ferouR THE DAILY NEW3 FRIDAY, APRIL 16r 1943 ese days, when tea ynust yield the utmost in flavour, quality f supreme importance. Ash for . ALADA TEA WANTED Stationary Steain Engineer, 3rd or 1th class, for oil burning plant and pump house for oil company in Prince Ru-pert. Union wages paid. APPJy Unemployment Insurance Commission A.M. 39 hcuhcetneh tJ advertisements In this (in will be charged for a pmonth at 25c a word. Sja Home Cooking sale. April IN, Dance. Friday, April 16, blows' Hall. f.F Bridge. Valhalla Hall, April Legion W. A. Spring ale laffle April 21. Ln Mary Easter Monday Tea, (parkin. fcpdral Easter Sale, April 29. BF Invitation Dance Oddfel- illall, April .29. Mayday Ball, Oddfellows' Hall, Frl. April 30. Coast Regiment, Service Dance. Empress Club, Easter ay nbra Spinster pree, May 14. flits Bazaar May 6. United Church avoy IOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. ont 37 P.O. Box 544 FRASER STREET PK1NCK RUPERT NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZARELLI, PROP. Home Away From Home" Rates 75c u 9 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. hone 281 P.O. Box 1M Mr. and Mrs, A. Geary are tonljht for a trip to Major J. T- Harvey, local and one of the original offi cers of the old 102nd Battery here, has arrived in Britain, according to word received at his law office KWONG SANG niNG. HOP KEE CHOP SUEY House Next to ping Tal 612 7th AVE. WEST AH your patronage welcome Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. Phone Red 247 A.C. Cameron PHYSIO THERAPIST STEAM ELECTRIC TREATMENTS for Lumbago, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Neuritis and Sciatica Hours 10 a.m. to 1 p m., 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Room 1 NEW ROYAL HOTEL I HAMBURGERS jGth St., Behind Royal Hotel LADIES - Try... VI PHONE BLACK 59 8 6 u J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Wcstholme Rooms MNETTE POWELL'S BEAUTY SH0PPE For Vpiir Jester PerinanPnls Situated on 4th St., across from Post Office Annette has recently transferred her business here from pneouver and will be glad to help you wun yum a.., Problems If you will PHONE BLUE 3)7 FQR APPOINTMENT MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE fhoii 317-319 3rd Avenue West Groceries Vegetables Fresh Fruit Tobacco Cooked Meats es 18-11) "Where Dollars Have More Cents" We Deliver P.O. Box . LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Elio's Pay Cash tor Furniture, Stoves, Tools, Musical Instruments. Mrs-. "B. Cameron Is leaving tonight for Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Tolln left last night for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. W. S. Kergln, after a brief visit to the city, left last night on her return to Ocean Falls. R. S. Woods left last night for Vancouver enroute to Tranquille Sanitarium. PJier Besner left last night for Vancouver after spending a week here qn business. Jack Malr returned to the city this morning from a trip to Mrs. Anton Dybhavn and daughter left last night for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Eby returned to the city this morning from a trjp to Vancouver. Col. W. G. Swan arrived in the city this morning from Vancouver, being here on one of his periodical here. Mrs. Harvey and family are ; The shoe sale at Annette Ladies' now residing at Quallcum Beach, Vancouver Island business trips. Wear and he Style Slioppe con tinues. Stock is moving fast at reduced prices. Mrs. Andrew Thompson left last night for Vancouver, being called south on account of the death of her father. G. M. Hemsworth, who has been relieving on the staff of the Canadian National city ticket office for the past couple of weeks, re turned last night to Vancouver. WARNING Re ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS We have been advised by the City Engineer that water service will be reduced from Saturday 4:30 p.m. until Sunday 8:30 a.m. Unless electric heaters have automatic, control it would be advisable to period, by authority of the City Engineer. NORTHERN UJC. POWER CO. LTD. NOTICE In Cassiar Land recording dis trict of Telegraph Creek and situate on the northerly shore line of a small lake about two and one quarter miles south and one hall mile east of the southeast corner of Lot 3203, Cassiar Land District, take notice that Pan American