JAGE SIS , ,itW Expert OPTICAL SERVICE 1 ?nd Ave. (across from Rupert Hotel) -A-v Chas. Chas. Dodiir Dodimcad U 1 VrVU- Optometrist in ( ' nand Hand Rnrrar Charge Jewelry Engraving VISIT ,OUU BASEMENT OKE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant yours For a Smarter Fall Assuming:, of course, your Fall Shoes come from The Cut Rate Shoe Store THEY'RE HERE! The largest selection of new shoe arrivals you've ever had the pleasure of seeing in Rupert. Fancy pumps, stylish step-ins and comfortable walking shoes that still look dressy. ... A complete range of sizes and widths, too. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. I Cut Rate Shoe Store MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED f J; 50G THIRD AVENUE W. (across from Orme's Drug) Jj THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. Phone 175 JUST RECEIVED A Shipment of CHESTS OF DRAWERS AND DINETTE SUITES Speed the Victory, Buy Bonds Elio Furniture Store Third Avenue (Next the Daily News) Prince Rupert MEN'S Working Boots PALMERS "MOOSE HEAD BRAND" 8 inch and 6 inch. GREB & STERLING Chrome. and Men-nenite calf with double soles and solid throughout. Priced from $5.50 Shoe findings and arch supports. Family Shoe Store Ltd. The Home of Good Shoes" CFPR (1240 Kilocycles) Schedule THURSDAY F-M. : 00 The Esquires :30 Ray Kinney's Orchestra : 00 Caravan : 30 Sound off :45 Air Command :00 CBC News :05 Recorded Interlude : 15 Sports Interviews :30 We Shall Have Music :00 Major Bowes ;30 Bing Crosby : 00 Fred Waring ;15 Front Line Family :30 Personal Album :45 Melody Round-up : 00 Front Line Theatre ; 30 Interview with Ingrid Bergman : 35 Classics for Today : 00 CBC News Rebroaacast :05 Recorded Interlude :15 Show Time : 30 Great Music :45 Organ Reveries 00 Closlne announcement FltlOAY A.M. 30 Musical Clock 45 CBC News 50 Musical Clock 30 Morning Devotions 45 Novelty Tunes 00 Jimmy Cash 15 Music a la Carter 30 CBC News 35 Transcribed Varieties 00 Henry King's Orchestra 30 Hill Billy Music 45 They Tell Me 00 Scandinavian Melodies 15 Broadcast of Messages 17 Recorded Interlude 45 Troubadors 00 Wayne King's Orchestra P.M. 30 Spotlight Bands 45 CBC News 50 Interlude 55 Program Resume 00 Bing Crosby Rebroadcast 30 National newscast 00 Closing announcement TIRES SALVAGED LEITH, Scotland ID At least 30 tires, ranging from perambulators filings to th" nt heavy lorries were salvaged with tons of metal from Leith harbor by Admiralty employees and naval ratings. J M.S.Loubser D.C., B.A. . Chiropractor Wallace Block Phone 84B Fresh Local Raw and 1 Pasteurized MILK 1 u n VALENTIN DAIRY I M PHONE 657 I In thr Nuinrtnt toHrt .jfi lirltlsh 'Columbia In Probate ,ln the .Matlrjior the.-jAdmlnMratloii , Act" and In Hie yattwiof the Estate off All bert lleftfp ()thrrwle khoMr, ni (eorge Albert iteelie) lleceased. ' TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hla Honor, W. E. Fisher, made on he 22nd day at October. A J). 1943. ' was appointed Administrator (with Will annexed) of the Estate of Al-cm Bcrbe Otherwise known as George Albert Beefbel deceased, and all parties having c La Linn against the aid estate are (hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or about the 22nd day of November, AD. 1943, and aU parties Indti5rd to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me foijttvwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 22nd day of October, AD. 1943. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. OIL BURNERS CLEANED HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Black 735 221 Seventh Ave. West "Largest Organization of Its kind In the World" Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association JOHN LLOYD WRIGHT Resident Representative Pioneer Rooms No. 6 167 3rd Ave. P.O. Box 952 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 711 and I will gladly call I SKEENA MOTOR TRANSPORT G. L. Brookes. Mgr. 21-Hour Taxi Setvice . Trucking ef all kinds Bus Service to Airport , Special Charter Free Parcel . Checking ' ' Room Public Waiting and Rest Rooms (or Men and Women P.O. Box 101, Terrace THE DAILY KEWB THURSDAY ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT When I asked for an iron for the Montreal Circle boys they are the Navy Communications branch I didn't know they wanted any sort of an iron, even one of those old fashioned sort you heat over a stove. There must be some of those around although, of course, they prefer an electric Iron even if it does need repairing as they are experts in electrical repair work. So, like the London street cry. it's irons, any old irons, irons oh The rooms registry Is brighter lately than It has been in some time. That is people don't have to wait three or four months for a room, a month about fixes them. But I would like to point out to anyone who contemplates i renting a room that there Is no demand now by single men for rooms. Last year when the navy boys were all out on lodge and comp the demand was ter-rlflajbuttslnce,hent they have gone" 'into i1barrack& " I was looking at a snap of the "Y" supervisors taken only last April and was surprised to see how many of them have left this area. Makes me feel more and more like a barnacle on the good ship "Y." There is Percy Boulton for Instance who used to be with the Kiska boys on the Highway He is no longer with the MY." Bob Gibson, now area supervisor on the prairies, is marked for China and parts unknown. John Grey from Terrace Is now overseas. Ivan Mal-iptt is overseas as first T 'man with the navy and Smiling Jim Carlette is on his way overseas. Eheu fugacesl Here today and gone tomorrow. Sorry .to say that Jean Mel-vin has been ill the past few days with a very nasty case of flu but by now is feeling somewhat better. Arthur Peacock Is on his way to Alaska, up to Sk'agway, White-horse and down the Highway to Edmonton. We expect some interesting stories of his trip when he returns. Very many thanks to the Order of the Eastern Star for supplying our dance chaperones all this month and to remind the Queen Mary Chapter I.OJ3.E. that it's their turn next month. Thanks. WOMEN AS ELDERS EDINBURGH O) For the first time in the history of the history of the Scottish Presbyterian church it has been decided to admit women as elders. CUTS, BURNS Gtd BRUISES OLYHPEME THE AHTISEPTIC LlHIMEHT Here's the Way to Buy NEW, UStiw wn BETBEADED TIRES Under Wartime Hegm FARMERS . . . Tirct ta form tractori, caaa-tioM tad trockl ara tlifibla lor replacement provided tbey cenoot be repaired er re-treided. Far Ihermore, ear farmer ool owniof track nay replace the tiree on hit pea eealer car tad trailer. Far lartaer information eee tbt eereet Fireateae Dealer. To tave time, fint go to yoor.neirear m Firestone Dealer who bat complete official tire information. He will iJ- t.' viae you if you are eligible and whit class you are in. Then he will help you fill out the Application for a Ration Permit, furnish the dealer's Inspection Report, and do everything he can to assist you. Wkile new and used tires and re-truaded tires t re restricted to essential buyers, no permit is necessary for tire repairs or retreading. If you know of ,a minor bruise or cut, have it repaired immediately.. If your tires are smooth, make arrangements now to have them retreaded. Better still, have the Firestone Dealer give your tires a complete expert Inspection, and put their care in bit hands. CAR, TRUCK and INDUSTRIAL TIRES Firestone Dealers S. E. Parker, Ltd. Special Announcement TO OUR CUSTOMERS Due to new regulations placed upon us by our wholesalers, and the shortage of certain commodities and tlie extra work caused by the rationing coupons, we are forced to go on a cash basis commencing Nov. 15. We hope that the change will not inconvenience you. We wish to continue