AV AUGUST 7. 1943 LAST FOUR WEEKS ublic OF THE STYLE SHOPPE Entire Stock to Clear at Astonishingly Low Prices. Come anil lie Convinced. COATS, DRESSES, -1 WAISTS, . SKIRTS, ; HOUSECOATS, HATS, ' i : SHOES, 1 HOSE, LINGERIE, WE CLOSE OUI! DOOR ON TIIR 2Slh DAY OF AUGUST THIS IS FINAL THE STYLE SHOPPE Next Door llulkley .Market. THIRD AVENUK THE WESTERN LABOUR BOARD will hold a Commencing at 10:30 a.m., Monday, August lGlh, Judge Lennox' Court, Court House, Vancouver, B.C. Board will hear applications relative to wage rates rcated conditions on Western Defence Projects, which : ;uut tion work performed by or on behalf of .i of Canada or United States Governments. p xj .lr.ng to submit an application is requested. If 8b; - f'ivo notice beforehand to the: EXECUTIVE OFFICER, COURT HOUSE, EDMONTON, ALBERTA. SE WOODEN SOLES )CN Aurust 7 0 Piesl- H E bbar: of the Na- Fcdc ;.f,;un of Boot Ac;r..aiions said to u.. f;.;ures manufac-.i dr. A i necessary to bde . p leather sup- re m a critical stage. LIFEBOAT .MIRAGES "i i LONDON, August 7 3 The Ministry of War Transport's j pamphlet to be carried in every lifeboat says men should not neMarily consider themselves! Hibt-headed If while they are adrift, they see ships or land but "should make certain before pulling towards It. I Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. W.A. Coast Regt. Servicemen's Dance, Aug. 9, Empress Club. Orange Dance Aug. 9, I.O.O.F. Hall. Contact members for S.O.N. Invitation Dance. Fri-1 day. Aug. 20. Get tickets from members. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarolli, Prop. Fhone 37 P.O. Box 514 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT ISrfrhelm Js adjusted before salvage begins on cargo of wreck In Eastern wpairinsr damaged shins and salvaeine sunken cargo Dept. of Munitions -"u u2m saves Important tonnage, thousands of dollars worth- of war goods. Locals THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Cash for old gold. Bulger's. A. T. Parkin left this morning for a trip to Vancouver. Some 30 men who have been in the emjlloy of the B.C. Bridge and Dredging Co. here left this morning for Vancouver. Aid. and Mrs. George Hills and family left today for a holiday visit to Tlell on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Mrs. William Gosnell left for- a holiday visit to Sklde-gate, Queen Charlotte Islands. Miss V. Jellett of the Bank of Montreal staff left thU morning for a holiday trip to Vancouver. Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Hanklnson left on last evening's train for a visit to Lake Kathlyn. Tonight's train, due from the east at 10:45, was reported' this morning to be on time. Mrs. Dorothy Garbutt, hostess here for the Young Women's Christian Association was services, Is leaving on this evening's train for a holiday visit to her home in Winnipeg. Pilot Officer and Mrs. Selkirk Falconer paid a brief visit to the city at the first of the week from Lethbridge with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Falconer, Summit George Eckerman is on a trip to Telkwa in the Bulkley Valley, spending a two weeks' vacation there. Mrs. Eckerman returned recently from a visit in Seattle and Tacoma. The shipyard workers will parade on Sunday afternoon, Aug. 15, to introduce their candidate for Carnival Queen "Miss Victory," Welderette May Tchesinkut Lake 1 Tchesinkut Lake Auto Camp Ten miles south of Burns Lake, on highway to Tweedsmulr Park. Three cabins, sl.50 per day. cook- ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBCTT The Hostess Yesterday afternoon the house Committee and the mothers of local girls who Tiavej unlisted in the R.OA.F. Women's division were the guests of Flight Officer Graham who is Officer Commanding the WD's R.CA.F. at Group Headquartei The mothers of the WD's were especially taken with the comfortable quarters and left feel-tag easy in their minds that the girls were well cared for Tea was served to the ladles ir the officer's Mess and during tea chat Flying Officer Graham told of the need of a sewing machine, pictures for the walls odd china, electric hot plates and irons and vases for the girl? quarters. Since then another electric iron and an aluminum double boiler have come In from Mrs. Bremner and the offer of a sewing machine from Mrs Denny Allen. Oh yes, and thev do need a piano. These girls are. situated so far from the Y and the road in is a long" one so that they do not make as much use of our machine and piano as the C.WJV.C. girls who are only a block or two away. Remember the Coast Auxlll-, ary .dance on Monday at . the Empress. Junior hostesses an1 Invited. Proceeds are In aid of . i i ... . . ( uieir overseas cigareiie iuna LADIES! CHOOSE airJresslng AS YOUR CAREER Splradid opportunity. Rapid advance-mcrL War work hat absurUd many tiairarrsaers. You should train to take thrir place. 