SDAY OCTOBER 27, 1943 nged Victory n 1943 Wodel XT youth, rinf? the Ami of pitting wingi, is help. ,w bring bout Victorr, ..7 BISCUITS fM tONPON, tNOlANP 1DAY FOR MOSQUITOS Is. Supplies of cltrbnslla tut off when Japan seized astern tropics. DRIVE UPON SQUANDERING Gnome No Longer Point to Evils of Extravagance in Britain. By ALLAN NICKLESON Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON, Oct. 27 O No one would have considered It possible, but the Squander. Bug, an ubiquitous villain who looks like he Devil, has become a national pet in Britain. To say the least, It's to a select committee on thrift which strove to reveal the Squander Bus In his true, fifth-columnist role. So, the Bog's character will be changed to make him more menacing in the hope he will really rate as a slimy creature instead of a war- Umemascot. , Designed as t symbolic tempter towards frivolous spending, this paunchy hobgoblin with the short hovns and forked tall wormed himself into the hearts ot the people. Children love him. hi amuses :hc elders and Is the subject of music-hall Jokes. No one admit publicly to parenthood of Squander Bug, whose body Is covered with swastika markings. He was a Joint effort, placed at the dis posal of the National Savings ing leer and a flattering man-Committee, representative of tier. Wanted also for the crime some of Britain's best advertis- of Shoppers' Disease, ing brains which assists govern- It was last November that ment departments In publicity, sir Harold Mackintosh, then "The Bug U something that vice-chairman now chairman of must be despised and trampled the National Savings Committee, on," a savings official said, sought a new idea to underline Hence the impending change in the necessity of savings. In par- tils appearance." tlcular he aimed at reaching In newspaper advertisements, the class of people who now posters and on billboards earn more money than they did throughout the country, the Bug before the war, such as many ot appears as always tempting peo- those In munition work. The pie to spend their money fool- sharp-toothed Bug emerged as lshly, and on luxuries and other , the answer. v non-essentials, when they should invest it in Savings Certificates to aid ihe war effort. A handbag, the savings committee claims, is the diabolical fellow's favorite breeding ground. Nice crisp banknotes make htm ravenous and the public is asked to starve him through turning extra money into War Savings Stamps. Posters Police-Style When the Bug first appeared he spelled his name as one word Ar a villain, the Bug hit the skids this summer. In a London stage hit he was the theme of a gag that never failed to rock the hoiiro. That was when a straight man emerged as a Dickensian character and a "stooge" planted in a box seat cried "You look like the Squan der Bug." A I,ondon newspaper cartoon had readers chuckling. Under the heading "Scotched" it showed a bedraggled, perplexed Squanderbug, alias Hitler's I gander Bug leaning against a name for emphasis came later. V" "r ",c , He was sought out then as a foul fellow with posters printed in police -styl as: plana tlon: "he lodt his morale in Dundee." "Wanted for Sabotage: The; GREAT OCEAN CONVOYS Sqquanderbug, alias Hutler's 1 British ocean convoys totalled Pal. Known to be at large in 125,000,000 ship-miles lh" the certain parts of the Kingdom, first three years of war. This Is Usually found in the company equivalent to 6,000 times around useless art!?'.cs. Has a tempt- the world. THE DAILY TEWS PAGE FTVE Canada at War 25 Years Ago I Oct. 26, 1918 The 3rd and 1th British armies extended :heir advance beyond the Olse and the Scheldt rivers taking T.000 prisoners. Allies opened n offensive on a wide front in North Italy. NOTED KITCHEN CLOSED VALETTA Oi Malta's famous Victory kitchens" communal kitchens where all classes of the population were served during the seige have been closed. VYTTVTYYTvr?vYVvrYVVvvv t FOR SALE H FRESH SHRIMPS Daily 4 o'clock. Z Boat "Mats." Llpsett's Dork 2 sAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. CALL I LEO OYER ::! High Class Decorating , , and Paperhanging , , Red 395 867 Borden St. "THE BLOODIEST PORTION OF THIS WAR. ..LIES AHEAD Of US"-Cnurchi1 Do you honestly believe you're doing your full share ? tell that are doing all can to Perhaps you can truthfully yourself you you Jtt help win this war ... all day ... every day. f& But if you arc one of the many Canadian women who have not yet found a vital place in the Victory plan, here is your opportunity to play a full and thrilling part. The toughest battles arc still to be fought and now, more than ever, women arc needed in the Navy, Army and Air Force. The men are needed in the front line. In the uniform of your country you'll share that feeling of pride that cornea with doing your utmost. You owe it to your country. . . and to your menfolk ... to help win the war and win it quickly. Women are Urgently Needed! Enlist Now! 1 v4i WRCNS CWAC . RCAF Women'. Royal Canadian Naval Service Canadian Women's Army Corpa Royal Canadian Air Fore s National Johnny's SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) tVTVTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVV NERVES cause pain and symptom effects, regardless of name, designated as . . . irouDie, uis-ease, or, dis order. ' To correct and orevent count less electrical terminal effects of cause unknown or known, Power Companies recognize tne advantages In dividends