1 V V A hnraAc At a I airi Ian Who Was Arrested in Van couver Tor Local Police Appears In Court Tiphienincr I In o a r On Accounting WATER IS DISCUSSED forces west of Zuara In the Tunis an border area yesterday while Allied patrols probed Axis defence positions along a line extending Inland from the coast. United states forces are striking toward the coast In southern Tunisia while farther north the British First Army smashed a German counter attack southwest from Pont du Fahns toward Rebaa and followed up with a counter-attack. In,quest Into Boat Fatality Circumstances of Fatal Fire Local Waterfront Sunday Morn ing Being Investigated on After viewing the remains, a coroner's Inquest Into the aeatn nf Private Rodncv Valpy of the Rdval Canadian Army Service rnms who lost his life in a fire aid. The Jury consists oi w. j. Sheardown. foreman, E. J. CobD. Peter Shelby, who was arrested Jack FUrnCss, N. L. Jones, Albert n Vancouver and returned here gtlu and rjaVid Young. n charges of false pretences by i: nir,3 worthless checks, appear- u uciure jvagisirai-e w. v. vaiire n -ity police court yesterday on V. W.U. 1 ITIinnn mhAn ttt.r nnrn fthorirfB .."V.I It 4..1 V t. l III"' V. IIMIQVU II tmllAu ...Ill V. nrl ' T " I . n IM 1IC 111 W1C ilUIUUUU Ul Dry Dock's Supply May Be Regu lated Others liiiuueii o Consideration Artpr hoarlne a lengthy report frnm ho utilities committee on the rnrpnf. water shortage in the city, Uv,- rnunMi decided last night to take steps to limit the consumption of water at the dry dock to normal wfA4 haf. mi IP II 'Crests and Penalty Vam'.A U, OI tne ictcui lenrpf....!. u- "t. i-.i ii lu c "1" i, Jn-lr nnenlne UP 115 uyu Slcps are being taken by the city runell towards bringing about a J'lihtenln? up of accounts and col 'Mllons In Hip rlfir hall' Tl " 'ayment of lnteresit on delin- 1.111; uij vivvi. -i w - . rants and permitting the water to ,. ir,tn the sea to prevent, uc- abnormal In i fhpro was an crease In the amount of water used Mm Arv Hnck. v"' " ,,,-.l n.llln al TVinmas liinui.i "" i-- flnt taxation will henceforth be outspoken on the matter. He i felt uuuii uo wen da uaviiiLiiv i tw v , i tXnMtu0 iu. j... ... .ijnlnn and that lt would ue the public in that quarter. Local Temperature Dim-out Time (Hall an hour alter sunset to Maximum it half an hour before sunrise.) Sunrise 9:28 a.m. Minimum Sunset 6:23 p.m. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER OL AAA". PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1943 PRICE- FIVE CENTS - hurcill Has Paid Turke y Visit ANAflA'S WAR FFFflRT nFHRIRFIlMnterence With President Inonu nif v liitim mm i will krhvviu , n I I A P- -r- . .... . . i is Kegaraea as very agnmcant hips Available Unly B GERMANS In Connection With Sorino Plans til .... AT nfl'wl Ttwt vrtn iti ('rrL:ii u Yuf i l il'Ii. Minn c i : 1 1 1 ivi'ii im.iLunt tit vf tiovuii uotuiiJiJir mcnt Abroad Most "bcnous" l car. -in War is Coming Up OTTAWA. Feb. 2 Prime Minister William Lyon . tr' i v 1 1 iL TT r-. ...1.... Tmknnzip ftinir LOKi me nuuw ut vjuiniiiuris ycsinuav hat the only limit placed upon troops and supplies sent Pnnodn tt'OC flio "limit ff shlMS nVillljllllP 1 1 i x& nut x.j i ..-. . . i n take them." That, he said, was the answer to the cnti- . f Pnn, n'o titnv nffnvf hut ho ;i kn mivn mnnv I I 1 1 111 Vtlllll ' " ' - C3 V nd volume of the Dominions . 1 1 . . i . Mr King announced that Jhere ould be marked increase In the hmcnt overseas with Canada nkins full responsibility tor main- The Prime Minister warned that H4i would be a "more serious one I IT 1 il I IllIllUll 1 Ul i,LJ HIIJ ear Jnce the war started. Dolnc further into details. Pre- ..I In rA- l".T rung uuijuuijv.tu m u which was in the Throne pecen debate, that Canada" plans increase the number of Royal . u rttin ,1 Mir riiii .i 1 11 1 n 1 111.1 kf.b..' '2.1 iram iiixjub Liiiibv w iuuvj irii during the present year, uan da was also undertaking to pro-ide pay and allowances of Royal ar.adtan Air Force personnel serins m Royal Air Force squadrons. The cost of the changed policy. It Kins said, was not estimated. Air Force spokesman said It u-h. tint hp mndp until the bud- c was presented but it would run nio millions uDon minions. Mr King also disclosed that omethlng like eight or ten cor-... ... . j cues ana omer snips naa succci-u-d in linking enemy U-boats. - . IV liMI ItBill II WJ f I Id. R 1)11 -" ' ' I - Limit Un rorces and SyjuSoSs Cioods ror Uverseas BATTLING IN AFRICA Activities From Various Sections of That War Theatre-is Reported CAIRO, Feb. 2 0 