1 Spork Al SCRIBBLERS pFED OLIVES. Ilnce SOAP Eggs A. per aw BOB PUDDINGS CT APPLES. 30c Kleenex . Only (AUBAGE . K ONIONS. ,(. ,.:5 BUTTER CHEESE Oranges f.Htft be plentiful In a week 5c 25c I'kts. All Wheal, ll'ki. Bran Makes,.! t 39c 15c 38c SHINOLA WAX. Mb. tin CORN STARCH. Per pkt . 4 8c ; 45c 9 4 15c j 5c 25c 43c 19c X They cooperate in the sale ot Victory Honds, arrange bond deliveries and the deposit of bond interest to the owner's account. In the field of wartime rationing, they act as. agents for the Wartime Prices and Trade Hoard in the conduct of "Ration Coupon Nanking," assuming the tremendous task of handling, verifying and accounting for used coupons; and they also act as paying agents of the government organization handlingubsidies to milk distributors. They cash hundredsofthousandsofgovern- j ment payroll cheques. And they 25c 11c TRU MILK 5 lbs. $2.25 NEILSON'8 COCOA. Mb. Un WHEAT DERM" Per pkt. 29c 25c DELICIOUS. Wrapped. Apples t Z 2.95 1 "-4 Asparagus CUTTINOS. Per Un i Limit 1 RINSO. Large pkt SWEET SPUDS. 'J. lbs. EMPEROR, GRAPES. ' Per lb. SrGGI-STIONS 4 i6c : 4 25c We Carry a Complete Line of CANNED VEGETABLES 33c 25c We Carry Ham, Baron, Chkken Loaf, IUlor.ni. Inert, Chickens and Head Cheoe I Pears, Broccoli, Hrusfcf-M Kprvuls, Sqiuuli, I'um- 4 4 mrgranlles 4 PUREX. 'Z rolls Free Delivery Throe Times Weekly Tissue RAZOR ULADE8. I for CR1SCO. Per lb. Sodas RED ARROW. 16-oz pkt LIFEBUOY OR LUX SOAP. J bars SALAD OIL. Per pint 15c 10c 29c 1U ,7,5c 55c Limited Supplies of RAISINS and CIRRANTS ENC'S SALTS Per jar Jell-0 Limit 2 Packets Thursday Only SPANISH ONIONS, t! lbs act as agents of the Foreign Exchange Control Board, handling the intricate technique of export and import transactions; These ; extra duties and many others have placed a severe strain on bank staffs, in view of the enlistment of a large proportion of experienced personnel. Thousands of women have helped to mectthe emergency and deserve the highest praise for the loyalty and skill they have shown in handling the record volume of work created by Canada's tremendous war program; ., ..J kj mar than 30.000 lro,W worWi, hoy. b..n My v,.J by fk Govern. oi a rtaJy-mad mant of of handling many ipci - 98c TEXAS GILU'EI KUIT, All Sizes UAKEASY. Per lb. WE1NERS. No. per lb. Apple.s WINTER BANANA. Fancy Box BENEFIT BV OUR BUDGET BALANCERS These Prices arc good November 21 to December 1 A. W&-li has S3.15 meant added duli.es for Canada's Chartered Banks, too 4 Over and above their regular peacetime ser-vices, the banks have assumed many additional responsibilities of both a banking and non-banking nature since the outbreak of war. y 19c 22c 25c 4 4 ..4 4 n LOCAL NEWS NOTES NYrel Bhcrwood is leaving by ', AU delegates please attend thi s afternoon's train on his re- civic Labour Federation Meet-tt c.i to Terrace alter a visit of,lng. Sunday. l:30'pjn.. Carpen- a couple of days in town. Dudley Little left by afternoon's Irain on his to Terrave, accompanied by Mrs. Little and Infant child. Housewives' League Meeting 'onlgbt. 8:00 pjn. East End Branch. 1137 Overlook St.; West End Branch, 709 5th Ave. West. A St. Peter's Tea and Sale, Thursday. SpetlaMe, .Homemade aprons and baby clothes. , medium U lb. cheese. 23c i Serviettes t Ti : ! Relieve KISS D.strs of, We have a Untiled Supply of HONEY NOOK NAP Cn tj Olof Hanson, MP. for Skeena, left by last evening's train on his return to Smithers after spending a few days in the city. Mr. Hanson will proceed soon from Smlthera to Jasper on busl- 4 , ness and will then leave for i' Seat tie to attend a fisheries 4 meeting. 1 I i' ACUTE CATARRH 4 4 4 : A. 4 4 4 MORE AND MORE sufferers from acute catarrh are discovering the grand relief that comes. ..with a few drops of Vicks Va-tro-noL It soothes away distress, relieves stuffiness ... brings real breathing comfort! 3-furposc medicine. ..Va-tro-nol Is to succesbful because it does three im-portant things at once: (1) shrinks swollen membranes of the nose, 121 clears out nasal passages and uj soouics imia- tioruManvcatarrh sufferers say it's vriPlf C rllf i found. Try VATRONOl FOR SALE Man's bike. Used twice. Plwie Red 617. 273) It , FOR SALE Tenders will be re-wived by the undersigned un- FOR SALE Small kitchen range, cream enamel, front reservoir and hot water coll. $40. Call 4?5 6th Ave. (275) til noon of December 27th. 1913 for purchase of Lot 9. Block 18. Atlin Townslte for cash. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. George H. Hallett, Official Administrator, Atlln. B.C. (284) FOR SALE Skis, best quality, little used. Phone Black E86 evenings. (277) FOR SALE One Quebec heater. Good condition. Phone Red 4C1. (274) FOR QUICK SALE 5 room' cot taee. 2 lots. Furnished two room house at rear. $1850 cash MeOJymont Agencies, 307 3rd Ave. West. (273) FOR SALE One full sized bed, complete with mattress and spring (almost new) one drop-leaf table and two kit chen chairs (like new); one 2-piece hot plate. Call at 1360 Overlook St. (274) FOR SALE 14 ft. outboard boat with 14 h.pJohnson Seahorse: $300.00 cash; 12 gauge Geha bolt-action shotgun, $30.00 cash; '29 Studebakcr President 8. Phone Black 335 from 7-9 p.m. (277) J.M.S.Loubser D.C., H.A. Chiropractor Wallace Block Phone 64 For Mutual Benefit Health anil Accident Sec JOHN L. WUIOIIT Phone 711 Pioneer Rooms No. 6 ANNOUNCE fNCEMENT o t'orwegian Vice-1' in The Norw Consulate has ..;) now taken over by I) It. MUNTIti:, Room Itesner Block, ters' Hall JENS J 13 1G, I Announcement is made that the very satisfactory sum of $740.60 was realized as a result of the recent Poppy Day tagging conducted by the Canadian Funeral Notice PORTSMOUTH, Eng. Models of modern made In thlr spare WANTED (273 All veterans are requested Xo attend the funeral of our late National Farmers' Union, re cently was killed In an automobile accident. time by members of the home fleet, have to be "censored" before reaching civilian hands because of their accuracy of detail. WTTTTTTTTTTTt TTTT TTTTTTT rOIC sALr. FRESH SHRIMPS Daily 4 o'clock. Boat "Mars." Llpsett's Dock DESPERATELY NEEDED Housekeeping room for young couple with 10-day-old baby. Nowhere to go. Please phone Mrs. J. Call, co General Hospital WANTED, urgently Sleeping room for single girl. Apply Box .623 Dally News. (275) WANTED Room and board for couple with baby. Phone Midland Exchange. (275) WANTED Room and board foi- single man. Close in. Phone 263, Mr. McDonnell (275) $25 REWARD for finder of small furnUhed or unfurnished house. Civilians. No children. Apply Box 605 Dally News. (280) FOUND FOUND Man's gold wTlstwatch at Seal Cove. Initials on back. Owner may have same by calling at the Dally News and paying for this advertisement. FOUND Bicycle between 8th and 9th Ave. Owner may have same by describing It and paying for this a. Phone Black 142. (274) (Continued MEET HELD from Eage One) city If our pressing problems are to be solved. To facilitate progressive unity in the federal and provincial -el- e ectlons. a letter had been nt to the-CXXF. offering to work out arrangements for a Joint campaign. The Labor-Progressive Partv had rapidly expanded in Prince Rupert since August, and this growth had stimulated other Announcements comrade W. W. Smeeton UOlat All advertisements In this Battalion Thursday. November j column will be charted for a 25. Service at Anglican Cathed- mil month at zsc a worn. ral. Fall in at Canadian Legion L Hall 2:10 p.m. Transportation will be provided In case of rain Lest We Forget! LONDON 0 Capt. George Deakin, vice-president of the Dry Dock Employees' Assocla Hon Dance. Fxlday Nov. 28. Aristocrat's 12-piece orchestra St. Peter's Fall Bazaar. Nov. 25 L.O.B.A. Dance, Nov. 25, Oddfellows' Hall, fl:30-l:00, Jean de Carlo's Orchestra, Refreshments. Valhalla Invitation Dance W 'November 26, Oddfellows' Hall warships, Dancing from 9:30 to 2 United Church Bazaar Decern ber 2nd. Nurses' Fall Dance Oddfellow's Hall. Dec. 3 Lutheran Tea and Sale of Home Cooking, Saturday-Dec. 4. C.C.P. Dance Oddfellows' Hall. I Dec. 10. DeCario'a Orchestra. Harold Winch, C.C.F, MIA, Capitol Theatre, Sunday, Dec, .5. Meeting 12 noon. CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Advertisements are payable in advance at the Office No telephone orders Rate 2c per word per insertion. FOR SALE FOR SALE 2-plece Krohler chesterfield suite, one Axmln-ster rug,- Jxl2. -416 6th Ave. lAVest - . (273) WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT By Air Force officer and wife, small furnished apartment, suite or room. Please telephone- Mrs. Pallas, Green 830.. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. ROME Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Phone 387 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning-Authorized "FLEXFORM" SERHCE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty We Pick Up and Deliver PHONE 838 Mail Orders Box 99 HELEN'S beauty Shop Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Its branches 206 4th St. Phone 655 LOST LOST Ring of keys, possibly at B. LAMB, TAILOR Past Office. Finder please return to Dally News Office. Ladies' & Men's Made-to-(273) Measure Clothes. LOST Between bridge and jj Third Ave. W. Black 787 C.N.R. docks, a black English morocco billfold. Contents $11 . '- caiOi. Important papers. Finder SMITII & ELKINS LTD. please leave at Dally News. Reward. (274) Plumbing and Heating PERSONAL Enslnee"- Phone 174 P.O. Box 271 "JET" for polishing hot stoves is a boon. Winter months mean hot stoves always. "JET" Is safe, handy. Sold every- International whw- Correspondence DAY ' NURSERY Reasonable Schools rates. Apply 441, 7th Avenue Canadian Limited East. (280) , . ,i . B. F. Lovln, Representative WILL person who owns piano left Jtox 526 1315 pijjot Ave. in house J recently purchased pr,nce Rupert ac, please claim same and remove? Unless claimed within , - a week from this date the In- strument will be sold for ex- FRATERNAL ORDERS penses. C. Creamer, 1910 - Eighth Avenue East. I T flirt-V Prince Rupert Li, jUllJ J l.O.O.F. LODGE NO. 63 (Late of Yukon) sTTTt meets 2nd and . C-O-ithTueadayi 1 pl 1 LnirOpraClOr every month at 8 p.m. Westholme Rooms sjaasss people's organisation inludin ' the CXT.F. The question cf labor unity was everywhere belng discussed and the strong .popular resent ment against any "ourselv?s tro alone" attitude would result measure of unity being fected. Paul Taranser was elected educatlort director and A. Gillespie replaced Mr. Ta ranger as literature director. Plans were laid for an all- out campaign to elect a full Civic Labor Federation slate for mayor. aMermen and schoo! boa:d. The rnuse to house canvass building election support and tarty membership Is continuing A manifest ancLappilcatlon form is being left at each house. A .delegation of five is ti nj sent to the provincial conven tion in January. When at Terrace Stay at iff Of Philbert Hotel But make advance . .Reservations Box S Terrace KWONG SANG RING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to King Tat. 612 7th AVE. WEST All yonr patronaee welcome Open 5 p.m. to 12 pjn. Tuesday 10 pan. to 12 p.m. OuUJde Orders from 2 pjn. ,12 p.m. Phone Red 247 B mm m, mJTv kNfw - in fm ef- fte. p. Aral's My I Need Whole Grain Quaker Oats ...Richest of AH Natural Cereals is Growing Factor Protoin Yd, rttoatmcat lid ill natural cert all in protein, lh very thing that it meat! mam clement. Children must haft prb tein for normal growth. Adults most hail it for itamina and to help fight fatif ae. . Nature richly itored io many important food element! in Whole-Grain Oatmeal. It Hands alone among cereals. C,ie your family its wonderful protection daily, now tnat so many loods are scarce and rationed. Get a package at your grocers today start each day with this hole-some, delicious, Whole Grain breakfast. TW Quk.. Otis fi.pm I A Welcome Christmas Gift For Madame- A DUDLEY, Eng.. W Onlf half a day off for Illness in 54iyears was the record established by Harris Parsons, ' employed xja metal manufacturer. His 'nome Is in this Worcestershire town. eautiful Permanent BY ANNETTE POWELL BEAUTY SHOPPE at -a &i 4th Street (Across (torn Post Office) Phone Blue 911. .W A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD, Buy . . . "A Good Place to Buy" ADMIRAL -VILLENEUVE WHO WAS HE? He and Lord Nelson met on October 21. 1805. to fight the Battle of Trafalgar. Nelson's Name Is a household word-Victory rested on British banner that day Nelson died. The name of VUleneuve Is little known the world has short memory for losers. Support the Navy League Drive. See our large stock of Mirrors Just Arrived. Phone 775' 327 3rd Avenue ' in ' ESI j WAR SAVING STAMPS WIN A HANDSOME PRIZE ' Get Free Xmas Cards for War Savins j3tamp Giving The Stationers of Canada are co-operating with the Dominion Government to boost your Savings with War Saving Stamps. The Stationers of B.C. as their effort, are ' giving $1,500.00 in prizes. It costs you' nothing. With every purchase of a War Saving Stamp you get one chance. Simply write your namd and address on the special coupon provided. Buy more War Saving Stamps in November and December I Ly NOVEMBER 23, 1043 THE DAILT NEWS PAGE TITREe ; tin IS) and 5Si SHEARDOWN'S quality PRICES SERVICE 1