it: i It. y .auk rotfR THB DAILY NEWS J rj '; 111 THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue Q. A. HUNTER. MANAGING EDITOR . DAILY EDITION jfifc. Monday. September 13, 1943 rince Edward Island,. . . The little island province of Prince Edward Island .5 going to the polls today in a general provincial lection. Prince Edward island is a long way from lere but the contest there will have some measure f interest for political observers generally even hough the Co-operative Commonwealth, Federation, vhich has been cutting such a swath throughout he country lately, may not be very fully represented. The' C.C.F. has yet to break very seriously into the loliticai picture of the Maritimes but recent events n Ontario and Quebec have indicated progress in hat direction by the Socialist party. Though the Liberal government's mandate was lot duerto expire until, next year, the calling of a .93 general election took no one by surprise in Prince Edward Island.-' Both the major political parties for months had )een getting . their battle lines drawn for the contest. mi -iTl j Ml il i L T me u.u.r., sun in me iormauon siae uie ;jH sland 'province, had not put up anv candidate" h-m 'ore trie election date announcement but the third- i jarty group quickly swung into action. f ii .... C il-- i . noui tne opposition groups were cnucai oi. inu ',f&y,vay tr)6 election was called., Opposition Leader W. J. P. JEacMillan, drawing attention to the time be- ;ween dissolution and voting day, declared the gov-jrnmenj: was "trying for a sna.o verdicts allnwino; inly the time provided by law to discuss their unsavory! record." For 'the C.C.F., Provincial Secretary Douglas Mc-iFarlant charged the election had been called at this ,time to -"prevent the C.C.F. from getting: a start." IT (afAoraA fViQ nulnnmo nf f l-- n I ; ' ( election where the C.C.F. made big strides had V ! ;! : . ,precipitated this election. Premier Jones, who took office only last May, ' retorted that it was usual for a new oremier to seek ; . a mandate and lay his policies before the people. Also. 1 ; he. declared, three by-elections would have to be held r;iii anyTcase, and these would cause "almost as much f-disturbance" as a general contest, which would have ,, to be held early in 1944 anyway. We want you to . . . OOK OUR WEST and we are sure we can please you with one of our lovely Permanents A n n e tie P o w e I I Beauty Shoppe I n 4th. Street (Across from Post Office). Phone Blue 917 THE REX CAFE WilIRe open for Business Wednesday, Sept. 15th ' Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2, a.m. - 2nd Ave (across from Kupert Hotel) Phone 173 NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS A-Tax Sale for deliquent Taxes on City Lots will bfe held in the Council Chambers, Cl'y Hall, Prince Kupert, B.C., at 10 a.m., September 30th, 1943. ; Property on. which 1941 taxes are owing will be spld .unless paid before September 30th, 1943, ,: ' F. VICKERS, Collector. Used Furniture ' 4-I'IECE BEDROOM SUITE. Consists of Bed Ends, Chiffonier, Vanity and Bench $65.00 ! 6-PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE Consists of Extension Table, 4 Chairs and Buffet ... $G5.00 "ELIO FURNITURE STORE T.ilrdjAvenue (Next to Dally News) Prince Rupert AMERICANS WIN GAME Only One Run in Inter-Service Softball League Playoff. With Southworth on second, and one game in the first halt of the seventh, Americans' Ambrose hammered a long double into leit field and Southworth thundered into pay dirt with the winning and only run of the game in service softball last night. The contest, which was played between the Air Force Flyers and Port Edward. Americans, as part of the Inter-Service playoffs, was closely fought and, like Monday night's struggle, had all the earmarks of going into extra Innings. Up to the seventh, it was practically