of money spent on maintenance of Power Lines. Likewise. Chirnnractle Is "Ser vice and Maintenance" of nerve Power-Lines. Trunk "POWER" Lines between brain-generator and nerve terminal enecu. DR. J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR has opened new offices la the Smith Block to, care for the growing number recognizing In health' dividends the distinct l and unusual advantages of vital "Power" Service. A A AAA AAA AAA A A A A A AAA AAA A A SERVICE SELECTIVE A WORD OF CAUTION TO MEN OF MILITARY AGE AND TO THEIR EMPLOYERS National Selective Service Civilian Regulations authorize the Minister of Laimur to require that, male employees furnish their employers with evidence that they have not failed to "'. comply with National Selective Service Mobilization Regulations (i.e., the Military Call-Up). It is intended that an order will be issued shortly, requiring employers to carry out the necessary check on their male ' employees, and to report any men who do not produce the required evidence of compliance. The check up will cover every male employee who has reached the ape of 18 years and six months and has not reached his 311th birthday. The man will have to show evidence in one of the following forms: (a) A man discharged from I lie Arrant Forces following service during the present war should have liia discharge certificate. A discharged man who has not a certificate should apply for one in the following manners Army District Officer Commanding, Military lilttrict in which ditcharge took place. Air Record Office, R.C.A.F. Head, quarter, No. S Temporary Ruilding, Ottatca, Ont. ft'ary Secretary of Naval Board, Ottaica, Ont. (b) A man who has responded to a direction from a Registrar of a Divisional Mobilization Iloard, to report for medical' examination under Mobilization Regulation, should have either a cert Hit-ate of unfitness or an order for postpone men! of military training from the Divisional Registrar. (A man entitled to either document who has lost his copies should Immediately apply to the. Divisional Registrar who Issued the original, Tor a duplicate.) (c) A man who ha leen rejected on application for voluntary enlistment tn the Army since the heginning of the war, should have a certificate showing that he was rejected through medical unfitness. (If a 'man entitled to such a certificate does not possess it, he should apply tn the District Military Head-quarters of the District in which lie applied for enlistment, in order to procure the necessary form.) (d) A man in the designated classes whohas not reached his 38th hirthday, w ho was married as at July 15th, 1940, or who, having been married before that date, Is a widower with children, must be prepared to furnish evidence, such as a marriage certificate or ltirlh certificate of a child, to show that he was married before July 15th, 1910, and that he is now either married or is a widower with children. (e) A man who has reported for enrolment in the Army under an Order Military Training issued under the Mobilization Regulations and who has licen rejected should have a certificate allowing he was rejected through medical unfitness. If a man entitled to such certificate does not possess it, he should apply to the District Officer Commanding the Military District in which he was rejected. (f) CO A man who is not subject to the Mobilization Regulations because he is an enemy alien who has not made application for naturalization may obtain a certificate from a registrar of liis Divisional Mobilization Iloard indicating that the Mobilization Regulation do not apply to him and such certificate)! must be obtained by all sueh enemy aliens I (U) A man who is an alien and neither a rfational of jlielgium, Czechoslovakia, The Netherlands, .Norway, Poland, the United States nor Yugoslavia and has not applied for naturalization may he relieved of his duty under Mobilization Regulations, hut he gives up his right to future Canadian citizenship after the war) where such men have applied for. such relief and been granted such status, certificates will be issued by registrars in appropriate rases. This caution is, issued to facilitate compliance with the ordtr which is proposed. A reasonable interval will be allowed to permit men to provide themselves with whatever document, as referred to above, they may be entitled to hold. Employers are requested to give notice of this proposal to their mule employees, to facilitate the operation qf the order uheri issued. IIUMI'IIKKY MITCHELL' Miniiter of Labour WWYYTTTV TTT7TTTTTTTTT . . E Monf Mo Af nitti itiv i si p if lurttnj vv A. MacNAMAKA Director, National Selective Service A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. e. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Rupertla "Wave Crest" Mattress, 4-6 only, all .white- cotton $29.50 Ostermoor Mattress, all white cotton, 4-6 only $29.50 Deep-Sleep Spring filled units $61.50 Beauty-Rest Spring filled units $71.00 Restmore No. 1 Spring filled units . $61.00 Rip-Van Winkle Spring filled units $56.00 Slumber King Spring filled units : $52.50 These Mattresses and spring filled sleep units are nationally advertlsednd very dependable for real sleep and comfort. We recommend them. Send your order in by mail, we can ship at once. Phone 775 Let us give you... 327 3rd Ave. XMAS PERM Our PERMS are hard to BEAT Annette 'Powell Beauty Shoppe 4th Street (Across from Post Office) WM-a - . .l 1 i at Phone Blue 917 s - t '