APQPST 21, 43 Ciien Lee-Oo Mow, The Daily News PAQE THHEB J5e as Generous as Possible n n f . ki J-. A M ai On the Road From Mandalay A rcjourceful Chinese refugee, toting his family and all hli worldly goods in baskets slung across his shoulders, Joins foe great stream of refugees pouring Into China from Burma to e ape the Japanese invasion. More than 1,000,000 refugees have (led into China from Malaya, Burma. Thailand and other Japanese -occupied areas during the past months, adding to China pressing refugee -and relief burden created by over five vear of war. Contribute to the national appeal of the Chinese ar relief fund so that they may be able to continue to send help to gallant China. I- Hiere will be no house-to-house canvass in Prince wuustnpuons will Ue receiveu .i ,y v or at the Victory Loan Hut from next Monday until Jjie end of the month, daily 2 to 5 p.m. and G:30 to 8j30 p.m. F Make cheques payable to Chinese War Relief Kenieinhnr ,, -hnrUv and vour contributions c wm I, Will be CXPtnttl V,.i ,'nnni tnY. nE AS GENEROUS AS YOU CAN IN AIDING BRAVE CHINA "Chien lee, oo mow." This phrase, often accompanying a Chinese gift,, is from a famous Sung Dynasty poet and means: "Like a swan's feather sent for a thousand miles, this small gift bears a great significance." Canadians who answer the current appeal of the Chinese War Relief Fund, which hopes this month to raise $1,000,000 across Canada for aid to China, might well append this poetic Oriental lag to their contributions. There is no doubt as to Canadian admiration for the superb and tenacious spirit of our Chinese Allies. Now, through monetary donations, Canadians can tell the people of China: "We arc prbud of you. Wc are with you. Fight on! Chicn lee, oo mow." On her recent visit to Canada's capital, lovely Madame Chiang Kai-shek, her black eyes glow littU le ing, said that Canadian sympathy and friendship meant much to her people. That sympathy and friendship can now be expressed in a practical way through contributions to the Chinese War Relief Fund. S - I KingTaiCY Sunrise Company Ltd. Sang Lee Laundry M. T. Lee, Tailor Rupert Bakery Ltd. Pacific Cafe International Cafe This Page Sponsored by . ... Enterprise Fruit Co. Yee Lee Laundry Lng the Tailor ' ' Rex Cafe L. D. Cafe 1 Happy Wong Star Store Chinese Farm Folk on the March The Japanese strategy of making forays to coincide with the planting and harvesting seasons and of destroying farmers' homes, tools and livestock, forces many Chinese farm families to take to the road, seeking new homes further inside free China. The Chinese war relief fund help to provide temporary shelter for the refugees and also aid in their Tom Lee & Son King George Hotel Grand Cafe B. Lamb, Tailor U. & I. Cafe Sincere Grocery Kwong Sang Hing Hop Kce