It Is reported Vio TlrlUch F.lirhth Armv px- flla.nner of Army Doctor's Death Established Safety Recommendations Are Made Capt. John Menzies MacDiarmid, local army doctor, came to his death at the Prince Rupert military hospital at 12:45 a.m. January 23 as a result of concussion following a fractured skull and internal injuries suffered when a sedan car which he was dilving plunged over an embankment from Fourth Av enue West into Service Memorial Park at the rear of the city police station at or about midnight January 23. Such was the verdict of a coroner's Jury which yesterday investigated the circumstances of the fatality. The Jury lecommended that a well lighted sign should be installed at the west end of Fourth Avenue West and that consideration be given by the city engineer to the erection of a more substantial barricade than that which exists at present or that some means Axis adopted to insure the safety of changed artillery fire with j The inquest was conducted by Coroner Norman A. Watt and the Jury consisted of C. L. Youngman, foreman. Oiler Besner, D. P. Miller. W. F-Sheardowri, William Brass and William Bussey. Examinatioa of witnesses was conducted by Staff Sergeant F. W. Gallagher. Three army officers sat in to represent Prince Rupert area defences in the heating. Principal Witness Capt. Robert Fraser Stewart, who was in the death car with deceased, had considerable difficulty in recalling the circumstances of the fatality. Still bearing marks of the Injuries he himself sustained, he was visibly In stress and finally was taken out of the witness stand at the suggestion of Major Arthur Lancelot Coinlsh, officer commanding the local military hospital, who stated that he (Stewart) was suffering Jrom retrograde amnesia, could not recall anything that transpired for two or three hours prior to the accident and was aboard a power cruiser ai me , m no ill condition to give icsu- floats of the Prince Rupert Row- . mony. or answer questions. ing & Yacht Club on Sunday morn-i Capt. Stewart had said he could inn. u.a nriinnmed until tomorrow i'remember nothing about the acci- evenlng. The Inquest Is the first dent. He had been in company with to be conducted by the newly ap- eign; army auuwia. ..!. J rnnlr nr. Ti. .1. MaCDOn- mUUlU UCUUAC ocua... i ..uu v.. IJUlllbC U LUWHVt, - ' " in Prince Rupert about sixteen months and knew Fourth Avenue, He did not remember who had been with him about 11 o'clock that night but believed lt was Capt. Mac Diarmid and Lieut. Yager. Who was in the car with him prior to the accident he could not recollect. There had been a gathering at the Commodore Cafe about 7:15 p.m. and they had left there about 9:30 n.m. and went to the garrison officers' mess. He did not remember when he left there. He could not recollect who was driving the car but suggested It was Capt. MacDiarmid. He could not say who was driving when the accident occurred. Capt. MacDiarmid had often driven his car. As Capt. Stewart was having .difficulty In going on, Major Cornish Interjected and suggested that he was in no fit condition to proceed. Major Cotnlh then took th? stand himself. He told of being called to the military hospital where he arrived at 12:30 midnight about the time MacDiarmid and Stewart had been admitted. He at tended both doctors with the as sistance of Dr. J. J. Gibson, Dr. MacDiarmid gradually 'became worse and pied at 12:45 a.m. Earlier Earlier in in the the evening evening there mere had ha ' -uf r wie aue aaie uu li." V.u".3'""r u" it wne nermltted i " accounts tvipvo w n nisn hp it ii ne d i iik - . ..,.,., . fuuim, V"." "a-n owing to lack oi i been a dinner ior " " OCA IbLi) H.& HVt w , i nMA . MTIOU I 111 H I I'S. f I l.fr" m0nthS Of dellnnn pnpv water oressure. . . ..!.. ,, 4t, inf fv rmft . . . , t-ntn rr ura iPr rnf n ni pi liicv wciv tu iitv huur Kecommenriatlnno ninmr these Thero was no SIWC "," " I j .. lines i, " ' " i . , tu r nirn the Hit tummmiv committee 1 son nvj.. v onicuis iuiku WPrp firnnJ .1 In Wnnrtwnrth L3Ke, wvwfcuLcu ul iiiai, iiiKi.bo in. .Urti,f riftppn nr- i.wpni.v nun .ps. Cfllinpll w.. i.j iiuuui. ...v-v.. , --..v.i iiiipi.inT I rpiim i.i'u. CRACKING . Even ilfffh Command Announces Last Bulwark at Stalingrad Gone Red Advances Elsewhere NEW YOKK, Feb. Z (CT) The-Oerrjan High Cnttioiand announced today that the defensive rin; of .the , German EJeyenth Army Corps' in Stalingrad, has been h reached and Russian troops have broken tinlo "the last bulwark of the defenders'' in several places. The Russian noon communiaue