a case of three men up three men down. The Flyers had a glorious chance to score in the fourth (when. Whittaker and, Volsky GOLD SEAL Fancy lied Sockeye Salmon and Herring in Tomato Sauce are both on active service but will be back on your grocer's shelf soon -as conditions permit. opened with singles. OXeary followed with a hopping grounder to Southworth at short who .attempted to force Whittaker at third. But third sacker Ketch-mark interfered with the runner and home umpire Mahl called him safe. But all thfs effort was in vain. While the cushions were lammed with potential runs, and none down. Brown forced Whittaker at the plate and -then. the Yanks, pulled off the most beautiful fielding gem of the evening when Crymble lined to Ambrose who doubled Volsky off third with a clothes-line peg to Ketchmark to-end the Inning and ominous threat. In the fifth, the Flyers again I broke out in arash. One was I away when, Bennes hit the canteen roof for a two-ply I smash. But Anderson and O'- Connell rolled out, leaving Ben-j nes stranded at third. . Then came the fateful sev enthand Ambrose. But the Seal Cove men went down fighting to the very end. In their half, Brwn, first man up, flld out, but Crymble lit a spark when he punched one of Kuntz's pitches through short. Horriidge caused the spark to glow a little brighter when he rolled out, advancing Crymble to second. Tall, huSky-shoulder-ed, heavy-hitting Bennes strode up to the plate to do or die for the boys in blue. American strategy went into a huddle and decided to give the strapping airman a free ticket to first and get at Anderson instead. Bennes let the first bad toss go by, then quickly thinking that the Americans would be expecting him to do likewise for the next three, lunged .".t the next pitch, hoping to catch them off guard. It was a smart gamble but it didn't work. He snot the sphere down to short for the fin&l put-out and threat of a close duel between two evenly matched nines. There was very little to choosa between Crymble and. Kuntz; for former ave away three MRS. BRYANT IS PRESIDENT The monthly meetings of the Prince Rupert Chapter of the B. C Registered Nurses' Associ- hits, and struek out seven; the latter issued five hits, and whiffed two. Both sides got a double apiece, and both played errorless ball. Ambrose,, with his timely hitting and excellent fielding, was a stand-out for the Yanks, while Bennes' slugging and Volsky's fine performance at the initial corner, shone for the Flyers. A feature of the game was Moline who. fanned three times, on each occasion watching a third strike go by. "Lefty" was the leading scorer in the In ter-Service Basketball League last season. Lineups: Port Edwaxl Americans Ramey. If, Thompson 2b, South-worth ss, Wagner c, Ambrose cf. Katurski rf, Mollne lb, Ketch-mark 3b, Kuntz p. Air Fwrce Flyers Whittaker. 3b, Volsky lb, O'Leary c. Brown 2b, Crymble p, Hornldge cl, Bennes ss, Anderson rf, OCon-nell If. Umpires At plate: Mahl, Air Foice; on bases: Qottardo, Americans. Score by innings: Yanks 000 000 -11 3 0 Flyers 000 000 00 5 0 R H E PURE WHITE atlon - were resumed Monday night when the chapter met in the tfCurses' Home of the Prince Rupert General Hospital with Mrs. O. L. Murray in the chair. Following the routine buslnev and committee reports, the resignation of Miss Eleanor Graham, the former president, who has left for Powell River. w:iv accepted, with regret. Mrs. Gordon Bryant was elected president by acclamation and Mis.