AIIVIDA, Quebec, April 16 CO A threatened strike in the vital plant of the Aluminum Company of Canada Limited was averted Thursday night when the International Union of Aluminum Workers (American Federation of Labor i acceded to a request of a federal mediator to defer the .strike ultimatum pending further ne2otlatlon. The Union announcement that it had agreed to the suggestion of a cSncillator came an hour after the deadline for a strike the union had set If the company did not agree to vote to determine which of two unions should act as sole bargaining agency for the plant's eleven thousand workers. The company claims that the National Syndicate of Aluminum Workers, with which it has a collective bargaining agreement, still represents most of the workers. Woman's Body Is Found In Water Badly Decomposed Remains Wash ed Up at Vancouver VANcntrvKii. Anril IB The bad l.v decomposed body of a woman, SO tar lllllrlrvntlflnrl uinc frninrt In the water off the Indian reserve at- the foot of Crown Street last evening. It is believed to havo been in the water five or six months. Axis Peace Offer Made WASHINGTON, D.C., April 16 What was, believed to be an Axis-Inspired peace offer came from the foreign secre- t tary of Spain today. He of- fcred "Kls'services as mediator to end the war. Secretary of State Cordell Hull said there could be no peace without the r unconditional surrender of Germany and her Junior Axis powers. PIGEON GETS LEAVE She Funeral of Mrs. Weightman Held Many Friends Attended Final Rites for Local Woman Yesterday Afternoon Manv friends attended at the chapel of the B.C. Undertakers at Grcnvllle Court yesterday aiter-noon for the funeral of the late Mrs. George Weightman. The service was conducted oy Rev. C. A. Wright, pastor of First n.intist church, and Mrs. Lois Vaughan presided at the organ to accompany the hymns wnicn were "Lead Kindly Light" and "floiae With Me." Pniiowlne the' chapel service, m- tprmpnt was made In Falrview Cemetery. The pallbearers were unaries Atkins, Martin Johnson, George Walker, B. J. Bacon, A. K. Nelson and Earl Eadle. Many beautiful floral offerings adorned the casket. LONDON, April 16 tf "Bronzey" a five-year old pigeon who has flown 160,000 miles with the It.A.F. has been given two weeks' leave because she was suffering .from shock after a fire In the bomber In which she had been serving-. WATER in the city Any person drawing water from any connection between 4:30 p.m. Saturday, April 17th, and 8:30 a.m., Sunday April 18th. will be committing a serious offence against trie safety of the whole community. There will be water in the nyams but it Is absolutely- essential to retain this for fire protection. A sufficient reserve of water to carry over this period must oe drawn off in containers and If this Instruction Is not honestly carried out by everybody, the period of shut-off, due to alterations In the water system, may have to be extended at leas, twelve hours. F. N. GOOD, City Engineer. JAP SHIPS ATTACKED ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NO III II AUSTRALIA Three of six Japanese ships were heavily damaged in an attack by Allied planes on shipping at Wawak, New Guinea. AUSTRALIA MENACED MELBOURNE The Australian Minister for air sees impending menace to Australia in a great conflict now . looming- in - the-South Pacific. 'The Commonwealth is definitely in danger, the minister said. UNDER MARTIAL LAW MOSCOW Owing to activities of a minority, all railways in Russia have been placed under martial law. CRISIS IN FINLAND STOCKHOLM There is a political crisis in Finland and a new-cabinet may be formed. .OAKLAND (UAKES OAKLAND Oakland had a series of ten light 'quakes yesterday. Patients were removed when walls of a hospital cracked. TO USE CONCHIES OTTAWA Conscientious objectors in Canada arc to be put to work in war industries or In service camps, They will receive $23 a month, surplus of earned wages to go to the Red Cross. WESTMINSTER MAYOR HERE William Mott, mayor of New Westminster, Is a visitor In Uie city. Here 'on private business, he arrived this morning from the south and will return home tomor row night. (Three Generals Visiting City Murchie, Pearkes and Ganong Are In Prince Rupert on Inspection Tour Major General J. C. Murchie, vice-chief of general stafr or tne Canadian Army; Major 'General Guy S. Pearkes, general officer commanding. Pacific Command, and Major peneral II. N. Ganong, are visitors in the city today In the course of a general inspection tour. .. LIVED AFTER BRALN-STAB CAPE TOWN, April 16 ) A native suffering a stab wound that passed through his skull and pene tratcd the brain carried on a normal life for 11 days before he died a unique case the post mortem report said. ' t PROVINCIAL Local Temperature Tonight's Dim-out (Half an hour aftr sunset to Maximum - 52 half an hour before sunrise.) Minimum 37 9:14 p.m. to 6:09 ajn. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER vol. xxxu, o. w A PRINCE PRINCE RUPERT. RUPERT, B.C., B.C.. FRIDAY, FRIDAY. APRIL APRIL 16. 