tfi !:1 I' B2 E II -fl b ! It F F o r f r q PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Third Avenue (Next to Daily News) t Chas. Dodimcad Optometrist in Charge Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT I. ORE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler .Diamond Merchant $ THOSE SHOES YOU WANT - ! You'll See Them At i THE CUT RATE SMART BOUDOIR SLIPPERS Try Our New PERM Because all the latest women's shoes are always arriving at the CUT RATE, you're bound to see those shoes you want. Stop in any day. Pumps and Ties-Sport and Dress Shoes they're all here. All sizes and widths. The largest selection of Moccasin Slippers in the city, ,y Also all the new leather and cloth bedroom slippers. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED I Cut Rate Shoe Store 506 THIRD AVENUE WEST (Across from Orme's Drug) FLOOR COVERINGS For your Floor Covering Requirements visit Elio's Furniture Store, next to the. Dally News on Third Avenue. Elio's have a tremedously large stock ol Seamless Ax-minster Carpets, Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs, Inlaid Marbo-leum, Feltol, Rexoleum, six feet wide" Elio's enormous turnover in Floor Coverings for years gives you better choice at money saving prices. . Buy War Savings Stamps at Elio's. Saleslady to serve you. Just say: "My change in War Savings Stamps."- ELI0 FURNITURE STORE Prince Rupert LADIES' 'Gionella' Dress Shoes In Brown Suede, Brown Crush Kid, Brown : Calf, Black Softie Calf, Black 'Suede in low, " spike and cuban heels. High styled lines to suit any taste and priced to suit any MEN'S "PALMERS" MOOSE HEAD WORKING BOOTS in G" and 8". Just arrived. Family Shoe Store Ltd. "The Home of Good Shoes for lustrous beauty that can't be beat ANNETTE POWELL BEAUTY SHOPPE Fourth Street across from Post Office l'lione Blue 917 for Appointment' 1 CFPJR (1210 Kilocycles) Schedule THURSDAY IM. 4:00 Afteroon Musicale 4:30 The World's Great Singers 5:00 Tea Dance Time 5:30 We Shall Have Music 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded Interlude 6:15 To be annonnced 6:30 Downbeat 7:00 Major Bowes 7:30 Bing Crosby 8:00 Fred Waring 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Great Music 8:45 Yarns For Yanks 9:00 Melody Round-up 9:15 Ivan Ditmars 9:30 Maxwell House Show 10:00 CBC News Rebroadcast 10:05 Fish Arrivals 10:10 Recorded Interlude 10:15 G. I. Jive 10:30 Spotlight Bands 10:45 Organ Reveries 11:00 Silent FRIDAY AM. 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Hawaiian Melodies 9.:00 March Time 9:15 Friday Scrap Book 9:30 CBC News 9:35 Transcribed Varieties, 10:00 Singing Strings 10:15 Badge of Honor 10:30 Wilf Carter 10:45 They Tell1 Me ' 1 1 :00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast "of Mtssages 11:17 Recorded Interlude 11:30 Petit Concert P.M. 12:00 Sophisticated Strings 12:30 Rebroadcast of Used Show 12:45 CBC News 12:55 Program Resume 1:00 Belle McEwen 1:15 Carson Robinson 1:30 Rebroadcast of Used Show 2:00 Silent Local Tides Friday, July 23 High 5:40 18.1 feet 18:27 19.1 feet Low 11:51 5.0 feet ' Notice to Subscribers Subscribers of the Daily possible, to pay their sub- scriptlons direct to the of- News are requested, if at all j . fice. Of course, in the event of it being impossible to do this, payments.may be made to the boys. When paying, please bring your last receipt. I1HB nrwtrnfifm GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon and Herring In Tomato Sauce are both on active service' but will be back on your grocer's shelf soon as conditions permit. KWONG SANG IIING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE Next to King Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST All your patronage welcome Open 5 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Tuesday 10 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. 1:30 a.m. Phone Red 247 FRONT LINE GENERALS LIEUT.-GENERAL H. D. G. CRERAR By DOUGLAS AMARON (Canadian Press Staff Writer) A quiet spoken man but no arm-chair strategist or die-in-bed general, Lt.-Gen. H. D. G. Crerar has been aching for action for almost four years. When the first Canadians disembarked in Britain in 1939, he was brigadier in command of Canadian Military Headquarters at London. He knew that new Cana dian divisions would be plowing the ocean to Britain during 1940 and he wanted the command of a brigade In the field. He waited two years for a field command in the meantime spending a year as Chief of the General Staff at Ottawa and relaxed only when he became a divisional commander In 1941. A few months later he was commanding a corps as lieutenant-general, a rank from which he had reverted to major-general to get overseas in a hurry. Now he figures it a cinch he'll see action. Since his appointment as corps commander, General Crerar has been guiding the forces under his command through the toughest training grind any Canadians have experienced. There has been one purpose in this hard work to train the troops so that when they meet the enemy face to face they will not be too seriously hindered by their lack of battle experience. "Every man is eager to be on the offensive and encouraged to be thinking of attack," Gen, Crerar said at the height of this training. "Here, we regard the European coast as the front line the Channel as No Land." You, feel, from talking with Gen. Crerar and reading his order to the troops, that he places a premium on intelligence, alertness and condition. He works on the theory that no officer or N.C.O. not capable of taking over from the man directly above him is qualified for his present rank. i "Lack of battle experience means we must train all the i harder," he explained. . "Having lacked practice against the en J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Westholme Rooms For Income Tax RETURNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 321 2nd Ave. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 ERASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT mimmmuBmmmmMamm a m 1? I. T ..1 !... B ft I'lCSIl LiULUl IVilW UIIU V Pasteurized MILK 1 I VALENTIN DAIRY ! i vmm, PHONE 657 mmmauam SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria Waypoints, Stewart and and North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 emy we have to be super In everything we do." Tireless Soldier The general, a medium-sized man with a sefious expression but a friendly dispositionals as tireless as he asks his troops to be. He is a popular commander right through the ranks. Daily News Advertising Brings Results. One of the "old regulars," he was not always a professional 01YMPWI THE AMTISEPTIC LlMIHEHT NAZISM HORRORS Based on an amazing and factual account of the educational perversions In which the German youth of today is being drilled, the motion picture "Hitler's Children" presents a romantic dramatized version of this account at the Capitol Theatre this Friday and Saturday. Tim Holt, Bonita Granville, Kent Smith, Otto Kruger and II. B. Warner head the cast of this unique offering. Smith plays the head of an American colony school In Berlin and Miss Granville that of his American pupil AnH later his assistant, with young Holt as a German-Amer ican vouth Imbued with Nazi ideas Ideas, however, which do not keeD him from falling in love with the girl. A s Hitler's "Herrenvolk" teachings become more wide- soldier. Born In Hamilton, April I spread, the girl, because of her 28, 1888, he graduated from the German descent, Is taken from Royal Military College in 1909 the school arfd sent to a labor and chose to be a civilian en- camp, while Holt, now an offl-gineer with the Ontario Hydro cer of the Gestapo, Interferes Commission. However, he Joined with Smith's efforts to rescue the Canadian non-permanent , her, artillery. In 1914 he started in tho First Great War as a captain In the 11th Battery, C.F.A. At the armistice in 1918 he was a lieutenant-colonel with D.S.O. and M.CjBycolncidence his path touched ' that of Lt.-Gen. A. G. L. McNaughton, whom he succeeded as Canadian counter-battery staff officer In 1918. He Joined the permanent force in 1920 and in the succeeding years filled a variety of army Man's j appointments, Including that of colonel commanding at R.M.C. He came to Britain ,a month after war began as senior combatant officer at C.M.H.Q. and arranged for the arrival of the 1st Canadian Division. SORE GHcL WED FEET Remains Are Sent East Matters reach a crisis when the girl, unable- to endure the j barbarity of the Nazi scheme of ' things, any longer, runs away from the camp. The boy, held partly , responsible for her actions, ls forced to supervise the flogging to which she is sentenced as punishment but he too rebels at this cruelty, and Is himself sentenced to death. How the boy seeks at the last moment to redeem himself and warn his former associates of their folly, provides the powerful climax of this sensational offering. The body of James Oeorge Perry, an American soldier who was drowned early Monday WANT THIRD AVENUE ADDRESS morning alter laumg from a wharf while unloading a cargo of lumber, was forwarded last night to Buffalo, N.Y., which is the home of Perry's family. I TO OUR CUSTOMERS I Until further notice Our I I store will be Closed I I ALL DAY THURSDAY I Kaien Hardware! Circulation Dept. ED Boys and girls up to the age of 16. An opportunity to earn good money. A number of routes arc open in a few days in all parts of the city, due to older boys leaving for work in war industries. APPLY Daily News Circulation Dept. Pbonc - - 98 Or Fill Out This Coupon and Mail THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT I Herewith Apply for a Daily News Paper Route NAME PHONE .; AGE STARTS Complete Shows 1, 3. 5, 7 9 Complete Sltows at 7:00, 9:00 SNOODS POPULAR BUY... RUPERT Sole THURSDAY jtJ TSlf" I V 1 ADDED I "Donald UucM A Broadly IMdlA Wk World News I TIM HOLT BONITA CRANVILit I ........ - , w nnvuin , B,ui:l Based on GREGOR ?itn "EDUCATION FOR nril Dtst-scMnst bookaniuA miuiunj in KMDER'S DM CAP work.s and n t i Fc.ii 1 38. 3 36, 5 38. "M ENDING TONIGHT Laurel and Hardy "AIR RAID WARDENS" LONDON, July 22 D The to the woir.c London Transport System has, have proven , Issued snoods to the women em-1 the protec on ployed in its railway overhaul ' women's hair BRAI Fti A ittJ Fillets ... At Your Local Butchers NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Stora PRINCE RUPERT Q. LlU. WKTISII COlt 9 ; to b '? I j t 1 c 1 r o at"-' u WOMEN PRAISE OUR EVERY $ LOW PRICES! So many women are tired of the old scheme d-f lure them in to buy that they are unstinted w of our policy of nresentlno- pvprv Hrm in our store' Prip.PS Inclool U . .if IHI rsriCCSr ....iiuu ui uie uujwjmary lew uaiw y sees advertised neain nriwi .. In the long run you save more at THE VARIED Dcause you save ALL THE TIME not Just oa Come buy what you need rrom our stocks of notion ng supplies, moth preventatives, closet cssx' otner needfuls, and' prove It! THE VARIETY S T 01 If you lose anything, advertise for1''