EX-KAILUKAD DIES K ,nued from Page One) Dominion of Canada Department of National Revenue INCOME TAX DIVISION Colin Gibwn ilir.:lcT of Snlionnl Hertnue sr.;:d wit. n hp depression years .? resident s skill as a law-t....'1 Into prominence. His wed co-operation as a mere pal- ve and not a cure. He pleaded pe the Royal Commission which 1'Jired Into the trnrnnnrtntlnn fatlon in 1932. before the share- f tier of the C P R. and on manv pile platfc;m for unification. k Plan called for the placing of ' "on-competltlve sections of the ' ra"ays under a unified con- C Ft AM l F.Ll lOTT Commitnimrr of Income Tax IT9 ' iYol divorced from political influ ence. It was his belief that not only when he addressed the Canadian Chamber of Commerce at Vancouver. "We have frittered away too much of our national wealth. There has been a lack of united thought laio avor of the unification of nd unlted effort ,n dealing with Cs: rdbn Pacific and Cana- n Nsunai Railways were mod el :? reasoning based on the l.tur he used as bneksmnnd. f r E (ward's solution for the 8't Owav Kltuatinn nf P.innd.T icin private operation of the systems. The Federal govern- :it decided for co-operation but p each company maintaining its "i management He always con- major national problems and fail ure of the better element of our community to give the nation leadership." Always a believer In the great future of the Canadian west, even during the drought period beginning in 1933, Sir Edward at Leth-bridge in 1937 urged generou? treatment for the people of the devastated area. "Nature will take a hand in solving the drought problem and help will be repaid when would the Dominion be able to balance Its railway budget under hi' scheme but dividends could be resumed for the C P. R.. while provision could be made for the new railroad construction the country would require. CONCERT For the Benefit of the CANADIAN RED CROSS To lie held at EAGLES HALL, 5th Avenue East SUNDAY, MARCH 28th, at 9 p.m. The Program Sponsored by the CANADIAN UKRAINIAN ASSOCIATION FEDERATION OF RUSSIAN CANADIANS ASSISTED HY THE VARDEN SINGERS Buy Your Program at McRtte Bros., ."Or1 VICTORY SHOE RENEW Mail Y 503 RICHARD STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. Ect us do your Shoe Repairing, our Shoes We Pay Return Charges and give you 04 HOURS SERVICE H'8h Class Workmanship-Best Material-Reasonable Charges TRY THE VICTORY SERVICE! Prp. ii. Van Berkel (formerly of Prince Rupert) aYb Ad. Copy is Appreciated Glllis Royer ana Alois Ohnesorg, who have been on a trip to Vancouver and Harrison Hot Springs, returned to the city from the south this morning. Rotary Luncheon THURSDAY, 1 P.M. Commodore Cafe Moving rictures CECIL P.RINT) Mr. and Mrs. Wright Davles and Kon, Herbert, returned to the city this morning from Vancouver where Mrs. Davies has been receiving hospital treatment. LA CCOSSE, AM IMPlAH 6AMt, WAT Pi y to w the old oys with sides I . OHEM 600 AMD SQUAWS ueazc cm Tme mem bv beathjo THEM WITH SWITCHES Play safe by dealing here where you can get the combination of thrift plus quality! J. M. S. Loubser D.C., B.A. Chiropractor Wallace Block Phone 64t h.iiiiebibi:;i!t;i PHONE 657 itratii Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MILK VALENTIN DAIRY NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, ZARELLI, PROP. "A Home Away From Home" Kates 75c up M) Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box I9S For Income Tax Returns see . ., R. E. Mortimer Phone 88 321 2nd Ave. known former Union Steamship Co. master andtiow In the pilotage service, arrived this morning from B znu SHRIMPS BOAT W.S.L. Fresh every day, 5:00 p.m. First Float West of Imperial Oil Co. Vancouver and expects to be here for some time. E. T. Kenney, M.L.A. for Skeena arrived in the city this morning from Victoria, where he has been attending the recent session of the Legislature, and proceeded by train to' his home at Terrace. ELECTS SPEEDY TRIAL Otto Seaberg, charged with theft from the person in an incident at Biggar Place on Sunday afternoon, elected tor speedy trial on appearing before Judge W. E. Fisher in County Court this morning, and the hearing was set for tomorrow morning. Fire wardens of the local Civilian Protection Committee (A.R.P.) organization