Mi iji (!:: n:: I a;; m ;: Hi: III! ;p !l fit: i:tt t: tf.i It m m: iff! i$ III! iit' J'" flit fii Iff! tti (it. 1!" tin tin iti' ttn !'" !" !!" ! (... 1'.'.' !!! w in; II! (If Mil PAGE rOUR - in i in KB THE LONG TRAIL TO WAR Supplies move on porter-back to the hard-to-reach fighting front in the Wau-Mubo area of New Guinea where Australians are fighting the Japs for vital bases. Australian "diggers" armed with sub-machine-guns guard this vital train of supplies snaking along the trail out of a Jungle village base. Sport Chat Orestes and Pair Fame, the .two best two-year olds in Britain, carry the silks of two women famed for the thoroughbreds bhey have purchased in recent years. The owners are the Hon. Dorothy Paget, internationally known racing figure who has purchased an estimated $660,000 worth of bloodstock In the last 15 years, and Mrs Betty Lavington, a comparative newcomer to the sport who resides in the spa town of Bath Miss Paget owns Orestes who as the winner of the Coventn Stakes at Newmarket, a seml-clawi sprint for youngsters rates as the outstanding two-year old cott of the season so far. Mrs. Lavington showed rare knowledge of bloodstock for 3 beginner. She purchased Fair Fame, a fast filly that didnt take kindly to the starting gate That nervousness was cured be fore the animal went to the post In Mrs. Lavlngton's colors j Since then Fair Fame has sal-loped to three successive victories, Including the sirongiy-contested Queen Mary Stakes,! a flve-furiong affair that held second billing to the classic Oaks at a Newmarket meet last June. Orestes won the Coventry for Miss Paget less than an hour after she took her first Derby triumph In years of trying. And Just to refresh the memory. Straight Deal was the name of the Derby winner. Probably the . biggest Individual, owner of thoroughbreds In Britain, Miss Paget has shown interest in most sports throughout her career. Latent to catch her fancy is greyhound racing and she took her first triumph at Dublin a few weeks ago when heir dog. Valiant Lad, won a $30 DELIVERY SCHEDULE TUESDAYS THURSDAYS SATURDAYS are Delivery Days. Orders taken for delivery must be left with us not later than 4:00 p.m. on day before. Co-operation will assist us greatly In giving better delivery service throughout the city. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where dollars have more cents" Phones 18-19. P.O. Box 575 BUY... RUPERT Sole "... At Your NO WASTE Canadian Fish PRINCE RUPERT CO. stake. Several years ago, Miss Paget owned a fleet of racing automobiles and had some of the best drivers in Britain un der contract. Coursing also interested her and one of her greyhounds reached the semifinal of the International Cup last season. In addition to her , strong racing interests in Eng- land, Miss' Paget has been one of the mainstays of wartime racing in neutral Eire during the last four years. Her large stable at F-psom Is managed by a young trainer, Walter Night -ingall. Racing authorities called It a prelude to a post-war boom In bloodstock when Britain and Eire shipped 30 racehorses to Spain and Portugal. AH the horses or their sires are race winners. The- a.mals reached the two neutral countries by neutral ship from Eire to Lisbon. Commenting on the Spanish purchase, one authority said "our Information is that the government in Spain want to replace bullfighting by racing as the national sport" Among the horses snipped were three three-year olds, Including Brehon Law, grey son of thp Aga Khan's Bahram, a triple crown wlnnetr In England. Bre hon Law was sent to Spain. GEORGE DUCIIAK I j and his I PRAIRIE 1 i RAMBLERS I B 7-piece Modern and Old-H time Danre Band open for s entagements. "No dance too big, no dance too small." - Write to George Durhak, c-o Daily News I 111 I 5 S, Bl Bill IB IMS M BRAND Fillets Local IJutchers READY TO COOK & Cold Storage Ltd. BRITISH COLUMBIA THE DAILY NEWS 1 LOCAL NEWS NOTES . j Edward Lipsett Jr. arrived in ( the city last evening from Van couver, being here on business. A To our regular customers: i Please notify the dairy of the store to which you want us to ake your raflk. Valentin Dairy. (196) Tonight's train, due from the east at 10:45, was reported at noon to be on time. Miss N. L. Bird, superintendent jf the Ridley Home, returned