PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGINQ EDITOR LOCAL ADVERTISING Transient, per Inch Contract, per Inch Readers, per line Black Pace Readers, per line Business and Professional cards inserted daily, per month, $1.00 ... 50c -25c -40c per inch ! $2.50 MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to use for publication of all news despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press in this paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein "are also reserved. DAILY EDITION Monday, January 4, 1943 EDITORIAL Shortages and Control . . . One of the most obvious features of the economic situation in the past year has been the development of an ever-widening circle of shortages and a consequent marked intensification of the pressure upon civilian industry. Throughout 1942, the expanding war effort has necessitated increasingly sharp and direct curtailment of civilian goods and services and, as the end of the year approached, there were signs that piece-meal methods would necessarily be supplemented by more widespread and co-ordinated measures. It is no mystery why shortages have developed and spread, and why more arid more direct controls over civilian industry have been needed and carried out. Fundamental are the tremendous demands particularly upon North American industry -of the desperate battles conducted literally in the four quarters of the globe, and of the preparations for the offensive toward victory which is now in its initial stages; At the same time that war output has been expanding sharply, the problem of overseas supplies of many important raw materials already serious because1 of events in the Pacific has been intensified by shipping losses and by the need for ships to traverse the long military supply lines. For Canada, an additional factor is the greater difficulty of filling her import needs from the United States, as that country's own war production increases by leaps.arid bounds.. Meanwhile, shortages have-spread from material to material, as producers adopted substitutes arid the substitutes in turn became scarce. The cUttirtg-bff of supplies from the Pacific was responsible for a marked deceleration of this "normal" wartime trend. The loss of tin, hemp, silk, and numerous vegetable oils for instance greatly increased the demands upon steel and the non-ferrous metals, other textile fibres, and domestic oils. The loss of rubber brought a chain of repercussions which is far-reaching, and affects not only a host of civilian manufactured goods but aggravates the burden on the railways and municipal transport systems. These growing scarcities of materials' account many of the past year's numerous control orders stricter allocation of steel and non-ferrous metals, for the the banning of production of many more civilian durable goods, the curtailment of aericultural-implement output the close control over civilian construction. At the same time, apart from these "specific shortages, there has been a rapid development of those over-all shortages of labor, of power, and of transport facilities which result from the swift tempo arid increasingly all-out mobilization of the economic svstem. Government controls in these fields have multiplied. Indeed, it is these scarcities, and particularly those of labor and of power, which provide the chief reasons for the fijrther and broader curtailment that appears to be in prospect. In short, the events of 1942 illustrate how much more disturbing are the adjustments which become necessary as the war effcyt approaches its peak. To get the last 100.-000 workers for war industry, or the second last 100,000 h.p. of electric power, is infinitely more difficult than to obtain the preceding requirements of equal size. Focal points of shortage become more acute and numerous, as reserves of labor and materials dwindle and automatic adiustments and shifts become fewer and fewer. The resulting fundamental transformations in civilian indnstrv and in the civilian way of life are the price of an all-out war effort. The business that permits' its good name to fade in the public mind for lack of current advertising is not only throwing dway an asset that has been costly to build, but is building that wall of scepticism in the path of its post-war progress. A Beauty Parade ... In any beauty parade, well bet on out New Year Wishes for happiness and good health to win the trophy as the most beautiful of all sentiments. SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON Violet Mali Cor. Cth and Fulton Phone Blue 943 for Appointments ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y'.W.CA. By DOROTHY gArbutt, Hostess Ever since I've come to these parts, and it will be Seventeen months corrie Candlemas day, I've wanted to meet a real indiari Princess. And I did the other day pretty as a picture she was, old "Chief Trainwhistle's" daughter. They call her "Toots.J' One aspect of our Y work that Is very heartening is the help thai, we get from unexpected quarters from the quiet people. For instance last night when I came in from supper I found a young woman and her five months old baby waiting for me. They had come in from the East on the afternoon train and had been there two or three hours as I had been out in the afternoon. The address of the place to which she was to have gone proved to be a "phony" and to get the right one she had to wait until Monday when her husband could come in from the forts and look Up some friend. It was all very complicated all except the simple fact that she and the baby had to have a room. I was told that the hotels had been contacted with no result but I took ' a chance and phoned my good friend Sing at the Prince Rupert. I knew he would help us and he did and it wasn't the first time those in charge at that hotel have responded to an appeal of mine. They recognize that my cries come from desperation, only after all others have failed because I know they are too busy to be Imposed upon unnecessarily. When I phoned for a taxi after fixing it up at the hotel I was surprised at the driver's Interest In the situation and found that he had brought the woman and baby to the Y after taking them all around town to find the' elusive address. He was as relieved as any of us when she was settled. So, boys, don't think the people of Prince Rupert haven't a heart. This little story Is Just one of dozens