Local Temperature Tonight's Dim-out 66 yinUnum SXXtt1 216 Baseball Scores American League .shiiiytuii 3, Boston 2. Lcub 3-7. Cieveiand 0-1. j York 6. Philadelphia .5 icago 7-7, Detroit 1-1. National League : Ion 3. Brooklyn 0. u York 4, Philadelphia 4 ' ' r ''' T I Coast League , j tie 3. Los Angeles 2 (first t in semi-final of league American Association aukee 7, Minneapolis 3. : iianapolis 2, Toledo 0. Jisvulc 2, Columbus 1. asas City 1-1, St. Paul 0-5. International League ' acusc 6. Newark 2. ronto 5. Montreal 2. ' games semi-finals league ,)Hs). TRAXGE GOLF COURSE I1DWAY ISLAND, Sept. 15 CP) n cans for holes and a red ' are two of the requisites ' go to make up the strang-golf course of all. Pre-war nc workers, with nothing do between planes, made "Wives a golf course of pure 1 The sand had to be 3thed over by hand before : aycr could putt. RED ARMY MOVES UP Now Within Seventy-one Miles' Of Kiev Novoros'sisk Next Objective. MOSCOW, Sept. 15 The Red Army has moved to within 71 miles of Kiev and has commenced cutting the railway lines leading to that Important Black Sea port. Novorossisk, it has become evident, is to be another Immediate qbJecUveQLjbEjiusAians. . The Soviet Army Red Star reported today that a Russian night attack had broken the German Intermediate line defending Lozo'voya, in the central Ukraine as the Red Army pressed a general advance toward the Dnieper. Autumn rains are now falling; In 'the Ukraine, a dispatch said. but Red forces are pressing forward despite bogged fields and toads. CLOCKS FOR BRITAIN Some 60,000 alarm clocks Imported from Canada and the United States are being distributed to workers holding buying permits. They were sold for 16 shi'lngs, nine pence ($4.06) each. Lowest figure for at least two years, Britain's average weekly output of saleable coal In the four weeks ended August 7 was 3,097,800 tons. HNESB FOREIGN MINISTER WELCOMED Ohl ii fn"- diicucslons on the war In the Pacific was the Chinas Foreign Minister T V Soong, left, to y Prime Minister Mackenzie Klnj of Canada. She Nottingham Coal Miners Are Striking LONDON, Sept. 15 Fou- thou sand miners In Nottingham shire collieries have gone on strike In protest at a young surface worker having been sent to Jail for refusing to work UTAU'S BIO TIIRILI Dogfight At Dover By ROBERT BUNNELLE LONDON It was mid-August, 1940, and the Battle of Britain Associated Press Cameraman Eddie Worth on Shakespeare Head on the south coast of England, a couple hundred feet below some heavy guns which were blasting away over" the Strait of Dover., The day was so clear you could see a church spire in Ger man-occupied Calais 28 mll&s away, and In the skies to the left a burning, twisting circus of British and German air planes fought It out In Intricate patterns about a 'mile high. Occasionally a stray mach-lnc-gun bullet sang past us and every now and then a plane would fall out of the melee and scream Into the sea In a plume of smoke. Once a Messerschmltt dived and gunned a barrage bal-loon Just above us. The balloon fell burning a few yards off trailing Its ethal wires almost over our toes. We were so caught up In the sky scene to the left that we i forgot to watch our right. Sud-Jdenly the deep roar of many planes Jerked our eyes around to a formation of twelve flying low and leisurely toward us. 'They surely must be ours," said Eddie. They were flying lino astern of the sun, and you couldn't see their markings until the leader cocked his wings In a shallow dive at the guns behind us, the other following. "They're Jerries!" Eddie yelled. See the crosses on. the wings!''' Barelieaded nnd without cover, we leaped together for a shallow foxhole we'd dug In the chalk. We reached It neck and neck as bombs shook the cliff like thunderclaps and geysers of smoke and earth shot skywards. There was an awful moment of unbearable noise and' then It was over. Some of the guns still 'were going as we lost sight of the planes over the cliff. WAITRESSES ORGANIZED New Union is Formed in Prince Rupert With Mrs. Whelan as' President. i accomplish- ments of organized labor in Prinop Runprt. Arpn rinrinsr theJ In protest it not being consulted as provided for under the order-ln-councll which constituted its appointment, the local advisorv rommittee of War Strike of Dock past year, jwlnting out thatlM-, nf. f ofliff mnxt organized crafts here- 1UC11 Cll VOIUUI abouts, had not only had their rates and working conditions brought up to- a par with the Vancouver wages but In a great many Instances had surpassed them, which he claimed was Justified due to a higher cost of living in tlw north. Stressing the Doint that the waitresses.! too had already reaped the rewards of their organization In more ways than one, In the short space of two. months, he exhorted the members to treasure and protect their accomplishments by always giving due consideration to their own point of view. Messrs. Ford of Ramsay and aim u. