ii 7! Friday, February 2G High 5:04 19.9 feet 17:42 16.9 feet Low 11:39 6.1 feet 23:42 7.3 feet Saturday, February 27 High 5:59 19.1 feet 19:01 15.9 fee. Low 12:41 6.4 feet Sunday, February 28 High 7:10 18.9 feet 20:36 15.9 feet Low ..L 0:44 8.5 feet 13:56 6.3 feet Monday, March 1 High 8:34 19.1 feet 21:56 16.9 feet Low 1:57 9.1 feet 15:19 5.8 feet J. M. S. Loubser D.C., B.A. . Chiropractor Wxllnre Rlnrk Chonf Mi kaSfRe PAGE TOUR THE DAILY NEWS -I, THURSDAY Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand ngravinr VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE for Fine China, Dinuerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant Ink. They Lode Them Because they are smartly styled, because they wear like iron and, moie important, because they build feet strong and healthy, WRAGGE Shoes for Boys and Girls are among the most widely used on the market. Smart parents recognize the long r economy, too. The perfect' choice for all school wear. Sole Distributors WKAGGE CHILDREN'S SHOES MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED fur Rata Qlini. Qrnro run VUl JL Villi WSllJj V IUJ. Is V 506 THIRD AVENUE WEST (Across from Orme's Drug) 5 Join Your Friends Protect Your Home . . . PRINCE RUPERT'S REGIMENT First (Reserve) Battalion, Prince Rupert Regiment (Machine Gun) RECRUITS NEEDED If you are between IB and 50 years of age and reasonably physically fit, it is your duty to be trained as a fighting man to defend your community in case of emergency. If you are not already enlisted do so at once at the Armory, Sixth Avenue JOIN UP! Every Home Should Have a Complete FIRST KIT First aid may save a life possibly your own. Every home and car should have a complete first aid kit to cope with any emergency. This is a wise precaution while we are at peace but an obvious necessity in wartime. See our complete line of First Aid Kits and stocks of hospital-fresh dressings, antiseptic and other supplies. Get yours today and be prepared. Ormes Ltd. ttt Pioneer Dru.Qpjts THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. CFPR (1210 Kilocycles) SCHEDULE Thursday P.M. 4:00 Victor Record Album 4:30 Richard Crooks 4:45 Transcribed Variety 5:00 Shall We Dance? 5:30 Xavier Cugat 5:45 The Trail of Truth 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Piano Artistry 6:15 Gospel Interlude 6:30 Bing Crosby 7:00 Henry King's Orchestra 7:30 Major Bowes 8:00 Fred Waring 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Maxwell House Show 9:00 Stag Party 9:30 Songs of Empire 10:00 CBC News Rebroadcast 10:05 Stirling Young's Orchestra 10:30 Concert Time 11:30 Silent 10:30 Silent Friday A.M. 7:30 Strictly Informal 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Strictly Informal 8:00 Musical Minutes 8:30 Morning Meditations 8:45 Composer's Corner 9:00 Kenny Baker 9:15 Studies in Black and White 9:30 CBC News Rebroadcast 9:35 Glen Miller's Orchestra 10:00 Morning Visit ' 10:15 Musical Americana 10:30 March Time 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Master of the Violin 11:30 Let's Go Modern P.M. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies I 12:30 Jeannette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy 12:50 CBC News 12:55 Today's Program Highlights 1:00 One o'clock Muslcale 1:30 B.C. School Broadcast 2:00 Silent Whifflets From The Waterfront Douglas Souter is to take charge of fresh operations in Prince Rup ert this season of B. C. Packers. Last year this work had been dlr-rcted toy RossiNlcholson, then manager of Port Edward reduction plant, who has since been transferred to Vancouver. Mr. Souter leaves tonight for a trip to Vancouver. Local Tides IPIANO TUNER I Piano Tuning, Organ Tuning, Piano Accordion Tuning and Repairing. GEORGE TAYLOR Phone Green 880 00000000000000000000000000 GREAT BALL FILM HERE "Pride of Yankees," with Gary Cooper as Lou Gehrig, Coming This Week-end to Capitol Theatre Telling the life story of a poor immigrant's son who became one of America's greatest sports figures of all time, "The Pride of the Yan-keess," starring Gary Cooper as the immortal Lou Gehrig, Is an offering of outstanding interest which comes to the Capitol Theatre hers this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Although