; . :.'EDAV DEC EMBED 8, 1943 Ql ALITY IS YOlR BEST Bl'Y . . . TRY 's HONTY HEARDOWN'S There Is a difference Hood till Dec. I I j1Ai!:nnD cheese T.CX TISSUE 29c i ...CIWELL HOUSE i TURNIPS l ibr t.puds- 49c sk:t powders ' - 12c bHr:0N,8 WAX or 1 59c I'BBVE 80UP-T -'.a. T lie S1.25 riwn container. HKA BLEACH I ties 'ANT POSTUM lb. 25c 29c 55c MILK 3 It. S2.25 6c 15c 49c 25c 25c We hope to Have BANANAS on Friday WAX PAPER-100 foot rolls LE18URE WAX-Per Pint WRITING for DRIED APPLES Per lb. PIE FILLER--Assorted Flavors, lb. Rinso or Oxydol A7 '.r A ORANGE bnxo: tea ¬ r.xnn'3 syrup 45c 43c T" T GRADE BUTTER JERGEN'S LOTION Large OLENWOOD SAUCE bottle TENDER FLAKE LARD Per lb. SAGE 1 ounce JE'EL ORAPE-NUTS-Per pkt. FIRE CHIEF MATCHES . ,M boxes FIVE ROSES FLOUR t!l lbs 19c 39c DAD'S COOKIES-Thursday only nj?n 19c 20c 25c 2 for 45c DELICIOUS APPLES- Per Box Build yourself up with ocimrs wheat gkum. Kfular 50c SPECIAL 45c PEPSODENT TOOTH POWDER OOn Per pkt 15c 15c 37c 17c 25c Leave us your Order for vour X.MAS TURKEY We have the proper cold storage to ensure you a good bird. -vr juice CANOES 302'S S2.95 EMPEROR ORAPES Ter OCn lb. TEXAS ORAPEFRUIT Size 96's. QOn :t for Don't to Without E C. C. S We have them Limit 1 doz, 45c THREE I'ltl.'K DELIVERIES A WEEK I'll ONE 585 or 585 We will le pleased to receive Shipping Orders from Up River, RUPERT BRAND SMOKED BLACK COD Smoked Daliy . Canadian Fish & Cold Storage NUNCE RUPERT CO. Ltd BK'T,S COLUMBIA ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY NEWS I LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mr and Mrs. R. A. Bagnall and daughter left last night on a trip to Vancouver. ABpeelal meeting Carpenters' Union, Wed. 8 pm. Important members attend. ( 2d-286) Will itote piano lor .use of same. 241 9th Are. West. (286 1 H. Cowie. BC. Packers, Vancouver, left yeaterriay afternoon to return to Vancouver. The Ideal Christmas Gift . . . Books of Theatre Tickets , . . Prices $1.00 to $2.50, now selling at Capitol Theatre. (tf) A bylaw amendment was put through at the meeting of the citv council Mnnrf.iv ninVif in Qi Rupert Chamber of Commerce altogether to the fact that the January - , meeting would be the annual general session of the chamber I Capt. Ralph Thistle of Pacific Command staff at Vancouver I was here a't the end of the week on Confederation South Sea Ids. WELLINGTON. New Zealand, Dec 8 Rt. Hon. Walter Nash. Mieaklng here yesterday, cated a confederaUon with eovernment of. all the South Sea Inland after the war. VTTTTTTTTTTT WfTTTTTTTT J; A THE REX CAFE Now Open for Business CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Opening Hours? 3 p.m. to 2 a.m. 2nd Avenue (Across from Prince Rupert Hotel) Thone 173 1 A A All A A kkki. AAAAA AAAAA A DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS 737 Washington Block, m a m i 1 m snu Ave., iAparimriii c a .4 SHRIMPS FRESH EVERY DAY Boat "W.S.L." First Float west of Imperial Oil Co. dally after 4 p.m. In llir supreme Court of ltrltUh Chlmntilii In I'rnliut r In tlif Miller or the -.VIinliil.truMim Art" nrnl In tm Miitlrr f I lie f-tnte cf Arllnir Niirdlnnil. Drrenwl TAKE NOTICE thiw by order of HI Honor. W. E. Ftalwr rruwle on the 23rd day of November. AD. 1943, I vm uppolnted Administrator of the Eat at of Arthur Nord lund. deocowd, nd all pnrtlt hav-Uig claim Against th mid estate are hereby required to furnlnh name, properly verified, to me on or about th 23rd day of December, A D. 1943. and fcll parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their liwtfrfjtedress to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 23rd day of November, A.D. 1943 NORMAN A, WATT Official Administrator rrlnca Kupert, D.C, 8 n m I.nhnr Prn7rulv Plnh a brief visit. Cant. Thistle i noitrtl and ittl it to to work rtcht I was formerly located at Prince Rupert for some time. A report on the annual meeting of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce was submitted at the monthly meeting of the Prince Ruoert chamber of Commerce on Monday night The Naw League of Canada had a letter before the Prince Runert Chamber Of Commerce , seeking assistance in connection ,wlth the, sale of membership Hrkets In the current Treasure i Chest drive. No action w& taken by the chamber. Guests at the reaular monthly meeting of the Prmce Rupert Chamber of Commerce Motidav njaht Included Hon. H. p. Perry. J A. Paton M.U.. John Gaw-Ihroo. C. F. McCarthy. L. M. Felsenthal and Sid Perry. A bylaw to change the penalty rate on local Improvement, taxes n