90 of today's Beautician! are School Graduate!. Where thejr made such peat auoceas, you can also. Right now smart girls are needed to train for lukdrtisc;. Practical eipert training guaranteed. Very reasonable rates. Write today for free literature. MOLER Hairdressing School 203 West Hastings Street Vancouver, B. C. Registered Under Trade Schools Kegulation Act ing uUnsils supplied. Trailer Arthur Gamache of Montreal space and camp sites. Rate, 50c i.ft le" tut- tms morning for Vancouver vancouver oer day with use of kitchen. mr,mng50r Good trout and char fishing, and after spending he past four big-game country. Open from weeks here as the guest of Mr. May 1st to January 1st. Auto and Mrs. Joseph Garon. Mr. service in connection. Write or namarhp u brother nf Mrs ls a brotner or wire: R. E. Lord, Tchesinkut Si. a, i Lake. B.C. Oiler Besner, formerly of this mkwmmmammmematmwmr city and now of Vancouver. Junior hostesses and chaperone will meet at the Y. Sunday evening trjere will be a concert for the troops at th Capitol Theatre. Tickets are given out by the units. A few weeks ago several of the boys on one of the minesweepers gave a concert and sang a 'song composed by Olenn Harlow, one of the performers. They call It: OUR SHIP'S LAMENT Lyric by Glenn Harlow Tune ''Touch of Texas" Got a touch of Rupert in my walk, Got too much of Rupert in my talk, Oh this place will be my ruin 'Cause there's never nothing' " doln, Take me back to "Squlmalt. For I've seen every part of, The mud that I'm deep In the heart of Though we know our pleas are all in vain, i To get a draft to 'Squlmalt once again, , j We will never be contented j ' Till we see the boom defence of Good old 'Squlmalt, B.C. j .Vow there's lots of places we have been, j And there's still some ports we j . haven't seen, But IH bet a lot of rum, this could never be outdone For this Is no sailor's dream. Now we may sound downhearted But brother, we alnt even started. But perhaps we'd better say no more, And we hope that you folks wont get sore, For our song has been in fun And with luck we'll see the sun, Shine on Rupert once more. And with that noble poem 111 sign off for a few weeks, bp-"ause I'm going to get a touch of Manitoba in my walk, back home on the prairies. The Y boys are going to do a couple of columns a week for me while I'm , away. That's the good old ?o-op spirit. Adios, amigos, I'll send you i postcard. mm i e in.-m m . i. nm r.i 5 GEORfiE DUCHAK - nnr! hi (B S PRAIRIE RAMBLERS 7-piece Modern and Old- J time Dance Band open for jjj ' engagements. It ! "No dance too big, ! no dance too small." Write to George Duchak, j c-o Daily News I ! ui if mvwM tm b ia tarn tv rati - In the top picture is seen damage done to side of freighter by two torpedoes from a r,ub. A third torpedo crashed into opposite side of ship. Despite her wounds, gallant crew brought her Into NEGRO IN HIGH OFFICE LONDON, August 7 Dr. Harold Moody, whose ancestors were sold as slaves, was induct- j ed chairman of the London! Missionary Society, the first negro to hold the office. He advocated the spending of $45.-000,000 annually on the development of Africa. SPECIAL OFFERS In New and Used FURNITURE Used Beds and Springs, New Coffee and End Tables, Used Windows, New Mattresses, Used Carpet, large size, Kltcheh Chairs, Kitchen Cabinets , New Cabin Stoves, etc. Used Bed and Springs, for the two $9.50 Used Kitchen Cabinets, at 510.00 Used Carpet, large size sn.oo Used Windows, from .. 50c New Occasional chairs, real bargain $12.50 Used Bathroom Sinks, good condition, from $4.50 B.C. Furniture Phone B!ack 324 THIRD AVENUE i , , m ,t i 111 1 " sissssssaBsMsBV IGHIHGIHT.? POVO WAS GfJlU est -S3 A UWTPI Of Home auo wets what it MUS-f BE AUt HAve -63 v oou wwr OaAuty". ro V Pot I X ArFO I .MS -on.. We measure up to any man's re quirements of courteous service, juauiy merchandise and smart style. 3asfs5ssBsarl J.M.S.Loubser D.C., B.A. Chiropractor Wallace Block Phone 640 Try a Want-Ad for Quick Results. 't aj, LADIES' 'Gionella' Dress Shoes In Brown Suede, Brown Crush Kid, Brown Calf; Black Softie Calf, Black Suede in low, " spike and cuban heels. High styled lines to suit any taste and priced to suit any MEN'S "PALMERS" MOOSE HEAD WORKING BOOTS in 6" and 8". Just arrived. Family Shoe Store Ltd. "The Home of Good Shoes" anadian Yards Salvage Valuable War Cargoes, Repair Freighters of all Types! port. In dry dock with her cargo removed repair work began, and in the lower picture she Is shown with a completely new .side, signs of torpedo damage are gone, she is ready for sea again.