5 &V.1 t PAOE TWO Expert OPTICAL SERVICE 1 Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Ensnaring VISIT OUK BASEMENT OKE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant AW.V.W.V.V.V. yours For a Smarter Fall ssuming, of course, your Fall Shoes come from The Cut Rate Shoe Store THEY'RE HERE! The largest selection of new shoe arrivals you've ever had the pleasure of seeing in Rupert. Fancy pumps, stylish step-ins, comfortable walking shoes that still look dressy and those ever popular. . . A complete range of sizes and widths, too. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. sCut Rate Shoe Store MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED 5 50G THIRD AVENUE W. (across from Orme's Drug) 5 Dibb Printing Company OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY BIKTIIDAY AND EVERYDAY CAKDS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS Bcsncr Block, 3rd Street Phone 234 PRESCRIPTIONS Through the years, the physicians of this community and their patients have come to know that they can depend on us. Ormes Ltd, "Jim Pioneer jDruqg fats THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 83 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 n.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 - 2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ' ... At Your Local Butchers ; NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish . & Cold Storage "I 1 I PRINCE RUPERT Q., LtCl. BRITISH COLUMBIA If you lose anything, advertise for it. ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT Thursday evening Breen and Myrfin are inaugurating a series of discussion groups. These talks will be Informal' and of the round table variety. They will be on current affairs and all service men and women who are interested are very cordially invited to atterd. With events changing so rapidly we are all doing a little extra thinking on our own these days and the exchange of ideas in these groups should help us get our thoughts clarified. The meetings will be held, every Thursday evening in the Quiet room on the gallery. On Thursday afternoon the Service Wives Club will hold its regular weekly meeting in the ladies' lounge at the "Y." With this lovely weather I hope all the ladies will turn out. And we especially extend a welcome to any of the new wives who may have come to town recently. Don't be shy. it's the friendliest of clubs and each member was new herself at one time. Myrfin showed me the following clipping which I know you will find Interesting. Ha doesn't say, but I think, it is from a Toronto paper. Headed by "Y" Carries 61 Cases' Material to Sicily" it says: "This Is what the Canadian Y.MC.A. War Services took in to Sicily to help provide' recreational facilities for Canadian soldiers: Seven cases Penguin books and leaflets, 220,000 sheets of paper, 48,000 envelopes, one movie projector (complete), two screens, 16 five-gallon tea urns packed with supplies and equipment, 360 dozen playing cards, 12 dozen softball bats, two dozen softballs, one case sports sundries (note: I think Hec Mac-Kenzie must have arrived in Sicily) 144 dozen cribbage boards (also note: I didn't realise they were planning on sending me over), one case soccer balls boots, five cases sundry games and four cases warehouse supplies. "In all the supplies were included in 61 cases, totalling 274 cubic feet and weighing 7,318 pounds." STORY OF NINETIES A sparklin? story of . the naughty nineties, "Heaven Can Wait," with Gene Tierney and Don Ameche heading the cast, comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here for an extra day's billing this Thursday, Fri day and Saturday. Forbidden ad- centure and stolen romance-lend spice to the sophisticated comedy based on the outstanding Euro pean play "Birthday." Included in, the cast arc such outstanding actors as Charles Coburn, who enacts the role of the skeptical fun-loving grandfather; Louis Calhern and Spring Byington, as mid-Victorian parents of -the boy, while Eugene Pallette and Marjorie Main play the girl's