baseball forms the colorful background of the picture, this background Is merely Incidental to the human story of Gehrig himself and his remarkable career. The story is said to be told with such detaU and accuracy that it makes a genuine personal document. The picture starts with Gehrig as an eleven-year old youngster in New York. He goes through school and works himself through college, only his mother's Insistence that he continue his studies keeping him from becoming a professional ball player even earlier. Becoming an engineer, he anally aoanaons the profession to sign a contract with the New York Yankees. Thus he starts his amazing fourteen-year baseball career in the course of which many records are shatter ed. His romance and marriage to the Chicago girl Is depicted and then the grim onslaught of paralysis which finally brings his career and his life to an end. Teresa Wright plays the part of Gehrig's wife. Babe' Ruth appears personally in his own role of the great home run slugger and Walter Brennan is cast as Gehrig's newspaperman-sponsor. Such famous ball players as Bill Dickey, Babe Meusel and Mark Koenig are also seen In featured roles. Try New, Improved Ovaltine Children who are thin, nrrvoua and under nar, ncirnce ha discovered, are oftm found to lie eating foods which do not five them enough of the essential food element! everyone needs for health. As a "protecting" food-drink, AW, Improved Ovaltine adds to a child' meals the fwx-ntial food elements most likely to be deficient in his diet. Three servings of Aeir, Improved Ovaltine furnish a child vilh a significant portion of his daily requirement of Vitamins A, Il, and D, ana the minerals Calcium, Phosphorus and Iron aim quirk food-energy elements and high quality proteins all for building sturdy bodies. So if your child is thin, nervous, under par, or eats poorly, vvbv not start giving, him AW, Improved (Halting regularly? Get a tin at drug or food store. I MAIL FOR FREE SAMPLE A. Wander Limited ! Dept. 66, Peterborough, Oat. i Fleam; arad me a eample of iW, lmprm4 I I Ovaltine and informative pamphlet on ita nutritional Valuta. (One temple offer to a peraon). I Aame... I Addnu J j City. Piwim I j jVEir, IMPROVED OVALTINE I 1 111 I GOLD SEAL B ITSIrVj 1 1 and n hi Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon m si H Herrlnf B In Tomato P are both on active service but will be back on your B grocer's shelf soon as condl-j; ditions permit. ft a UBrB:!l1KllIX3lXCIIXIXa ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A, By DOROTHY GARBUTT The Hostess I think all the service men are being very wise and taking advan tage of the sort of weather we've been having lately. I played hookey from the Hut for a while In the afternoon and watched the sailor boys drilling for the big parade, Smartly did it! Another sight at the docks was our own quiet mannered Pat Trant convoyed by four count 'em one-two-thrce-four ladies. His story was that they were going out in the harbor on one of the small ships for a ride. He managed his flock very well and seemed very much at home with them but four I It took my breath away! Just ten months until Christmas. How my mind runs on! The big navy dance is all set for tomorrow night and I am sure every junior hostess in town plans to be at it. Dress Is optional so wear your party frock If you have one and, if you haven't, don't worry over It and come anyway. There will be all sorts of styles of dress and the main thing is have a good time, I imagine there will be a very large crowd and the music everything dance music should be. I mean to have a good time, don't you? We have taken to counting our vitamins an dcalorles at the Hut and each of us in turn brings a bunch of carrots or a head of cel ery and then we all munch and g-naw at it. I suppose time will tell whether we are better men and women for It but right now my cold Is as bad as ever. Quite a coincidence happened the other day. Chaplain Hayward of the Navy was in to see me and mentioned that, while at H.M.C.S. Givenchjr, he had censored a letter addressed to me. I pulled out a package of Navy letters and there was the very letter with his Initials on it. It was from Signalman Gor