A. ii ; I if Hi r" it :1 1 t ' - 1; a i 51 i 1 PAGE SIX Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Charge atcb, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT &OKE for Fine China, Dinnerwarc, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant WMVAVAV.VAVAWV.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V Little Feet Deserve the Best That's the reason wise parents buy their Children's Shoes at the CUT KATE. Experience has taught that we have Health Building Shoes for children of all ages. Sole Distributors WRAGGE CHILDREN'S SHOES MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Cut Rate Shoe Store 506 THIRD AVENUE WEST (Across from Orme's Drug) A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" 50 Only, CARD TABLES Colors Red, Gieen, Black. Cash and Carry Prices $2.95 and $3.50 Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue West China War Relief Fund The success of the drive in theintcrests of the China War Relief Fund is squarely up to the individual. There will be no house-to-house canvass. Send your donation to any of our Banks or take it to the Campaign Hut on Post Office corner at 3rd Avenue and 4th Street where girls in National Chinese costume will be in attendance. Make your Donation as soon as possible and give the Fund a good start. Hut will be open from 2:30 to 5 p.m. each afternoon and from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. evenings. An official receipt will be sent all donations $100 and over. This space donated by: OrmesLtd. Ztfi Pioneer Drttqpfats try our NATURAL CURL WAVE We are certainly getting compliments these days on the lovely permanents we are giving. R you haven't tried us yet, be sure and drop in. Annette Powell Beauty Shoppe 4th Street (Across from Post Office). Phone Blue 917 Early Ad. Copy is Appreciated Stocking Care Now Important A pulled thread or snag in a stocking snould be fixed at once. A run-stop liquid can be carried in the purse. Later the hose can be mended or taken to a re-knit shop. Nail polish as a run stopper can be used In emergencies but should never be used on acetate rayon, fabrics as it may damage the fabric. Be sure your garters are not too short or buy longer hose. This will help prevent runs and holes in the top of the stocking. One way to determine proper hose size is to stand on a ruler and measure the foot from the heel to the tip of the toe. Then add V2 inch to this foot measure except for woollen hose when' at least an extra inch shotild be 'allowed for shrinkage. A ROUND FIGURE The circumference of the earth at the equator is 24,902 miles. THRIFTY SHAVB With Minor- fjades- JAinora stands Jr I nJ i urn i THE DAILY HEWS FRIDAY CFPR (1210 Kilocycles) Schedule FRIDAY P-M. 4:00 Victor Record Album 4:30 London Palladium Orch. 5:00 Tea Dance Time 5:30 Badge of Honor 5:45 Belle McEwen Sings 6:00 CBC News 6:050. R, S. Blackaby, Chinese Relief 6:15 Comrades in Arms 7:00 Comedy Caravan 7:30 John Charles Thomas 8:00 Harry Owen's Orchestra 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Personal Album 8:45 Melody Round-up 9:00 All Time Hit Parade 9:30 Novelesque 10:00 CBC News 10:05 Fish Arrivals 10:10 Recorded Interlude 10:15 Yarns tor Yanks 10:30 Drama from Vancouver 11:00 Closing announcement SATURDAY AJL 7:30 Musical Clock , 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Old Timers Program 9:00 Lud Glusken and Lee 9:30 CBC News Rebroadcast 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Music by Herbert 10:30 Wilf Carter 10:45 Children's Scrapbook 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:30 Petit Concert P.M. 12:00 Luncheon Music 12:30 SnotliRht' Band 12:45 CBC News 12:50 Recorded Interlude 12:55 Program Resume 1:00 One o'clock Musicale 1:30 Aldrich Family 2:00 Closing announcement ANNEXED IN 1897 The annexation of the Hawaiian Islands to the United States occurred August 12, 1897. HELP NOT AVAILABLE Shoe Question is Quite a Problem in England Views on Bombing of Rome "They are calling up more and more women for the factories so household help is practically non-existent," writes a lady in England to a friend in Prince Rupert. "The most of people must do without help altogether which makes it