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIAtSrRWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER J5 1913 Quit Jobs in Protest, at Treatment Accorded Younj Worker Who Refuses to Work Overtime. CARDIFF, Wales, Sept. 15 Cardiff dock workers have gone out on strike in protest against measures taken against a young worker who refused overtime. to work G. A. McMillan, of Canadian National steamships, arrived In the city the me organizing organizing committee committee in of,... i .. , , , . ,,,' . . tJa L ! this from Vancouver. morning t. n ii " is ere ' a brlef vislt on also congratulated those present and said they felt assured the new local would prove a valuable addition to the labor movement here. Officers of the new local are: President Mrs. Dixie Whelan Vice President,. Mrs Sadie Knapp. Secretary Treasurer, Marjorle Doll. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Myra Gilchrist. Halibut Saics American Republic, 40,000, Royal, 17.5 and 16. , Eldorado, 58,000, Storage, 17.5 and 16. Western, 50,000, Booth and Royal, 17.5 and 16. Omanay, 55,000, Atlln and Pacific, 17.5 and 16. Canadian Joan W. I., 41,000, Storage, 182 and 17 and 16. Britain's "official cost-of-living index at July 31 was 99 points above the level of July 1914; as compared .with 100 I points above on July 1. designated for an Allied drive Into the Balkans time, Housing Ltd., consisting of i was on the move from Mid- R. N. Burnett (chairman). T. B. dle bases facln8 the is" land Dathwav into Greece. Gordon, has submitted its resle-' British military of ficials had nation to Joseph M. Plggott. j n0 comment to make, 1 Dresident ,-of Wartime Housine. Tt, ........ -..i-- ..ul . brought about the final decision J of the committee to resign was. Withdrawal me recent appointment oi another Vancouver man to the position of local administrator, the committee submitting that ! It was not consulted In the matter. Further, exception Is taken jby the committee to an outsider having been appointed to the position when a suitable local man could have been obtained. The local committee also asserts that there has been lack of co-operation and consultation by N. B. Robinson of Vancouver, provincial, administrator. , The letter o resignation to Mr. Piggott Is as follows: "In view of the fact that this committee apparently has.; not At last nights regular meeting , Jurisdictlon or authority as' out of the newly formed local No 331, Hotel and Restaurant Employees, Prince Rupert, an en-! thusiastic and well attended affair, the highlight of the even-; lng was the installation of the charter of the union by the presidcntioItlieATTades and Labor Council, August Wallen. J. S. Black, Business, agent for the Carpenters, and recently returned delegate from the Trades and Labor Congress at Quebec, was on hand to congratulate them into the report of pro ceedings at the Quebec con lined In Memorandum No. 1 which was submitted to us on cur appointment of March 24, 1943, and as regarding recent developments in this area and the appointment of a local ad mhilstrator asjuccessor to D. I."jotinsonr by 'the' provincial administrator (N. B. Robinson) of which we have not been ad vised, or asked, for approval, we ' hereby submit our resignation to take effect Immediately. "This decision has been reached after due consideration. We this committee def- MHnn w u, infenutinff submit that ahd .educational and was great- lnltclv d Approves of the pres-ly appreciated by all. ent appointment and the proce- J. Mulroney, business agent j dure followed by the provincial for the piledrivers and operating upvK.ur m Engineers, was enthusiastic in was on full blast. I stood with i his praise of the Of Germans Ex-Finland is Imminent. In Finland peace Is expected. Bulletins early Mussolini's Proclamation LONDON, Benito Mussolini broadcast his first proclamation today over the Fascist