recorded in London said: "More towns were takfi. in advances west of Voronezh by the Ited Army aiming at Kursk and stubborn resistance on the southern front is broken with Axis troops e treat in?." The Soviet forces are threatening Rostov, Kharkov, Kursk and Krasnodar. LOG SCALE IS HIGHER This January's Production Nearly Four Times as Great as Same Month Last Year " During the month of JariuanTth log scale in Prince Rupert forestry district was 8,032.288 board feet WATERFRONT EXPLOSION Boat Shattered and Two Men Injured on Local Waterfront This Afternoon Another gasboat explosion took place this aUernoon on the local waterfront. Theic were two blasts and buildings around were shaken. The boat itself, a small vessel, was to large extent shattered and two men were injured. The ambulance went to the scene and took the men away. CONNECTION TO JASPER Plans For Further Improvement Of Radio Here Being Proceeded With Ira Dilworth, regional director of the Canadian Broadcasting oprutt. iw usual. wu uiu yuu . uuu urru pal variety, amounting to 5,044,510 network. As a matter of fact, one board feet. Last year in Januarv 0f the members of the Chamber feet. EXCHANGES IN PACIFIC Air and Sea Activity Over Wide Area is Disclosed WASHINGTON. D.C. Feb. 2 All the way from the Solomons to the Aleutian Islands in the Pacific war theatre, there have been fresh air and naval exchanges between Allid and Japanese forces. some proceeding to the McBride St:eot mess, MacDiarmid, Stewart and Yager had walked from one mess to the oUier as" the keys of Dr. Stewart's car could not be found. Later Major Cornish him self brought the car uo to McBride St'eet. While he (Cornish) was driving he found lt necessary to continually clear the windshield of frost. They sat around for a few minutes at the McBride Street mess and at 11:50 p.m. he (Cornish) saw MacDiarmid and Stewart off In their car. There were Just the two of them. Capt. MacDiarmid tool: the wheel and drove away. Witness personally watched them drive away, turning off McBride Street on to Fifth Avenue West. Both were in the front seat. They were both quite capable. A certain amount of liquor had been consumed during the evening. Capt Stewart had driven from the Com modore Cafe to the garrison mess. The car when lt let McBride Street "mess was under good control. Major Cornish identified photographs of Capt. Stewart's car and gave the cause of death rs concussion following fracture of the skull and Internal injuries. Constable Testifies Constable Robert C. Moore told of sitting In the police office at 12:01 last Thursday night when a rumbling sound was heard .from outside. He Immediately went out and the car was found lying in Service Memorial Park. The car (Continued on Fayo Three.) under way. Mr. Dilworth was replying to a letter which had been sent by the Chamber expressing appreciation of improved radio service that was already being given here. There was also a letter from Dick Halhed, local manager, ex pressing gratification that the programs were approved but also stated that there was still a great deal of Improvement to be done which it was hoped could be ef fected. City May Get Pipe Thawing Device Soon An electric device for the thaw ing out of water pipes may be obtained by the city for the use of the citizens. "This was proposed at last night's meeting of the -city WAR Leaders of Two Nations in Two-day Parley Discuss Whole European Situation British Premier Also Inspects Cyprus LONDON, Feb. 2 (CP) Going direct from the historic war strategy conference with President Franklin D. Roosevelt at Casablanca, Prime Minister Winston Churchill has paid a visit to Cyprus and Turkey, giving broad and unmistakeable warning to Chancellor Adolf Hitler against a spring offensive in the direction of Turkey. The British and Turkish ( leaders, in meetings Saturday and Sunday, discussed the entire European situation, giving particular attention "to those regions in which Turkey Is directly Interested," a British communique said. Mr. Churchill flew to Turkey via Cyprus and his meeting with President Inonu was at Adana. The visit to Cyprus was regarded as of considerable significance. Reference is made to strong Allied forces which are occupying that island which might be a spring board against Crete and Greece. Corvette Named Rupert Chamber of Commerce in'- Uny I hK I 1TV a letter last night that the com tst ccrvette-fbr the: Cans yard and the launching will take place before long, ac- enrriinz to Information receiv- the scale was only 2,256,116 board , said that construction was already ' . . j"ne lt council meeting last night from the builders. Mayor W. M. Watts has sent 'Pay As You Earn Plan Is Discussed construction of a direct line with T "1C T . . Prince Rupert is nearing com- Jasper" , ,, to connect (V, the local ,., sta-, st. ' ... . 