hrtnir thrtl Intrh 1( Tl wi t l the Daily news Page thris Canadian Legion iB.EL.), No. 27. Regular monthly meet ing tonight at 8 o'clock. Frank Fitch returned to the city this morning from a trip to Vancouver. Satisfaction was expressed at the meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Monday night over the recent suecess of a special committee consutln? of Dr. R. O. Large. Here's Welcome Relief From ACUTE CATARRH T1lta fWi4Ntnaf tftM -t . W wnere caurrn muery is . bnnglnj quick, soothing v2V3v relief from & muerles. . . ViClla ol W VATRONOL 1 J.: ..." :"7u'Z:.."Tr 241 9th Ave. Wet QTp i delinquency after August I. 1943. U u U B was approved by the city coun- H ' -If r A m. u 1 V. FOR SALE Glllnet boat, rigged for trolling. Can be seen at Fishermen's Floats. Name "Albert." Good running order. Phone Red 293 after 5 o'clock. FOR SALE Ice-box, kitchen cabinet. Excellent condition. 238) FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet, baby's crib, radio. All practically new. 1440 8th Ave. East. (290) FOR QUICK SALE Household furnishings. 703 Fulton. (283) FOR SALE Tri-cyele and doll carriage. Phone Blue 878. (287) FOR SALE Lot. 1, SD. of S.77 acres of DX.. 1969, situate at Hunt's Inlet. Porcher Island, and containing approximately 12 acres, with cabin located thereon. For particulars apply Official Administrator, Court House. Prince Rupert. (292) FOR SALE Quebec Heater. Phone Green 232. (287) FOR SALE 3 foot bed, almost new $20.00. 1001 9Ui Ave. E. (283) FOR SALE Large studio lounge chiffonier, coleman heater, 1 folding chairs, sun lamp. All new. 117 4th Ave. West. (289) FOR SALE 8 -tube console radio. General Electric, five bands. 14G Fourth Ave. East. Phone Red 127. (287) FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the Purchase of the hereunder noted lots up to noon of Monday, December 20th, 1943: Lots 15 and 16, Block 3 and Lots 29. 30 and 31, Block 22. all In the S. D. of D.L. 3, Plan 948, Graham City Townslte and the Undivided one-half Interest In Lot 499, all In Queen Charlotte Islands. The highest or any tender no: necessarily accepted. TERMS: Cash. NORMAN A. WATT, Administrator of the Estate of George Albert Becbe, deceased. WANTED TO RENT ROOM or ulte. Voung married couple. No children. Apply Box 634 Dally News. (286) ELDERLY couple desire to rent a small apartment from one to four months. Phone 52 up to 6 p.m. (tf) WANTED TO RENT By Air Force officer and wife, small furnished apartment, suite or room. Please telephone Mrs. Tallas, Green 830. (287) inquiries were made at night's meeting ot the city Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 23c a word. Dry Dock Employees' Association Dance. Friday, Dec. 10 and 17. Roy Proverbs Orchestra. C.C.F. Dance Oddfellows' Hall. Dec. 10. DeCarlo's Orchestra. Vote solid Labor Dec. 16th. J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Smith Block HEM WANTED STENOGRAPHER for accountant's office. Neat and accurate copy - typing essential. Shorthand not so important. Applicants with knowledge of commercial book-keeping, or those willing to learn, will have preference. Written applications only. State experience, if any. Apply U. I. C. AM 96. (tf) WANTED Two warehousemen for local wholesale grocery. "Apply Selective Service A.M. 99. (tf) DAILY newspaper office re quires competent all around office assistant, man or woman, with knowledge of oookkeeplng and salesmanship. Must be able to use typewriter and write In good English as possible reportorlal assistant. Good opportunity for right person. Selective Service AM 93. WANTED WANTED 200 lbs. of barbells and dumbells. Phone Red 447. (286) WANTED Single room for elderly man, west of McBride. Write P. O. Box 1342 Station "B" (289) WANTED Room for soldier's wife. No children. Box 639 . Daily News. f (287) , t t." WANTED Small department for Naval officer and wife. Phone Room 42, Rupert Hotel (290) WANTED By young couple. room and board; no children. Phone Green 346. (294) WANTED Room or small apartment. Apply Box 638 Dally . News. (286) WANTED Light housekeeping room or suite for reliable couple. Box 629 Daily News. (287) PERSONAL WILL the Canadian Soldier who witnessed the fracas at th" Knox Hotel please telephone 76 city? (288) "JET" for polishing hot stoves Is a boon. Winter months mean hot stoves always. "JET" Is safe, handy. Sold every where. FOUND FOUND Round gold colored locket containing girl's picture. Owner may have same by calling at the News and paying for this advertisement. f FOUND Key In Mrs. Parker's