PAOirniREE. THE DAILY NEWS: MONDAY, JANUARY 4, 1943 "Builds n.C. Payrolls" The Demand , i Increases Hi, Thi fact that the demand for Pacific Milk rises makes us waht to write about It. Feasting Is a great Joy and, even If some of . u?are half kilfed from over eating, we like the fun of It anyhow. But you can't use too much Pacific Milk. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed J. L. Curry (tale of Yukon) Chiropractor iVestllolme Rooms Major A. S. Parkes, local recruiting officer, is due back from Vari-couver and Victoria where he has be?n spending his annual furlough. Esnrma CANADA TILLIE THE TOILER LOCAL NEWS NOTES A We Dav rhfth f rr fnrU-- stoves; tools, musical Instruments. van or write Ello's, Prince Rupert. Lieut. t. p. Lyons, after d two week's visit at his home here on leave,. left Saturdav niirhf nii vii. return td his duties at Victtirla. Lieut. Orme Stuart, after spending three weeks here In the coiirs? of an exterided leave from his naval duties, left Saturday night for Victoria Week of Prayer Jan. 4-8, Monday 8 p.m., First Presbyterian Church. Speaker: Rev. M. B. Anderson. Miss Patricia Nichols left night on her return td her 'school studies in Victoria after spending the Christmas' and New Year holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Nichols. Miss Kay Murray R. N. left Saturday night oh her return to Yakima, Washington, where she is an instructress in nursing at the hospital training school,' after spending the Christmas and New Year holiday season visiting here With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Murray, Jack Chan and Paul Potter are leaving tomorrow for Vancouver. Sergeant J. Gilchrist of the local recruiting office left at the end of the week for "Vancouver to spind his annual furlough. Lieut. Col. O. C. dswelt, who is to" be active commaridlrig officer of the local machine gun reserve imlt, wlil be the speaker at the weekly luncheon of thtf Prince Rupert Gyro Club oh Wednesday of this week. Local school teachers, who have been spending the Christmas and New Year season in Vancouver and elsawhere in the south, returned td the city last night to be on hand I for the'reopening of school today. Duncan McRae, after spending the Christmas and New Year holi day season at home here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D .C. McRae, left Saturday night on his return to his studies at the University-of British Columbia in Vancouver, Rdbert Murray, who pleaded guilty recently to mutilating a holly tree In Falrvlew Cemetery, Is appearing before Magistrate W. D. Vance in city police court tomorrow I morning for sentence. In the obtaining of the? marriage license . . . tiifc rusfi of preparation ... the celebration of the marriage" ... do not forget that you are required by law to notify the National Registration authorities about the happy event The bride changes her name . . . often both the bridi and the groom change their address. Also, when any registered person moves at any time from one address to another, he or she is required by law to notify the National Registration authorities about the new address. Every person in Canada, 16 years of age and over, unless exempted in writing, must be registered. It is a patriotic duty to comply with the National Registration regulations. You will avoid substantial penalties by doing so. Every person, so registered, who afterwards marries or changes his or her address must report within 14 days to the Chief Registrar for Canada. All registered persons are required by law to have their registration certificates in their immediate possession at all times. You may be required to product your registration certificate, by the proper authorities, at any time. Every duly registered person whose registration certificate has been lost, destroyed; worn out or defaced, should obtain a duplicate certificate. (Necessary forms and instructions for this purpose may be. obtained from any Postmaster in Canada.) HUMPHREY MltCHELL. Mlniiter ol labour, Ottawa Rev. Canon W. F. Riishbrobk; fol lowing a major operatlori, was suf ficiently recovered at the end of the week to leave the Prince Rup ert General Hospital for hii Home at Ahm Cottage on Overlook Street. PhlliD Komeluki. the" lorie Inebri ate who was rounded up oh New Yearns Eve, he having "passed out" on the street, was fined $25, with option of seven 'days' imprison ment, by Magistrate w. D. Vance on Saturday. Oilier celebrants who were a little' hilarious took the hint of police officers and removed themselves from public. There were no cases In police court this morn ing after" a fairly quiet week-end. IF YOU HAVE SOKE THROAT do