m PAGE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE ftTsn n-I Chas. Dodimcad I H" 1 ' ' Optometrist in Charge V ) I Watch, Clock, Jewelry . Repairing, Hand Engraving VISIT OUR BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China, Dinncrware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant ADMIRE MY ADAM HAT! FRANK MORGAN ,' Popular screen and radio jtor Every Home Should Have a Complete . HEAR FRANK MOIGAl aV M.S.M. p t iSv w fa. - .v j T.i.M BRITISH COLUMBIA FIRST AID KIT First aid may save a life possibly your own. Every home and car should have a complete first aid kit to cope with any emergency. This is a wise precaution while we are at peace but an obvious necessity in wartime. See our complete line of First Aid Kits and stocks of hospital-fresh dressings, antiseptic and other supplies. Get yours today and be prepared. Ormes Ltd. Jfm Pioneer Driqt tats THE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 AND 82 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. i selects this jaunty, rakish snap brim for Spring. Its lightweight graceful lines mete it a favorite with discerning dressers. ADAM Sold in Trince Rupert Exclusively by Rupert Men's & Boys' Store p THE STORE FOR DAI) AND LAD jC 217 SIXTH ST j? Across From Hclgcrson Real Estate I? BUY... RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets . . . At Your Local Butchers NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT Co. Ltd. IB CFPR (1210 Kilocycles) SCHEDULE Wednesday p.m. 4:00 Anytime is String-time 4:30 Shall We Dance? 5:00 Blue Shadows 5:30 For Boys and Girls 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Lower Basin Street 6:30 Tommy Dorsey 7:00 Eddie Cantor 7:30 Red Skelton 8:00 Fred Waring 8:15 Front Line Family 8:30 Belle McEwen sings 8:45 Consumer Service 9:00 Kay Kyser 9:30 From the New World 10:00 CBC News, rebroadcast 10:05 Salon Music 10:15 Yarn for Yanks 10:30 Silent Thursday A.M. 7:30 Strictly Informal 7:45 CBC News 7:50 Strictly Informal 8:00 Musical Minutes 8:30-AIornlng Meditations 8:45 Composers' Corner 9:00 John Charles Thomas 9:15 Novelty Parade 9:30 CBC News 9:35 Alvino Rey and Four King Sisters 10:00 A Morning Visit 10:15 Barnabas Von Oeczy 10:30-Anita Boyer's Tom Boys 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Wilf Carter 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:17 Vernon Geyer, organist 11:30 Let's Go Modern P.M. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:30 Your Instrumentalist 12:50 CBC News 12:55 Today's Program Highlights 1:00 One o'clock Musicale 1:30 B. C. School Broadcast 2:00 Silent MO THE DAILY NEWS rl WEDNESDAY NEW REGENT Last evening the eleventh annual meeting of Cambrai Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, was held at the home of Mrs. Jens Munthe, the regent, Miss Muriel Vance, being in the chair. Reports from the various officers and convenors showed that 1942 had been a very successful year. Two hundred and twenty-four garments were completed and forwarded to provincial headquarters for distribution to troops and bombed area victims. Weekly visits were made by the members to the local military hospital and cigarettes and fruits given to each patient. In an endeavour to stimulate the sale of War Savings Stamps, these stamps were on sale at all meetings and a raffle of stamps was also held each month among the members. Hampers were donated to several local needy families at Christ mas. The election of officers for 1943 resulted as follows: Honorary Regent, Miss Muriel Vance. I Regent, Miss Eileen Gibson. First Vice - Regent, Mrs. J. Munthe. Second Vice-Re.gent, Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. Secretary, Mrs. E. Lindseth. Assistant Secretary, Miss E. Riv-ett. Treasurer, Mrs. J. Scott. Echoes Secretary, Mrs. A. G. Lan-dels. Educational Secretary, Miss J, Altken. Standard Bearer, Miss Vilian Wrathall. The city council was in special committee session last night with United States authorities. The questions discussed included leasing of city land and water suprlv. The council made no further con cessions in departure from previously laid down policy. B.C.-MADE COMMANDO FILM HERE The coming of the war to Norway, the way of the Nazis with the lives of a conquered people and the coming of the British Commandos to work swift rectification of affairs In the fishing village of the story, combine here to make of "Commandos Strike at Dawn," showing Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Capitol Theatre, a picture great in power and conviction. Th film subordinates the tragedies in the lives of its characters to the tragedy of their nation and drives home with a realism which has about it no hint of distortion a depiction of the plight of an invaded nation. Produced in British Columbia with collaboration of the Canadian government and with Canadian Commandos portraying authentically the Commando raid which furnishes the climax of the film, the picture is a work of orderliness and precision which makes no concessions to those who insist upon happy endings nor to other routine considerations. Paul Muni portrays in compelling simplicity a Norwegian villager who offers no resistance to the Nazi contingent of occupation until experiences of his fellow townsmen prove