I 'tf hi m PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS THUR'Day rrn ALADA s TTTTTTYTTTYTTTTTTTTTTTTT E Meet Me At JOHNNY'S 0 Johnny's SHACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) gg .AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SHRIMPS FKKSII EVERY DAY Boat "W.S.L" First Float west, of Imperial Oil Co. I- daily after 4 p.m. J 1111: lljj lM m i-rex vni HOTEL I E W Htxbon, Miwjtr Hugh Tennant, shore steward for the Canadian National Steamships, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon, from Vancouver. Howard N. Walters of Vancouver, who is regularly In the service of the B.C. Electric Co. but for the duration of the war on loan to the National War Finance Committee In connection with the organization of war savings, is a visitor In the city. He arrived here Monday night and will be returning home this evening. CRESS CORN SALVE gets results with stubborn corns JUST RUB IT IN! Dm hit rrmorcd coral turelr and ri1t fat rhouunds of war workers and ahm. II you taller with trubborn corns, callouses or ingrown toe-ruils. bur it and try Won't irain hosiery, clean and life. Ask for Cress Foot Remedies at ill Dniutisa nfisisi'i GEORGIA Vancouver, British Columbia I The quid, luiurious Hold Georgia is favortd by visitors to Vancouver, wrxOiei pleasurt'-bound or on business. The GeorjU Is famed throughout the Northwest for its excellent service and appointments, end its prestige. Your visit to Vancouver It more enjoyable when you stay at the Georgia. Ml Ilnamn uith lluth or Slunrcr CENTRAL . . RATES Single Rooms fro $3.00 dairy Double Room from $4.50 dally Twin Bed from ........ $3.00 deity RESERVATIONS ADVISABLE SMART . . . INEXPENSIVE . oh a Electrical Supplies SINGLE BURNER HOTPLATES and 6 ft. Cord $4.75 DOUBLE BURNER HOTPLATES and 5 ft. Cord, 1 single heat switch and 1-3 heat switch $8-95 DOUBLE BURNER HEAVY DUTY HOTPLATtS, 2-3 heat switch and Cord $17.85 250 Watt Coils. Each 60c 660 Watt Coils. Each , $1-00 Toaster Coils. Each ..." $1-50 Cone Heaters. Each -' - $1.50 Iron Elements. Each .. 1 $1.00 660 Watt Single Heat Bricks and Coils. Each $2.50 1200 Watt Bricks and Colls. Each .$4.50 EXTENSIONS 10 ft. Male and Female Plug .. $1.25 12 ft. Male and Female Plug $1.35 . 12 ft. with JCey Socke . v-rr $1-33 LAMP CORD, per foot .'. 4c .Portable Lamp Guard Set, Rubber Cord. Each $2.75 IRON CORDS ' ' 5 6 ft., no switch ....... -- 95c 6 ft. and switch . . $1.25 IRON PLUGS, Plain at .. 50c Switch on - -- .......... . 75o FUSES Plug, any size ; ' 2 for 15 TRIPLE CUBE TAPS. Each 15c DUPLEX PLUGS. Surface Wall Type 40c SOCKETS. Pull Chain, Key, Keyless, Push-through. Various Prices. 3-way Bulb type, Our Special 80c ; AERIAL WIRE, 100 ft. roll . $1.00 ' ELECTRIC FANS, 10 Inch - $12.95 ELECTRIC MOTORS, M, 1-3, Vt II P. Prices on application. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC RADIO SERVICE 3rd Ayenue. FRINCE GEORGE, B.C, LOCAL NEWS NOTES A L.O.B.A. Meeting, Oct. .28 at 8 pjn., I.O.OJ. Hall. Scarlet , Degree. (252) C. H. Orme returned to the city yesterday afternoon from a titp to Victoria. Mrs. Ernest Ratchford returned to the city yesterday afternoon from trip to Vancouver. William Cameron, Vancouver contractor, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon from the south, being here on business. Mrs. II. Skattebol and her daughter, Mrs. Jack Cross, returned home yesterday afternoon from a trip fo Vancouver. D. McCorklndale, who has been away for several weeks on a trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south yesterday afternoon. You cant vote Labor in the Civic Election unless you are on the voter's list. Register at City Hall between 7 and 9 to- ! night. Civic Labor Federation. (It) Mrs. Charles Cree arrived in the city yesterday afternoon from Vancouver to take up residence, joining Commander ICree, the new naval officer In charge here. A Dont forget Job's Daughters' Fashion Display and entertainment, Friday 29th, Jf p.m. Masonic Hall. Everybody welcome (253) NOTICE TO MARINERS Mariners are advised that all operations in connection with the removal of Ripple. Rock. Seymour Narrows, B.C. have been postponed until' further notice. ',, All previous notices In connection, with this operation are cancelled.' 1 j W. L. STAMFORD, Agent, Department of Transport. Victoria, B.C. Oct. 22, 1943. 