t an PAOE SDC Expert OPTICAL SERVICE VISIT OUR BASEMENT ....ORE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant Assuming, Shoes The in The largest you've seeing in s. complete too. shoes f WE V.V. Cut Rate Shoe Store MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED 5)6 THIRD AVENUE W. (across fiom Orrae's Drug) THE REX CAFE Now Operi for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. ?nd Ave. (across from Rupert Hotel) Phone '13 7 wlHHBHHHHHMHHBW JUST RECEIVED A Shipment of CHESTS OF DRAWERS AND DINETTE SUITES Speed the Victory, Buy Bonds Elio Furniture Store Third Avenue (Next the Daily News) Prince Rupert MEN'S Worl ing Boots PALMERS "MOOSE HEAD BRAND" 8 inch and 6 inch. GREB & STERLING Chrome and Mcri-nenite calf with double soles and solid throughout. Priced from $5.50 Shoe findings and arch supports. Family Shoe Store Ltd. The Home a 5 Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock. Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving yours For a Smarter Fall of course, your Fall come from Cut Rate Shoe Store THEY'RE HERE! selection of new shoe arrivals ever had the pleasure of Rupert. Fancy pumps, stylish step-ins and comfortable walking that still look dressy. ... A range of sizes and widths, INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. of Good Shoes" CFPR (1240 Kllocjclei) Schedule WEDNESDAY PJ1. :00 Cowboy Ramblers :30 Anita Boyer and Ivan Dit- mars. :00 Lone Ranger. :30 Sound off. 45 O. I. Jive. 00 CBC News. 05 Recorded 15 Are You a Genius? 30 Production Front 45 Sineins for Pleasure :00 Burns and Allen 30 Concert Orchestra 00 Fred Waring 15 Front Line Family 30 Personal Album 45 Melodv Roundun 00 Kay kyser 30 interview wun cnanes Rovpr 9: :35 Leicester Square 10 oo obu news 10: 05 Recorded Interlude 10: 15 Harry James 10: 30 Eventide 11: 00 Silent THURSDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45-CBC News 7:05 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Jan Garber's Orchestra 9:00 Musical Sketches 9:15 Richard Crooks 9:30 CBC News 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Friml Melodies 10:15 Consumer Service 10:30 Gene Autry 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Marimba Band PM. 12:00 March Time 12:30 Spotlight Bands 12:45 CBC News 12:50 Recorded Interlude 12:55 Program Resume 1:00 Rebroadcast Kay Kyser 1:30 Music for the Intermediate School 2:00 Silent USED FOR CENTURIES Soy beans have been used as food for centuries in the Far East. Fresh Local Raw and 1 Pasteurized MILK I VALENTIN DAIRY i PHONE 657 In the Kupreme Court of Brit Ik h Columbia In Probate In the Matter of the "Administration Act" and In the Matter of the Estate of Allien Ilebe (Otherwise known a (ienrce Albert lleebe) Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by order of I tig Honor, W. E. Fisher, made ori tbe 22nd day of October, A-P- 1943, I was appointed Attmlnltf-iifiwlit.h Will annexed) jf the Estate of At-ibert BeW (Ouhei -.l kiyitl as George Albert Beebe) deceased, and II on' havi'-T claims esilr the ia!d estate ere Jvareby required to furntrfa same, prcnerry verified, to me on or about the 22nd day ol November, AX). 1913, and all parties iVKiorea to tt.e E5 i3i ere requirsa ' 1 pay the amount of their indebt- rin to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, BX3, his 22nd day ot October, AD. 1943. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. Sht0,,coi.D Prvnt ezcesuVe heat lost bf closing window and doori promptly. t 'heat Crair thadta or drapes over window alt evening and night. Save up ro 10 on your fuel this way. TUB DAILT HEWS WEDKEfiDAY, ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT I nuum ii&c iu man it. ivir . Robertson who was in town re- his very kind donation towards ( mmforts for our bovs. It was unexpected and the gift of a Kindly neart. mans you, sir. There Is just one new service baby to report this week. Master Stuart Peter Watson was born on October 14 and weighed eight pounds Hi ounces on arrival Stuart's mother Is one of our English war brides, several of whom are now In Prince Ru- pert, and his daddy is Squadron ! 1 Leader J. D. watson, ruaf Congratulations Mum and Dad Althoueh it's almost two months away plans are going ahead for a big service children's Christmas party at the Navy Drill Hall. That's all I can tell you just now, folks, but the enthusiasm with which the Idea Is taking hold augurs well : for a real bang up party. I think ;they are sending signals, out o Santa Claus just now tQ&efC 'what date will suit him bestf Remember kiddies, any one ot you who has a daddy In the services Is very welcome. I understand from Cari.01ay. that the Highway dance scheduled for this Friday nightls cancelled because It will conflict with the Navy dance which had been postponed until this Friday. 