cc:. JUNE 5, 1943 HURCH NOTICES r.rst Baptist Church (Fifth and Young) W C A. Wright Minister . nrnrhln 11:00 a.m. dav School, 12:15 p.m. Lning Worship, 7:30 p.m. fecial Feuowsnip nuur iouow- the evening service, welcome i . tt tic a-orshlD. let Us kneel ne. cp f, te;ore the Lord our Maker." Frienaiy unurcn .wnere fotgers and Visitors are especl- l welcome. Christian Science ;!s society Is a branch of the ier church, the First Church ihrbt Scientist, Boston, Mass. iiday Service 11 a.m. ibject 'God, the only Cause and Creator." tlnss which include testlmo- ;; of healing are being held on second Wednesday or each ,e Reading Room In the Church " is open every Wednesday Friday from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., ,very Thursday evening from ta 9 30. First Presbyterian Church (fourth Avenue East) L t F. MacSween, B.A- RlinWer In E. J. Smith, Choir Leader w i nr. j ajn. Morning wursiny. i pjn. -Church School. I pjn. Evening Worship. f t minister will preach at bom :rdlal welcome to strangers sen in the Services. . and Mrs. Thor Selvlg and ! left the city a few days ago lltnuto where It is their in- in to take up future resl- They sold their home on It e:L'k Street before leaving. NOT First United Church 636 Sixth Avenue West J. S. Wilson Senior choir Leader. A. C. Higgins Junior Choir Leader. 11:00 a.m. Rev. J. a. Donnell. Junior Choir. 7:30 i -Rev. J. A. Donnell. Immediately followinor tv .,i 1 CICillUj service there will be the regular meeting of the Young People's Or- B-i".anvu. n sincere invitation is extended to all to attend. Come and Worship. St. Peter's Anglican Church (Seal Cove) Rector Rev. E. W. Scott 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion. 12:00 noon Sunday School and Bible Class. 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. "God and the Springtime." Thursday Evenlne Prince Ru pert Young Couples' Club will meet in the hall at 8:00 p.m. St. Andrew's Cathedral Dean, Very Rev. J. IJ. Gibson Organist and Choirmaster, P. Lien Sunday School Supt., F. J. Skinner 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion. 10:00 a.m. Sunday School. J1:C0 a.m. Morning Prayer and Holy Communion. 7:30 p.m. Evening Prayer and Sermon. The Sunday School will meet at 10 a.m. until further notice. St. Paul's LuQxeran 5th and McRride Rev. Magnus B. Anderson, Pastor 11:00 a.m. "The Triumphant End" Ascension Day Sunday. 7:30 p.m. Informal Evening Service. A very cordial welcome to all. Laborers and Mill Workers WANTED For Paper Mill Work at Ocean Falls UNION WARES Aeent in Town Apply National Selective Service (Prince Rupert) On and after June 1 this Association has decided pot to handle Non-Member business with the excep- of Marine Trade and U.S. and Canadian Gov ernments' business. rnro nf nil r Non-Member business, the vv v viu v w vv . w . . Kaien Consumers' Co-operative Association has I-w ken formed which you and all other consumers pay join. Help Yourself Help Us loin The Kaien Co-op Now Ou-mni fr tVm fiiffiVnlK' nf olitainimr labor and material The Kaien Co-op. finds it impossible to Ten the 3rd Ave. Store for about iu (lays. I , The Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-op, Cow Bay thro vi M. !-. vrtniYilinva fn tVlf llPSt of tllCll' --v inn SCI Hit llllliiuvik' vw v..- - I ability in the meantime. Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association Box 261, Prince Rupert, B.C. ILLIE THE TOILER SO YCU ,r MAC HAVE UP! HELP Mfc: PINO A PRESENT FOR HIS SHOVUER v"N yz I URE, H. F. Glassey, local rations officer, is on a business trip to Smlth-ers, being expected back In the city this week-end. Miss Margery Evans, R.N., of Penticton arrived in the city this morning to pay a visit with her uncle and aut, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Cripps, Waldron Apartments. .Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lancaster, formerly of this city and now residing at Port Moody, arrived in the city this morning from the south to pay a visit with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Smith, Summit Avenue. