PAGE TWO DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE KUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published livery Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue. O. A. HUNTER. MANAGING EDITOR MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use for publication Of all pews despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press In thli paper and also the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. EDITORIAL Friday, April 16, 1943 Dim-outs and Burglaries Relaxation of dim-out regulations might make conditions here less conducive to burglaries and nocturnal law-breaking, it has been suggested. Certainly if the old night lights could be restored, it would not be so easy for the safe crackers who, the way things are right now, have pretty clear going for their nefarious operations. Another suggestion is that business 'people particul-larly should see to it that their premises are adequately Dane" agamsi .entry. Increase in the police force, it is admitted, would help ,$ome but the police, no matter how many there are, cannot be everywhere all the time. R.C AF. Active in Europe ... The Royal Canadian Air Force is playing an increasingly important part in the bombing of Germany and the Nazi-occupied countries. This is one of the Dominion's most important and spectacular contributions to the business of the war. And a glorious record is being built up by our men in their skill and courage. Stuttgart was one of the most important air raids of the war, evidently, and the fact that ten Canadian planes were lost and Canadians were in some of the Royal Air Force planes is an indication of the important part our men played. Anti-Hitler Youth Movement ... Perhaps as significant a .news item as has come out of Germany in the last year is the despatch from Stockholm which reports the public hanging of three university students in Munich. Thesp WPi'P trip rinrrlpnrlpvc in an anti-Nazi faction among the students which, with huum uuumess, nan come into the open. The despatch says: "By having the ringleaders hanged, the Gestapo deliberately chose the most ignomirious method provided py German law to put a condemned person to death. Hanging usually is reserved for the lowest civilian criminals. Even a soldier caught stealing can insist on the firing squad." The execution, the despatch says, has caused much uneasy comment in Munich, where the people's morale is very low, and where the clenched-fist salute of the Communists can be seen with increasing frequency on the streets. If this spirit is abroad, it will be strengthened in place of being checked by the barbarous murder of these youths and the social humiliation -that accompanied it. When the youth of Germany bQgin to break away irom Hit er-worship in considerable numbers, a stage considerably beyond "the end of the beginning will be VICTORY SHOE RENEW 5Q3 RICIIARD STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. Let us do your Shoe Repairing:. Mall Your ShoesWe Pay Return Charges and give you 24 HOURS SERVICE ) High Class Workmanship-Best Material-Reasonable Charges TRY THE VICTORY SERVICE! Prop. II. Van Berkel (formerly of Prince Rupert) BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets ... At Your Local Butchers NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT ). Ltd. BMTISII COLUMBIA ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY fi A R BUTT The Hostess The Service Wives Club met yesterday afternoon for their regular weekly meeting In the ladies' lounge at the "Y." Although the weather was not so promising a goodly number turned out. There was an attendance of fourteen women and nine babies. Mrs. Valen did her good deed for the day by sewing the stripes on a navy collar for one of the sailors. Mrs. Strand donated the raffle which was won by Mrs. Abrams for the second week In succession. Mrs. Duke and Mrs. Abrams Well, members of the Navy Com munications bowling team, composed of Jack Regular, Don Smith, B. Harkness, Rene Jeannotte and Mike Leir, are going around with their chests out today as they are the Service League champs, winning the final victory over the R.C.A.P. Communications team. The members of the R.OA.F. team were Adrian, Heryet, Johnston, Lacrolx and Keegan The semifinals leading up to final playoff were Navy Communications vs. Petty Officers and R.OA.F. Communications vs. R.CJV.F. Composites The winning score for the Navy was 2,921, the Air Force score being 2,839 Sorry to see Cliff Humford, teleg raphist In the navy, on his way in THE DAILY NTW3 FRIDAY BOWLING AWARDS Winners for