Store Saturday. Owner may have same by calling at the News and paying for this advertisement, tf. Card of Thanks done in the matter of walk re- . T"" . owk 1, a iappreciation or the kind acts, aT sixth -and Mto 'S? "'IT,01 Iympathrt . occasion of our recent be- Street. Aid. Robert McKay ex. plained that there had been som "S?" ?mfl0Wm difficulty ,n obtaining 1 Further Information Is to be ,ODia,n obtained by W the city iy council council In in mi welcome to wnt drive .w. wi- and dance East End Hall Sat. lecUn8 revenue therefor. In creasing the salary of the city Arnold fiaten, Arthur Brooks-assessor from $300 to $000 perbank' Maypr W. M. Watts and year. W. 1. Scott in having a partial . .local train service restored be ne ference was made at Mon-' twten Prince Rupert and Ter-dav nleht's meeting nf th Prinrn I race after it had been cut off sucn cases cnurcnes are subject (287) t0 los'ne tax exemption privil eges. uoiron ana f amuy. J. A. Pafn tot. A tnr Van. A A vote for Labor ft a Tote .p Grev zr to rebuild Prince Rupert Civic connection with the case of a JSSpSI Labor Federation. (287) 5nurcn h reporxed to r ,.h9hltflmi rnitn(. be using Its premises for otner i m-- , .,!.. . , 7. " Y mittee of which he ... . . fh ,h,.H Ant Is a member. left yesterday afternoon on his return to Vancouver. J. T. Gawtnrop, secretary of the Provincial Postwar Rehabilitation Council, left yesterday afternoon on his return to Victoria after spending a few days here in connection with local sessions. Hon. H. G. Perry, minister of education and chairman of the Postwar Rehabilitation Council, jg who has been in the city for ! 5 the past few days, will leave by ! S tonight's train for Prince Oeorge g where he will spend a few days ! g before proceeding to Victoria. v . .15 i r resn L.ocai uaw ana r 1 Pactmii-i-Twl XITTTT Si 1 VALENTIN DAIRY rnONE 657 CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Advertisements are payable in advance at the Office No telephone orders Rate Ze per word per Insertion. FOR SALE ROR SALE Scooter in perfect condition. Phone 557, Mr. Hamilton. (288) FOR SALE 16 h.p. Regal. Inquire at Boat "Adjust." Imperial Oil Dock, or 217 5th Ave. East. (286) LOST WHITE rowboat. Approximately 12 ft. long. North of Tugwell Island. Report Caretaker of Yacht Club. Reward. 291 LOST on December 7 th Brown Billfold. Contents $10 rnd valuable papers. Finder please keep money and call 740, R. M. Naylor. 287 Work wanted" 2 experienced, girls, desire house work. Phone Prince Rupert Hotel, Room 89. (286) SWAP WOUUJjgapi practically new guitar for second-hand typewriter. In good condition, or sell for $25. Call 42S 6th Ave. East. (287) BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc". Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Phone 387 IDEAL CLEANERS "House of Better Cleaning" Authorized -rLEXFORM" SERVICE Shapes Dresses Without Guesses Waterproofing a Specialty We Pick Up and Deliver PHONE 858 Mail Orders Box 99 B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladies & Men's Made-to-Measure 1 Clothes. 302 Third Ave. V?. Black 787 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 206 ith St. Phone 655 SMITn & ELKINS LTD; Plumbing and Heating Engineers. Phone 171 P.O. Box 274 International Correspondence Schools Canadian Limited B. F. Lovln, Representative Box 526 1315 rlot Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Advertise In the Dally News. THERE'S COMFORT FOR HIS LEISURE HOURS in one of our DRESSING GOWNS OR - SMOKING JACKETS GOWNS- Light weight Flannels, Plain Colors, Contrasting Trim $9.00 Pure Wool Viyella Flannels $10.00 Silk Gowns, Plain Shades and Paisley" Designs, . $10.50 and $11.50 SMOKING JACKETS- - Plain Shades of Flannel with contrasting trim ....'.. $7.IL- Plain Flannel with Velvet Trim .... S8.50A.' Fine Wool, trimmed with Fancy Silk Cord $10.95 Fine Wool Polo Cloth. Plain Colors. 1 Silk Cord Trim .! $11.75 , Watts & Nickerson 532 Third Ave. MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHIERS Phone 345 g A Welcome Christmas 5 I Gift For Madame- $ 5? B A eautiful ermanent BY ?,ANNETTE POWELL S;S r A i i t I I 1 B t A U I 7 MUfKb M 4th Street (Across from Post Office) Phone Blue ; 917'. jjf JOIN THE NAVY LEAGUE 9 S3 S3 Prince Rupert is justly proud of her . SEA CADETS Give them a boost every citizen should be ;j a Member of the Navy League and a chance to win a Treasure Chest goes with it. I s 3 Annual Membership $1.00 f $1.00 Membership Tickets For Sale at Place an Ad in The Daily News-It Pays i 3