16, 1943 1943 . PRICE: price: five FIVE cents CENTS 1 .'A . " ' Fierce Fighting In Tunisia Now FIGHT IN CAUCASUS Another Strong Point Taken From Germans by Russians on Smolensk Front LONDON, April 16 & Red Army troops have captured another Ger man strong point in renewal oi active land fighting in the Kuban Delta of the Caucasus, a Russian communique said today. Both the Rurclans and Germans have re- portca rcsunipnuu ui a oinnuu battle in the area north of the German foothold at Novoroslssk on the Black Sea. The Russians said that the Germans tried to recapture a position taken Thursday night by the Soviet but the Nazis suffered great losses. On the Smolensk front the Russians are continuing to Improve their positions. Prairie Floods Delay i rains Traffic Over Hallway Into Prince Rupert Running Over Day Behind Schedule Flood conditions on the prairies are responsible for delays to trains arriving In Prince Rupert from the East Hie train, which was due at 7 o'clock last night, will not be in until 8 20 this evening. The train, due tonight at 10:30, will be at least twelve hours late. STRIKE IS HELD OVER Amrrlran Federation of Labor Airees to Further Negotiations With Aluminum Company SABOTAGE ADMITTED American Workmen Built Ships Defectively Merely for Reason Of Earning Wages More Quickly WASHINGTON, April 16 (CP) J. Edgar Hoover, Federal Bureau of Investigation chief, announced today the arrest of seven men formerly employed as welders on a charge of sabotaging liberty ships being built at th! Bethlehem Fairfild (Maryland) Ship, yards. Hoover said that the men "have admitted performing faulty welding in order to finish the work In a hurry and earn more money." He added: "'There was no evidence of any Axis direction or sympathy on the part of the welders." Hoover said that the full extent of the damage was not yet known but many structurally , weak ships would have gone to sea if the defective welding had not been dis covered. , .'Many improper welds were in vital parts of the ship and were only discernible through the use of x-ray. Secretary of War Pledges Adequate Aircraft Supply And Other Australian Aid WASHINGTON, April 16 (CP) A constantly increasing flow of aircraft and other military supplies was promised yesterday by Secretary of War , Henry L. Stimson for the Allied forces in the South Pacific. , Taking cognizance of recent pleas from Australia for additional planes, Stimson told a press conference that "we will keep our American and Australian fliers supplied with sufficient planes not only to replace our losses but to build up our aircraft to counter-increasing the enemy strength." BULLETINS LONDON HAS ALERT LONDON London had an air raid alert today as two enemy planes came in from across the Channel and headed inland. BIG RAID ON KISKA All Records Broken for Intensity Of Attack WASHINGTON, April 1G (CP) The Aleutians Air Force Command bioke all previous records 'or number of attacks on Kiska In a single day, the United States Na.vy reported yesterday, when the'cnemy-held island was raided ten times on Tuesday by both heavy and medium bombers. ; The raids exceeded even the total number of attacks in the entire morTth of February. On Wednesday there were . eiKht . morp.. raids oil Kiska and. considerable damage was done to the enemy installations, fires being- left burning in barracks and elsewhere. ALLIED AIR ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA, April 16 Lieut. General George Kenney has taken over personal command of Allied air forces In New Guinea. He says that Allied planes are outnumber- ULTIMATUM FR0MG0VT Premier Godbout of Quebec Demands That Newsprint Company Settle Strike in Its Plants QUEBEC, April 16 00 Charging Price Brothers and Company Limited with attempting to "starve" the population of Quebec's Lake t. John district. Premier Adelard ..odtout on Thursday night issued an lUlmatum to the firm to meet i he 'lovernir.ent today to reach a settlement of the strike In three of ts.e company's newsprint mills in tiiat area. Otherwise, Godbout said, the government would introduce legislation to settle the dispute arising from union troubles. The Premier did not say how the government would settle the diaoute but. curing a statement in the Legislature, Godbout waved a copy of legislation which he said he would ask the Legislature to pass if the company did not heed the government's invitation. Rental Cases In North Are Heard Convictions Are Registered at Ter-lace and in Prince Rupert George Little of Terrace appear- . ed before, Magistrate Will Itobin- son at Teirace, on two charges laid by he Wartime Prices and Trade Board of violating the rental regu- : . On Lhe- f,rst charce. aecus. crd charge; he entered a plea of guflty. He was found guilty in both :nscs and giv?n suspended sen-"ns. T. W. Brown appeared on behalf of the board. Fonk Shlek Tun, B34 Second Avenue West, Prince Rupert, pleaded guilty in Prince Rupeit police court to a charge laid by the Wartime Prices and Trade Board of charging a rental in excess of that fixed by the rentals committee. Outnumbered by Enemy in South Magistrate W. u. Vance imposed a Pacific, General Kenney fine of $50 or in default one States imonth's Imprisonment. T. W. Brown appeared on behalf of the board. SOUTH AFRICAN CORN ' PRETORIA, Apiil 16 (CB South Africa now expects maize crops of 23,000,000 bags which is 1,000,000 hnes more than exDected national d in the area and are far from rnnslimriHnn an(1 Anonnno baes reinforcements and replacements. more than prewar consumption. GREAT COUNTRY The name of Alaska was derived from the Aleut