mother and father, an amusing team of scrapping Kansas City folks. Allan Joslyn portrays Don Ameche's Insufferable, immac-late cousin. "Largest Organization of Its kind in the World" Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association JOHN LLOYD WRIGHT Resident Representative 1C7 3rd Ave. P.O. Box 952 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 711 and I will gladly call NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. ' Phone 281 P.O. Box 195 THE DAILY HEWS Air Force Wins Cup Captures Mobley. Football Cup bl Defeating Ontario Regiment Two to Nothing Air Force captured the Mob-ley Cup by winning a sudden-death soccer game over Ontario Regiment two to nothing at Acropolis Hill last night. The teams had played to a two-al) tie Saturday. Both goal-tenders seemed unbeatable In the first half as they turned back all scoring at-temps but in -the second half Novack knocked the ball through the soldiers posts to give the Flyers a one-goal lead and Kil-lops scored to put the Air Force two up, Ontarios kept the ball in the Alrmens' end a good deal of the time in the first half but couldn't cash in on their sniping attempts. However some clever ball-handling was dis- j played and this, combined with ; last action, made it an inter esting game to watch. Kesselowskl of the Army team suffered a wrenched' leg When he collided with nn Air Force player and' was taken from the field in an ambulance. The exact nature, of his Iniurv was not immediately known. as In the previous eame. there was a large gathering of soldiers in attendance and re maining spectators .were only a traction of their number. The teams: Air Force Goal" Watson: full backs, Blore, Mc Alpine: halves. Mlndell, Novak, Bay; centre, Melville; insides, Kerr, Killops; outsides, Bevinston. Fowler: subs, Dmytriuk, Deziel. .Ontanos Goal. Infantino: fullbacks, Prochuk, Scott halves, Stengel; Smith, High-ton; centre, Mills; insides, Kesselowskl, Reld; outsides, Kennedy, Jentsch. .Referee, Woodside. 'at t Local Tides Thursday, September 16 High 2:30 22.7 feet 14:51 22.5 feet Low 8:45 2.6 feet 21:11 2.3 feet Friday, September 17 High- 3:14 21.5 feet 15:30 21.8 feet Low 9:25 3.9 feet 21:55 3.0 feet CFPR (1210 Kilocycles) Schedule WEDNESDAY IM. 4:00 Hawaiian Echoes 4:30 Vocal Vanatlons 5:00 The Lone Ranger 5:30 Sound off 6:00 CBC News 6:15 Are You a Genius? 6:30 Production' Front 6:45 To be announced 7:00 Singing for Pleasure 7:30 CB Concert Orchestra 8:00 Fred Waring 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Personal Album 8:45 Melody Round-up 9:00 Kay Kyser 9:30 Impressions by Greene 10:00 CBC News Rcbroadcast 10:15 Harry James 10:30 Eventide 11:00 Closing announcement THURSDAY AM. :30 Musical Clock 45 CBC News :05 Musical Clock 30 Morning Devotions 45 Jan Garber's Orchestra : 00 Musical Sketches 15 Richard Crooks : 30 CBC News 35 Transcribed Varieties : 00 Musical by Friml :30 Will carter :45 They Tell Me 00 Scandinavian Melodies 15 Broadcast of Messages 30 Petit Concert FJM. 00 Luncheon Music 15 Hi Neighbor 30 Spotlight Bands 45 CBC News 50 Recorded Interlude 55 Program Resume 00 One o'clock Muslcale 30 United States Rebroadcast 00 Silent Advertise In the Dally News . SAVE ON SHAVES With Minora Blades! Minora outlasts ordinary double-edged razor bladei; It's the quality blade in the low-price field. " i SMITHERS Smlthers has been experiene ing some very fine "Indian i Summer" weather and full ad vantage Is being taken of It by the farmers to get along with their fall work. A continuance of the same brand for several weeks would be duly appreciated by therm. Several carloads of caltle are being shipped from Smlthers this week to the Vancouver market. With a shorter hayl crop than usual this year It is probable that many stock raisers will be reducing their herds in order to avoid the possibility of being caught short of feed. Miss Audrey Wrathall and Miss Vivian Wrathall, who have been on a holiday trip south, returned to the city this morning from Vancouver. CLIP THESE COAL TII'S 4? fir, (If fed Caulk Outside Joints