PAOH FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Chas. Dodimcad i' Optometrist In Charre Watch, Clock, Jewelry Kepairinjr. Hand Enrrarlnr VISIT OUIt BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant SETTING THE 1943 STYLE PACE Rupert Peoples Store In Mannish Tailored Suits we "take the cake" so to speak. Every Suit hand-tailored by one of Canada's leading fashion manufacturers. For the well-dressed lady, whose taste calls for the Dressmaker Style Suit, we dare you to just look at ours. Your good taste will do the rest. Rupert Peoples Store A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. I A GOOD PLACE TO BUY GO only, "MASTEKCIIAFT" HASSOCKS Round, Square and other shapes. Different Colors. Priced from $.'.,"() - Phone 775. 327 3rd Avenue 5 o "GALIVANT" SHOES IN BROWN AND CLACK BROGUES, . GILLIES, TIES AND LOAFERETTES. Welted Soles and Genuine Calf Leathers. Perfect Fitting Lasts in Fittings AA to C Width. Priced $5.85 and $5.50 Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" iQOCiaoOCKiotHj CARPETS AND CONGOLEUMS IN STOCK Seamless Axminster Rugs, sizes 9x1?, 9x10, 6'9x9, 4'6x7'6 ' 36x63, 27x54. Congoleum Rugs, 9x15, 9x12, 9x10, 9x9, 72x9, 6x9. Floor Covering sold by yards. Dominion "A" Quality Brown Battleship Linoleum, 6 feet'wlde. Dominion Marboleum Felt Base, 6 feet wide. ? y Dominion Feltol, 6 feet wide, Congoleum Gold Seal, 6 feet wide. Baroleum Felt Base, 6 feet wide. Dominion Rexoleum, 6 feet wide. EASY TO CHOOSE A RUG FROM LARGE STOCK . .' Elio Furniture Store Third Avenue, Next the Daily News, Prince Rupert CFPR (1240 Kilocycles). SCHEDULE Friday P.M. I 4:00 Folk-Music Old and New I 4:30 Gracle Fields 4:45 Blended Voices I 5:00 Shall We Dance? 5:30 Sextette from Hunger i 5:45 Organalitles 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Fiedler conducts .6:30 Aldrlch Family 7:00 Personal Album 7:15 Your Friendly Gardener 7:30 Badge of Honor 7:45 Melody Round-up 8:00-Fred Waring 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Kate Smith 9:00 Drama from Vancouver 9:30 Sophisticated Strings 10:00 CBC News 10:15 Song Sheet 10:30 Let's Go Hawaiian . 11:00 Sweet and Hot 11:30 Silent Saturday A.M. 7:30 Strictly Iniurmal 7:45 CBC News '7:50 Strictly Informal 8:00 Musical Minutes 8:30 Morning Meditations 8:45 Saturday Strings 9:00 Operatic Gems 9:30 CBC News Rebroadcast 9:35 Hits of Today 10:00 Music for the Kiddles 10:30 Wilf Caster 0:45 Lud Gluskin's Orchestra" 11:00 Old-Time Hoe-Down -11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Hoosler Hot Shots 11:30 Let's Go Modern ,'ve cot a war iob in mv mvn quiet way, and it's for the dura-tion," says Mr. Gold Seal, famous emblem of Congoleum Rugs and Congoleum by-the-yard. "It's to stand up under punishment as never before so that in spite of everything, your floors will continue to look bright and beautiful. You'll find it hard to replace them in a hurry: that's why the care we put into the making of Congoleum "1; tra Value todav- It's value that' will show up quickly if yOU give it a chance in added wear and service. For years, as you know, I've stood for the highest in home furnishing values and today, my aim is higher than ever," THE DAILY NEWS r FRIDAY STEWART ELECTED Boilermakers in Vancouver Choose Him for Third Time Within Five Months VANCOUVER, April 16 P Wil liam Stewart was elected president of the Boilermakers' and Iron Shipbuilders' Union last night for the third time in less than five months. In December he had been chosen but that election was declared un constitutional by the Canadian Congress of Labor. He headed the poll again in February but that ruling was ruled invalid in Su preme Court on application of the executive which was defeated In December. Stewart said in a statement that the new vote should "settle defin itely nnv mipstinn n. tn thp rlrrh of the Boilermakers' Union to hold an election. DUTY FOR MEN HERE The need for further recruits in the reserve army at Prince Rupert was emphasized by Lieut. Col. G. C. Oswell in speaking before the Prince Rupert Rotary Club at luncheon yesterday. A. S. Nickerson was In the chair at yesterday's luncheon