word meaning ?rept country .'' . HALF ALIVE , The' sponge was once believed to be a combination of both plant and animal. NIP SHIP TIIAT CAME STAY This Japanese troop transport- the Yamazukl Maru was found by army troops when they reached the north coast of Guadalcanal on a clean-up expedition. The big transport had been destroyed by U.S. aqtlon while attempting to land Japanese relnforcemente. The ship was burned and beached. All Canuck Squadrons I Took Part LONDON. April 16 O) . was disclosed . yesterday I ' - It that . every squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Force bomber group in Britain flew with the great raid of the Royal Air Force on Stuttgart Wednes- f day night. Tremendous fires were left roaring throughout the city and a dense pall of smoke shrouded it, MUSSOLINI IS NERVOUS Declares Sicily as Military Area Against Possibility of Invasion And Sabotage CATANIA, PALERMO BOMBED CAIRO, April 16 (CP) A Cairo communique today said that American heavy bombers successfully raided the Sicilian harbors of Catania and Palermo by daylight yesterday. LONDON, April 16 B Premier! Benito Mussolini is reported by ; the Berlin radio to have declared Sicily an area of military opera tions In an apparent move to throw up defences hastily against expected Allied attack, NEWTOWN IS TAKEN British pledrJ!HOffTrlM'-1 -ifflstfoTT TOsrec'eded byRoyal shake-up of the Italian police which some observers saw as an attempt to deal with potential impair the defence of Italy. Naval Clash : Off Sicily LONDON, April 16 Early reports of a clash between British and Italian destroyers off Sicily today said that two. Italian destroyers had been sunk. There Is no official statement as yet. '! SOCIALLY CHANGED Judy O'Gradies and Colonel's Lady "All Out" in War in Britain By LEO BRANHAM (Associated Press Staff Writer) LONDON, April 16 War has brought about some remarkable changes In the social delineations t DrKnln A rlct rrrr f rr filohl n f nn government war services. Their ladles are doing their bit, too. Some of them went so far as to from the East Side London's "wrong side of the tracks" are working side by side In the women's uniformed services, the Red Cross nt nf Vi At eovrf A ft rron rtloo Armies Still Advancing in Tunisia LONDON. April 16 O) The British First Army has captured the town of Haidls, twenty-six miles west of Tunis, although the enemy are still holding out In the hills. The Eighth Army has made further advances fifty miles south around Enfldaville. An Allied communique today announced that a series of violent all-day battles raged on heights north of Medjaz el Bab, thirty miles from Tunis, as the Germans lashed out in vain counter-attacks to regain ground won by the British First Army. Dispatches said that First Army Infantry had driven to within fifteen miles of Tebourka, key road Junction only eighteen "miles west of Tunis, in some of the fiercest fighting of the campaign. Other reports said that the Eighth Army was bringing up big guns to blast through Marshal Erwln Rommel's main defence bulwarks at Enfldaville. A French communique said that French troops captured over one thousand prisoners and killed nearly one thousand more in attacking the western flank. MAINTAIN OFFENSIVE Arf "f orce Sweeping "6iit From Britain Over Continent By Djy and Night LONDON, April 16 H Allied planes crossed the southeast coast of England this morning and headed foi France to continue the daylight air offensive against the Continent. The foray followed a series' of night sweeps by mosquito bom- ibers and whirlwind fighter-bom bers over northwest Germany and France to shoot up enemy rail transport, airdromes and small coastal ctaft. IS HEADING FOR ORIENT Capt. Albert Mali Has Joined Up With United States Air Force hoping to see service soon in China and Burma with the famous "Flying Tigers." Capt. Mah, after graduating from a United States aeronautic one over here now is too good to j ' , mT2 k la succession of splendid records in in birth'!113 Wn career leading up to his The eligible men of noble are in the armed forces or various Captain Albert Mah, well known Prince Rupert bom Chinese boy, son of a. pioneer merchant, founder of the present Sunrise Grocery Co. Ltd., has joined up with the United States Air Force and Is becoming an instructor In air observer school in Quebec for the past two years. Transfer of Capt. Mah to the war theatre of the Far East would I. , . . , ,t-. be of great value to his fellow me uigu-uurn peeicss aim uie riii . . Chinese airmen as he speaks Chinese fluently and has high knowledge as a flying Instructor. Capt. Mah's youngest brother, Cedric, is also a flying Instructor Probably the most outstanding "vw ' " example of a titled woman forsaking the whirl of society such as it is in wartime is Lady Sarah Churchill, 22, eldest daughter of the Duke of Marlborough and a cousin of Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Known familiarly to . her coworkers as Sally, Lady Churchill labored for a year In a munitions factory before taking a job as an Inspector for a firm which manu-(Contl'nued on Page Four) Hitler To Speak On Tuesday Next ZURICH; April 16 Chancellor Adolf Hitler next Tuesday will address a special session of the Reichstag. He will outline plans for a European charier, It Is said here.