4 The Service Wives' Club will meet this Thursday afternoon In the ladies' lounge at the "Y." All Services wives are very cordially welcomed as it Is by no means a closed membership. Remember Just a year ago we were all singing, humming and whistling 'White Christmas"? I don't know why I hever thought of It before but, what with summer being over and flowers very scarce, Jean Mel-vln and l. went out Saturday afternoon and brought in pine and spruce boughs and salal leaves to decorate the hut. I think they are even prettier than flowers although don't tell Mrs. Wlnslow and Chrlstel Braun I said so. BOXING AT ROAD CAMP "Ine .weekly entertainment in the spacious dining hall at Rayner'sj Camp on the Skeenc i .away1 drew a capacity crowd to enjoy a1 series of boxing contests staged by the entertainment committee. Two classy boys opened in the lightweight class, the Skeena Kid outpoint-ins the Tyee Thunderbolt In I three fast rounds, followed by the lightheavy from Skeena Stores and the Tyee, Mule Skin NUMBER OFPOLICIES Richard Sephton I The Mutual Life of Canada has announced that Mr. Richard Sephton of Bralorne again qualified for membership in the Quarter Million Club on his outstanding record in the Club Year recently closed. Mr. Sephton has the distinction of having sold more policies in the Club Year than any other representative In the Company's entire organization, and he ts 2nd Vice-President of the Club. QualifJcation for Club membership not' only requires the production of a large volume of business but also signifies a high quality of life insurance service. Mr. Sephton Is to be highly commended on his splendid achievement. ner in a four round no-declslon bout. Teabone Kelly and Two-Tone Joe Ferln gave a fast exhibition to a draw and the comedy event of the evening between Doc Church of Skeena and the Tyee champion pf the Golden Oloes nearly resulted In p. knockout for the referee. Aleck Chisholm, who awaided the decision to himself. HIGH FOOD VALUE Cotton ,see3 lis Dilglj hi pro-? tein and vitamin B. OIL BURNERS CLEANED HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE I Black 735 221 Seventh Ave. West "Largest Organization of Its kind In the World" Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association JOHN LLOYD WRIGHT Resident Representative Pioneer Rooms No. 6 1 67 3rd Ave. P.O. Box 952 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 741 and I will gladly call HIT COMEDY IS SHOWING Heralded as on? of the comedy hits of the year. "They Got which comes to the Capitol Theatre this Thursday. Friday and Saturday, revolves about the side-splitting efforts of a discredited American foreign correspondent to redeem himself by exposing an enemy spy ring in the nation's capital. The Moscow correspondent for a news agency did not believe the Germans were invading Russia 6ut thought that troops marching past his office were merely parading in honor of his birthday. So Bob is summoned home and fired. Deeply hurt he goes to Washington to see his girl who is with the news agency there. He becomes involved in his efforts to get the sensational Inside story on spying and sabotaging activities. The girl Is kidnapped by the members, of a spy ring and Bob is plunged Into a dizzy and hilarious whirl of adventures culminating in an exciting climax. Gaiety and laughs alternate with thrills In .the picture the supporting cast of which includes Lenorc Aubret, a talented new find, Otto Preminger, Edward Glannelll, Donald Meek Philip Ahn, members of the spy group; Marlon Martin, as a blonde charmer; Donald Mac-Bride as Bob's hot-tempered boss; John Abbott, as a mysterious agent, and Phyllis Ruth, as a kidnappped stenographer, as well as Walter Catlett. Florence Bates and Frank Sully. SAVE 0!l SHAVES With Minora Blades! Minora outlaitj ordinary double-edged razor blades. It's the qualify Made In the low-price field. T 4 rirruA MATnn JlALLIlM mUlUK TRANSPORT G. L. Brookes, Mgr. - r . 21-ltonr Taxi. Service A- - ' Trucking of all kinds Bus Service to Airport Special Charter Free Parcel Checking Room Public Waiting and Rest Rooms fox Men and Women P.O. Box, 101, Terrace frc VoUproperly Study these la It Get your FREE copy from your fuel dealer. This booklet 'shows you how to avoid having a chilly home this winter. MS1 STOP COAL WASTE Coal is the backbone o our entire war effort. Every ton is precious and is needed to help speed victory. You can do your part to meet the emergency by budgeting your coal pile . ... by practising the conservation methods outlined in the free booklet illustrated at the right. Sate cue tctt foffite mi I cotlSV " I n too" Complete Shows at 1;00, 2 56, 5:00, 7:05,9:10 Feature at 1 21 3 26, 5:31, 7 36, 9.41 MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the city three tlmci ircI (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion IS REAL WAR phoney war. The Canadian Armj of the fight. The only way we the field of battle If ph.'i!ca:'.j 18 and 45 you are ellsible for which ls still an cntlrrij Army Recruiting Office today. This Ls not a is In the thick cart win is on fit and between the Active Army, volunteer Army. Villi your, nearest Don't delay, Ormes fm THE REXALL STORE ltd. Pioneer Druqgiatx PHONES 1 M1 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays, from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 I Yes, IT IS EARLY s-t runny not HP If fQ ON THl JAM! ruo March of Time pnqj "airways to rucr Canadian Paramount Xt 1 CAPiTOl For 'Xnfls! Shopping you 1 r,.. .o nree gift as so buy ycui as possiDie- . Conditions are un usual tnis iw- Scloctlon and ( vice will nflt goovi later. DEADLINE FOB 1 We have a selection of over- ana seas gw Am The Variety Store If you lose anything advprtise for i1