beyond question that peaceful compliance is impossible. He then engages in civil sabotage, finally murders the Nazi commandant, Is hunted while hostages are executed for his deed, then escapes to England in a boat to carry information about a Nazi airfield which his knowledge of terrain will enable Commandos to destroy. The Commando raid is successful, but he and the captain whose sister he has hoped to marry forfeit their lives. Anna Lee. Lillian Gish, Sir Ced-ric Hardwlcke. and Robert Coote lead the supporting cast. The story opens In a tone of peaceful gaiety, sobers when the Nazis come, progresses steadily tnrough passages of increasing Intensity as injustice, violence and terrorism mount. It reaches a crps- 'cendo of melodrama in the Com- mando raid and ends on a note of i high tragedy. RIGHT' feel RIGHT W SENTIMENTS EXACTLY" Says Reddy Kilowatt "By following Canada's Food Rules, we can all share in the national food-for-fitness campaign do our part in : cutting down the lost working days that are so often the result of inadequate or improper eating. "And here's where I come in . . . After you have planned a nourishing, balanced meal, be sure that you preserve the essential vitamins and minerals you buy by observing the principles of electric cooking: REDDy SAYS: "To do your share in fighting , ihij war to keep us free. Huy ! more and more War Savings Certificates in 1943." Cook with little or no water. Start fast, cook quickly. Avoid violent boiling. Cover utensils and don't stir." ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. Hy DOROTHY GARBUTT The Hostess I should like to thank all the kind hearted ladles who so nobly responded to my appeal for a lay ette. So many garments came in that I was able to make out a lovely little outfit. Thanks very much Indeed. Busy like a little bee, that's me, these days. I've been embrolderinc a border along the edges of our curtains and smartening them up no end. Then last nleht I eot dis gusted with not being able to see the chalk marks Intended for num bers on the dart board so I took white ink and painted clear white numerals all around It. By the way, did you hear about me beating Sergeant Murphy who is the champ in darts at the Sergeants' Mess out where those Western Gentlemen live? I was telling you 1 about them the other day. They are thinking of giving me the D.C.M. (Darts Champion Medal). During our weekly staff meeting the other day we had an unexDect- ed visit from Colonel Deacon, chief auxiliary services officer for Canada, who has come out from Ottawa to survey the local scene. We knew he was in town and expected to meet him in due course but did not know he would attend that particular meeting. Consequently we were al Just a bit flustered all except our "Y" cat "Dutch" who attende, all the meetings. He spent his tlm trying to get up Into the Great Person's lap! The United Services Organization has changed the date of the Valentine dance from February 15 which conflicted with the big Chatham dance at the Empress to February IT which also happens to be the night of the regular "Y" dance at the Empress. However, as the USO dance Is strictly formal and our i dances are highly informal, i hardly think they will conflict. The ! Invitation reads: i VALENTINE FORMAL ' Wednesday, February 17, 9 to 12 Acropolis Building Music by the "Aristocrats" Buses at 8:30 p.m. from the USO Club , Waltz Contest I Crowning of Valentine Queen j Grand March at 10:30 p.m. Formal Dress Required At the suggestion of the chair man of the board of works. Aid Robert McKay, the city council Monday night authorized the city engineer to obtain estimates of the cost of street surfacing material as well as to go into the matter of finding suitable storage facilities should the materials be purchased. Salvage collection in the city will be started In an acUve way by the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce as soon as arrangements can be made for the erccUon of a storage shed on property at the corner of Third Avenue and Seventh Street which has been granted by the city for the purpose for the duration or the war. Some difficulty is still beini? encountered in obtaining material ior tne construction of the shed. Local Tides Thursday, February 11 High 6:05 19.1 feet 18:40 16.2 feet Low - 12:31 6.9 feet Friday, February 12 H18h 7:05 18.2 feet 20:00 15.3 feet Low 0:25 8.4 feet 13:39 7.5 feet Saturday, February 13 mSh 8:14 17.9 feet 21:24 15.2 feet Low 1:21 9.8 feet 14:56 7.4 feet Sunday, February 14 ni8h 9:21 17.9 feet 22:31 15.9 feet Low 2:35 10:5 feet 16:10 7.0 feet Monday, February 15 nBh 10:19 18.2 feet 23:24 16.8 feet Low 4:00 10.5 feet 17:09 6.1 feet Tuesday, February 1G H'gh ll:oo 18.9 feet Low 5:09 9.9 feet 17:55 5.1 feet Wednesday, February 10 High i 0:05 17.4 (eet 11:51 19.6 feet Low 5:59 9.1 feet 18:34 4.3 feet TOMORRol Comply 1:00. 2 42, 4:7 y. AT LA The Firsi; Drama ol COMMA! Aln.l .. i I "ami . . WHh i and Vancouver! 'i STRII AI DAW Might story il Ions advenftl fearless love! A get ably slirrinf ence! ST A URN I PAUL I SIR CKDIUC WICKE LILLIAN c ANNA KOHEKT ffl Directed J Lieut.-Comia Farrow, K.OI At 1 :00, 3 05. 5:lf ALSO World News Screen Snap! ENDS TOS'Gl Complete Sho 1 KEI) SKKLT "WHISTUj IN DlXll CM ft 33 it"1 A rAMOUl "