AT r SEPTEMBER 15 M y a Men. and women can work, no better nor faster than they canjf. At hoim, at the, office, in the factory, scientific lighting is helping to prevent the eyestrain that so often Irads to ub-stantlard work and reduced production. h Protect Precious Eyesight, Reddy Kilowatt recommends that you : Shade every light, to eliminate-.glare. Liie. indirect reflector lamps wherever possible. Use light-coloured shades. Place lamps in positions where they will give the most light. Avoid sharp contrasts between brightly lighted surfaces and darkkbackgrounds. Guard apinst light reflected into the eyes from shiny surfaces. Keep fixtures, and especially globes, clean. For close eye work do not work in your own shadow. Use the right sire globe. W hen redecorating, use light colours on walls and ceiling. Rest your ' eyes by closing them occasionally. If yout eyes feel strained or unduly tired, see a competent eye specialist. a reddy "With lighting fixture!, too. mike Ihit your fnotto : FIX.THEM UP! MAKE THEM LAST! KEEP THEM WORKING!" FOR G LO S E WO R.K LONGER HCiURS I Mr". T3v. T.i i TTt.i. nMi crn frnm vuf r;,unns re- Airs. v. j iiiuita cuiu w ima rK , . .1 Unllrlnu - uiiiK, 1 i win iiciauii at c oi-vtivi'h - -t vv JillltUUV" UCIt: WiCil ivi.fc.ji aww j " weir recent mar- Mr. and Mrs. John Connery( "' snerDrooKe Ave. LADIES' i' II ! rv AM oneiia Dress bhoes Brown Suede, Brown Crush Kid, Brown . -..i wuniB UailJ IJIUCK QUCUC 111 lun, . v ttUU tuoan neels. stvied lines 10 lr fi-i. i.i ... . . --si.e anu priced to suit any pocKei- MEN'S "PALMERS" MOOSE HEAD WORKING BOOTS in 6" and -8". Just arrived. 1 wIIU JLIU.IW LIUi 'T'e Home of Good Shoes" A Dr. Bamford's office clewed until Oct 15. will be (217) Don Wilson returned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Tonight's train, due from the East at 10i45, was reported this morning to be one hour late. Mr. and. Mrs. Angus Macdon-ald are leaving tomorrow night for a trip to Vancouver. Prince Rupert Boilermakers open lor ousiness unacr new management. William Miller is leaving on this evening's train for a vaca tion trip to Winnipeg, and else where in the East. George Dybhavn, who has been spending the past few months in the city, leaves to morrow night for Vancouver en I route, back. to his. military duties ,in the East. LOANED AT CARNIVAL A pearl handled knife, marked "Mine Safety Award." Valued as keepsake. Please return to Norton Youngs, Phone 747 to return to owner. (216) Dr. R. C. Bamford is leaving on this evening's train for a month's vacation trip to Smith- ers and the Babine Lake A(Women of Moose meeting tonight. 7:45. Initiation followed by joint social of Women of Moose and Loyal Order of Moose 9:15 pjn. All visiting members cordially invited. (It) Sergeant O. L. Hall, provincial police, left on yesterday after noon's train for Terrace where he will spend a few days on official business. Hugh A. MacKenzie left night for the south to resume his studies at the Univer- I sity of British Columbia In Van couver. Alex "Kerr, assistant superintendent of the local dry dock and Mrs. Kerr returned to the citv this morning from a brief trip to Vancouver. Dr. C. H. Hankrnson returned to the city this morning from Vancouver where he attended the annual convention of the British Columbia Medical Association of which he Is past piesident. Dance H a TONIGHT Eagles' Hall GEORGE DL'CIIAK and his I'rairie Ramblers Ladies Free. Everybody Welcome. SAVOY M 0 TEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. I'hone 37 P O. Box 544 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT For Income Tay RETURNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 321 2nd Ave. Fresh Local Raw and, Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY , PHONE, 657 y Illl ggmmmmmumm f 9 Sets .of dows. TIIE DAILY .NEWS """IM t 3S3&5PM.k i or a i wcwc whtcq I! .The Carpenters' Union Meeting, 8:00 pjn Wednesday, Fraser Street. Special business. All members requested to at tend. (216) Mr. and Mrs. Peter Richards and family returned to the city this morning .from a trip to Vancouver. Allan Kergln left by last eve ning's train "on his return to hl3 medical studies at, the University of Toronto after spending a brief holiday visiting here with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. W Kergln. ' CARNIVAL TICKET WAR BOND WINNERS Holders of three of the first draw tickets not having claimed their prizes within the allotted time of 15 days, second draw tickets