PAGE FOUR IP "Back the Attack ...BeaCWAC!" Your best effort that Is what is required if we are to bring this war to a speedy victory. Some can only buy bonds others can serve in person. What is your best effort? More and more girls and women are needed to "back t he attack" by taking over Import ant Army Jobs so that men may be released to fight. The C.WJV.C. offers interesting work, good pay, a grand bunch of comrades and the adventure of being "right FUTURE FOR WORLD TRADE PRETORIA, April 30 Qi If South African industries are thrown into( competition with mass-producing ; countries they cannot last five ! minutes, declared Commerce Minister Waterson, adding the Atlantic Charter envisaged that after the war countries would pool ideas and resources, deciding who would manufacture what. NOTICE In Casslar Land recording district of Telegraph Creek and situate on the northerly shore line of a , small lake about two and one ' quarter miles south and one hall mile east of the southeast corner of Lot 3203, Cassiar Land District, take notice that Pan American Airways Inc. of 135 East 42nd Street, New York City, New York, USA., . intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands, commen cing at a post planted at the point , described above, thence west twen 3 ty chains, thence north twenty ' chains, thence east forty chains -more or less to the shore of the lake, thence southwesterly along the Matter of the "Administration Act" anil TAKE NOTICE that by Order Of His Honor. W. E. Fisher, made on the 9th day of April, A.D. 1943, I was appointed Admlnlstratjcr of the Estate of Thomas Davidson Laird, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, iro me on or about the 9th day of May. A.D. 1943, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C, this OKh day of April, A.D. J943. NORMAN A, WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B.C in the sitiu:me roriiT of hkitism f'Ol.l'.MHIA IN I'ltOBATF. In the Matter of the "Administration Act" and In the Matter of the Estate of Nick Xtailnvk (Otherwise known a Nykoln Stailnyek or Nick Stadn.vck) Hecenseil Intestate TAKE NOTICE ithait y Order Of His Honor W. E. Flrtier. made on the 27th day ''of April, A. D. 1943, I was appointed Administrator ti the Estalte of Nick Stadnyk (otherwise known lis Nykolft atodnyck or Nick Stadnyck) deceased and all panties having claims egalnnt the said estate are hereby required to fumls'i same, prcicerly verified, to me cn or about th; 27th day of May, A. D. 1943. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay ifche e mount of. their tndeJbtednms to me forthwith DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this . 27H1 day of April, A D. 1B43. NORMAN A. WATT Offlrlal Administrator Prince Rupert, B.C ' m it" Decide now to be a CWACI Apply to Recruiting Office Prince Rupert, or Recruiting Sergeant at Prince George. Or any National Selective Service Office. ' "- :- -..,.. ...t . SURE VITAMINS "If you want to make sure of your vitamins this year, grow them." That is the advice of the authorities In both Canada and the United States this year. That is the reason for the Victory Garden campaign. Normally Canada imports great quantities of early vegetables from the United States, In addition to huge crops grown here. The resulc These he will dehydrate, pack In tight containers, and send them to his and our troops overseas. There will also be some of this dehydration in Canada. But that is not the whole story. There Is going to be very little tin for canning vegetables this year and that means another abundant source of supply restricted. Finally, the market "gardeners are riot going to be able to grow as many veg etables as usual because of the shortage of labor. And all these restrictions come at" the very time our consumption of vegetables is sharply increasing. The whole thing adds up to the slogan "Grow your own.' They Will be Fresh And when one does grow his own 'iegetables right at the door there Is more than the reward of garden freshness. One will get all the vitamins, many, more than when we depend on vegetables harvested perhaps two or three days before we buy them. Vitamins, the scientists state, are rather delicate little chaps, they only last a short time. The only sure way of getting them all, along with real freshness, is to in the Matter of the F.Mate of Thomas , have a garden full of them within iimiuson iiirti, iifteueii, intestate a few yards of the kitchen, and pop tnem into me pot or into a salad just a few minutes before they are eaten. Thinning One can save oneself a lot of stooping ana ootner oy proper spacing of seeds when sowini With beans, peas and such seed, from three to five inches apart i3 about light. With fine seeds like those of carrots, lettuce and such it is difficult to space evenly and thinly but with a little care one can prevent bunching. This care n sowing will be repaid later when the plants start to grow, as much thinning will be saved. But even with this careful sowing, some thinning is inevitable with beMs, onions, parsnips and similar fine seed plants. Th object :s to give room for early growth. It is not necessary to thin, say, beets and carrots, to more than an inch