3 : . , . HIT HEAD COLD MISERY FAST Put 3-purpote Va-tro-nol up each nostriL It (1) shrinks swollen membranes, (2)soothesirriution, (?) helps dear cold-clogged nose. Follow WlCKS VA-TRO-NOL w SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypoints, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon and Herring In Tomato J$r Sauce are both on active service but will be back on your grocer's shelf soon as conditions permit. a Don't sleep In Sunday morn- ing. Get up early and hear Tim Buck. (254) Inspector Ernest Gammon, provincial police, who has been on a holiday trip south', returned to the city yesterday afternoon. W. D. Vance returned to the city yesterday afternoon from a vacation trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Vance Is remaining in the south for a while longer. A Half the week Is gone. It's time to go up to the City Hall between 7 and 9 pjn. and register so you can vote Labor. Civic Labor Federation. lt) Interesting pictures of moose hunting expeditions In the Bab-Ine district In which President Joe Scott and Dr. R. G. Large were the principals were shown to the Prince, Rupert Gyro Club at Its weekly luncheon yesterday by Dr. Large with Mr Scott, narrating. There was a good turn-out of members with guests In the persons of Howard Walters of Vancouver and E, T Applewhaite of Prince Rupert. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE DOUBLE bed com plete. 1549 6th Ave. East. (254) FOR SALE Chesterfield and dining room suite. 171 3rd Avenue East. (254) FOR SALE 4 steel bed. Like New. Also vanity dresser. 537 7th Ave. West. (257) FOR SALE-;-l bed and mattress. Call 528 8th Ave. East between 6 and 9:30 pjn. (253) FOR SALE Centrally located duplex house of '6 and 4 rooms with harbor view. Also on same lot small 3-roomed house with bath. Immediate occupancy availab'e in 4-room section of large house. This property can be made into a good revenue producer and the price is $5,000 cash or $5,300 terms. Apply 215 4th Ave. East. (254) FOR SALE E Vz Lot 1429 and Lot 1909, Range 5, belonging to the estates of Charles Merman and Peter McDonald, respectively, and situate oh Lake Lakelse Road 4 miles from Terrace. For particulars consult Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. (254) FOR SALE Wardrobe 'trunk In good condition. Call at 266 9th Ave. East after 4:30. (255) FOR SALE Chesterfield with 2 chairs complete, 4 dressers, 4 beds complete, dining room set, 4 chairs and table, buffet, 16 bedroom chairs, 6 pairs woollen blankets, 16, pairs bleached sheeting, 8 pairs pillows, 8 pair expensive bedspreads, kitchen set table and 4 chairs, 16 pairs curtains, kitchen set dishes and other utensils; numerous other articles. 202 9th West. Call 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. to November 5. FOR RENT FOR RENT Bed-sitting room. 1013 9th Ave. East. (252) FOR RENT Room for single girl. Write Box 613 Daily News. (254) WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Small house, close In, by reliable party. Would consider buying If reasonable payments can be arranged. Apply Box 614 Dally News. (254) PERSONAL FURRIER ALTERATIONS and any kind of Sewing and Repair work. Work done In private home. Hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mrs. E. Pedersen, 929 Tenth Ave. East. (252) SARDIS NURSERIES R.R. No. 2 Sardis, B.C. Order your requirements In fruit trees and ornamental shrubs and trees direct from us. Last year's catalogue and prices still prevail. Catalogue on request. "JET" for polishing hot stoves is a boon. Winter months mean hot stoves always. "JET" Is safe, handy. Sold Mrs. D. C. Stevenson and Mrs. Richard Burnett, who have been on a holiday trip to Vancouver, returned to the. city from the south yesterday afternoon. Capt. Charles Claxton, superintendent of pilotage for British Columbia, arrived in the city yesterday afternoon from Vancouver, being here for a brief visit on official business. William Miller, who has been on a trip to Winnipeg and Vancouver in the Interests of his health, returned to the city yesterday afternoon. A. Hamilton, secretary-treasurer of the B.C. Packers, after a visit here during the past week on company business, left Tuesday evening on his return to Vancouver. HIGH MORTALITY More than 16,000 men of the" British Merchant Navy lost their lives in the first three years of war. Meri,30, 40,50! Want Normal Pep. Yim, Vigor? Trr O.tr.1 Tonla TabWa. Containa tonlte. alhail- gt. Peter v S Fall Bazaar, NOV. 25-lama, iron. ?lt uaa B,,rWiptKphon.aJat Jnrmal Tim. vurof, vitality ru It). 