to the city last evening from a trip to Vancouver. Miss Sylvia Monckton, who has been paying a visit to Terrace, her former home, left last night on her return to Victoria. Latest recruit to enlist in the Canadian Army through the Prince Rupert Recruiting station is Leo Gordon Brooks, 18, of Terrace, who left Terrace last night for Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. D. McKenzie left on last nightls train for a trip to Vancouver. Sister Mary Carol and Sister Sobina of St. Joseph's Academy left last night for Vancouver, Notice to Subscribers Subscribers of the Daily News are requested, If at all possible, to pay their subscriptions direct to the V office of course, in the event of It being Impossible to do this, payments may .A be made to the boys. When paying. Dlease bring r your last receipt. C.N.R. Trains For the East- Dally except Sunday .... 8 p.m. For Terrace and Pacific , Dally except Sunday.... 4 p.m Front the East-Daily except Mon 10:45 p.m. From Terrace and Pacific-Daily except Sun. .. 11:30 a.m. BAMBOO DELICACY Boiled bamboo shoots, Army style, taste like asparagus. WOMEN Wanted Local Shipyard requires IMMEDIATELY' 8 WOMEN to be trained in WELDING Apply: NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE AF 1G For Income Tar RETURNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 324 2nd Ave. SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypoints, Stewart and North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 Cash for old gold, Bulger's. Mrs. R. Nesbltt returned to the city last evening from a trip to Vancouver. y Capt. W. J. Boyce arrived in the city last cvenlngto be stationed here Jn his capacity as Is a' pilot for the next couple of months. ' he Miss Annie McDames who has been spending the summer vacation' In the south, returned to the city last evening from Vancouver. George W. Cripps, provincial assessor, after a trip to Vancouver, came north to Bella Coola this week to pay a visit to that district on official business before returning here. LADIES! CHOOSE 1 aircLTGssing ' AS YOUR CAREER Splendid opportunity. Rapid advisee merit. War werk baa absorbed many hairdresser. You should traia to take their place. 90 of todajra Beauticians are School Graduates. Where they made such great success, you can also. Kifht dow smart girls arc needed to train for hairdressers. Practical expert training guaranteed.. Very reasonable rates. "Write today for free literature. MOLER Halrdresslng School 303 West Hastings Street Vancouver, B. C. Krgiatrrtd Under Trade Scbooll KeguUtioa Act. Arthur G. Healy of the government wireless station at Dig-by Island, who has been transferred to. Vancouver, left last nlehttwUimMrs. ueaiy ana iam-j fofcjhat city? '7 iHfM VfT Tnff IPflf mem for Vancouver. . ( Announcements AH advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. S.O.N. Invitation Dance, Fri-from day, Aug. 20. Get tickets members. Valhalla Invitation Dance, August 27. CHURCH NOTICES First United Church C3C Sixth Avenue West Rev. J. A. Donnell, M.A., Minister J. S. Wilson, Sr. Choir Leader. H. C. Higgins, Jr Choir Leader. Miss Swanna Olafson, A.T.C.M , Organist. 11:00 am, Morning Service. 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. The Minister will conduct worship. Come and Worship. First Raptist Church (Fifth and Young) Rev. CA. Wright, Pastor Morning Worship l:00 a.m. "The Eternal Road." Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. "Conflict, Repentence, Redemption." Social Fellowship hour follow ing the evening service.. Wei cornel Text: "The Eternal God Is thy refuge." The "Friendly Church" where strangers and visitors are es pecially welcome. You'll feel at home with us. Prince Rupert Full Gospel Tabernacle 221 6th Avenue Evangelist John E. Barnes In Charge Sunday 11 a.m. "Our Great Multiple Healer." Sunday 12:15 pjn. School and Bible Class. Sunday 3 p.m Prayer Hour. Sunday 7:15 p.m. Evangelistic Meeting "A Burning Bush." Tuesday 8 p.m. "That Attrac tive Power." Wednesday 2 pjn. Women's Missionary Meeting. Thursday, 8 p.m. Praying Thru For Victory." Friday 8 p.m. Service Men's and Young People's. Everybody welcome First Presbyterian Church Rev. A. F. MacSween, B.A., 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. Adj, E. A. Brunsden. 