very difficult when the house is large. "We have just got new ration books and their appearance leads one to believe that rationing will be going on for years, probably with ever-tightening regulations. Entertaining has become a nightmare. How can one ask people to tea when tea, sugar, milk, butter and jam are rationed to a point that Is skimpy for one. Bread is not rationed and there is sufficient margarine. We get along quite nicely with our pound of Jam a week. "Shoes are our greatest worry. The ones we get are poor in quality and do not last any time. We get rubber soles and heels, so-called, but they are thin and quickly wear out. Children are supposed to be starting on wooden soles in the fall. "We all feel that the war looks better. What the outcome will be In Italy I cannot see. Poor Italfansit seems, have been beautifully"1 dup'edjjlj they surrender to us lthe XSermans will kill as many of "them as they can. If they go on fighting we shall have no choice but to destroy as many of them as possible. "I wonder what you think about the bombing of Rome. We were told that all the men who went were given an option in 1 BMMZT7wmmrti!WllkM m if i im i rii hi Canadian women arc using Ucst Foods Real Mayonnaise in a variety of clever ways to cheer up wartime menus ... as a spread for ltrend sandwich $ fillings for cooking in sauces for seasoning. Best Foods Renl .Mayonnaise is made of wholesome ingredients . . . eggs, added egg yolks, "Fresh Press" Salad Oil, vinegar and seasonings. Ucst Foods Ileal Mayonnaise provides food fuel-energy that wc need every day almost the same amount spoonful for spoonful that you get in butter. STUFFED PEPPERS 3 green peppers, 1 c. chopped leftover meat, I c. mashed potato, c. chopped carrot, c. chopped celery, 2 ths. cJiopped onion, 1 tsp. salt, tsp. pepper, 3 lbs. Ilest Foods Real Mayonnaise. ,Cut peppers In half, remove cords. Parboil peppers 3 minutes. Mix meat, potato, carrot, celery, onion anil smHon-ings. Saute miiture in Rest Foods Krai Mayonnaise. Fill pepper shells and place under broiler until brown and crisp. Serves 6. ECGS IN RICE RING 4 c. cooked rice, drained, J J c. cooked peas, 1 tsp. salt, 4-6 hard-cooked eggs,' !c. Ilest Foods Real Mayonnaise, c. milk, tsp. pepper. Mix rice, peas, and 1 tsp. salt, and form into a ring on a chop plate. Heap eggs In center of ring. Serve with Mayonnaise White Sauce made by Iieating Best'. Foods Real Mayonnaise with milk,' remaining salt, and pepper In top of double boiler. When smooth, cook S minutes, stirring constantly. Serves 6. BEST FOODS if myh M ainslie & co ltd. N Distributor m HOME FOR WOUNDED V Injured German Soldiers Recuperate in Enemy-Occupied Islands LONDON, Aug. 27 JD German war wounded have' been transported to the Nazi-occupied Channel Islands to recuperate, it was revealed In a report of the island's refugees committee which told of hardships and of Nazi propaganda fed the Inhabitants. Houses which the Nazi wounded and occupying officials use as billets received extra allowances of fuel, said the report, which .covered 1942. For all others, fuel was rationed to a minimum. General health was good although there was a great shortage of 'clothing. Restaurants remained open but served little beyond vegetable dishes. Jersey and Guernsey, largest islands of the group and now important Nazi fortresses which would probably be occupied by the Allies during any full-scale invasion of France, contained three populations leading distinct lives. They were the Islanders, the German garrison and foreign "slaves" Imported by trje Nazis. The garrison, the committee reported, was under strict discipline in behavior toward the islanders and had first call on all supplies. Local newspapers, all Nazi-dominated, attempted to show the -British Empire as siding to disaster on the battle-fronts at at home. the matter so that Catholics could stay out of it but they were willing to go. "The Nazis destroyed hundreds of our churches. I have seen many of ' our churches that have only a few outside walls left and then the Nazis talk of the barbarism of bombing Rome. Rome looks like being bombed again the way Italy is behaving. The men In power are not great friends