same cap acity. Mr. James Bovill of Smi thers is filling the position now being vacated by Mr. Latimer. Hansen, Dorothy Haudenschild. Raymond Ingham, Arne John son, Fred Johnson, Victor Johnson, Katherine Johnson, Jenni fer Kelly, Allen Kelsey, Lawrence Kristmansen, Ruth Ketch-eon, Alfred Lancey, Orln Lewis. Gerd Lien, Frank McFadden, Jack McKenzie, Joan Moser, Niels Nielsen, Kenneth Olson, Dick Ormiston, Clifford Parkin son, Olive Pastuck, Ruth Papne, Lloyd Pedersen, Helen Pipke, Charles Place, Betty Prince, Ernie Robinson, May Robinson Shirley Saunders, Sydney Scherk, Charles Schllberg, Dick Skog, Jacqueline Smith, Murray Smith, I Dorothy Webster, Dick Wesch, Donald, Hilda Meuffels, Muriel' George Woods,. Vito Campag j Mitchell, Gordon Ormiston, jnola. Alice Paulson, Inger Petersen, Janet Rackow, Ronald Roth well,- Grade 7 (Junior High School) Robert Anderson, Jean Calder Shelton, Joyce Scherk, Marie i" oul y MVM Skalmerud, Sonja Sorenscn, i Barbara Jeng, Billy Toderas, . William Toews, Loretta Wash-; Billy Da vldson, Eleanor Fitzgerald, James Flaten, Erik Forsland, June Gagne, Richard Gilker, Richard Giske, George Haugan, Richard Hedstrom, Lorna Howe, Laila Ilusoy, Jean Husoy, James Intermela, Joan Ketcheson, Alma Knutson, Anne Lancey. Joanne Langridge, Richard Large, Lois Leavitt, Jean Mcintosh, Elsie Meuffels, Keith Mitchell, Eric Moore, Perry Mork, Frank Olsen, Harry Ormiston. Wilfred Prince, Molly Quandt, Hal Rogers, Melvin Sandvar, Joyce Taylor, Kay Toombs, Mar garet Wardale, Noon Webster. Eve Adams, Harold Adolphe, Ruby Bagshaw, Robert Berthelet, Yvonne Bouvette, John Cood, Btuart Craig, Christine Currle, Edythe Dodds, John Finlayson, Mildred Forunes, Dorothy Hutchison, Irene Klidal, Kenneth' Laurie, Ruth Leavitt, Yvonne Lindsay, Joyce McDonald, Albert McFadden, Vennette Mar shall, Bob Mitchell, Tommy Nicoll, Andrew Owens, Joyce' Ormiston, Ole Rosang, Louise Patrick, Arnold Petersen, Harold Pierce, Stanley Scarr, Donald des. David nillander Marinn ' Scherk, Lilly Seines, Irene Wash Greenwood, Arthur Fpltz Irene , burn' Ra,ph wlck 1Iarvey Wess- - iMjaesa vvinaie, , ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT The Hostess Mrs. Flaten, our Y.W.C.A. hospital visitor for June, reports a new baby to Mr. and Mrs. Den-luck of the Service Corps, a little girl who weighed 7 pounds 2 ounces when born. Her name la to be Wllma Fannette. Sorry to hear that Pte. "Bt?bby" Grlsen-phwaite of the CWAC's has been in the hospital with bronchitis. You'll get used' to the climate, Bobby, after the nrst five attacks. At last we have a new Y'baby born in this area. On June 19 Mr. and Mrs. "Gordon Wibb of Skldegate,' Queen' Charlotte Islands, ' became the proud parents of a baby girl. Gordon Is the YMCA supervisor at the Queen Charlottes. Congratulations Gor-dle and -Marge!. . There are two dances scheduled for this week. On Thursday one of the Hlghwaj Camp Regiments is holding a dance. Junior hostesses will meet at the Y to await transportation. On Friday one of the Army units Is holding a dance at the Empress Y Hall. Junior hostesses are Invited. T. r-.m mill Via I A k a mAOT.vt aa I wilt uc i , , illdirtriuuca from the Queen Mary Chapter of the I.OJXE. in attendance. I thought it was only sailors who had their arms tattooed but looking across the room I see an R.C.A.F. boy with a dilly. It is, upon closer inspection, a design of two hearts pierced by a single j arrow and on top a bird is nestling. I couldn't make out the initials but he's in love, I betcha. noon all the boys at the Capl tol, the wurlltzer wasn't wurlitz-Ing, no radios were going. Then some 'budding pianist had to go and play "Chopsticks." The things I bear for my country! A week from tonight the Coast Battery Ladle's Auxiliary Is holding another of its popular dances. The funds from these are for cigarettes for the boys overseas and these dances are their only means of raising money