-; Ann Murray elected vice-president. An appeal was heard requesting as many nurses as posslblr to turn out for the Monday evening Red Cross meetings held in the City Hall. The next regular meeting will be held In the Nurses' Home October 4. Winged Victory ! S Youth, riding the ikies of death-spitting wings, is helping to bring about Victory, when again. Peek Frean's famous English Biscuits and healthful, tasty VitaAVeal Crisp-bread will be baclu BISCUITS FROM LONDON, ENGLAND JOIN THE FIGHTING COMRADES OF THE SKIES KECKUITINQ CENTRES LOCATED ATt Koyal Hank llldg., 675 West Hastings, Vancouver, and other principal cities of Canada. Mobile recruiting units visit smaller centres regularly. Coupons Which Become Valid, September 16 Sugar: Nos, 15, 16. Preserves s. Nos. D2, 3. Butter: Nos. 28, 29. Meat. Pr No. 17 J Jr' (ft Bit $ If NO. DELAY YOU .CAN BE IN UNIFORM AT ONCE If you are physically fit; mentally alert, over 17 and not yet 33, you are eligible. High School education is no longer necessary. If you are under age for aircrew-enlistment, join your local Air Cadet Squadron. GET INTO THE FIGHT! You, foo are needed NOW! pIIE R.C.A.F. wants more men NOW for aircrew more gallant flying men to set the stage for new invasions to blast the enemy in advance with flaming destruction and break, his power to resist. You...)W, )W...can now become one of these fighting comrades of the skies. No civilian job today can be nearly, so important, for a young and able-bodied man. So go to an R.GAJ. Recruiting Centre today and join your fighting pals. K In tlie -R.C.A.F. you will get - into uniform . at ,once. Training: begins immediately. " WEDNESDAY SEPTC.lBp n err' TCI2N BEST i i i ii in pvi 3il NALKINS MALMl- White t. n maintained al th urn ki.k a...! Fot ahoit peiiod, when the best U ,.! Milawe,, we withdrew White Label Ui mtikel. We will not tompromlit with q,Jk You ere sine ol MORE cuds ol MOREdJuJ. tee (of eveiy ration coupon with !.( stLKAT lot it f;KH::K'siuim I lit. ptkmtr .... H lb. Irkm ... H fh. pckm$ ... ,' THE W. H-MALKIN CO., LIMITED I A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD -A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Save What You Have; Place CIKChK TKEAI) -OZITK under your carpet. It will give added year of life to y carpet, your carpet will give added pleasure Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue West J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Weotholme Rooms In Dip Snprriur Court of IM roliiinliia In 11-tiliatr In tlir Mllrr of llir AdinmWn Act In the .Milder of the tMdlf ( (ieorrr Marolmll. ieeunl. TAKE NOTICE t . oris A HU llonor W E F ' i M the lO'.di diy : 6. ' " 1943, I appolnitie : Afis'-iMf off the JT't'o i r tK- n7 abaU, deceased, arj t- V- 3 m clMnw ! -i are hwtby requlrf 1 pr j)erly vert!td. ' : the lOUi day cf Oc and. all irr.u?s cru: tfcte are required ; cl their KU-'lUdnc wth. inirn , tei!i n lllh day of 8r( tsm'irr AJ) Wi aEOHCIt li mum" QfflclaJ - 7 A! BC tat ma for III the Siirrme Onirl ot nrllt e.. .l.l.i In ,lmh:lt I III Hip .Matter ofllir .ilmlnHn Mi' TAKE NCrnCE ty orf Hig Honor W. E F ;!- nw !! 1043, I was appolntc; A-- known as fcnoi- r ; ,.i vert I V3 lurnisn eiine. M. , to me. on or abcufi 10,hJ ucvaoer. ajj. ' -- in4.hti n r:a arc rm'"' I to pay the anvwnn' ' u" ednewt to me -DATED at Prince Ru& t0 I In OEORQE I! HAOETT QM'iclal Adm "Mf Atil BC .... M ,,.rt of I""! In the aiur oi "M"t".fUte ' i.llierNe known n Kown Uolifrt KUivaril Wllkle. unit. .In, the Mnller of the Irntlnn Alt." TAKE NOTICE t!r M oWJ Uie,. HanoniHl Mr j u - M i HmtUh made nnrem -- tfl sltnied, w appplivt" Aam- of aU aikd aUiulw ; liabtmt Wllkle. c ' .herwJ 0 ttubent Wllke or R&JK yt Kilj, uecenuiea, wim t Hill, Queem Oharlc s t tWi Oclumbla, on nr ' ttov of Fttoruary. AD '9!.'' nrtP AND NOTICE I 8HEB thait all .n . ,v, Folate r Tv I J5t i W on. or before, the her, AJJ. 1043, " dc'.lvef - i prepaid 1BUT full VfZtt Ihelr clahn?. di!y And And rurUier wrwier TAKE z, ' B am'j aCler Ui laat-mien.Uon imccred to dtatrHWrte titled, thereto, hftVir tfi the clafims of wWcn hve had notice. ff " DiUed at Prliw IW": n, 19' HWi day of Sptem!-r, NORMAN A, WATT Vmrnnn.11 A V Official AdinUulatrstef cwuut ot Prliwe