of ours, I think." r In t In- SUrenie Court ot llrltMi C'irfiiinhlii In DhnriT ami .Matrimonial ('iiiim-h Bitwecci Eugene Votyt. PpUiUrticr, md Ethel Vein'. Rf -rrd-r . and Bernard Human, Oo-retipondcnt. To: Bmrd Han nan. Lately of Piince Rupert, BrVUeh ntumcts. TAKE NOTICE thtit pursuant- to an rrdcr rr de herein the 6th tay ol August 1943 you are rcmUred w 'hln 4.wrfty-one (21) days alter uie puEj lea uoa ct this notice to ewVr an tnmrance etther In per wm ct by ycur Sollc'ior at the cf-fi of tin Dlrtrl-t RrieUrtrar of the Supreme Court cf British Cbl-Jir.b a, rt Vancouver, Brltittti Columbia. h-uld y:u think to, so to do. snd (Thorns''' cr (to rrnke answer o the charges In a PeMttcn for tt'w Ju- tujn of marriage wherein you sre ramw a oo-rcrpondent, and that tn default of yojir so doing the Court will ptoceed to hear the said Charges proved and pronounce Judg ment thereon, your absence not-ml 'IhtitatidhiK. The PrtKtton herein la filed and this Notfcc t-i A,TOr Is Issued by Arthur M. Whlteo'de. K.C of 470 OranvlIIe Slrrtt, Vancouver. IlrJsh OtlumbtB, Solicitor for the Peti tioner. DATED at Vancouver. British Col-umlbfa. this 21et day of Auiiin:. A. D. 1043. J. F. MATHER, District Registrar. M.wfis'1 1 ii mi? nr . mj Fresh Local Haw and ? jj Pasteurized MILK I 1 VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 ti;M:i:inixt::u:;itrciKxrrrnB m READY! Bummer Is here. Get your TENNIS RACQUETS strung by A. D. Hodges, White Apartments. Phone 427 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon and Herring In Tomato Sauce are both on active service but will be back on your grocer's shelf soon as conditions permit. Women Recruits Being Sought Major Okell and Major Tarkes Pay Visit to Smithers SMTTHERS, Aug. 27 MaJor S. H. Okell, in charge of recruiting for British Columbia, together with Major A. S. Parkes of the recruiting office in Prince Rupert, visited Smithers on Wednesday in the course of a tour of Inspection of this district to promote recruiting. They held a well attended meeting in the Legion Hall on Wednesday evening where they spoke at some length on the need of recruits for the various branches of the armed forces of i Canada and particularly of the need for young v women for the , nmen'i divisions of the different branches, One recruit for i the C.W.A.C. was signed up dur-, lng the evening. ; Mrs. A. B. Washburn has been appointed as a representative of the Civilian Recruiting Commission to promote recruiting for the women's divisions. Before coming to Smithers the party had visited Hazel ton and had appointed Mrs. S. Malllnson of Hazelton as their tlve there. VICTORY SHOE RENEW 531 RICHARD STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. We have moved to larger premises and will now be able to give quick service. Mall or express your shoes to us. Please enclose your home address, It will help to tpeed delivery, WE PAY THE RETURN CHARGES s P F 030 A Famous rUm 1U,,,U AMI SATT... -U1 Complete sh. 1:00. 2:4G. 4-v ... ' i uo I Feature at 1:10. 3:16, 5:22. m, . BETTY GRAHLE GEOKGE MONTGOMERY IN In Technicolor . ,,u unity "PRIVATE PLtTr "SPOUTING DOGS' WOULD news FIRST HOSPITAL! iiie nrxL nrv.tnMi - ----- ... ftMii 4 Ihp Knlnrp fiUiw ... .. . v.. ..vu wi. l i: ' Announcing Hi. w of the r ti r- rtpin. X I 1 I H Kb A .iiiii ill mil - ' vblivi PARLOR AND HARHKRS1I0P At IMt 1r A At,, ir rr door to the KojjI tin rt,.... i I oi . mtnts. All work rujrinM sUH ikmmi sm j m .ae. mm ' -' Dont Be Embarrassed! It's more than embarrassing It's downright Inconvenient when you need a pin, apt J bu',o:; a mop, or any of those other little things that seem unimportant until you need them. Why not make I list and bring it Mown to our store and see hot satisfactorily we can fill It. We'll make sure yon won't be caught shortl TUP VAPIFTY af)R LADIES A'"' "sr . 1 1 . . vin iniiiiiuuj i irui Miur MIVI IVIIU S I WhkS " w In Brown Suede, Brown Crush Kid, tiro1 Calf, Black Softie Calf, Black Suede inlM spike and cuban heels. High styled lines to suit any taste and priced to suit any pock book. rfl' MEN'S "PALMERS" MOOSE HEAD WORKING BOOTS in G" and 8". Just arrived. i r jm w nnu aii iim t u i uiuuy jiiuc Jiviu "The Home of Good Shoes"