3AY OCTOBER 28, 1943 itfaa f 'rtrs mis r-MtffiMer. hysterical amnesia and rrlrj," says the medical 1 Lancet in an article en-The Refusal to Remem- f'K3 of memory is accept able community as illness than carelessness," it 1 BILL. IF Vm 1 mic-r ItWR BRAIMS U.IK THE TOILER tesia edical Probed MeiT lial Form in Many Case file by Pmuasian Doctors Ive fcOM, o.:t 28 0) "No division can toe made be points out, "amnesia is to be decides to give himself up when found in soldiers who have overslaye"iriheir leave." "The origin is emotional distress. The patient is unable to he is confronted with authority." The Lancet says that medi cal men who conducted research face his situation and walks , jn 40 rjv F. ground staff cases, out on it. He is probably aware j suggested that amnesia never of his actions and hi behaviour was far from conscious levels appears normal to others, provided he Is not Interrogated. "After wandering for eight and was cured by simple persu-slon. "But." It adds, "because a hours or so, the need for food hysterial sympton can be re- or shelter forces him to realize moved by persusion are we to that his behaviour has not only conclude that the patient is a not solved his original worry but malingerer? If the patient can has created the additional prob- develop paralysis of memory or lem of explaining his recent any other function is not tl' conduct. proof that he should not be "It Is probable that the am- judged by normal standards of nesla develops only when he behaviour?" FROM BETTER TO WORSE! ' t,Ml MASTER MID' Dooryard Fence Loses to Truck In Tug-of-war And Elevenrjear-old Dick Ed- ear Goes to Hospital When Struck by Flying Woodwork. People have been known to be struck by a great variety of moving object but not many outside the cyclone area of Kansas have had the experience of being laid low by a moving fence as was 11 -year-old Dick Edgar Tuesday night. Dick, the son of Mrs. E. Edgar, Lctourneau Apartments, was playing with two other children in 8ixth Street near Fraser about 8:30 and, in the course of their play, one of the children tied one end of a piece of rope to a truck that was standing at the curb and the other end o a fence across the sidewalk. When Driver Peter Postuk unaware that his truck was at tached to anything, climbed in to it and began to drive away, the truck took a section of the fence along wijh it and the flying woodwork struck the Edgar boy on the head, knocking him unconscious. .. He was rushed immediately by ambulance to the hospital where it was thought at first that he may have been suffering from a concussion but It was reported this morning that he had been taker home and his condition was hot serious. MPS 1 mm TOM LEE & SON, GROCERS Howe & McNulty HARDWARE 1 I if VDU'D IMPROVE r. 5ERGEANI, 1 VJRarll youkc rLPgSSWCHpS SOT J ME IN pHAT "APE ' " i I - THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE PRINCE RUPERT HONOR ROLL List of Local Men and Women on Active Serviee Are YOU resDonsible for some one's name not being in this (See entry form eisewnere.) NAVY Peter D. Allen. Charles Anderson. Harold Anderson. Stanley Anderson. Robert Armstrong. Don Arney. W. a. Barker. Emile Blaln. William Bremner. Bernard Brldden. George J. Brown. Harold Bunn. John Bunn. Hugh Burbank. Robert H. Capstick. Douglas chrlstlson. Vincent Dodd. John Dohl Robert Duggan. Elmer Eburne. Melvln Eburne. Robert Elkins. Donald Eastman. William P. Elkins. Terry Fortune. Mitchell Gay. Efner R. Green. James Greer. Ian Grlmsson. John Grimsson. Raymond. Hougan. Bill Hunter. Foster Husoy. Peter Husoy. Tom Johnstone. James R. Laurie. Jan toft Leland. Fred Lewis. Tilly R. Lloyd. Bruce Love. Harry Monkley. , Andrew Macdonald. Jack Macfie. Robert McKay. Robert McLean. Norman McLeod. David McMeekin. David McNab. Robert McNab. John D. McRae. Douglas Payne. 