No. 11724, 10731. W. C. Hambleton, C.N.R. Yard Office and 6072 are valid from Sept. 14th to Sept. 27 inclusive. Prizes may be claimed at the Royal Bank. (216) Announcements AH advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Sons of Norway Invitation Dance, Friday. Sept. 17, Oddfel lows' Hall. (217) Orange Ladtes' Meeting, Odd- follows' Hall, Sept. 23. W. A, Coast Regiment Service Men's Dance. Empress "Y" Olub; September 20. Presbyterian Tea In the Manse September; 22. Valhallai Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, Sept. 24, 9:30 to 2. Catholic Bazaar, Oct. 6 and 7. School Hall Cathedral Fall. Bazaar Nov. 18 St. Peter'sTITBazaar, Nov. 25 OIL BURNERS CLEANED HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Black 735 224 Seventh Ave. West NOTICE All citizens of Greenville should meet at their village not later than October 25 next, as agreed by the council and endorsed at the public meeting. (Signed) HENRY McKAY, Secretary of Greenville Council. B.C. Furniture Company Doors with Locks and Hinges at a low price. Al Win- 2 Hot Water Tanks. Water gallons. Tank, 60 20 Wash Basins at. $5.50 each. Phone Black 321 Third Avenue DELIVERY SCHEDULE TUESDAYS THURSDAYS SATURDAYS are Delivery Days. Orders taken for delivery must be left with us not later than 4:00 p.m.. on. day belore. Co-operation will assist us greatly in giving better delivery service throughout the city. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY. STORE "Where dollars have more cents" PhnnM 18.19. P O. Box 575 Second'Goming: JOf Christls First Essential Before a perfect democracy can function; the second coming of Christ must first take place declared Evangelist F. T. Bal-mer of The Bible Facts Cam paign last Sunday evening In the Oddfellows' Hall. Every effort that statesmen make to bring order .out of chaos is to. be commended but as long as jealousy and greed exist as the tools of sin. it Is utterly impossible to bring in the Golden Age or the Millennium of peace and righteousness en earth. However, there will be peace for a period of 1,000 years which ! ., Ill ,k..oJ It. h.. V-tr.o I Q1Ce second coming with all His angels. Unrepentant living men FOR SALE FOR SALE Five room modern house, hardwood floors, electric fireplace, excellent loca- tlon. Immediate occupancy. Apply G. P. Tinker &sCo. Ltd. (tf) FOR SALE Enamel cook stove, practically new. Green 938. 350 Blggar Place. (217) FOR SALE Cabin boat 28 feet, good shape, cheap for cash; also table cabinet,' Roger's sil ver plate seivice for 8, new. Apply 117 Ninth Avenue West. 216) FOR SALE Gas boat "Wander lust," 30 feet. Power 58 Ly coming, 2-1 reduction gear Apply 1234 Park Avenue for further particulars. (218) FOR SALE Round dining-room table and coal 'heater. Apply 445 5th Ave. West after 5 o'clock. (231) FOR : SALEjrSmall four-roomed house, 10 minutes from Dry Dock on bus line. 1365-6th Ave- East. Call or phone Green 78. (220) FOR 'SALE 5-room house, Mes-sett, B.C. For full particulars see Mr. Sorensen, Prince Rupert- Fishermen's Co-op Assn., tho brightness of this event. Inhered while the resurrected righteous! earth. . 1 UL 1 T ,, 1 A - 1 ous shall bo caught up to, meet tho Lord in the air and -proceed on a long journey to the. heavenly country there to reign with Christ for 1,000 years according to. Revelations 20:6. ' (220), FOR. SALErTwo-roomed cabin complete with stoves and effects. Apply Box 573 Daily News. . (220) FOR SALE Solid oak library table,-$15. Red 126. ' (218) FOR QUICK. SALE New house, 3 rooms, bath, 1 , unfinished room extra, sunporch, 2 lots, water viewj full modern, warm construction and fine interior finish. Immediate possession Ambrose Ave. $2,500 with $1,- 500 cash, balance monthly. Apply IL- G. Helgerson Ltd. FOR SALE Piauo. Phone 581 FOR RENT (217) FOR FvENT Furnished front bedroom, gentleman prefer red. Blue 610. (218) FOR RENT Sleeping accommodation for gentleman. Please Phone Green 830 after 5 o'clock. 