Airways Inc. of 135 East 42nd Street. New York City, New York, U.S.A., intends to apply lor a lease oi tne following described lands, commencing at a post planted at the point described above, thence west twenty chains, thence north twenty chains, thence east forty chains more or less to the shore of the lake, thence southwesterly along hp shore of the lake to the point if beginning and containing fifty icres more or less py ran Ameri can Airways Inc. L. C. REYNOLDS, ' Division Manager, Acting Alaska Division. Dated January 9th 1943. IN THE SITUKMK C'Ol'KT Ol" IlltlTlSlI roi r.MiviA ix riio iiaik In the Mallej- ir the "Administration Art" and In t pic Matter or the IMnte of Thomas la Id-oil Jjjlril, Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE Uiat by Order of His Honor W. E. Fisher, made on the 9th day of Aprtl, A.D. 1943. I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Thorn is Davidson Laird, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or about the Otii day of May, A.D. 1943. and all parti s Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount ot their Indebtedness to me forthwith. , DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 9Ui day of AprU. A.D. 1643. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B.C. IN Till: SITUKMK COVKT OK HKITISII rOl.VMIHA IN rilOllATl! In the Matter of the Administratis) Act" anil In the Matter of the Kstaie oi urorgr M tiln-l rracr. neeeaseu takf NOTICE that by Order of Ills t., TnHns nhw lnnal Judee of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. J was on une ova any u w" o,t.i.rfH Administrator of the Estatf at George Mitchell Prater, formerly of Uie City of Prince lmpert. ariumi i-umbla. Deceased, Who died on or about the 18th day of January. a p-' iiiri.itt,! to lh sold Estate are re tin mv tie ainouiiit of their In debtedness to mo forthwith and all persona luvvuns claims alnst .filie said ptt. arr. rooulrod to file them with me property verified on or before the itux, Ayv ,it MAV. A.D. 1943. falling wliloh distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which t cVmii Viava ,hwii notified. DATED at rrliicc Rupert, B.C., this 5th lay of April, IB4J. ,. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B.C Mrs. R. Vick from Inverness Is leaving tonight for Vancouver. Felix Batt has returned to Trail after a .brief visit to his hqme here. Mayor W. M. .Watts returned to the city on Wednesday from a business trip to Wells In the Carl boo district. Mr. and Mrs.. Balmer, formerly of Regina and more recently of Vancouver, have arrived In the city to establish a Beventn pay Adventlst Church here. The name of D. O. Borland has been added to the public relations committee of the local Victory Loan drive. DANCE for Dry Dock Employees, Staff Dining Hall, Hays Cove Circle, Saturday, April 17, from 9 to midnight. Admlsslpn 75c on pres- I LADIES FREE. Canada at War 25 Years Ago (91) April 15, 1918 British made fur ther withdrawal ln Passchendaele area of the Ypres Salient and Ger mans occupied Bailleul and Wul- verghem. French artillery dispers ed enemy concentrations near Laon. Ten German trawlers sunk ln the Kattegat. FOR SALE FOR SALE L C Smith typewriter. Elio's. FOR SALE Complete house fur nishings including kitchenette suite, studio lounge, radio, dishes, etc. Must be sold- by Saturday. 102 7th AveEast, anytime after 5:30. (90) switch thm off as no water wJH I SALEwlcker baby bassinet, child's crib, ping pong table and set. phone Blue 833. (90) FOR SALE Cash register which itemizes and totals individual sales, eliminates writing, sales slips, operates electrically or by crank, recently ovehauled at factory. Apply Mussallem's Economy Store. (91) FOR SALE Barber chair, baby carriage, cabinet battery radio. 1956 Seal Cove. (92) FOR SALE Small cook stove. 1349 Pigott Place. 9D FOR SALE 1935 Plymouth 7-Passenger Sedan, in really good shape. Tires, up holstery and paint ln first-class condition $695,001 1938 Plymouth 7-Passenger Sedan, with trunk. This car is being factory reconditioned ln our work plant - $895.00 1939 Plymouth 7-Passenger Custom Sedan. This car is Just like, new; all new upholstery, tires like new, complete new paint Job $1150.00 Prices are F.O.B. Victoria I$eg Motor Company Limited 865- Yates Street, Victoria, B.C. (90) FOR SALE Mirrors, all descrip tions, Elio's Used Department. WOftJC WANTED RELIABLE Typist desires light em ployment afternoons or evenings. Box 472 Dally News. (91) WORK WANTED Chinaman would like work by hour;, no gar dening. Apply Box 480 Daily News. (92) FOR RENT FOR RENT Sleeping room for one or two. 1349 Piggot Place. PERSONAL . (90) WILL anybody knowing the where abouts of WILLIAM ALEXANDER DAVIDSON, please get ln touch with DENIS MURPHY. 