'Bud" Ponder. David Ritchie. Jack Ritchie. Robert Ritchie. Harrv Robb. Robert Roy. Bud Skattebol. Stanley Scherk. J. D. Schubert (prisoner of war). Carl Smith. Malcolm Smith. Ralph Smith. Walter Smith. Carl Strand. Orme Stuart. Stanley veitch. Sid White. Robert Whltlnc Oscar Wlngham. George Yule. Jack Yule. Jack Storrle. ARMY Louis Astoria. Eric Barton. Beatrice Berner. William (Sonny) Beynon. Louise Bird. Walter Bird. Norman Blackhall. Donald Blake. Raymond Bracewell. Ronald Bracewell. William Brass. J. W Bridden. Earl Brochu. Alfred Calderone. Jack CampbclL Donald Clark. Fdward Clark Jim Colussl Mike Colussl. Frank Comadlna. Grant Coverdaie. Bert Cross. Walter Cross. Charles Dennis. Thomas Dennis. ; i Paul Dvornck. R. C. H. Durnford. Malcolm Elder. Whit field Elder. John Gates. Andrew Glover. Darrow Gomez. Thomas W. Graham. Burton Green. Splro Gurvkh. By Wcstover .IT ISMT RAIR TO MAKE THINK A MERE VJOULD BE EM0U6H .1 himTI TPViMfi to HVPNOT17E H1MJ AHTH MY BRAINS DONSHtoi Rl3HT 'irsa Phylls Hamblln. L. J. R. Haynes. R. H. A. Haynes. K. C. W. Haynes. E. D. Head. David Henderson. Howard Hlbbard. Frank E. Hodgkinson. Harold Hodgson. Percy Hudson. William Hutson. Robert Johnson. Walter Johnson. S. D. Johnston. T. D. Johnston. Nick Kurulok. Matilda Larsen. Everett R. Leek. Clarence Lovm. G. P. Lyons. Danny Magnet. Steve Mentenko. Michael P. MeCaftery. John C. McCubbln. Ian Macdonald. Jack McEvoy. Alex McFanane. Norman McGlashan. Victor Miller. Robert Montgomery. Michael D. Montesano. Ford Moran Jack Moran James Moran. John K. Murray. Edith Mvtrie. Joseph Naylor Leonard Ness. Donald Norton Walter Perkins. Emll Perlstrom. Arthur Phillips. William A. Pilfold Jr. Robert Rudderham. Olav Rysstad. William Scherk. Thomas Scully. Bob Shrubsall. Thomas Sibley. Glenn Smith. W. D. Smith. Hugh J. Smith. James Smith. Douglas Stalker. Albert Stlks James Suden. L. V. Tattersal. Arnold Tweed. Rodney Valpy. Martin van Cooten. Clarence Vaughan. Stanley Vickerman. William White. Jack Wearmouth. T. J. Williams. James Wood. AIR FORCE Ronald Allen. Harry Astoria. Alex Baillle. Marcel Blaln. Peter Brass. Alan Burbank. Denis William Burnip. Jean R. Cameron-Peter cartwright. Iris Corbould. Jack Corbould. Lilian Croxford. James Currie. Arthur Davey. 3 -'Jt John W. Davey. Hit,- Victor Dell. Jack Eastwood. ' I U Clarence Flnley. in Hugh L. Forrest. Thomas Forrest. Louis Orlin Glay. Arvid Hansen. Harold Helgerron. Robert Henderson. . Helge Holkestad. Mike Hudema. Sam Jurmaln. Robert Kelsey. Kam Y. Lee. Alan LelRhton (missing). Harold Leverett. Albert Mah. Cedric Mah. George R. Mayer. Henry Mayer. Don McCavour. Ralph Morln. Hector W. Macdonald. Ken Schubert. William Shrubsall. Robert Sllversides. Fddie Smith. James Joseph Thompson. John A. Walker. Henry Worsfold. U.S. ARMY George A. Glay. Mary McCaffery. Thomas W. Pierce. Ernest santurbane. U.S. NAVY Howard Frlzzell. Made supreme sacrifice. tlTfVTTTTTTTrrVTtTTtvV'r? NERVES cause pain and symptom effects, regardless of name, designated as . . . trouDie, ais-ease, or, ais- " order. To correct and prevent electrical terminal effects of cause unknown or known, Power Companies recognize the advantages in dividends of money spent on maintenance of Power Lines. Likewise, Chiropractic is "Service and Maintenance" of nerve Power-Lines. Trunk "POWER" Lines between brain-generator and nerve terminal effects. DR. J. L. CURRY CHIROPRACTOR has opened new, otflces in the Smith Block to care for the growing number recognizing in health dividends the distinct and unusual advantages of vital "Power" Service. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 1 ARRY was a normal, quiet chan until' quite recently. Then, suddenly he contracted Loose Tongue-Itis. Nim? his tongue is wagging constantly passing on everything he hears. Have you heen eiposed to this dangerous wartime , disease? Symptom is an uncontrollable desire to tell everything you know. Particularly violent attacks occur when you learn some vital information about troop movements, war production, ship sailings, etc. If you arc a victim, don't despair . . . there is a sure cure that you can start taking right away. As soon as you feel the urge to reveal some vital information coming on,, start saying to yourself "What have I done today to help win the war?" Keep repeating this over and 1 over to yourself until the attack passes. ' This treatment is guaranteed to cure :: anyone of Loose-Tongue-llis. ' BREWING COMPANY LIMITED FAVORITISM? Local Tides Starlings will sometimes strip F"flJl' 'j.j, 20.5 'feet one cheery tree In an orchard, 13:17 22.1 feet leaving all the other trees un- Low 7:20 .5.7 feet molested. . " 1 19:49 3.1 feet Let us give you . . . 10 XMAS PERM Our PERMS are hard to BEAT Annette 'Po we II Beauty Shoppe 4th Street (Across from Post Office) Phone Bine 917 If you lose anything, advertise for it