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that from this date I shall not be responsible for any debts contracted In my name by anyone other than myself. SIGNED at Prince Rupert, British Columbia, May 31st. 1943. OLE KILDAL. CITY OF rillNCE RUPERT All Doss six months old and over must have 1943 Llcepse Tags. These can be obtained at the City Half or from the City Poundkeeper on and after June 15. Ail persons witn aogs not licensed are liable to penalties. J. UNWIN City Poundkeeper FREE Webster's Twentieth Century Deluxe Dic tionary. Webster's New Office and Professional' Dictionary, Mechanical Encyclopedia, also Cook Book. II. ROTHWELL, Prince Rupert Hotel OPPORTUNITY WILL BUY, TRADE, or SELL What Have You? Phone Black 823 J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Westholme Rooms NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, ZARELLI, PROP. "A .Home Away From Uoine" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Fhone 281 P.O. Box 1M JUST LIKE A MAN VJE WAMT A PRESEMjjj IT'S PnC a KITCHEN FOR A KEEP HOUSE Wit 1 1 fJ f I THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Cash for old gold, Bulger's. Mrs. E. C. Stevens arrived In the city yesterday afternoon from Skidegate. Miss Josephine Murray, who has been on a trip south, return ed home from Vancouver yesterday afternoon. A Bedding plants For Sale. Wilding's Greenhouse, Alfred St. (tf) Mrs. Ernest Brown and child arrived In the city yesterday afternoon from Nelson. She is the daughter of Robert Wilson of this city. A Annette Powell's Beauty Shop for better permanents. Fourth St., across from Post Office. Phone Blue 917. (tf) The train due from the east at 10:45 tonight Is reported to be on time. AEllo's Pay Casn for Furniture, Stoves, Tools, Musical Instruments. Dr. and Mrs. Duncan McColl of Queen Charlotte City arrived yesterday afternoon from the Islands for a brief visit and will be returning home tonight. NOTICE It Is requested that outstanding accounts due to Evenson's Ideal Cleaners up to June 1, be paid at the shop bn'ore June 15 to save collection fees. E. EVENSON. A DANCE Prince Rupert Dry Dock Employees in Staff Dining Hall, Hays Cove Circle, Saturday, June 5, 9 to midnight. Admission 75c on presentation c Button or Red Pass. Ladies Free. (131) Miss Glenna Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Moore, return- j ed home yesterday afternoon from Seattle where she has been attending school for the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allison came north from Vancouver to Sandspit, Queen Charlotte Islands, this week. Mr. Allison is the son of A. P. Allison, well known logging' operator of the Queen Charlotte Islands. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Daly, who recently disposed of the Thrift Cash & Carry business here, plan on leaving shortly for Vancouver. They have not yet decided where they will make their future home. Henceforth the free show on Sunday afternoons, at the Capitol Theatre for men and women of the forces In uniform will start at 2 p.m. instead of 2:30, the change of time having been made to accommodate out-of-town personnel. HOVO ABOUT A KITCHEN SINK? TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY f FOR SALE 6 roomed house, two rooms fully furnished for light housekeeping, bringing in $15 a month. Other four rooms partly furnished. Cheap for cash. Occupancy immediately. Phone Blue 911 dr call 755 Eighth We,st. (131) Fish Cake DINNER Lutheran Church Basement Hall SATURDAY, JUNE 5 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. 63c rfhucuhcetnehtJ All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Diptheria susceptibility (Schlckf testing for adults at neaun unu Office (2 doors from Library) Monday and Friday, 5 to 6 p.m.; Saturday 9 to 12 a.m. St. Peter's Tea and Home Cook ing, Mrs. J. W. Morehouse, June 10th. Navy Tea, Mrs. Borland's, June 10. L.O.B.A. Invitation Dance, Odd fellows' Hall, June 14. Valhalla Invitation Dance, Odd fellows' Hall, June 25. For Income Tax RETURNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER Thone 88 324 2nd Ave. VMHHE'LIJ HAVE ONE (32 CLASSIFIED FOR SALE FOR SALE Gerhard Helntzman piano, good condition. Cash. Box 498 Daily News. (131) FOR SALE 10-room house, 2 lots and furniture. $2,500. 