gathered at the Fire Hall one evening recently and, saw some fine pltcures by.C. A. Brine local agent of the Imperial Oil Co., dealing 'with the control of oil firet The films were as instructive a they were interesting. Some naval representatives wore also in & tendance. Although the police stated that he had been caught red-handed putting the articles under his coat, Omar Chagnon pleaded not guilty in city police court this morning to a charge of theft of silk cushion covers from Miller's Cigar Store and was remanded until tomorrow afternoon for hearing. T. W. Brown acted as counsel for the defence. KNOWN BY THEIR BOOTS Roman functionaries had boots of varying colors to distinguish them from lesser folk. Strains, Sprains and Muscular Pains Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. 29. 24. Orange Ihvitatlon Dance March Sonja Home Cooking Sale. April Eastern Star Dance, March 21. Valhalla Invitation Dance, Oddfellows Hall, April 2. 20. m H Presbyterian Spring -Sale Apr. 15. C.C.F. Bridge, Valhalla Hall, April Cathedral Easter Sale. April 29. savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 541 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUrEKT GOLD SEAL I ir Mfli Fancy Red Sockeye i and H H Q-MtBRINCS J&r ii 1 M I n are : Salmon Herring in Tomato S Sane g I both on active serrlce U n but will be back on your ti to grocer's shelf soon as condl- !j p ditions permit. Prairie Nurse Is Bride Here side In Prince Rupert, the groom being in the naval service here. Carl Klrkeby and Charles Ander i Miss Margaret Smith Bociime Bride vt ;CIah- McKercher of Naval Service The marriage took place quietly last evening in the Manse of First Presbyteriab Church, Rey. &. F. MacSween officiating, of Miss Margaret Jean Aulay, nurse from Moos-omin, Saskatchewan, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch Smith, to Clair George McKercher, son of Mr and Mrs. Clifford George McKerch er of Whltewood, Saskatchewan Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tribe were witnesses of the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. McKercher will- re son were each fined $25, with option of seven days' imprisonment, 'si city police court yesterday on charges of drunkenness. Similarly charged, Ainsley E. Hamilton was fined $25, with one day's option. Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Hubert A. Lunder-ville, Newport, Vermont, wish ti announce the engagement of theif younger daughter JMollie) Ruth Ann; to Signalman John Regular, R.C.N.V.R., son of James Regular and the late Euphemla Regular of Harbor Grace. Newfoundland. Classified FOR SALE NEW Battery Radios $32.50 complete. Public address systems, Washers. Furniture, etc. Write for details to Wrights Ltd., New Westminster, B.C. 170) FOR SALE 5-piece solid walnul Dinette Suite (extension table) Phone Blue 430. nil FOR SALE L. C. Smith & Corona adding machine and cash register combined. Apply Box 459 Daily News. (74) FOR SALE Axminster Carpets, El lo's used department. FOR SALE Drop-leaf kitchen table and chairs, 2 Congoleum rugs. 806 Borden Street. (70) FOR SALE Furniture, practically new. Apply 1325 Overlook Street. (73) FOR SALE Household furniture. Apply 708 McBrlde Street around 7 p.m. (73) FOR SALE Kitchen Ranges Ello's used department. FOR SALE Furniture and floor coverings. 611 5th Ave. East. (70) WANTED WANTED Light housekeeping room or rooms by mlddleraged couple. Phone 51, ask for Mrs. Frederickson. (74) w 1 WANTED Accommodation for naval officer and wife, urgently needed. Phone Black 716. (70) WANTED Room and board or furnished room for lady. Urgent. Blue 419. . (70) WANTED by April 1st, girl for care of house and baby in mother's absence. Apply 1413 Overlook. . (70) 1 IIELP WANTED WANTED Reliable woman to look after convelesceiit lady and to do light housework for lew hours dally. Apply Superintendent, No. 1 Staffhouse, Grefen 129. (70) WANTED Female typist for Fish Company office. Experience not necessary. Apply National Selective Service Office. A.F. 38. (73) WANTED Stenographer for e wholesale grocery house, permanent position to satisfactory party. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AF 39. (tf) LOST LOST Sum of money, Monday morning in Bank of Montreal or Post Office. Finder please phone Red 903 or 221 First Street or return to Dally News. Reward. (70) BOARD AND ROOM ROOM and board for men sharing 718 Fraser St. (08) BOARD and Room for single man. 742 Seventh Ave. West. (71) fff SPECIAL NOTICE TO ALL SLAUGHTERERS OF CATTLE Wartime Prices and Tradi; Board Order No. 231, Effective Thursday, March 25th, 1913, Requires the Removal from all Heef Carcasses (hefore sale) of Certain Internal "Fats as Listed Relow: (a) All internal fats adhering to the surface of the body cavity known as crotch (or pelvic) fat. (b) All internal brisket fats, including fat, in the heart area which does not adhere to the " heart when the heart is removed. (c) All internal fats known as kidney fat, and fat adhering to the tenderloin and flanks. (d) All cod fa" udder and udder (dug) fat. Beef frozen prior to March 25 th does not come under this ruling. t"1 Penalties tire provided for ' in j nut hint of thit Regulation. Slaughterers can either render the fat the'trw selves or ship it to a packer or Tenderer for processing. Further information regarding disposal of these fats can be obtained from your nearest Wartime Prices and Trade "Board Office. ' I WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD 1 The Modem Beauty Shoppe Wishes to announce that they are open for business from 9 in the morning until 12 midnight. This new arrangement of our staff has made this convenience possible for you. ELSIE KLOHN C52 Third Avenue West. Phone 947 BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets . . . At Your Local Butchers NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPL'RT Lt(L BRITISH COLUMBIA A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd, A GOOD PLACE TO BUY 30 KITCHEN TABLES, drop sides with square legs, suitable for dinette sets, in white wood. DINETTE CHAIRS to match with red leather seats, white wood. Phone 775. 327 3rd Avenue Miss Violet Mah wishes to notify the patrons of the Sunrise Beauty Salon that the shop will be closed for the next few weeks during her absence on a business trip to the east. Appointments will not be. taken In during this time and your co-operation will be fully appreciated. Also expressing sincere thanks for your loyal patronage of the past year and hoping to serve you better still with the latest fashions upon her return. .1 a. r. 1 i, 1-ESDAY. MARCH 24, 1943 7 TUB DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE ProfosxioTiftl Mem Investors Proprietor luitllmds Partners Aiiniiilnnm IVr.-on 'on 'GourmissTon lienofidnvies INCOM E TAX INSTALMENT DUE 3 1st MARCH 19 43 Such persons, if their income 'from sources other than salary anil wages 'exceeds 21 of Itheir total income, arc required to pay their 1943 Income Tax by instalments as follows: 20 on "f Wforo 311 Mnreh, 1913 25 on 'or before 30lli Juno, 1913 25 on or Wfoiv30th Sept., 1943 30 on or hefore 3lM Dor., 1913 If less than 75 of your income comes from salary or wages, you must estimate your 1943 Income Tax now and pay instalments as set out above. You may estimate your tax by applying the 1943 rates either to your 1942 income or to your estimated 1943 income. The first instalment of 20 is due 311 Marrh, 1913 Remittances, made payable to the Receiver General of Canada, must be sent to the Inspector of Income Tax for the District in which you reside. Each remittance should be accompanied either by a letter giving particulars AM) YOUR FULL NAME AM) ADDRESS, or preferably by form "T.7B-Individuals 1943". Interest is payable in respect of late or insufficient payments. LOCAL NEWS NOTES T. Slye of local reserve unit was fined $5 in city police court this morning for falling to report for parades. it NOTICE Meyer's Studios introductory offer. One 8x10 colortone portrait. Only $1.09. For appointment apply Star Shop, 625 Third Ave. West. Albert Joseph Kunderman, machinist from Manitoba, will leave tomorrow night for Vancouver, having enlisted ior active service in the Canadian Army. The case of Edward Masson, who was arrested in the theatre Monday night on an indecent assault charge, Is being heard in city police court this afternoon. Ello's Pay 'Cash for Furniture, Stoves, Tools, Musical Instruments. Capt. Andrew Johnstone, well I 1 SM. 1 Hi