or so apart. Lo'ng before they have reached full maturity a lot of the beets and carrots will have been pulled and used. When the plants are half grown one Can start using every other one in the row. Importance of Cultivation Killing weeds, is only one function of cultivation. In the well cared for garden where weeds never Dr. L. W. Kergin was the winner of the weekly raffle of a war savings certificate for the Queen's Fund at yesterday's luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club. The Committee for. the Return of Properties oof the Ukrainian Labor is two fruit stores to a block In Farmer Temple Association spon- most Canadian cities. Those who i soring Mass Meeting at the Eagles' have been studying the situation 'Hall, Sunday May 2, at 8p.m. (102) say that conditions are likely to. be i: j fc ;:, , different this year. In the first Harry Daggett Jr. arrived on last place Uncle Sam is going to buy nieht's train from Kin?sfin the shore of the lake to the point j up every bunch of vegetables he i he has been attending Queen's Uni- of beginning and containing fifty acres more or less by Pan American Airways Inc. L. C. REYNOLDS, Division Manager, Acting Alaska Division. Dated January 9th 1943. IN TUB SI PItF.ME (OIKT OF IIKITISII COM'MIHA IN PKOIIATC In tlir Matter of the "Administration Act" and In the Mntter of the rotate or Matthew Murray, Deceased TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor Judge Fisher, local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I ft as on the 19th day of April, A.D. 1943, appoint 3d Administrator of the Estate of Matthew Murray, formerly of the City of Prince Rupert, Deceased, -who died on or about the 30th day of January, AX. 1943. All persons Indebted to the said Estate aVe required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and ell persons having claims against the said Estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 1st day of May, AD. 1943 falling which distribution mill be mode having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C this 19th day of April, 1943. , NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B.C in tiif. srritF.MK rornt of British In COI.l'MMA IN PltoriATF, will be able to get his hands on. verslty and will be employed by the Fishermen's Co - operative liver plant. make much growth anyway, the main job is to improve the soil by maintaining moisture.ettlng jn air and keeping the soil fine. One or two thorough cultivations of vegetable or flower gardens after planting, and then a little stirring up lightly with a cultivator preferably once a week until the mid dle of summer and growth will come along almost regardless of dry weather. THE DAILY NEW3 FRIDAY APRIL; LOCAL NEWS NOTES A kilo's Pay Casn for Furniture, Stoves, Tools, Musical Instruments. William Jones, local butcher, returned to the city this morning from a trip to Kelowna. Mrs. George Mitchell and little daughter returned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancouver. The shoe sale at Ladies' Shoppe continues. Stock is in j fast at reduced prices. Style mov- MIss Nora McCaffery returned home this morning from a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. R, M. WInslow returned to the city thisv morning from a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. Major W. J. Parsonage returned to the city this morning frdm a trip to Vancouver. The Misses Delphine and Char lotte Balagno returned home this morning from a holiday visit to Victoria and Seattle. Frank Dibb and Mr. and Mrs. George Dibb are leaving tonight for a trip to Vancouver and the southern interior on vacation. The County Court case of T. S. Butler vs. Richard H. Simonsen, in which the claim of plaintiff is $97.- 50 for board and lodgings, has been adjourned sine die. Hugh Tennant, shore steward for Canadian National Steamships, arrived in the city this morning from Vancouver, being here on official business. B. Thortseinssen, inspector of schools, returned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Theo Fortune returned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancbuver. DANCE, Dry Dock Employees in Staff Dining Hall, Hays Cove Circle, Saturday, May 1, 9:00 to midnight. Admission 75c. (102) Settlement out of court has-been made in the County Court action of John B. May vs. John Rutter and Mrs. E. SulikoskI in which there was a claim for $50 damages. W. O. Fulton acted for the plaintiff and T. W. Brown for THESE TOUCH MARINES BOSTON, April 30 0 A US. marine on leave attempted to mount a camel at an exposition here. The camel fell on him. The marine fractured his collar bone. The camel died. RODE FOR 56 YEARS ALAMOSA, Colo., April 30 K After ,56vyears of riding horseback, Douglas Rentie, b"5, colorful Alam- ,osa cowboy, has retired. "There Isn't the riding and the roping there Used to be," he said rthhcuncetnehtJ All advertisements in this column, will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. W.A., May 6. 1 Mayday Ball, Oddfellows' Hall, Fri. April 30. Turkey Dinner, Baptist Church, April 30. W.O.T.M. Invitation Dance, May 5 Oddfellows' Hall. Spring Bazaar United Church Little Norway Tea. Mrs. Munthe, May 8. 