Season Announced-I'resentalions to be Made Saturday Night Team and Individual trophies for the season will be awarded at a banquet and dance to be held by the Mixed Bowling League In the Eagles Hall Saturday night. These winners are as follows: League championship Sav-Mors, Watts & Nlckerson cup. Highest three games for team Sav-Mors, 3.928. Highest single game for team Peoples Store, 1,416. Men's high average Cy Kellett, 235. linen was sent to the military hos-, . Men's ,ug. ' ? pital, high three games Maur ice Irving, 863. Ladies' high- three games Grace Lee, 794. Men's high single game B. Lew, 35G. Ladies' high single game D. Wesch, 345. The banquet committee consists of L. ML Felsenthal, Ina Robertson, W. F. Stone, Dorothy Ballin-ger, Pete DeJong, Paul St?avlg, Carl Pederson and Eric Chayko. Red Beard, Old Barbarosse, who now sleeps beneath the River Rhine. I'm rather remiss In my thanks I know, but I do think it's time I thanked all the good people who sent In the required amount of wool for the recent Oueen Marv i south. Remember the time he tried Chapter I.O.D.E. appeal. It has all 1 id grow a ousny red beard but been collected now and I think. somehow got discouraged? I think sent off to the Fairfield Mills at he must have heard about the Fort Garry to be made Into blank-drowning of that other famous ets for Britain. Rhytta FOOTBALL TOMORROW Two Exhibition Games Saturday Afternoon Will Usher in Season The Interservlces Football League will get under way tomorrow afternoon with a pair of ex hibition games at Acropolis Hill Grounds Navy vs. Air Force and Signals vs. Eastern Regiment. Three other teams Reserve, Coast Battery and Yanks are coming Into the league, the season's play In which may start next Thursday. Vancouver Stores Cut Down Hours Woodward's and Spencer's to Close All Wednesday VANCOUVER, April 16 Important Vancouver department stores are to cut their business hours. Woodward's and Spencer's will close all day Wednesday and Hudson's Bay will close earlier on Wednesdays and Saturdays. INVENTIVE SWEDES Patent applications In Sweden during 1942 attained record fig ures. With in PURE WHITE f. pened to pass by, and remarked, Meiicans velly wasteful. That woman good for ten years yet." An unobtrusive gentleman In the museum was gazing rapturously at a huge oil painting of a shapely girl dressed In only a few s'.rategically-arranged leaves. The title of the picture was "Spring" Suddenly, the voice of his wife snapped: "Well, what are you waiting for? Autumn?" ' Nabob Tea meets all your ration requirements. Its tender freshness, its delightful aroma and its satisfying strength combine to give you the utmost enjoyment from your valuable ration coupons. Nabob's distinctive blend is delicious and satisfying. The refreshing goodness of this famous tea has made it a real'favorite of Canadians from Coast to Coast. Nabob Tea 1$ I w iv rimienlently lurfcrif for 1, 2, 4 and 8 roiiMiru, Tunc to the new nd entcrUinlnj r.ciio ihow . . . "N.tob Prty Tlm." Tt ci os it sliouhl be' KELLY, DOUGLAS & COMPANY LIMITED: NABOB FOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED VANCOUVER . CANADA APBtt .. " " aaaj PgN-4J of the low- price I Smiles I J For Today J Mother: "Where do bad little girls go?" Girl: "Most everywhere, Pte. Arnold Levy writes: "I sleep In a room that generates 50 different kinds of snores, sit down to eat with a battalion, drill with a thousand or more, I'm paraded In public and now j'm wondering why I'm called 'private'." A mlddle-a&ed woman lost her balance and fell out of a window J into an ash can. A Chinaman hap FT SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Wj,, Points, Stewart and luern Charlotte Islands. Full Information, TiHti and Reservations FRANK J. SKI.NT.a Prince Rupert Agent mini Ave, I'hone -&: n i l n r IGOLD SEAl Fancy Red lSocIcpvp re? ; (PJ Salmon pi m 4 eMO SIM Herrtni In Tomlii are both on active itrrla Pf but will be back on jut .1 f jrocer shelf soon as eondl -ti i. uiiiuni permit. FOR SALE srxiAL ruicES New hand-made RAO RUGS. Artistic designs, 18x36 Special $t RADIOS In first class playlnj condition. 7 to 10 tubes. Real Bargains SiMjjj TYPEWRITERS - Good condition. Remington, Underwood, L. C Smith. Real bargains. $!j One 3-plcce CHESTERFIELD SET. High erade cohering. Regular $200, for J! Odd Lines, Pots Pans, etc B.C. Furniture PHONE KLACK 324 THIRD AVEXl'E Fresh Local Raw an y Pasteurized 1 VALENTIN DAIRV u IMIMVK fi,'l7 If; ztnazm:. uzv:? For Income Tax . Returns see R. E. Mortimer Phone 88 321 2nijA. J. M. S. Loubser U.C.. rKiVnnractor Wallace Block - TMJi Id