OCTOBER 27,1943 L,r.ce Stay at fc'BNS SEE jllOKTIMKR 321 2nd Ave. ntoAi i)kski';v vijev California's vr" .able garden, (rom the desert. High Tribute Is rt Hotel xjPaid to William lake vance tfrvtins Terrace jcomeTay Drown at rimeral Active soldiers, ex-service men, fraternal associates and citizens generally assembled fn a congregation of tuch size yesterday afternoon that the capacity of First Presbyterian Churchi was taxed by those wishing to pay tribute to ths memory of the late William M. Brown. It was one of the largest gatherings the church has held In many a day. Adequate and fitting tribute was paid to deceased by the pastor. Rev. Alex F. MacSween, who referred to deceased as "a man In every sense of the word." Seldom, Mr. MacSween pointed out, was there one so universally respected as was deceased due to his qualities of Integrity, good Judgment, energy, leadership, understanding and sense of humor. Pos-sesssed of a strong sense of duty, he had been a good soldier bath in and out of uniform through a useful life. Never shirking, he had been willing and unselfishly always ready to defend, even with his life, those things which he held honorable, Just and true. ONE-TENTH REMAINS In peacetime B.ltish trains there were 100 dining cars. Nov; there are 70. Odd Ingredients For New Fabrics Warm and Woolly Aralic Garments Made From Milk NEW YORK, Oct. 27. W before long, If things keep on as they are going, we'll be making dresses by recipes instead of patterns. The formula for a new fall number might read something like this: Mix two quarts skim milk with a few old breadcrusts and the cellophane from two packages of cigarrete, season with salt and pepper, cook to a ps'e, mold to figure and sit in the sun to dry. This may be slightly exagger ated, but it's already true that j wondrous new fabrics are coming out of America's test-tubes these days, made from such unlikely substances as wood-pulp, corn-stalks, coal and skimmed milk. Newest' member of the man-made fabric family Is aralic. which is made from milk. A few years ago anyone who suggested wearing a dress or coat made of milk would have been dispatched "to the nearest pad-ed cell. Today it's all In the day's work, and. modern milkmaids wear their warm and wooly garments with little thought of their milk-bottle origin. Aralic was fcrst used in blends with other fibres, such as wool rayon. Now it's appear ing In its pure state, as inter-linings for cold-weather coats Because It belongs to the animal klnr.dom, Aialic is light and warm with much of the Insulating property of wool. Thin inner linings of aralic give winter coats warmth without bulk, and are hailed .with delight by designers. Ther's another new fabric named chlnchara, a furry pile fabric made of wool, mohair and aralic. New suitings combine aralic and rayon or wool, in smooth, silky gabardines, fine flannels, handsome tweeds. ALLIED CO-OPERATION Britain has supplied the United States with two of her newest inventions, the radiolocator and the astograph. HOW TO BUY A BOND Girt jont order to the Victory Loin itlesmin who calls on you or f lire it with inr brinch bank or trust comninr. You cm iIjo bur Bond through your employer for cash or on the Payroll Saving! J'lan. Or send your order to your locU Victory Loin lleidquirtert. Any one of thuf tienciei will he lad to ie you terr imstinct io completing your application. Bonds mar b bought in denomination! of $90, 1100, $300. J 1,000 god larger V. .jdiaaaaaaaaV! LOCAL ril-TH VICTORY LOAN HEADQUARTERS: 313 Third Avenue West Telephone No. 301 HI W ESS EREjfoeAhe dotted lines on whicM'm glad to; place myameftTome, to us all, it's theictoryliine. With my name and the names of all true Canadians on this line we can speed the Victory. Without a sufficient number of names on this line now, we can't have a speedier Victory. Our country needs more and more individual people signing on the Victory Line and buying more and more Victory Bonds. That is why I'm urging my family and all my friends and acquaintances to sign up and buy to their full limit. I'm buying Bonds two ways first with ready cash and then instalment buying out of current income. Iri the past I bought my home on the instalment plan today I'm buying Victory and my needs of the future in the same way. This way I can buy more Bonds and help bring our boys back in a shorter time. Therefore, you are urged too, to buy to your limit. Indeed, beyond your apparent limit in an all-out effort to help win the war in quicker time! Buy more and more Victory Bonds. SPCED THE VICTOR 5-25 NATJOJBJINANCE COMMITTEE, LOSSES LIGHT Of all the shipping that en tered the Mediterranean between November 8, 1942 and May 8, 1943, losses were less than 24 percent. Also available handy BOVRIL Bouillon CUBES fo add pep io soups, gravies, slews and left overs. Usa Bottled BOVRIL for sandwiches. PRINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd. PAQE THREE i YEARLY INCREASE In the first quarter of 1943, .he total output of completed aircraft In Britain was 55 per cent more than in the samr"' quarter in 1942. The rich beefy flavour of DOVRIL improves all meat dishes, such as shepherds pie, hot pot or meat loaf, using less meat and a little BOVRIL. An excellent addition to. macaroni and spaghetti. Mates delicious and nourishing sandwiches; spread thinly; delightful on hot buttered toash' Special Announcement ; TO OUR CUSTOMERS Due to new regulations placed, upon us by our wholesalers, and the shortage of certain commodities and the extra work caused by the rationing coupons, we are forced to go on a cash basis commencing Nov. 15. We hope that the change will not inconvenience you. We wish to continue serving you to the best of our ability. We thank you for your pationage of the past and trust you will support us in the future.. SEVENTH AVE. MARKET WHAT'S YOUR NEED? We have a very large stock of (Used and reconditioned) RUGS in all sizes and qualities RUNNER CARPET In many colours and widths O FURNITURE of most all descriptions: chairs, tables, chesterfield sets, etc. FLOOR LAMPS. ELECTRIC FIXTURES, etc. FOLDING AUDITORIUM CHAIRS, CARD TAULES ' 5000 THEATRE CHAIRS (all types), Counters, Shelves. etc.; Lunch Counter Stools and Tables . 7 ' BILLIARD TABLES, POOL TABLES Many articles too numerous to mention. Why not drop us a line. We may have Just the article you want. LA SALLE THEATRE EQUIPMENTS 945 Granville St., Vancouver, B.C. SPEED the VICTORY The little things we do at home . . , obeying the rationing regulations . . . doing without luxuries . . curtailing necessities . . skimping to buy bonds . . . these are not sacrifices. They are merely self-denial. The men who face the actual brunt of battle make the sacrifices. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage BRITISH COLUMBIA Dibb Printing Company CHRISTMAS CARDS' . N ow on Display Make Selections NOW for Overseas ill K Till) AY AND EVERYDAY CARDS WATERMAN'S- FOUNTAIN PENS Bcsnor Block,. 3rd Street Phone 234 i ti t ;