don Maclntyre who used to be up here. He, the chaplain, had noticed it particularly because he had net me on his last trip here. TALKS OF EDUCATION Principal W. W. C. O'Neill Ad dresses Gyro Club and Asks Support for Resolution 'We must ana can win the war without sacrificing th Interests )f our children," declared W. W. C. O'Neill, principal of Booth Memorial School, In speaking before the Prince Rupert Oyro Club at lJncheon yesterday, Mr. O'Neill as referring to the importance of maintaining and improving educational standards. It was vital, he declared, that education should not be neglected even in wartime. There should be a realistic attitude on the part of the public with a view to planning for the- future, the problems of which the children of today would have to be prepared to face. Mr. O'Neill, whese subject was "A Practical Philosophy of Education," gave his ideas of a practical and full plan of education designed to meet the requirements of the various aspects of a democratic social being. Mr. O'Neill urged that education should be financed that the young of all communities should have equality of educational facilities and privileges. He then asked support for a resolution calling upon the provincial government assuming, as it was required under the British North America Act to do, the financial responsibility ' for education so that the poor community might have education for its children of a standard equal to that which the affluent communities were able to provide Tor themselves. The petition was referred to the club executives and will come up at the next regular business meeting of the organization. At the request of President W. J. Scott, the club, by resolution, assumed the responsibility of conducting the downtown business canvass In the forthcoming Red Cross campaign. Arnold Flaten, president of the Red Cross Society, felt that there was no excuse for any Gyro not getting out for a few hours a year to work for the Red Cross. " 5 M n Complete Shows at 12 noon, 2:07, 4'2770 Feature at 12 npon, 2:20, 4.40, 7;c'o J' Phone "75 T. 'Oori,,l ??v".l4 SAMUEl COLDKYN ,, GARY C001- the Pitim: oi YANKEES (THE UFE OF IOU CEI-KIG) with TttESA WRIGHT tUE tUTH Sfc WAlTtR BREKKAN L - SfCvfi ON THt JAAIIMOCIAM... WORLD NEWS EVENTS A Musical Treat in Aid of Red Cross "Royal Canadian Navy Ban (In Conceit by Kind Permission Commander D. Cl Sunday Midnitc Edw. G. Robinson In "Despatch From Reuters' R.C.N.R.) CAPITOL THEATRE, SUNDAY NEXT, AT J W General Admission 50c, Loges (Reserved) Tickets now at Theatre. CAP1T01I ANTI-GOSSIP COTTAGES gossip" c:t r r LONDON. Feb. 25 05 D. Earncs, door at the i.h L who got a council to build "antl- bridge. Bed'orcL; A. MacKenzie Furnitii A GOOD PLACE TO BUY Mattresses, all sizes; Bedsteads, steel and wcod; B:! Lloyds; Chesterfield Suites; Bedroom Suite-; Kr walnut and natural finish; Pillows; Bed Sprfsi Shades; Carpets, all sizes; Linoleum and Floor Cortl kinds. When you need them we have them in stcct TRAPPE 327 3rd At I Don't sell your furs at the watei front. They are kr j cheaper than up town. Come up town and call at the Vl the price doesn't suit here, Goldbloom will advance jl to send to Little Bros. Auction Sales in Vancouver. W. GOLDBLOOM (The .Old Reliable) ii ill i Bi r a i ii utmx msu mi iibii:: : :: i : ' 1 1 SPECIAL CANADIAN SUBSCRIPTION RAT! WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION ' 1 Year. SI. no 2 Years. S.r.d 3 Years, THE AMERICAN MAfiAZINE 1 Year. S:,.0l 2 Years. S.-..00 3 Years, ( 'I COLLIERS NATIONAL WEEKLY 1 Year. ,$:..00 2 Years. S.-..00 3 Year 'A Special Combinations One Year Each to One Address WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION and The AMERICAN MAGAZINE WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION and COLLIERS WEEKLY THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE and COLLIERS WEEKLY , WflMAN'fl limits r-rrAHTTo.T mitf ,MF.I1ICAN MAGAZINE and COLLIERS WEEKLY all three i I Place all your Magazine SubscViptlonswlth us.New af at nk1leV,or, AvorlllcH PrlCC3. K n tit? - I utrLflUAULE SERVICE LUVVi iv MAGAZINE, ANYWHERE Free Gift Card whin requested. NOTE-Owing to present shortages please allow W weeks for commencement of suDsa'i""" W . ..