it ! J PAGI SIX TOT DXZLT Kf T?8 Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist In Chare Watch, Clotk, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Liieratlnc VISIT OUR BASEMENT ...ORE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant fWWWW.WMVWAVAP.V.V.WAW.V.VWf. j faiTmess i S a combination of chic and re- k9H ff t fined good taste A selection IB 5 j of both crepes and wools In all gtT&TgJli ? S- sizes both large and small. mf&Lw& ' J V- Only one of a kind. No dupll- MK-tcS i y t Rupert Peoples tin k i Store If ; J I ;VAV.VA,A,A,.VAVAVASVAVAVAV.VAVAV.VAV A . MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD A GOOD PLACE TO BUY Dinette Suites, Bedroom Suites, Floor Coverings, all kinds Bed Springs, Bed Mattresses, all kinds Cedar Hope Chests Store Hours 9:30 a.m. to 12:00; 1:30 p-m. to 6:00 Closed all day Thursday Phone 775. 327 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert I PRESCRIPTIONS ifr, I t f ! t X Through the years, the physicians of this community and their patients have come to know that they can depend on us. Ormes Ltd. Zrfit Pioneer Druqgiats I THE K EX ALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 - Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 0 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. try our NATURAL CURL WAVE We are certainly getting compliments these days on the lovely permanents we are giving. If you haven't tried us yet, be sure and drop in. Annette Powell Beauty Shoppe 4th Street (Across from Post Office). Phone Blue 917 Early Ad. Copy is Appreciated Waterfront Whiffs Large Quantities of Halibut Still Pouring Inlo Prince Rupert-Heavier Pink Pack Down Coast Boosts Canned Salmon Total I marriage by Dr. O. Fiddes, wore i a wnne cnuion iioor lengin gown, with shoulder length veil, and a pendant, a present from the groom. She carried roses and llllies of the valley. Ml-? Edith Radiey was the bridesmaid and she wore an ankle length pink chiffon dresf with shoulder length matching veil. She carried asters and gladioli. John Hopkins was the grooms man. Acting as ushers were Pat Forrnan and James Millan. Following the ceiemony a re ception was held at the Mis sion School house and later the riaai pariy leu lor rnnce COATS DRESSES WAISTS SKIRTS HOUSECOATS F Large vessels of the Puget Sound halibut fleet are continuing to pour their catches into Prince Rupert instead of making the additional five hundred mile run on to their home port of Seattle hi view of the price ceiling, they now receive no additional remuneration for their fares. During the week ending yesterday well over a million . further accelerated and o.i o. Th even total for the week was U58.000 i cven hecr tendings are being pound of which 1.123,000 pounds anticipated. was from American vessels and 135,000 pounds from Canadian. This brought the grand total of landings for the season to date up to 13,937,200 pounds Including 9,446,000 pounds from American boats and 4,491,200 pounds from Canadian. Celling prices prevailed throughout the week -17.5c and 16c for American fish and 18.2c, 17, and 16c for C anadian. With the closing date for fishing In the western banks et for September 8, fishing in tho meantime is expected to be Married At Pt. Simpson Prairie Couple United at Grace Church To Reside Here Lastest official reports from the Department of Fisheries show the total salmon pack for this season on the . Naas and Skeena Rivers to be standing belng restricted as from this PrkcaEldward lsl(nu Called CHARLOTTETOWN, P. E. I., Aug. 21 0 A general election will be held In Prince Edward Island on September 15 Premier Walter Jones announced yester day after conferring in Quebec with Prime Minister Mackenzie King. Passing Qf q Well Known ! Professor