646 Taylor Street. PERSONAL L. C. OYER, Interior Decorating paper hanging. Phone Black .810. (239) SARDIS NURSERIES Hit. No. 2 Sardls, B.C. Order your requirements in fruit trees and ornamental shrubs and trees direct from us. Last year's catalogue and prices still prevail. Catalogue on request. The reign of Christ with the righteous could not be on earth for the prophet Jeremiah (chap. 4:23-2? beheld the earth In a desolate, chaotic state with no men upon it and all the cities broken down at the presence of the Lord and by His fierce anger: In that heavenly country and its great city, the new Jurasalem to which the patriarchs of old looked, there shall function the "four freedoms" which could not and will not find adequate exDresslon on earth because of cocetousness, hatred and preju- The people who enter that countrv are ' holy and without and women will be destroyed by blemish." Sin has been con- Classified Ads HEM WANTED WANTED x Woman for housework few hours a day. 501 per hour. Phone Red 879. (217) WANTED Assistant Janitor for 1 local school. Apply National j Selective Service AM. 81. (216) CLERK . WANTED For book stationery store. Previous experience not necessary. Apply Unemployment Isurance Office AP. 82. (tf) WANTED Warehouseman for grocery wholesale, good wages, permanent position. Apply Selective Service Office AM 82. (tf) WANTED Housekeeper, for family- of three. Room, board and good wages. 325 4th Ave, East. (219) WANTED Woman lor house work few hours a day, 50c per tiour. Phone Red 879. (217) WANTED WANTED Sleeping room for 2. Phnne 71. Room 48. (218) MAN wants part time work, 8 In morning to 3 in afternoon Apply Box ,575 Daily News. van H25.00 still waiting for anyone finding suitable suite or. house preferably furnished. Phone F-L. MqTavlsh, 223. (2181 WANTED Air Force man, wife and baby in exchange for room will assist with housework and cook evening meal Box 1102 Postal Station B. City. 218 WANTED OLD UMBRELLAS, Regardless, of condition we will, pay you cash for your old umbrellas. Conserve Canada's metals for war Industry. Help us supply the manufacturers with umbrella frames. An-, nette Ladies Wear Co. (tf) WANTED Furnished or unfurnished house for married couple, no. children. Apply Box 574 DaUy News. (218) WANTED Room .and board for officer's wife and seven months old son. Excellent references. Phone 223 Local 45. (218) WANTED TO BUY 40 ft. troll lng,hull, must be nearly new. Apply Box 571 Daily News. (225) ROOM AND BOARD BOARD and Room for men sharing. 718 Fraser Street. Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Dickens Jr. and. Mr. and. Mrs. E. W. Burnett left last evening for a trip to Vancouver. PLANT THIS FALL! In Joy the, beauty and healthful comfort Cf an Outdoor Living-room utit aummer, Tou can do It, If you will plant this tall. Planning and planting a modern Outdoor LlYlng-room li mora a .plea.ur. .than a,.tMk, and, It naed not bs costly. Well gladly adrU. you what you need and vhloh varieties will (1" Uu btst result), FREE GAEDIX BOOK A Complete List ot Morstr Stock EDDIE'S NURSERIES SARDIS, B.C. in their lives while Faithful parents wno had lost their little one through death will have them restored to ! them. There they will play In the; streets cf the heavenly city according to the prophet Zpch-aria (8:5) and "grow up as calves In the stall" (MaL 4:2). The animals which God cre ated shall be. there and little children shall lead them (Isa. 11:6-9). The Evangelist, in closing, em phasized the importance of repentance and. conversion and holy living In order to participate in the, joys of that better j world. Mr. and Mrs. F. Van Antwerp are leaving tomorrow night for Vancouver. .Mr. Antwerp has been located, here for some time in an executive capacity with the British Columbia Bridge Dredging Co. on - I For la it, salt relief of H HEADACHE, NEURALGIA or. NEURiriC PAIN USBJKSPIRIN 1 In handy tint cH 7 tablets Wl re ! : . ! ki ! ( . t ! l i Hi vV PAQE-'THREl 1. i ,.uvm ,'.n.1t. j VJMtN eAStSAU WAS Pf WAS OUt WWEU HIT fr. yji-TH A sor-T BA.IL BEXWtlM CAtES- You make a "hit" when you buy clothing at Watts & Nickerson's, for the style is right and so is .' the price. D In J31 ance Saturday, Sept. 18 Eagles' Hall GEORGE DL'CIIAK and his Prairie Ramblers Ladies Free Everybody welcome School Supplies Excepting Text Books Practical 9 2-K I THE VARIETY STORE AUDEL'S Handbooks WELDERS GUIDE - BLUE PRINT READING , ATTTntnRlLE GUIDE t - 4: $1.33 h $2.50, $5.00 TOOLMAKERS HANDY BOOK $J-00 MATHEMATICS AND CALCULATIONS .. $2.50 SHEET METAL WORKERS GUIDE $1-35 SHIPFITTERS HANDY BOOK - S1-33 MILLWRIGHTS.- GUIDE : ?5 00 MtcimiNiAij uij iiuiifliw "'J&K' v 4 pt pnTDTn onTPvrp nTriTTOMARY .52.50 UJbVjl.UU UVAWV aww" ' RADIOMANS GUIDE $5-00 PRACTICAL .ENGINEERING ANSWERS ,-..r $1.35 WIRING DIAGRAMS $1.35 , A complete line of Handbooks for Carpenters, Builders, numbers,, SteamfJtters, Masons, Engineers and Mechanics separate Volumes $2.00 each. Complete, sets jl ,$1.75 each volume. ' I' - .?M i i i -I as . 'Him n r. 1 3