7:30 p.m. Evening-Worship. Flight Lieut Rev, F. A. Spring born, R.C.A.F, You are cordially Invited to u worship .wi th us. - "YANK" LEVY IN RUPERT Celebrated Street and Guerrilla Fighter Here The celebrated Bert (Yank) Levy, veteran of five wars and exponent of individual Ingenuity In hand-to-hand fighting. an, Interesting visitor la Prince Rupert speaking before local military units. Last night lectured the Prince Rupert Machine Gun Regiment, his talk featuring methods of street ftghttag and guerilla tactics. He also gave demonstrations pf his own remarkable prowess and agility in informal fighting. "Yank" Levy, who, although born In the United States, Is moton. Classified Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE Four room house. Phone Blue 739. U95) FOR SALE One large lee coll- erator, 54"x69"x24"; one milk shake mixer, one large Coca Cola cabinet, one electric clock for window display, one Mills ice cream machine with cabinet, 40 gals. size. Phone Blue 981. J. W. Taylor. Call after 5 pm. (199) FOR QUICK SALE Modern 6 room house, 3 bedrooms, hardwood floor dining and living rooms, new foundation, centrally located, oil range included. Possession in one week. $2700 cash or terms considered. H. G. Heigerson Ltd. (197 FOR SALE Coal heater and writing dek. 224 5th Ave. W FOR 'SALE 6, room modern jUMtp3be4r(ms, n near Seal Cove. Immediate possession. $1400 cash or with all furniture $1900 cash. Owner leaving town. H. G. Heigerson Ltd. (197) FOR SALE Five room house. Phone Red 433 or apply 1233 Water Street .evenings. 1199) FOR SALE Brunswick phonograph and records. Excellent condition. Phone Green 187 (193) FOR SALE Two three yard dump trucks, good condition Apply R. R. Pearson, Terrace. ! B.d (201) FOR SALE Old established and ONLY Men's Wear business hi McBride. Well bought stock and one c7 the best propositions In, the Interior. Small fixtures and small rent. Owner retiring. WMt for particulars. Drawer 502, McBride, B.C. FOR SALE Twenty foot cabin cruiser, ready to go. 1120 6th Ave. East. (202) FOR SALE Karn reed organ, power blower, two manuals. In first class condition. Apply Catholic Church, j (tf) FOR SALE Acreage at Woodcock, Skeena River, 10 acres cleared, log cabin and barn. Suitable for chicken farm. $600 cash. Apply Official Administrator, Court House. Prince Rupert. (209) FOR SALE Double bed and dresser. Call Red 248 after 3:30 pjn. (198) FOUND FOUND Women's wrist watch on McBride Street. Owner may have same by calling at Daily News and paying for this advertisement. LOST LOST Black billfold containing money, identification card, and personal papers. Finder please leave at Daily News. Reward. (197) In Mm- Supreme 'oiirt of I'.rllMi Kilumlil.i In rroiiate In Hie Mailer of (lie "AilinlnlMrntlon Art" nnd In (he Matter or (lie l.htate of fln Sell In (ollieruNe known at Oust fxiiinj nereaiied TAKE NOTICE that by order of IIU Honor W. E. Fisher, made on Uie 5th day of August, AX). 1043, I was appointed Administrator oX the Estate of Qua Sclvln (ottierwlhe known aa Oiwt Bolvin) deceased, and all parUe having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or about the 7th day of September A. D. 1943, and all parties Indebted to the ertata are required to pay the wnrxwiit of Uvetr Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C. this 11th day of August A D. 1S43, NORMAN A, WATT Official Administrator, - Prlirct Rupert, B.O; really a Canadian, was with the British Battalion of the Inter- j national -Column which fought j with the loyalist forces in Spain j against Francisco Franco, having become a prisoner In that civil war. He also served in the First Great War as weH as the early stages of this war. He was with a Mexican expedition at the tune -of the Villa uprising and has had a highly colorful and adventurous career as a fighting man. Mr, and Mrs. V. O. Bastln and child, who have been here for the past year, Mr. Bastln having been with the B.C. Bridge and Dredging Co., are leaving on this evening's train for Ed- HELl WANTED WANTED Truck driver im- I mediately. Apply National Selective Service AM 75. (I97).j WANTED Secretary for local doctor's office. Apply Selective Service Office AF 72. H98) WANTED Woman or girl to assist with housework. Apply) Box 550 Daily News. tf . WANTED Janitor for office In city. Apply National Selective Service No. A At. 74. Uf WANTED Truck Driver. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission, A.M. 71. (tf) WANTED WANTED Two or three roomed furnished house, suite or rooms. Two well behaved children. Write Joe Feller, General Delivery. (199) Y.W.C.A. Rooms Registry. Rooms urgently neeaea. Mrs. uarouu. WANTED Furnished or partly furnished room suitable for light housekeeping by couple and baby. Reward $15. Phone Black 715. (201) WANTED By office worker, board and "room." " " 0r"MghH housekeeping accommodation. Box 556 Dally News. (196) WANTED 16 foot sailboat, complete. Box 552 Da,ily News. (197) WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT Two housekeeping rooms, furnished. Box 555 Dally News. (199) FOR' RENT FOR RENT Furnished room for single person only. Call between 4 and 8. 224 5th Ave. W ROOM TO RENT For two or coiyole. 517 Herman Street. (199) FOR RENT Room for two, ladies preferred. 513 Herman Street. (197) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD for woman in exchange for housework Box 553 Dally News. In answering give phone number or address. (197) BOARD and Room for men sharing. 718 Fraser Street. MISCELLANEOUS' INTERIOR and Exterior decor ator. Paper Hanger. Phone Black 810. (196) PAINTING and DECORATING Phone Blue 142. (197) PERSONAL DAY NURSERY OPEN NOW, The best care assured your children while you work Reasonable rates by day or week. Mothers' Interested call at 441 East 7th Ave. 19C) STENOGRAPHERS and TYP ISTS NEEDED badly by Gov ernment for war work. You can train at home forjob as Stenographer, Typist, Office Clerk, Letter Carrier, Mall Clerk, Customs Examiner, etc Free advice and record of apj pointment of our students from M. C. C. Civil Service School Ltd., Winnipeg, The oldest In Canada, No Agents. LOVED HIS BOOKS George Washington was a, book collector and a devotee of the theatre. U.S. BAUXITE IMPORTS The United States gets 93 per cent of Its bauxite Import from British and Dutch ajjlana.' ST. MARGARET'S sd yiuiukia, B.C ' FOUNDED provide thorough education on modern ru, t to M&trtcuUUon. preparing clrU to, ,hm ," " t tuu nd cttrUl vort Home E- ,,' '' rational eourac tor Mitrlculatinn . V'"''11 c&dkmlc oourM. Mu!c. Dramatist. c-.,r . j,, '"' opportunity lot outdoor tporU ail thr v.'.'.".14.05 I ' Hon la clirti to ctvaractM trainin. ponaUMtl aad cltlerachlp. A 1 , Vw maintained by a lull; qualified t.ifr, Prospectus on Application to tti FALL. TERM BEGINS: Sept. 8th for Boarders Sept 9th h, lujj'nunia: Empire 3013 - dries frA DIG SILVER PIIODL'CF.K Mexico produces 40 per cent of the world's silver. Per f Vu. Dibb Printing Comp OFFICE SUPPLIES PRINTING BOOKBINDING STATIONERY II HIT II DAY AM) EVERYDAY V A T E II M A N ' S V 0 I N T A I X Bcsncr Block, 3rd Street AAA . LADIES' 'Gionella' Dress S1 In Brown Suede, Brown Crush Kid. Calf, Black Softie Calf, Black Sue spike and cuban heels. High styled suit any taste and priced to suit any book. MEN'S "PALMERS" MOOSE l WORKING BOOTS in G" ant' A Just, arrived. Family Shoe Store "The Home of Good Sk . M MM MKMM MM M M MM Bigger and Better Every ) PRINCE RUPERT CIVIC CI CARNIW WEEK Fun and Frolic for Every Come one come all. En the fun. Don't miss it -your bit and like it to P mote Your Civic Ccntn MA In Tlir Supreme Court of llrltlsli Columbia M Pnilmte In the Matter of the "Administration AH" nnd In tlu- Matter of the Mate of John Ineph O'NHII. !MTnseMnte.tiite TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Hta Honor W E. Fiher, made on ttie 3rd day of August. A D. 1943. I una Wotnted AdmlnlMtnutor of the Euvate of John Joseph O'Neill, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are herfoy required v furnish some, properly verified, to me on or about the 4th day of September, A.D. 1943 uid all pantl (ndebWd to tihe est&U are required to pay the amount of their Indebted neat to me forthwith. DATED at Prtnce Rupert, DC, thta th day of Augum AJJ. 1943, NORMAN A, WATT Official Administrator, PrUlc RUj)t, B.C." ""A I'EKl'S YA LAND I" Ke: rrrliri''"' ' 1 II to ", Seitlon 1. "' Map IKS- , WHEREAS lorn of tM f lulled 111 tW! both Bin office. nolW shall, at the from the date -tlon hereof. ttftote of Ttt certificate. valid objection DATED t f u flee, rrlnce 'AdTertise-l