for their support. Try a Classified Ad In the Dally News for Quick Results. GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye ! Salmoh and 1 limine I Tnmlln ... jr ...... . JituHmoiJB'' Sauce are both on active service 'but will be bade on your grocer's shelf soon as conditions permit. ISUCCEEDED IN iMUSIG EXAMS Local Piano and Violin iPupils Make Good Showing In Recent Tests The following is a list of successful candidates in practical axamlnatlons held recently by Toronto Conservatory of Music .n Prince Rupert. The names are arranged in brder'of merit. PIANO cVadY Honors Margaret Large. Grade IX aline Langridge (equal). (Peggy) Pass Dorothy Kergin, George F. Brown. Grade VIII Honors Eunice Campbell. Gwen McRae. Pass Barbara Flaten Grade VII Honors Monica Holtby, Mary Adcock, Bernard DeJong. Grade V Honors S o n J a Sorenson, It was so quiet Sunday after- .Joyce Taylor, George Glllls, Jo- Grade IV Honors Elaine Drayton. Pass Lorha' Howe. Grade III First Class Honors Louise1 Amadlo. 1 Hbnors Elizabeth Astoria,' Gerd Lien. Pass Richard Large. Grade II Honors Donald Prendergast. .Grade I First Class Honors Marion Shenton. Kathleen Toombs fequal). Honors Mellalne Brechin, Joan Shelton, Heather Brewer. Pass Dorothy Laird. VIOLIN Grade VIII Honors Nancy Owens. Grade V Honors Olga' Zabudney. Grade IV Honors Vaughan Tattersall. Grade III First Class Honors Richard Skog. Dally New Advertising Bring Results. SAVOY HO TEL Car Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 l'.O. Box 541 ERASER STIiEET ritivcp. uupfiitr ' ' l WEEK TOTAL 80 8,000 WMr9 TRAINING V w w IS ijPl vMeg 4000 495,000 i I FvEcHHrcrsc 450 94 000 l M INCIUDING TANKS V . jL1JJJ i' Um GUN MOUNTINGS 370 940 55,000 j 1 525,000 ,35 million I 1 s" Vs' 1 3,000 j 630,000 , m SMAll ARMS -k f- I I j '"iS""1 20 million more than 2 billion I j 10,000 800,000 ' . INSTRUMENTS & , ' W (T I fl co'tns ' ' 3) 4 million , $ 160 million " IflB munitions (Tec 1 r H & production Y 4 O O million morefl than 4 45 bijlion tS ACCOMMODATION j 4AA AAA pcannid 'or ion nnn housing j JWvrUw persons ) Sfli S TOTAL EXPENDITURE ' " Z ' . IVfc'jl HH fOR INDUSTRIAL EXPANSION I L. T J VJI morethan w MCasfl 9 & defence construction I l.JL billion' Gyro Picnic Fine Success aPPy Outinj Tile aiini,".; Prince RupTtY;:;; held yesterdav ... "'U hlru .. I urovea tn v vi . .jaT,-..r., lunction. A rn.,K. , was ehrn outing this VPr.'n!1 cruiser Soog-u.,, w p f was chairman of r; ' r the happy or sixty person m,: and children, made SS on the beach and the J which attracted the aJ2 rriahyoftheOyrohomeTrt having clarh chowder u. this week. -wasessentiajiyayojj.. day and "Picnic Bill- stow to It that thev the day featuring thins ot light to them. Those who eniovM th.. were lr. and Mrs R o L .eggy Large. Richard Um ana Airs, w j. Scot:. Joe 5 ,ir. and Mrs. yi P. stone. I Stone. Mr. and Mrs c P agno. Charlotte Baiagno. jjwne atagno, ju. and M W. Brown, Anne Brun.'t Mrs'. Jack Bulger. Mr. anc William Cruictshank. Jt Mrs. Arnold.Flaten. Barbar ten, Judith Flaten Mr.'an C C. Mills. Richard MiU Mills, Mr. and Mrs, Frank ner, Sharon Skinner. M JVlrs. Gordon Bryan: 1! Mrs. G. A, Hunter Audrey ter, Mrs, N. MuDi-m. .Vatts, Billy Va?:, jr.Jc Vnne Borland, Curp Bin: and R. O, G;bsu; ' Ktt'OXG SA.NG IllN 1 HOP KEE CHOP SUE HOUSE Next to Kins Ti C12 7th AVE. IVEf All your patronaje : Open 5 p m. to 1:30 Tuesday 10 p.m. 1:30 a.m. Outside Orders from 1:30 a.m. Tlione Ked 21 NEW ROY HOTEL J, ZARELLI, PR( 'A Home Away From I Rates 5c up 50 Rooms. Hot and Water Prince Itupert, P iPhone 81 P.O.. & Cemetery Sei Those wishing pic' at Fairview Ccr phone the caretaker Cemetery between and 1:00 p.m. week Special Uarga in New and I'f FURNITU ;-Iew line rjuallty Cc Tables New Occasional Ch good assortment, reg; to $15.95. nor Used Beds, first da shape Used Springs Used Wash Basins, feood shape Kitchen Chairs, sea new B..C. Furni! rhonc Wack TIHRI) AVF.M