Cracks and holes between brickwork and window a:i door frames allow cold air to enter your home. Fill all such cracks with plastic caulking compound. Albert & McCaffery Three of i kind! Canadians are all alike in ont important respect. They do their ovsn thinking and get there under their own power.' It's a national characteristic. - No pampered of servile people could have built this nation. It took men of courage and moral fibre to clear the forests, dig the mines .to build our farms and factories, our cities and our towns to give us a standard of living that is the envy of the world. Canada's greatness stems- directly frpm the self-reliance and initiative of individual citizens. These qualities provide a sure foundation on which to build for tomorrow. What is PRIVATE ENTERPRISE? It is the natural desire to make your own way, as far as your ability will take you; an instinct that has brought to this continent the highest standard of life enjoyed by any people on earth. It is the spirit of de- u wic iiiartn. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ft News 11 In WEDNESDAY, ENDS TONIGHT Complete :te Shows: &nu.. 7:06, i.un, 9:08 a.ua SEpTEMBEa Feature at 7., MOB HOPE in "LET'S PACK ir STARTS THURSDAY - 3 I)A Its the spiciest Uf THIS SIDE OF PARADISE ! Never a tale so naughty! Never an era so niftv with unchaper-. oned romance! Never a picture so delightfully, daringly devilish! ill! 11111 "' GENE TIEIINEY DON AMECHE CHARLES CO BUN . nu u nu mt imn unju BUMF FOR YOUR PROPER ENJOYMENT YOU MUST SEE! PICTURE FROM ITS START? Complete Shows: 12:30, 2:22, 4:35, 7 08, 9:21 Feature at 12:30, 2:43, 4:58, 7:29, 9 42 J.M.S.Loubser D.C., IlJl. Chiropractor Wallace Mock Phone 610 SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way'polnts, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Information, Ticketi and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 LANII Ki:lISTKV ACT "! Certificate of Title No. g.V).10-l. jo IMh II, 12. 3 nn, 11, Wm.k i, m"!)V' ,r,"e K",,"t' WHEREAS satisfactory proof of ot of the above Certificate of TltU. iZ,V t,, . "ttmo or Uc,ra Eliza-,JL aUu bwn In thto !n 1 n?llc! te hcroty Slvcn I ehal! at the emplraUon of one nvuiith from tiho tot of the first publication hereof, tsmie a provl-8U?nBj, CojiUflnute of Title In lieu of said lost certificate, unlet m the meantime valid objection be made mc wiling, . f.i!A1? H the Land ifcwMnr of- ."Ce rt. B-C this 7th day of Aurunt, A.D., 1043 ANDIIEW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar, of Tltlen. "OOVniNMKNT IKjlOU ACT" (Sfl'llfiii 2K1 Noun; or I ii'itiiiv hid C ONMIXT TO TIIANMI i;il OF IIDKK LICENCE i iV?11 18 hcray given tliait on Uie nth. day of October, A. D. 1043. the undcml(tncd initonxU to amnlv tn 4.hi uqiior Control Board for coiwrtit to i transfer of Dew licence No. 6173. it- I KIMy! In ... . ""i'Ji, oi preuni&eii ocing part of the prnnlw known as the New Rovrai Hotel situate at Mie corn- rd Avnue and Sixth Street, in the Olty of Prince Rupert, Prov-mce of Brltlrth Columbia, upon the landa described as InU Eleven fll) am twelve (12), Block Thirty-two f32), section One (1) Map 023. Wtace Rupert Ind Reelstratton District, from Northern Hotel Damp nJ Limited of Prtucc Rupert. Brit-in Oolumtola, to Allied Hotel Company ImlUid, the Transferee. DATED eit Prince Rupert, B. C. this 31t. dny of Aust.. A, D. 1043. Allied Hotel Company Mmtted Transferee Olof Hanson arrived! j city on last night's tal the Interior to jptad 1 1 oi days here Announcing the Opd of the STYLE BEAU PARLOR AND BAKHEKSIIOPI At C07 3rd Ave, ff. 01 door to the Royal BJ Phone Itluc 81 for AppcJ mentj. All work RuaranWl KWONO SANG BDJ HOP KEE CHOP SUB HOUSE Next to Kinj H 612 7th AVE. ffESl All jour patronare Open 5 p.m. to i:m Tuesday 10 put 1 .30 am. Outside Orders from 1 :30 a.m. Phone Red W 11 THE ARMY NEEI Men and Women Don't wait for a "J Iti; A VOLUNTEER. . i A II-TADV Wl YIV.luli RENEW i impiMRD rf1 VANCOUVER, 1' Wehavemov-cd premises and man ui cap- to us. Please encloj;. to speed delivery. WE PAY THE HE CIIARf.ES