jAY AVETL 3, 1943 THE DAILY NEWS SORE-HEADS" iORETHROATS .ey Shows Gallanf yfiftnen of Britain Take ?n to Give Quick Keller Slintir imU of British women Luz m war plants are dc- ri nut to let sore inroais. mi net tlicm "down.'1 iun must keep up . . . ami I co . ninient survey showed Kti. h women are counting on ' to help them carry on. nn v 3 named as one of tho fv ;:nt for health and morale. Bs eriy to understand . . . ii.:t.:;r.j nave provcu mai f h one of the safest, most (Us analgesics known. 'fi:nn gargle for sore throat 1 ,)in anu rawness aunosi l Asnirin taken with water I the headache of colds . '. , ararkmnd distress. Aspirin L than t a tablet in the ft bottle . . . so always keep , lor quicit reiiL'ia in Canada, "Aspirin" Is c'-ark of The iJayer Com- r!J.ir.:iteI. If you ihm't see h cress on eacn tablet, it I'lrin. Returns see . . E. Mortimer 6 88 t C 32 i 2nd Ave. amcron 10 THERAPIST ELECTRIC mbajo, Arthritis, Rheu- Xfurilis and Sciatica m a.m to 1 p.m.. o.m to 8 p.m. Koom 38 IV KOYAL HOTEL fcvoy IOTEL s irl Zarelli, Prop. 5," P.O. Box S14 ItASER STREET fRIXCE RDPERT )R SALE PttlAL PRICES i and-made RAG RUGS. ieslcns. in via !. 1 to first class nl.ivlna (( Bargains. ! Remind, 10 tubes. $110 up 6"w"i unaer- L C Smlb Rent total ". H'gn Brnrio to,,., rln Regular $200, $150 1 a una, c(.C, A Furniture P BUCK 321 lT,,I AVENUE P. w"itliWlltil ln Local Latou r,zl MILK LRNTIN DAIRY pH0NE G57 mm Raw and oiirinnrBKB BRIDGE IS CONTINUED This Week's .Results and Week's I'lay in Queen Mary Chapter Tournament Next This week's results in the Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, bridge tournament were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Blank beat Sergeant Underhlll and Corp. Hash. Corp. Blues and Corp. Tanslej beat Mrs. Ernest Gammon and Mrs J. E. Jack. Sam Lanfer and Dan Pafley beat Kirs. James Simpson and Mrs. Al Berner. Seigeant Robinson and Leading Aircraftsman Miller beat Mrs. Sam Hotigan and Mrs, J. T. Kasper. A. H. Hill-Tout and Ernest Wilding beat Corp. J. P. Lamont and Corp. V. E. Fahlman. Mrs. F. Q. Oldham and Corp. D. Hodgson beat Lieut. George Darters and Lieut. H. Reynolds. O. W. Rudderham and George Howe beat P. Smith and Mrs. Charles Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Paulin beat Mr. and Mrs. George Hills . Jonn Bulger and Mrs. A. T. Par- Campbell and Gordon kln fjeat Private Dan Dempsc-y and ;r drunkenness, were privatp w WnrHimm riimint, Mrd $25. with option of js imprisonment, In city urt yesterday. ftMBURGERS jl, Behind Royal Hotel BLACK 59 CQX)X) Chh 0 M0 0 O 0 6 0 i Income Tax Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stuart beat Mrs. McCrae and Mrs. E. V. Whiting (eliminated). Mrs. George Hill and Mrs. C. E. OMOWMOQOQMOQOOa.w. Grimbie (eliminated): 2 Mrs. A. H. Silversides and Mrs. 5 rimmermelster beat Mr. and Mrs. g r. B. Black eliminated), g Stoker W. E. Johnson and Chief a stoker W. Bradshaw beat Mr. and J? j? Mrs. H. M. Foote (eliminated) . Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Glassey beat Private G. Rochlin and Corp. Montgomery fellmlhated). Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Weder beat Mrs. Adcock and partner (el-imlnated). 'Private Werner and Private Orne beat Mrs. C. E. Cullin and C. E. Dodlmead (eliminated. Next Week's Play The draw for next week: Corp. O. S. Blues ahd Corp. Tans-ley vs. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Teng. 6am Lanfer and Dan Pafley V3. Mr. and Mrs. Paulln. Mrs. F. G, Oldham and Corp. D. ' Hodgson vs. Sergeant Robinson arid Leading Aircraftsman Miller. G, W. Rudderham and George Howe vs. Ernest Wilding and A. H Hill-Tout. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Blank, bye. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Glassey vs. Meut. George Darters and Lieut. H. Reynolds. Mrs. Ernest Gammon and Mrs. J. E. Jack vs. Corp. J. P. Lamont and Corp. V. E. Fahlman. Mrs. James Simpson and Mrs. A Berner vs. Stoker W. E. Johnson and Chief Stoker W. Bradshaw. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Peachey vs. Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Weder. Mrs. A. H. Silversides and Mrs. Tlmmermelster vs. P. Smith and Mrs. Charles Graham. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stuart vs. Mrs. Sam Hougan and Mrs. J. T. Kaspar. Mrs. George Hill and Mrs. C. E. Dodlmead vs. Sergeant Underhlll and Corp. Hash. Private Werner and partner vs. Mrs. Paikln and John Bulger. Mr. and Mrs. George Hills, bye. 1 LOCAL NEWS NOTES AEllo's Pay Cash for Furniture, Stoves, Tools, Musical Instruments. Carl Johansson Is leaving night for Cumshewa Inlet. 20. to- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Naylor yesterday received a cable announcing the safe arrival In Britain of their son, Lieut. Joseph Naylor. Prince Rupert Dry Dock Sports and Welfare Association DANCE for employees in Staff Dining Hall, Hays Cove Circle, Saturday, April 3, 9:00 to 12:00. Admission 75c on presentation of red or yellow pass. LADIES FREE. ' (79) Col. S. D. Johnston, M.C., VD., after spending a couple of days at hl3 home here following his return from overseas, will leave tonight for Vancouver to resume his duties there. Gerald Patrick Murphy, who has been receiving training as a paratrooper In Georgia, arrived in' the city on Thursday night's train for a week's visit on leave. Mr. Murphy was formerly prominent In labor circles here. Ronny Iveson, five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Iveson, is reported to be resting easily in the Prince Rupert General Hospital following being struck on Sixth Avenue East on Thursday afternoon by a United States Army truck driven by Vergil F. Otten. Injuries to head and legs were not serious. dhhcuHcehiektJ All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. 24. Sonja Home Cooking sale. April Presbyterian Spring Sale Apr. 15. C.C.F. Bridge, Valhalla Hall, April Queen Mary Easter Monday Tea, Mrs. Parkin. Cathedral Easter Sale, April 29! C.C.F. Invitation Dance Oddfellows' Hall, April 29. ix Tin: sn-itKMK coritT or iikitisii (OI.1MI1IV IN MiOllATK III the Mallrr f (lie "Admlnl-lradon Act" mill In tl- Matter of (lie IMate of Severln njeii. Ilceenseil TAKJ3 NOTICE that by Order erf His Honor Judge Fisher, local Judge of th 3upreme Court of British Columbia, I -a on he 25th day of March A D. 1943 ippolnted Administrator of the Estate af Severln Sagwi, formerly of Hunter (eland, near the sertttlememit of Bella Bella, British Columbia, Deceased, who lied on or about the 23rd. day of November. 1942. All person Indebted to the wld Estate are required to pay the unounit of their Indebtedness to. me forthwith and all persons having claims Against the said Estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 30th day of April A. D. 1943 faUlng which distribution will be made having regard otily to shah claims of whloh I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince ttuipert, B.C. this 25th day of March 1943. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B.C. NOTICE The undersigned Hairdressers of Prince Rupert have agreed to the Allowing Hours of Service from date. April 1st: 0 a.m. io fi p.m. Thursday 9 a.m. (o 1 p.m. M. C. PEAGRAM ANNETTE POWELL HELEN HAMPTON CLARA V. SUTHERLAND ELSIE KLOHN VIOLET MAH LILLIAN AEXANDER R. V. La BELLE A. K. NELSON (Sec.) BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... At Your Local Butchers u NO WASTE - HEADY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd. imiTISH COLUMBIA Cash for old gold, Bulger's. Rev. T. A. Knutson of Petersburg left Wedesday night on his return to Alaska after having spent a few days here In connection with the dedication of the new St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Mr. Knutson led special devotional services on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, assisted by the local pastor, Rev. Magnus B. Anderson. Classified FOR SALE FOR SALE Furniture and floor coverings. 