13. Hospital Tea, Nurses Home, May Cambral Spinster's Spree, May 14. Entertainment, Oddfellows' Hall, May 16. .Help Norway Com. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Mrs. Flaten, May 19. Eastern Star Dance, May 21. Valhalla Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, May 28. GROW YOUR OWN THIS YEAR Qardening is in full swing on the Pacific coast where many school girls with other members of their families are giving up tHelr spare time to working m Victory gardens. To insure full larders for Canadians next fall and winter the government is becking a gardening campaign. The demand for vegetables this year will be greater than ever and distribution will be difficult because of crowded railway lines. The Dominion Department of Agriculture suggests that vegetables should be grown that have the highest nutritional value. BASEBALL SCORES American League New York 7, Boston 3. Washington 5, Philadelphia 1. Detroit 3, St. Louis 2. National League Brooklyn 4, Philadelphia 3. Cincinnati 6, Pittsburgh 1. .Boston 5, New York 2. St. Louis 4, Chicago 3. MOKE CO-EDS THAN MEN BOULDER, Colp., April 30 -) For the first time in 25 years coeds outnumber men at Colorado University. There now are 1,111 womeri; 1,094 men. In 1940 the men had it two to one. PILGRIMS INCREASE SALT LAKE CITY, April 30 0 War or no war, the number of visitors to Temple Square, site of historic Mormon Temple, in the heart of Utah's capital, has greatly Increased. CLASSIFIED FOR SALE FOR SALE Kitchen range, Elio's. FOR SALE General Electric seven tube (battery) radio, call after 6 o'clock, 737 Second Avenue, Apartment 2. 104l FOR SALE I wedge tent, new, made of Egyptian silk, weight 42 lbs., size 6x7 ft. and 6 ft. in centre. Make an offer. Box 481 Dally News. H02 FOR SALE Tent, 9x12. Oood as new. $19.00. 1379th Ave. W. 102 FOR SALE Barber's outfit two chairs, eight foot mirror and basin. Box 480, Daily News. 106 FOR SALE One small safe, plain rocker, and radio speaker. Phone Blue 773. 1259 Park Ave. FOR SALE Piano. Special offer tn armed forces. Box 478 Dally News (102 FOR SALE Household furniture, must sell fast. 226 Sixth Avenue East. (105) FOR RENT SLEEPINO accommodation for single girl. Red 600. (102 fflMVANTED WANTED Housekeeper preferably between 35 and 5Q years. Good wages, good home, small family. Red 879. (104) WANTED Middle aged house keeper. Write Box 479 Dally News. (106) WANTED at once. 2 female ware house clerks for shipyard storey, must be able to keep records, good wages. Apply National Selective Service AF 51. (106) WANTED Truck driver for Cart age business; Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission AM 34. (tf) HAIRDRESSER wanted for well- established beauty shop. Apply Unemployment Office, AF 49. (103) WANTED Woman to do light house duties. Good wages. Phone Green 596. (102) WANTED Bookkeeper for cartage business, male preferred mill tary exempt. Apply Unemploy ment Insurance Commission A.M. 38. (tf) WANTED WANTED Coal and wood range. Phone Blue 395 WANTED Small outboard motor. Apply P.O. Box 441, City. .(103) ARTICLES WANTED BAND and Orchestra Instruments not in use may be turned into ready cash. Send full particulars to Whaley Royce & Company, 310 Yonge St., Toronto. Ontario. IN TUB SITItK.MH ( Ol'ItT OF IIKITISII (oi.iMiiiv ix pitonm: In the Mutter if the "Administration Act" lipid In the Miitler of the F.xtnte of Thornim Mrltictlo, Decenxeil TAKE NOTICK that by Order of III I Honor Judze FMier. local Juclce ctf the SUrreoi e Court of British Columbia, I was on (the 29th day of April, A.D. 1943, appointed AdmrnJstmtor of the Emtnte of Th.tna Mctto-le. formerly of Wie City of Prince Rdfpert, Decwuod. Who d4ed on or at3re tine lOfth day of December, A.D. id-, ah persons indtlbted to th mii Estate axe required to ipny the wmbunt of UiMT InaWtednMs ,to rhfe forthwith and nil persons having claims ogalnut we wma wie ore required no rile thm with' me properly verified on or boforo the 15tih day of June, A. D. 1943, falling which distribution will be mhde havln regard only to such claims of whtdh I nhall have been notified. DATED Wt Print Rupert, B.C. thin zuui any of April, 11143, NORMAN A. WATT Officii Admlni'stmtor Prince Rupert, B.C. Back the Attack with Victory Bonds Todays TEA BEST Buy ' ; VICTORY BUY BONDS FOR ALL OTHER BEST BUYS BUY AT NOTICE Due to existing conditions, we are forced to announce that com mencing May 1st we shall be able to redeem our coupons lo glassware only. . To our customers having coupons on hand, we suggest that the be turned in before May 1st as we have several valuable preml urns in stock. Coupons received after May 1st will be honored for glassra only. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phones 1S-U) P.O. Hot VICTORY SHOE RENEW 503 RICHARD STREET, VANCOUVER, BC. Let us do your Shoe Repairing, Mail Your Shoes We Pay Return Charges and five you 24 HOURS SERVICE High Class Workmanship Best Material Reasonable Chargi TRY THE VICTORY SERVICE! Prop. II. Van Ilerkel (formerly of Prince Rupert) CIVILIANS !.'.' Our boys are slil! MANACLE' in Germany You are still Free to BUY VICTORY BONDS and get them released quicker Canadian Fish & Cold Stunt? PRINCE RUPERT (). Ltd. ",T,S" CLUMB'