Rupert on the Sunbeam III. I NEW HAVEN, Connecticut, The bride travelled In a blue Aug. 21 ? Dr. William Lyon !k dress and matching acces- Phelps, aged 78, professor emeri- -orlcs. tus of English at Yale Unlver- Th- couple will reside at 1467 sity, author, lecturer and man Sixth Avenue, Prince Rupert, of letters, died early today DRAMA IS EXPLOSIVE "City Without Men" Cominr HATS SHOES HOSE LINGERIE Here Monday and Tuesday Primarily devoted to the explosive drama of a woman's heart, with Its wild longings storming Into hair-raisin? action as she refuses to wait alone with her memories, Columbia's "City Without Men" comes next Monday and Tuesday to the Capitol Theatre here. "City Without Men" is -set In a prison town to which come the wives and sweethearts of innocent men and guilty, murderers, thieves, embezzlers. They have come to wait, some in quiet hope of a pardon of a miracle, some In defiant ex pectation of "springing" their men, one a mother in patient resignation at the tragic knowledge that her son will soon be "out," electrocuted for murder These women, spurned by the "better" hotels In the town, assemble in the looming house maintained by a woman whose ntnced to withoios tiijsjs? Ponding period of last yea, The , Ttrntphere of de- S0Ck,ey!oSLC nt, J"' nnlnatton, of memories and . . . ' ers is 49,254 cases in comparison . c T n,rnA with 66,790 cases; cohoes, 30.-859 cases as against 31,186 cases; pinks, 88,278 cases com-, ared with 104,896, and chums, 12,914 cases in comparison with 1!,228 cases. For the entire District No. 2 the total pack this year is now 176,544 cases as compared with 1 13.921 Vz cases In 1942, the increase being due to a much greateip pink: pack from the seining areas down the coast in the southern end of the district. With the fishing as a school teacher whose flan I cec has been falsely accused : and Jailed. She works In a laun- dry in order to pay fees to a j tiiyster lawyer, hoping that he can prove the boy's Innocence. I Michael Duane. stage and ra dlo player making his screen debut, is cast opposite Miss Dar nell as the boy who had looked forward to his appointment as jan ensign in the United States Navy and who, the day of Pearl Harbor, petitions for permission to enter the war. Edward Buch- The service which united in week-end In most parts of OOs . appears a shyster law marriage Marjorie Catherine. , area, canneries wm De starting daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. ' to close down as the packing A. J. Radiey of Carroll. Manl- season approaches Its condu-toba, and Elvln Kingsley, son sion. of Mrs. James Elliott and the! late James Elliott of Cardalc. ! ,. . Manitoba, was read by Rev. II .Mnpfinn V ( United Church on Monday otj this "week. The church was decorated with a background of ferns and blue derphinlums. The bride, who was given In yer and others in the stellar cast are Sara Allgood, Olenda Farrell, Leslie Brooks and Doris Dudley. Local Tides Sundaj.iAujusZ men o.u low 'Httfi $55 Monday, August 23 High 7:36 19:49 Low 111 13:10 LAST TWO WEEKS or THE STYLE SHOPPE Entire Stock to Clear at Astonishingly Low Price?. Come and He Convinced. AVE CLOSE OUU DOOR ON THE 28tli DAY OF AUGUST THIS IS FINAL GIRLS AND WOMEN BETWEEN 18 AND 45! You are needed for real full time service in the C.W.A.C. The smartest uniform ever designed awaits you. Visit your nearest Army Recruiting Office without delay. THE STYLE SHOPPE Next Door Ilulkley Market. 8 feet lu.i feet u.9 feet 7.9 feet 15.8 feet 17.7 feet 6.7 feet 9.0 feet Advertise m the Dally Newsl PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and. .Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MININfJ MACHINERY All Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled THIRD AVKNIJK CFPR (1240 Kilocycles) Schedule SATURDAY P.M. 4:00 Musical Americana 4:30 March Time 4:45 Favorite Quartettes 5:00 The Cornhuskcrs 5:15 Kato Mendelssohn 5:30 Sound Off 5:45 O. I. Jive 6:00 CBC News ' 6:05 Boston Symphony 7:00 National Barn Dance 7:30 Jubilee 8:00 Hit Parade 8:30 Personal Album 8:45 Melody Roundup 9:00 Front Line Theatre 9:30 Classics in Cameo 10:00 CBC News 10:05 Fish Arrivals 10:15 Harry James 10:30 Tommy Dorsey 11:00 Yank Swins Session 11:30 Dance Time 12:00 Silent SUNDAY A..M. 10:00 Music for Sunday 10:30 Chamber Music 11:00 CBC News 11:05 Old Country Mall 11:15 CBC Sunday Morning Concert P-M. 12:00 Hymns from Home 12:15 Piano Rambllngs 12:30 Sonata Recital 1:00 Andre Kostelancts 1:30 Musical Comedy Favorites 2:00 CBC Sundav Symnhony 3:00 CBC Discussion Club 3:30 Paul Whlteman 4:00 Duffy's Tavern 4:30 Bandwagon 5:C0 Calling AH Children 5:15 To be announced 5:30 Victor Record Album , fi;0O CBC News 6:15 Hvms from Home I 6:30 The Army Show ; 7:00 Hour nf Charm i 7-anw who Fight 8:00 Mall Call 8:30 The Great Glldersleeve 9:00 Oulr. and Variety Program 9:30 Command performance 10:0n CBC News 10:05 Vesper Hour 10:30 Silent MONDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Vernon Oeyer 9:00 Mirror for Women 9:15 The Oakies 9:30 CBC News 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 Marek Weber Orchestra '10:30 Wilt Carter 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:30 Petit Concert PM. . 12:00 Luncheon Music 12:15111 Neiehbor 12:30 Snotlieht Bands 12:45 CBC News 12:55 Program Resump 1:00 One o'clock Musleale 1:30 Rebroadcast U5.E.T. 2:00 Silent Try i. CiasslHed Ad in the Daily News for Quick Results. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Wishes to announce that it will be CLOSKI) FOR BUSINESS until Aug. 20. ft i ii r i i B.C. Furniture i( Company 4 Doors with Locks and Hinges at a low price. 9 Sets of Al Windows. 2 Hot Water Tanks. 1 Water Tank, GO gallons. 20 Wash Ilasins at $5.50 each. Phone Black 321 Third Avenue 'Largest Organization of Its kind in the World" Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association JOHN IXOYD WRIOHT Resident Representative 17 3rd Ave. P.O. Itox 952 Prime Rupert, ll.C. Phone 711 and I will gladly call SATURDAY ENDS TONIGHT Complete Shows- 711. 9:20 F Ronald Colman "RANDOM HARVEST" fO ON THl SAME MOCHAM MARCH OF TI.ME Presents "INVASION" CM RTO ON SPO RT SN A PS 1 1 OTS Complete Shows 7:00, 3 04, 5:03, n r ' Feature 1 48, 3 52, 5 55, 8 :00. 10 CI STARTING MONDAY Briefs From Britain Nearly 200 tons of white flour which had Just arrived from Canada blocked Iiristol harbor for a short time when a barge sank. Lady Owen, widow of Sir James Owen, who was editor and managing director of the "Western Times' for 38 years, died a Birks Grange, Exeter. A meeting of the Radio Industries Club was told that tele- THE ARMY NEEDS Men and Women Don't wait for a call RE A VOLUNTEER! 2 DAYS wpw M MB -HBC3 SUNDAY 2 PM. "RANDOM HARVEST" Free Armed Services Only SUNDAY .HiUXn "RH.IIT TO THE Plus "7 Mile, From A wivUion mihf ac. . broadca;;,ft: a the war NURSES IN IXDls ixiere are lr:,: ul .trial nur;;e, in " KWONO SANG HOP Ktl CHOP 11 HOUSE Next to Hint J 612 7th AVE. tl All your ptronjt J Open 5 p.m. to 1; Tuesday II pi I 1:30 i.m. Outside Orden treat 1:10 i m. Phone Red 111 JUST RECEIVED a Shipment of Q SIMMONS Bed Springs and Mattresses (Size 4'G" and 4'0" IJEAITYREST SLEEP I MT, DEEPSLEEP SLUMHEKK1NG EL10 FURNITURE STORl V Third Avenue (Next to Daliv News) rrincdl The Gyro Club Knows How to Pick Them . . . DO YOU KNOW HOW TO VOTE? Thelda McEwen Gyro Club's Candidate for ueen o f. Carniv Your Vote and Support is Invited For This Charming Youni; Lfr' Tills space donated by i THE VARIETY STOt 1