radio since the German announcement of his resumption of power. "The proclamation, addressed to falthfu comrades, said: "I resume today supreme direction of Fascist Italy." Announcement was made of the change- of the name of the party from "National Fascist" to "Republican Fascist." This implies removal of connection with the house of Savoie. CONGRESS MEETS WASHINGTON United States Congress reassembled yesterday following a recess. President Franklin D. Roosevelt will deliver a message on Friday. STILL ENEMY THREAT OTTAWA Brigadier Ross, head of the Civilian Protection organization, says that the threat of enemy action against North America Is not yet removed. No instructions had been received from military authorities to revise or restrict civilian protection measures. NAMES FOR H0N0RR0LL James G. Laurie. John R. Laurie Thomas Dennis. Spiro Gurvlclw .Steve Mentenko. WAR NEWS JAPANESE ARE DOOMED ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN SOUTHWEST PACIHC-Thc bulk of the Japanese garrison, routed from the air and shipping base of Salamaua, New Guinea, has been destroyed, and small groups which escaped into the Jungles facing certain annihilation, Allied headquarters announced today. With mopping up operations proceeding at Salamaua, Allied forces are crumbling the Japanese defences of Lac, eighteen miles north of cXw Guinea. Lae is under Allied artillery fire. MOST BLOODY FIGHTING LONDON Most bloody fighting so far In the whole Mediterranean campaign continues around Salerno where the reinforced Fifth United States Army is battling strong German Forces. Heavy casualties are being suffered by both sides. The Germans are reported to have entered Vatican City in Rome. RED OFFENSIVE CONTINUES MOSCOW The great Russian offensive against the Germans continues without slackening and there is no slowing up In the advance of the Red Army principal objectives of which now appear to be Kiev and Novorossisk. tie. British and Canadian troops, speeding up the west coast to support the American landing, drove through the village of Belvedere, 67 air miles from Ag ropoll, to close the gap between Allied forces to some eighty miles of coastline by land. Heavy sea-saw fighting swirl ed in the Salerno sector and the northwest African Air Force hurled all planes at Us com mand against the Germans, flying more than two thousand sorties . from dawn Tuesday to dawn tod'ay ln" the greatest" air attack ever witnessed in this theatre. Not one Allied plane was lost. The German propaganda machine reported last night, without confirmation, that Canadians, "with many tanks and motorized, infantry," are en-engaged In the Salerno fighting. London had earlier reported, also without confirmation, that Units of the Canadian First Army Tank Brigade were In the I vicinity. ' Good Fish At Babine Big Lake North of' Smithers Becoming Popular Resort SM1THKRS, Sept. 15 Babine Lake is fast becoming a favorite resort for fishing parties from Smithers and from many out side points. All . those making the trip to this, one of the largest lakes in British Columbia, are enthused over the splendid scenery and excellent fishing to be had there. Early In July Rev. C. E. Motte established a camp on the shore of the lake for a party of Smi thers school boys and they en-Joyed two weeks of boating, fishing and swimming under his supervision and greatly enjoyed the outing. Last week a fishing party, consisting of II. F. Noel, A. C. Fowler-, O. II. Hosklns of Smithers and Stephen H. Hosklns of Duncan returned from a four day trip, reporting excellent fishing and fine recreation. A C. Fowler was the champion fisherman of the party, having landed a 15 pound rainbow trout that was too long to put Into an orange crate without bending his tail around to fit In. Good catches of fish, including Kamloops trout and char, were gathered in by all of this party. A number of other parties from Smithers have made short trips to Babine and they report also that parties from Prince Rupert are visiting there. The road In from Topley Is In pretty fair shape and, as it Is (Half an hour alter sunset to half an hour before sunrise). 