40.; w W nl .f.tuMn-. Bli mJw nim. If kut drUihll Will. rwultf of flnrl parka, makrr rvfumia km TH1cJ At ill (UumtMa. Mart uki OMm TaAlaurMafJ TIELV WANTED WANTED Meter reader for local power company, male or female, to work in city, apply Selective Service Office AJ 93. (257) WANTED Reliable woman for care of two children. Soldier's wife preferred. Room and board, good wages, phone American Signals 291. Ask for Gertie MacCarthy. (255) WANTED Young man or woman for light work in Grocery Wholesale Warehouse. Ap- ply Selective Service AF. 94. (253) WANTED Tfoun'g man for warehouse help by National Meat Packing Company. Good prospects. Permanent employment. Good wages. Apply Selective Service A.M. 93. (254) WANTED The Dally News Is open to receive the names of bright and honest boys or girls who are deslrousof obtaining delivery routes, (tf) WANTED WILL pay $100 cash for light car. Apply Box 610 Dally News. (253) WANTED Use of piano one hour daily. P.O. Box 293. (253) WANTED Furnished or' unfurnished house for one month to one year. Must find something before November 10. Phone Black 751 after 5 o'clock. References furnished. (256) RESPECTABLE Couple want apartment, housekeeping room or small house, furnished or unfurnished. Box 612 pally News or phone Red 704. (254) WANTED Eiderdoiwn sleeping bag. Phone Black 929. (253) WANTED Oil heater in good condition. Phone Blue 296. (252) WANTED 3 or 4 room suite or small house, furnished or unfurnished. 3 adults. Phone 345 "Betty." (254) LOST LOST Wire-haired terrier, black and white. "Bobs." Llcr ence No. 33. Finder please phone Red 877. (253) LOST Black billfold zipper. Sum of money, identification papers. Finder please leave at Dally News. (253) FOUND FOUND Brown dog. Would Mr. Mills, 916 10th Ave. E. please phone Green 963. WORK WANTED GENERAL CLEANING, part time work. JVpply Box 609 Dally News. . (253) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD, 718 Fraser Street. (tf) 1 W. J. Gale arrived tn the city Tuesday night from Fort William, being here to assume his new duties as station ticket agent for the Canadian National Railways. Mrs. Gaie and son win be arriving later. Mr. Nellson Is coming trom Portage la Prairie to be Mr. Gale's assis tant. Announcements AH advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25e a word. "Help Norway" Invitation Dance Oddfellows' Hall, Oct. 29. Drawing for raffle. Hear Tim Buck, Capitol Theatre, 12 noon, October 31. Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 4. W.A. Coast Regiment Service Men's Dance, Nov. 8, Empress Club. Little Norway Tea, Nov. 10. A Canadian Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, Nov. 12, Oddfellows' Hall Cathedral Fall Bazaar Nov. 18. United Church Bazaar December 2nd. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Phone 387 . MODERN TAILORS Makers of High TJrade Made-to-Measure Clothes 318 5th St. (Behind Royal Bank) rhone Black 81 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP . Permanent Waving j Beauty Culture In all its branches 206 4th St. Phone 655 "STAR'S" STYLEWEAR Ladles' & Children's Ready - to - Wear 625 Third Ave. W. Black 780 IS. LAMR, TAILOR Ladies' b Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes. 302 Third Ave. W. Black 787 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers. Phone 174 P.O. Box 271 International I Correspondence 1 Schools Canadian Limited B. F. Lovin, Representative Box 526 1315 riggot Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. FRATERNAL ORDERS Prince Rupert I.O.O.F. LODGE NO. 63 meets 2nd and '4th Tuesdays every month at 8 p.m. SAVOY H 0 TEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 541 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT JL A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE A liOOH PLACE TO BIT- Rupertla "Wave Crest" Mattress, 4-6 only, all white cotton Ostermoor Mattress, all white cotton, 4-6 only Deep-Sleep Spring filled units Beauty-Rest Spring filled units Restmore No. I Spring filled units Rip-Van Winkle Spring filled units Slumber King Spring filled units These Mattresses and spring filled sleep ally advertised and verv denendahio r " r .w. -I" '"'weptl ' uit r ici.uuniituu mem. oena your ordet ia iJ can ship at once. Phone 775 ANNETTE'S LADIES' W WE LEAD . . . OTHERS FbLLOW Coutt's Canadian Buy . and speed i Christmas Can Patriotic Cards Special Cards for Overseas Cards for the Family Cards for Sweethearts Cards for Friends Send Coutt's Fine Cards The Finest Greeting Cards Conic in and sec them and m selection NOW! III ,1