that crop up every week but you don't hear, about them because the persons behind the headlines don't talk. It's deeds not words with them. LOCAL MAN ISWINNER Ole Itollag Shows His Prowess in Rifle Shooting MONTREAL, Jan. 4 Among the members of the first All-Canadian All-Star Indoor Rifle Team recently announced from the headquarters of the Canadian Small Bore Association in Montreal are four marksmen from British Columbia three hailing from Vancouver and one from Prince Rupert. This team represents the highest shooting ability in the Dominion and is composed of twenty members. Only those vibp have shot a minimum of 1200 points Indoors during the last two years are eligible. James A. Irvine of the C.N.R.A., Vancouver, leads the field with a nearly' perfect 99.833 percent. Irvine also won the Canadian Outdoor Championship this year as well as being the a member of tha team that won the Herbert Holt Trophy in 1941. James E. Webb, also of the C.N.R.A., Vancouver, is fourth on the team with the high percentage of 99.667. He, too, was a member of the" team winning the Herbert Holt Trophy in 1941. Ole Rollag, another member of the same club, and formerly of Prince Rupert, placed eighth with a percentage of 99.606 points to his credit. Bill Brass, the fourth B.C. member of the All-Star team, halte from Prince Rupert, where he is a member of the C.N.R.A. Brass is an old hand at shooting and placed 12th on the team. NATIVES OF AFRICA. The natives of South Africa fall Into three main divisions, known respectively as Bushmen, Hottentots and Bantu. SAVOY HOTEL Carl ZarellL Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT TUB DAILY NEWS MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1943 LADIES' s BOWLING i Schedule for Second Half of Season is Announced The second half of the Ladies' Bowling League, schedule is announced as follows: , January 2 Rangers vs. Lucky Strikes Knox Hotel vs. Savoy Swingers Bluebirds vs. Amateurs Optimists vs. Nursing Sisters Big Sisters vs. Annettes 12 Knox Hotel vs. Annettes Amateurs vs. Nursing Sisters Bluebirds vs. Rangers Big Sister vs7 Savoy Swinges Optimists vs. Lucky Strikes 19 dptiaitsts, vs. Savoy Swingers Nursing Sisters vs. Lucky Strikes Big Sit,ers vs. Amateurs Knox Hotel vs. Rangers Bluebirds vs. Annettes Commission Won by Prince Rupert Boy Joseph nlllis of this City Becomes Lieutenant at Shilrt, Manitoba Joseph Glllls, who was born and brought up in Prince Rupert, being the" son of Mr. and Mrs. Jdseph Oil-lis; hew on service with the Royal Canadian Artillery at Shllo Camp, Manitoba, has just received his commission as a lieutenant, according to word received, by hL parents BUILDING FOR YEAR Total Value for 1943 Was Nearly Half Million Dollars Building permits at Prince Rupert for the year 1943 "aggregated $495,690 in value as compared with" $147,543 in the yea: 1941. Permits for the month of December Just ended amounted to but $380. Building here during the past year consisted more and more of construction In connection with the war effort and hutch of the official list comprised Wartime Housing orojertJ. Much of the straight defense building has not b;eri officially recorded. Private toulldlrig suffers increasingly from the shortage of labor and materials. In December oniy two permits were taken out ds follows: J. O. Jackson, Ninth Avenue West, addition to" residence, $350. R. ilaugen, Taylor Street, porch; 130. ,ittle Girl Dies Here On Saturday Three and Half Tear Old Daughter Of Mr .and Mrs; Aldtgaii Passes Loretta May Morgan,, three-and-one-half year old daughter- ofMr. - - i.Vr-. xi, r. Morgan, died at her parents' home In the Exchange ' . 1 1 -d Avenue West, on Saturday evening. Just Arrived SHIPMENT OF COTTON FELT MATTRESSES Ail Sizes ELIO'S FURNITURE Third Avenue Canadian National Railways f IttlNS FOR THE EAST WILL LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 7 p.m., stopping at all stations. WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, 10:30 a.m., stopping at principal points. LOCAL TRAIN for TERRACE DAILY except Sunday, 4:15 p.m. INCOMING TRAINS WILL ARRIVE PRINCE RUPERT: -TUESDAY. FRIDAY AND SUNDAY, 10:30 p.m. THURSDAY and SATURDAY, 7 p.m. LOCAL TRAIN from TERRACE, 11:20 .m. Daily except Sunday. AIR CONDITIONED SLEEPINO AND DINING CARS ON ALL TRAINS REGULAR STEAMER SAILINGS TO KETCHIKAN, OCEAN FALLS AND VANCOUVER For full Information, etc., call or write R. S. GREIO, City Passenger Agent 528 Third Avenue, Phone 260, Prince Rupert, Agents for Trans-Canada Air Lines Mil IigfefJ i r .1 1 i il w i'j.iI i'3 AT CITY HALL TELEPHONE 1)0 Personnel of Local Ration Hoard Chairman: Mr. W. M; Watts. Secretary: Miss A. A. Wratliall. Members: Mis: N; E. Arnold, Mrs. J, Tens, H. A. Brcen. F. Nlcholls, Pdrcy A. Bond. ' 'oUrs f Business: 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.; 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. V Territory Under Admiiustratiosi Amsbury? Arranflale, Bilimor, Carlisle Cannery, Caspaco, Claxton Cannery, Exstew, itaysi port, Inverness, Jap Inlet, Kincolith, Kwinltsa, Metlakatla, Mill Bay, North Pacific Oceanic Cannery, Oona River; Oslami, Prircher Island, Port Edward, Port Essington, Port Simpson, Prince RUpert, Remd, Salvus; Shames, Skcena City, Sunnyside, Tyee, Wales Island. . Georgetown. . This Board has been established to facilitate the settlement or adjustment of the ration problems of people residing in the district defined above. The object is to ensure that restrictions made necessary by war are ' , applied with maximum effectiveness, minimum inconvenience and equal fairness to all consumers and suppliers. The basic reason for all H rationing is to assure a fair division of available supplies to everyone. Serving voluntarily on the Board are local citizens representative of the people' of this district, and able to bring an intimate knowledge of local conditions to this new wartime task. fit the local Ration Ecard's- offices you can get full information on all aspects of consumer rationing, and prompt adjustment of special problems, such as what to do in the event of loss or ddmage of your ration" book.. . . whether extra rations are allowed for special purposes . ... and other matters announced from time to time. Vf 7aAe jull adoantat oj tAu ieuUce ' dtablult&d jpi uaul caaueniencc Co-operate with your fellow citizens who are giving their time to your problems I ' . LRB 1 1 ' " ' I '