8:30 pjn. to 6:44 a.m. PRICE FIVE CENTS Canadians In TKSck Of Italy Fight MY STILL :ds men j Be No Let-up in Enlist-nt Declares Minister of t'ional Defence Ralston. TAW'A, Sept. 15 (CD Canadian Army needs and will continue to need , until the war ends, the dian Tress has been in-ed on high authority. y conclusions diawn Monday's announcement duction in the home op-onal establishment of the to the effect that fewer may be called up for iry service in the future iat fit men may be dis-td from the forces are n,tood to be without iilion. n. J. L. Ralston, minister ational defence, in an-icing disbandment of Seventh and Eighth Dlvl-i and partial dlsband-t of the Sixth Division, hashed that the an-icement does not mean demand is reduced for seas service. Col. Ralston there must be no let-up nlistment for general ser- BOMBERS WREAK HAVOC WITH PRECIOUS RUMANIAN OIL Liberator bombers roar over the Axis oil capltol of Ploestl, Rumania, smashing the refineries with explosives. The blow aas a hard one to the oil-hungry Nazi war machine. A flight of 175 planes made a record round trip of 2,4 miles from African bases for the raid. Some of the 600,000 pounds of bombs dropped send smoke clouds billowing skyward. !COMM!TTEE,S RESIGNATION Local Advlsoiy Body of Wartime Housing Quits Owing to Lack of Consultation and Ninth Army Is On Move To Balkans? LONDON, Sept. 15 Unconfirmed reports from Stockholm via Ankara said today that Britain's Ninth Army a force which the Germans assert has been : Fresh Support Being Moved Up; Americans Under Heavy Pressure Strongest Air Attacks So Far in Mediterranean 'War Being Directed Against Salerno Region Naval Guns Also Thunder. ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, Sept. 15 (CP) Allied troops have beaten off fierce German counter-attacks against the Salerno bridgehead in Italy but were forced last night to yield some ground gained earlier in order to straighten their lines. New support came to the invading lorces in me lorm oi me strong- . est air attacks of the Mediter-, ranean war to date and the thunder of naval guns offshore. 1 , Today's Allijd communique , disclosed savage close quarter combat raged 'along the whole United States Fifth Army front from Salerno to Agropoll, 27 STOCKHOLM. Sent. 15 Swed-1 miles south, with both sides lsh newspapers say that Oer- j throwing heavy reinforcements man withdrawal from Finland of troops and armor into bat- Says Road Route Best Walter Wilson Has Plan Foi Alaska Highway via Hazelton ' and Naas SMITHERS, Sept. 15. Walter Wilson of Burns Lake has been in Smithers for several days completing data on his proposed route for the best location ol the much talked of Alaska Highway through British Col umbia, This route. Is one that has never been given any at-? tentlon as yet but the figures compiled by Mr. Wilson wouM show It to be the shortest route with the lowest grades and tb- UwUiPOwfall ol ..any, af4e . various routes so far suggested. Besides those advantages. ,it has the advantage of rail arid highway service to Hazelton, the starting point,, and Is closest to the coast which gives It easy access to the many ports along the Alaska pan-handle. Mr. Wilson has prepared a map which will be submitted to the provincial government and which shows the route from Hazelton up the Klsplox River, thence over to the Naas River, passing just east of Mezladen Lake and keeping to water grades west of the old tele graph line until it Joins the present Alaska Highway from Alberta In the north. So far as possibilities for min ing, agriculture, timber, scen ery, and not forgetting 'thfc jm- mense coal resources oi the Groundhog country are. concerned,' Mr. Wilson claims there Is no proposed route can approach this farthest west route. Add to these the feasibility of having the ports along the coast connect with this route and the extra advantage of being able to get in, the equipment and supplies to construct the road at the lowest possible cost- ancl It makes a proposition well worth the Intensive investigation of the government of British Columbia before they start out to spend untold millions in constructing the highway, he declared. Japan Asking China to Quit Proposes That She Should Drop Out of the War and Co-operate With Nipponese. WASHINGTON, D.C.,- Sept. 15 T. B. Sung, Chinese minister to Washington, said that Japan was continuing to make overtures to China to withdraw from the war and co-operate with her. No responsible officials, however, were entertaining the Idea. the trip Is easily and quickly made. There Is no doubt that after the war this area will soon become one sought by fishing only 25 miles from that place, parties from far and near. I