1 tllfLlllII HI, iM. i:.1L VyUlUll 0111L r. i ... 1 prnn n i.rttv tho narirrsi ' Local Chamber of Commerce Hears Correspondence in Regard to .Matter There was correspondence at the regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last night In regard to the proposed "pay as you earn income tax plan. This is strongly urged by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce which has commu nicated with the federal govern on the subject. A communication council. There was such a device : from tne sccretary of the minister available which, for a payment of of flnance sald tnat the proposal pipes. tlon and official study. NEWS REDS HEMMING IN NAZIS MOSCOW Bed Ai'my troops have pushed one wedge of their arc around Rostov to within less than forty miles of the city with t lie capture of Zcrnovoy and arc developing new thrusts against Kursk, Kharkov and Krasnodar, Soviet auUioritics indicated today. AMERICAN FORCES STRIKE ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA Under an umbrella of fighting planes, United Slates troops, striking toward the coast in southern Tunisia, drove the Germans out of the village of Sencd yesterday and then withdrew after accomplishing the mission, it was announced today. CHURCHILL IN TURKEY LONDON Prime Minister Winston Churchill, carrying forward the Allied pattern for conquest of the Axis designed at Casablanca, has flown to Turkey and agreed with President Inonu, among other things, on plans for the bolstering up of Turkish defences, it was announced today. Gov't Held Responsible City Council Endorses Resolution From Teachers' Federation In Regard to Educational Costs After hearing representaUons on the subject by Bruce Mlckleburgh on behalf of the Prince Rupert City and District Teachers' Association which also presented a letter writ ten by the secretary oi its publicity committee, Miss Dorothy O'Neill, the city council last night endorsed a-tesolution approvlng- the principle of the provincial government assuming the financial responsibility for education in British Columbia. This, it was pointed out, would be in compliance with the terms of the British North America A.t. Aid. N. E. Arnold took the lead in endorsing the resolution of which fhe fiitr said aaiu she &iic was wao iicai heartily wijr in in accord. auviin. 1 . ? to the ssa?V yard and . HThgS" the officers. SM llAld. . mAnrn II. M. Daggett seconded -im. and The resolution is as follows: "Whereas the children now In our schools are those who must face the grave problems of the war and of the post-war periods and are, therefore,. In greater need of an adequate education thar, child ren have ever been before, And whereas the Inspiring stand of some of the United Nations, notably Great Britain, China and Russia, may be attributed in no small measure to the emphasis they have placed and are now placing on education. "And whereas the British North America Act assigns the responsi bility for education to the proving clal government. "And whereas thousiiioi oi cnlld-ren in British Columbia are today not receiving a proper education, due to the closing of schools and the replacing of qualified teachers by persons unqualified for teaching, and due to the inability pf many districts throughout the province to nrovide sufficient funds to equip their classrooms. "And whereas this council is desirous of seeing equal and sufflcl-to all the children of this province, ent educational opportunities open whether they reside In Prince Rup ert or in more wealthy districts, "THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this council urge the provincial government to recognize the Importance of education In an all-out war effort as well as Its responsibilities to the children of this province by providing a more satisfactory basis for financing education than the present land tax, such as the establishment or a provincial fund to cover all educational costs, and by establishing at the coming session of the Legislature a s-:ale of salaries, that will ensure the retention of competent and trained teachers throughout the province." A meeting of the executive of the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, which was to have, been held last evening, was postponed until tonight.