serving you to the best of our ability. We thank you for your patronage of the past and trust you will support us in the future. SEVENTH AVE. MARKET . . its run r ruic k their -:.e v - latC vVo Cans""" Complete Shows at 1:00, 2:56, 5:00, 7:05, 9:10 Briefs From Britain Minimum wages of women regularly employed on the land have been Increased from $10.15 weekly to $10.80. Christmas puddings will be standardized this year and a maximum price is to be fixed by the Ministry of Food. The Earl of Nortoury has bo-, quethed $160,195 to his widow with the estate to pass on to his nephew, Gen. Sfr Harold Alexander, after his death. Admiral Lord Louis Mount-batten, new supreme Allied commander In Southeast Asia, has been appointed a companion of the Order of the 3ath. To celebrate the capitulation of Italy, 20 Northern Ireland lothlng firms making uniform gave their 7,000 'workers an extra weck'j pay. The King's harvest in Windsor Oreat Park Is double that of last year. Oracle Fields has arrived In North Africa to start a tour of entertainment for the forces. Ten thousand acres of onions, some 70.000 to 100.000 tons, are bein?; harvested In Britain ior storage and use during the winter. l..The Germans know they are beaten they are hanging on In the hope of wearing us out and setting an easier peace, says Lord Rlverdale, chairman of the RJkF. benevolent fund. Lady Montgomery, who says she has been called a "vigorous old woman" and a "distinguished old lady," says the title of which she is proudest is "mother of the man who made Rommel run." Lord Mottistone told a "religion and life" meeting "the King and Queen look forward to the greatest good resulting from the religion and life movement." A nhotojrapherig flashlight bulb exploded within two yards of the Princess Itoyal during an AT.S. inspection at Aberdeen. Scotland, but the Princess was the least perturbed of the party. Lord Dawson of Penn was And ... Order Your Victory Suit with Cuffs LING THE TAILOR I 220 Sixth Street unanimously electee president of the British Medical Association at Its annual meeting. He was president in the centen ary year of 1932. Gertiude Wohl, London bank clerk, has given up Saturday visit to the movies until the Germans are beaten. Instead, she is going to spend that time In a war factory. WARTIME HIIALTH American demand for castor oil has more than quadrupled since war began. SKX KltUALITY The American Army and Navy have an equal wage policy wherever women are employed. es, ''J -w.4u,c ai, i. j 28, 5 .31, 38 i T . CALL A " ' '11 ? Ills h flan. l-. .. and Papfrhanrin.1 "M.SM 861 Bora.1 TIMIltU SAU X13J Beaktt ; Uie Uli.., B.C. ,. the for-Docembe; Of Urtl. v Xct i.f p-OTJ !. ;u Beotloi v 3. Quo i f. trlct Three , i for reii.-'-.aj Fur iier Frerr. H. T . ) -Uw. ,m .... t, 1 f i ri l;:cc R- per? l,r MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more c riL We have a complete variety of available Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Tobaccos and Confectionery FREE DELIVERY throughout the city three tto iJ (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays) Opposite Canadian Legion IS REAL WAR This Is not a phoney war. The Canadian Arm? Is in the thick of the fight The onl;? way wf can win Is on the field of battle If phy ; x y fit and between 18 and 45 you are eligible i r the Active Army, which is still an e::'.:ruj volunteer Army. Visit your nearest Army Kecruiting Office today. Don't delay. Ormes Ltd Pioneer Druggists Till.' IM'vin ctiiiil' utiivrc 11 ani Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and rw viwwKrwIIIWttttf f ftffff vfrfftttiwiwiwi1 IT IS EARL! mm m m - - ISLES OF GIFTS For 'Xm Shopping jjut we urse V buyyiur gilt wfl as possible Conditions are ur usual tins yt'- Setotion and vice will not be good later. HEADLINE FOB 1 We hare a selection of overseas gifts m Variety Store for jt If you lose anything, advertise