611 5th Ave. East. (80) FOR SALE Studio lounge, good condition, $20. Phone 179. (79) FOR SALE 2-pc. chesterfield, $40. Phone Green 192. (79 FOR SALE Small ranch 4 miles east of Terrace, B:C. A 6 room bungalow, bath, etc., 1 cow, 2 calves, furniture, rugs, canned foods etc., all as a going concern for qulck'sale. Apply to Mrs O. Dannhauer, Copper River. B.C. (81i FOR. SALE Complete dining room suite, electrical appliances. Phone Green 786. (80) FOR SALE Mirrors, all descrip tions. Ello's Used Department. FOR SALE Enyclopaedla Britan- nica. Elio's Used Department. FOR- SALE Tenders will be re ceived by the undersigned up to noon of Wednesday April 7th for purchase of gasboat "Flint River" belonging to Estate Philip Davis, deceased. Boat moored New Floats and dimensions 30x8x4V2. Official Administrator. (82) WANTED WANTED To purchase Singer sewing machine and studio couch. Box 464 Dally News. (81) Y.W.C.A. Rooms Registry. Rooms urgently needed. Mrs. Garbutt. WANTED Room by Phone Blue 395 FOUND naval man WANTED Female kitchen helpers (dishwashers) for city cafe, $3 per day and board. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF 40. (79) WANTED Housekeeper for two adults. Phone Black 85 evenings. (tf) WANTED ($15 Reward) Light housekeeping room or rooms. Phone D. J. Anderson at Prince Rupert Hotel. (82) WANTED Suite, apartment or furnished room by marrle couple. Phone Red 617. (7& WANTED Furnished or unfurnished housekeeping room ot rooms, suite or apartment. Reward. Box 462 Dally News. (79) WANTED Capable housekeeper for small family, sleep In. Red 879. HELP WANTED WANTED Young girl to do light house duties, good wages. Phone Green 596. (82) MISCELLANEOUS WILL Exchange Home In Victoria for house, apartment or rooms In Prince Rupert. Urgent. Apply Box 463 Dally News. (79) FOUND Post Office key on string at Cow Bay Floats on Friday Owner may have same by call ing at Daily News and paying for this advertisement. (80) FOUND Man's wrlstwatch, brown leather strap, pink and gold face. Owner may have same by calling at Dally News and pay lug for this advertisement. LOST LOST Sum of money on Sixth Ave. East. Urgently needed for sick mother. Finder please leave at Dally News. Reward. LOST Between Bay Apartments and Armour Salvage, wallet con talnlng sum of money, personal papers and registration card Finder please phone Armour Sal vage. Reward. (79) LOST Wallet containing $10.00 between the High School and the Dally News. Also contains regis tration card. Reward. (80) f fc w. -PAGE THREE . SOW.. SUPER SOFT! PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL AND MINING MACHINERY All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled !TH!T!Hr'!VT'ITI"'ifl'JIV:!tlMl.lirl!tl!II'3I'V1'' I GOLD SEAL! H l H YhT ""c'".v1 pi Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon f Announcing an added refinement in "Pur ex Herring m in Tomato Sanco are both on active service gi but will be back on yonr H grocer's shelf soon as condl- Jltl... It y nun :; Tissue!' Effective immediately all rolls will be ' creped and embossed for greater softness, CONSISTtNl AND IN UN WITH OUR ESTABLISHED POLICY Of CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Of ALL OUR PAPER PRODUCTS WESTMINSTER PAPE.R GO. LTD-, NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C . Passengers leaving for Vancou ver Include F. J. Warner, John Williams and son, A. M. Wallace and R. Sinclair. MICA FOR WAR GOOD CASTOR OIL CAIRO, April 3 0) Deposits of ' KINGSTON. Jamaica, April 3 mica and graphite, needed for war , 0) Successful experiments have purposes, are to be found in. British been completed In Jamaica show-East Africa. Tanganyika alone is ing that locally-grown castor oil thought to be capable of producing j can be used effectively In locally-12,000 tons a month. made lamps. SHOES SHOES SHOES Closing out all Shoes from The Annette Ladies Wear and The Style Shoppe Some of these are New Shoes just received today. Beaumonts, Wilmonts, Debs, Graceline, etc., are among well known makes. All shoes to be sold at greatly reduced prices. ! These For Safe TUESDAY, 9 A.M., MARCH 31, 1913 - -a t . "THE STYLE SHOPPE (Next Door Bulkley Market) SEE OUR WINDOWS It i " I ((Hi .(( .,,.n 1 I-.5JHI it t 1 .