43.0 Rogers Building, Vancouver, B.C. TiTticlesv'anted BAND and Orchestra Instruments not ln use may be turned into ready cash. Send full particulars to Whaley Royce & Company, 310 Yonge St., Toronto, Ontario. Card of Thanks I wish to express my appreciation ' to trie hospital nurses and Dr. Gib-1 son for kind attention shown to; the Jate Mrs. George Weightman, Robertson, 'Margaret Johnson and Mrs. Bacon and to all those who sent beautiful floral tributes. GEORGE WEIGHTMAN. Funeral Notice The funeral- of the late Mrs. Stella Dqnney will be held at the Grenvllle Court Funeral Chapel on Saturday at 2 p.m. Gwynn Holtby, Edward Dawes, John Wilson, Jack Breen, Sid Alexander and Jack Christiansen, officers of the local Sea Cadets, returned home this morning from H.M-CJ3. Naden at Esquimau where they spent two weeks in naval barracks, receiving naval training. TOP LATE TO CLASSIFY entatlon of red or yellow pass. FOR SALE 9plece Dine Suite: Table, 5 Side and 1 Arm Chair, 1 Buffet, 1 China Cabinet; 6-piece Kitchen Suite! Cabinet, Table, 4 Chairs; 7-piece Chesterfield Suite: Chesterfield and 2 Chairs to match, Smoker, Magazine Rack, 1 End Table, 1 Centre Table; complete Bedroqm Suite: Bed, Spring, Springfilled Mattress, Vanity and Dresser.; 1 Day Bed and Mattress; 6 plain Kitchen Chairs; 1 Phllco Radio; 1 Bed, Spring and Springfilled Mattress and Chiffonier. 1 plain Rocker: 1 Child's Rocker and Kindergarten Set; 1 Clock; Safe. Phone Blue 773. 1259 Park Aye. Classified Ads HELP WANTED WANTED Reliable girl for Hotel work. Wages, Room and Board Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission A. F. 44. (tf WANTED Ward maids for Gen eral Hospital. Apply unemploy- ment Insurance Commission, A.F. 45 (90) YOUNG Lady for office, after-! noons. Possibilities permanent position. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission A.F. 46. (tf) ! WANTED Girl or woman for light house duties, good wages. Phone Green 596. (91) WANTED Truck driver for Cart age Business; must be able to keep records. Apply Unemployment Commission AM 34. (tf) WANTED Bookkeeper for cartage business, male preferred, military exempt. Apply Unemployment Insurance Commission A.M. 38. (tf) WANTED at once, for local shipyard, 25 youths ages 16 to 20 for rivet passers and markers up. Applications to be made to Unemployment Insurance Commission AM 33. (90) WANTED WANTED Chesterfleia suite in good condition. 537 Seventh Ave. West. (94) WANTED, by May 15 Tnree adults want 3 or 4 roomed house or suite. Would take possession earlier If available. A. MacDon-ald. Phone Black 937. WANTED Party to care for child; cottage room and board plus salary". Apply Box 470 Dally News. (91) WANTED Chesterfield suite in good condition. Write ' Box 473 Daily News. (94) MARRIED Couple with small baby would like to rent apartment or house, close in or down town. Wil' pay $50 for suitable place. Call enings after seven. Mr. Murray Conn, 1001 Third West, back en trance. ,ai) WANTED Two or more unfurnished rooms, house or apartment Phnne'Red 162. (92) WANTED Apartment or small house, furnished. $25.00 reward nnv 47i. nailv News. (91) T "f. - TT. - WANTED Housekeeping room or Apartment.' $15 reward. Phone Prince Rupert Hotel, Room 83 nftr 5. (90) WANTED To "purchase studio lounire. Anmy Box 464 Dally See your local dealer handling these lines. flower of Arkansas. All Types of Fishing Gear Complete stock of lauson farts. Canvas goods. Midco lithing plants. Full lines oilskin clothing. APPLE BLOSSOM STATE The apple blossom Is the state MUST HAVE 'EM Fats and oils are an part of the human diet. NEXT IMPORTANT EVENT Mothers Day SUNDAY MAY 9th i Select your . . Mothers Day Card NOW gO.UTT-S DISTINCTIVE CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS WHEN THE CAMPAIGN Starts WKCX I BACK THE ATTACK - IJJJJJJJJksm' mum g ri i I s s i m cjoS ics i z si Annette Ladies' Wear (Wc Lead, Others Follow) i IK r .-1 fit1 m. t 4 li SI V