to toll.. let some Vlckj VapoRub melt In your mouth. See how quickly it eases discomfort... relieves raspy throat WICKS irritation, fry it. f VapoRub Leading Airwoman Lillian Crox-ford arrived in the cltyon Saturday afternoon from Brantford, Ontario, where she is stationed with the Royal Canadian Air Force, Women's Division, to spend leave with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A J. Croxford, Seventh Avenue East. FOR QUICK RESULTS TRY A NEWS WANT ADD. Mil Tfitity i. , 1 1 1 -t u i ,u 'rt-uft- duoKE'.S 1 1 .1 I 3BFnrTNcvj cookie n I JR. IT'S IT'S V 'X&Z? rtBTTNfi TO BE A jJLLJJ-i Hi OOESNI'T APPEAL' THAT J "MSS JONBSl-i NiUlSANlCG U- QQH 0 7tX BUT SHE HAa COOKIE MR. C-Ut LUSHES 'PHONED . ff7 HK I A HEART OF 30LD T8' POUSAUC flX . ME THREE iciAt ill rr lr STOPPtti auicniT COLONIAL REPUBLIC Portugal's colonies contain 26 times more territory than the mother country and have 13,000,-000 inhabitants. (Classified advertising is payable cash in advance. No charges. FOR SALE FOR SALE Will trade farm incen- trdl Alberta for house in Prince Rupert. Apply P.O. Box .1304, city. HELP WANTED WANTED Part time housewbrk.l Apply Box 419 Daily News. WANTED Male or female sales clerk for store at Premier, Wages $100 per month. Apply VIC AM17 Unemployment Insurance Commission. (5) WANTED Teacher for Dlgby Island rural school. Salary $100 per month. Apply Secretary. Dodge Cove, via Prince Rupert, B.C. (306J WANTED ELDERLY man wants to rent quiet and warm room. Apply Box 420 Daily News. WANTED House. Would share. Phope LAC. Wright. Officers' MesS. Seal Cove. (8) $20 reward for small furnished house, apartment or housekeeping room. Prince Rupert Hotel. Ask for Mrs. Arbuekle. (8) WANTED Electric Washer In Al condition. State price etc. to Box I 418 Daily Kews. 2r RESPECTABLE young couple, no children, non-drinkers or smoK-.ers, desire living quarters. Apply Box 417 Daily News. (5) WANTED Business couple wants one, two or three rooms. Appiy Box 416 Daily News. (305). ROOM AND BOARD BOARD and room for men shar ing. 718 Fraser Street. FOUND FOUNT) Small puppy. Owner may have Information by applying to Dally News and paying for this LOST LOST Gold wrist bracelet "R. T. Morgan V-36387." Return H.M.C. S. Chlgnecto (5) LOST Black and white cocker spaniel puppy, wearing red leather collar with brass studs. Last seen at Royal Hotel. Finder please phone Blue 285. (7) LOST Boy's bicycle at skating pond, Section 2. Will party who took it by mistake please return to 2045 Graham Ave. or phone any information regarding It to Green 104. 31 r nfiTninrk leather wallet co'n- taining money ana important Pinder mav keen half cash but please leave papers at Daily News Office. (3J LOST Bunch of keys tied with green ribbon. Finder please leave at Daily News. (3)' LOST Gas ration coupon book, licence No. 30061. Return td Kaien Hardware. Reward. (4) LOST Black fountain pen, gold bands. For information apply to Daily News. D By WESTOVER Tpt LAW MDJU I -VHE GOVERNMENT -i mot nt Card of Thanks Would the many friends who, during my recent Illness, sent flowers, card, notes, delicacies, etc., kindly accept this card of thank in lieu of personal Gratefully yours, W. P. RUSHBRCiOk. Leading Airwoman jiiin arrived In the city on Saturday A tl Annr.r ' t rXv T 'otKVirM era VttW6vC 1 she Is stationed with the Royal Canadian Air Force, Women's Divi sion, to spend leave with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameron, Overlook Street. liquor And autos Of 40,000 persons killed In UJ3. automobile accidents in 1941, 8,000 of them were found to have .been drinking. jlhhcuHcetnehtA All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. L. O. L. meeting every Monday. Oddfellows Hall. All Orangemen are welcome. Sons of Norway Invitation Dance Jan. 7, Oddfellows' Hall. Tickets from members. Cambraf Snowball Frolic. Jan. 22 Oddfellows' Hall. A Help Norway Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Jan. 29. K2- WE CAKKY Everything For THE WORKING IAN It wllf pay you to come In and look over our large stock of Woollen Goods. B.C Clothiers PHONE BLACK 324 Third Avenue NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PROP. "A Home Away From Dome" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot Si Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281. P.O. Box 1S8. FOR 1943 Standard Pocket Diaries Standard Office Diaries Ideal Calendar Refils Ideal Calendar Stands 1943 TIDE TABLES Pacific Coast I I 25c hi Prince Rupert Harbor . . . 10c w oMoSesM COMPLIMENTS Of THE SEASON To All Our Friends arid Customers Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" If you lose anything, advertise for it. 4