735 8th Ave. West. (132) FOR SALE 10-roomed house, furnished. 415 5th Ave. East. (1341 FOR SALE One IV2 h.p. Out board, new, run only 6 hours, Bendeix air-cooled; one used camp cook stove, one -small dresser, one kitchen buffet, one large kitchen table. Call at Ideal Cleaners. (131) FOR SALE Sewing machine and some kitchen utensils. Phone Black 989 after 5 p.m. (135) FOR SALE Used furniture of all descriptions. Visit Ello's used department. Third Axenue next to Daily News, Prince Rupert. FOR RENT FOR RENT--Two 'upstairs rooms, private home, unfurnished, suit couple. $25. Give particulars. Box 505 Daily News. (132) nELP WANTED WANTED Housekeeper for two adults. Phone Black 85 evenings. (tf) WANTED School glfl to care for children after school and Satur-1 days. Phone 53. (132) APPLICATIONS will be received for the position of Accountant for the City of Prince Rupert. Applicants must have had previous municipal accounting experience. Apply, stating age, qualifications, experience, salary expected and date available to Unemployment Insurance Commission. '" ' (tf) WANTED WANTED Small glllnet boat In first class condition. Apply Home Oil Dock. (133) WANTED Room and board for 'single girl. Phone Red 560 after 6 p.m. (136) WANTED Frlgidaire In working condition. Phone 14. (130) WANTED Part time office work.! Phone Black 337, mornings. (131) WANTED To rent one furnished' room by June 25. Write Box 504 Daily News. (131) WANTED URGENTLY House or apartment for young, couple with small baby. Phone Blue 878. (200) WANTED Room or light housekeeping room for navy couple. I TTrirpnMv. Rox 501 Dailv NeWS. WORK WANTED (132) FOR Painting and Paper Hanging, Phone Red 738. (131) LOST LOST rr Brown wallet containing Daily News. (131 LOST Wednesday afternoon, pair of lady's biege shoes, new. Believed picked up in. error in one of local stores. Finder please Phone Red 276. Reward. (132) LOST Parker fountain pen, black with cold toe Finder please leave at Dally News Office. (132) PERSONAL STENOGRAPHERS and TYPISTS NEEDED badly by Government for war work. You can train at home for job as Stenographer, Typist, Office Clerk, Letter Carrier, Mall Clerk. Customs Exam-inr, etc. Free advice and record of appointment of our students from M.C.C. Civil Service School Ltd., Winnipeg. The oldest In Canada. No Agents. By Wcstover BUT A MAN VJ1LL LEAVE Tod MANY DIRTY DISHES FOR CrusT ONE SINK r- ; r 7, : M Military Orders -by-Lieut.-Col. G. C. Oswell, ED. Duty Officers"' Week of June 7-14 Orderly officer, P-2 Lt T. W. Brown; orderly sergeant, Acting Sergeant B. R. Dodds; next for duty, P-2, Lt. A. W. Burnlp Acting Sergeant J. Armstrong. Appointment P-2 Lt. T. W. Brown assumes the duties of acting adjutant during the absence of P-2 Lt. W. V. Manson. Security of Information All ranks of this unit are warned against communicating either verbally or in writing any item of information respecting naval, army or air force matters which may be of value to the enemy. Rifle Shoot "A" Company personnel will report at Armory Sunday morning at 9:40 hours for rifle shoot, small pack with lunch, Two new members were initiated at a meeting of the local Sons of Norway Lodge in the Oddfellows' Hall Thursday night. The meeting was followed by an informal social gathering with serving of refreshments. President Gunnar Selvig was in the chair. AN OLD SHOW The original "Punch and Judy" show was written in 1600. eowLiMfi- eaousHT to the u s: FROM WOU.AND. WAS PIAYED OH , tw-"Mcr ukLuJ UNTIL 1640 SALE Clearing Shoes at $1.00 a Pair JLS CVn. VE6OOOOL0I, - Dodge wardrobe extravagance with sensible spending come to Watts & Nickerson's. Here quality means style and long wear and prices mean WELL BORROWED TOO The first practical lawn mower was invented in 1868. COATS, DRESSES, WAISTS, SOCKS, MISCELLANEOUS, at astonishingly Low Prices SEE OUR WINDOWS Continuing Until Further Notice STYLE SHOPPE (Next to Bulkley Market) IT'S TIME to get your FATHER A CARD Father's Day is Sunday June 20th Select a suitable one from our excellent range of Coutt's Canadian Cards. 5c to 25c each Greeting Card Headquarters at hMaSx)S.Jjd 1 S ! I s I I I i 4