in the ab sence of President George C. Mit chell. He thanked Col. Oswell for his address. Guests included Dan Bock. Mr. Otto, Col. F. W. Adams, Col. W. C. Koenig, Dr. John A. Macdonald (who was congratulated on the birth of a son), G. A. Hunter and T. W. Brown. Winner In the weekly raffle of a war savings certificate for the Queen's Fund was Alex McRae. A. C. Small was named delegate to a district conference to be held shortly in Victoria. SOCLVLLY CHANGED (Continued from Page One) factures instruments for the admiralty. Sally insisted on being Just one of the hired hands. She labored eight hours a day and took her turn on the night shifts. Once her hand became caught In some machinery but the Injury kept her from work only a few days. Organized Factory Countess Wharnclllfe, mother of five children, helped turn out shells in her father's munitions plant during the First Great War. From her experience of 1914-18 she planned and equipped her own workshop when the Second Great War broke out, turning an unused garage into another cog In her country's war effort. A sub-contractor, the countess now employs ten part-time workers in her tiny factory where. working side by side with the wife of a retired policeman, she is on duty eight to ten hours a day turning out nosecaps for bombs. The Marchlness of Queensberry, descedent of the old Marquis who drew up the boxing rules, Is one, of the woman drivers of trucks! and ambulances. Others are Lady Jowltt, wife of Sir William, paymaster of all Britain's armed forces; Lady Diana Tiarks she's a dispatch driver Lady Diana Stuart Wortley, Countess Manton De Rable and Lady Waldgrave. Lady Dill, wife of Field Marshal Sir John Dill, British military adviser in Washington, drove for the MTC in France in the early stages of the war. She now Is lecturing in the United States. Lady Louise Mbuntbattcn, wife of the British Commando chief, works dally as a supervisor of nursing In St. John Ambulance Brigade. Local Tides Saturday, April 17 High 11:39 18.8 feet Low 5:44 7.0 feet 17:54 5.3 feet CAN COUNT ON ME fm TO SEE YOU THROUGH" Mtm- CONGOLEUM GOLD SEAL H0W T0 HELP un MR. GOLD - SEAL MAKE GOOD You cin get added wear out of your Congo leum floori wiih vtfy little effort. Brush ind mop them'teguUtlj- and renew the bnghtnew of their lurf.ce with an occaiiooil waiing. Mite lure too, that the floor under, neath it irmioth and free from crerfcea oc koooa. If It'a a rug, move it ererf few mom hi to "spread" the traffic. Yes. i littles can wtU p,f big Uiridcoda, f!omnlpti Rhnu; of i .nn . . Girls the Town iwnl Feature at 1:00. 3:10, 5:20. u0 Jj 2 The Story of the Startling Loves elhi SLJ Pointed At! Whifflets From The Waterfront .y A few gasboat troliers are now operating on the Flats of Hecate Straits but there is not a great deal of luck yet In the catching of springs. The same may be said for hand troliers off Port Simpson and a few gllinettcrs in the Skeena River. The few fish that come in meet with ready disposal on the local fresh fish market. - " " "i rRUiiliti Merry Melodie: "Draft HoJ, World News CAPITOL SUNDAY MIDXITE Lionel Barrymore, "Dr. Gillespie', xew ( MISSIONARIES tSf1 Swedish : 11 -I-..' - "".icr.arr Maria An... . ! Sweden fmm v. "! China. They bare", 1 acre of Chinese CTTI.Vox.U,yJ -. V, A; ,, Ukcblad, the rr- .' zines has beta V. i rnUIU . . "'"II .ac oee.) conL.j!:dfc. it-Hging tne present rtfo. IF YOU'VE A NOTION TO SAVE ... you can always save on Notions at THE VARIETY STOPXil you ever figure up how much you spend In a month c sltles? And how much you could have saved bv bc-iJrl here? It's -something worth thinking about and wcrliccl down about, tool Spring needs are here in profus:;.-.t THE VARIETY STORE "Where your dimes are llttie dollars" PHONE It EI) 120 51S 3rd ATE. 1 1 ml I FOR APRIL SHOWER! and SPRING CLEA NIC: Get Hand Cleans French Balm two sizes Almond Hand Lotion Adrienne Creams Talcum Powders large tins in assorted perfumes 25c tin Onnes IM- yit Pioneer Druqytsts THE lti:XAI,L STOKE rilONES i Open Dally from 9 a.m. till 9 V m- p9, jl n.i iinii.t... 10 9 nm and I " !l Sundays and Holidays Irom 12-2 p.m. 1 1'