PAGE FOUR Expert OPTICAL SERVICE - ", 'm' i'i'mM " Your New SUMMER DRESS Linens, Seersuckers, Prints and Cottons, might colors and conservative dressy types, too. New ones arriving every day. PLEASINGLY PRICED Rupert Peoples Store Chas. Dodimcad J Optometrist In Cbarre Watch, Clock, Jewelry Repairing;, Hand Enjrarinr VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant WAWWAWWAWWWAWJWiWiWViWiW A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" WINDOW SHADES Complete with slats and tacks, without rollers. These shades can be placed on your own roller easily. Colors Green and Cream. Size 36x72. Only. Ct Cash price, each OJC Phone "5. 327 3rd Avenue ATTENTION LADIES! With Tf - n Violet Mah, always alert, and ever on the search for new techniques to make you lovelier, has returned from a tour of the east with the latest trends In Victory Coiffures, Hair shaping, Permanent Wavlnc. Manlcurine as well as many other phases of modern beauty ' culture. Of course, you will want to know what Is new . . .""and you will want to avail yourself of the opportunity for up-to-the-minute beauty services. Why not call today for consulation? SUNRISE BEAUTY SALON Cor. 6th Ave. and Fulton St. Phone Blue 913 GALIVANT'' SHOES IN BROWN AND BLACK BROGUES, GILLIES, TIES AND LOAFERETTES. Welted Soles and Genuine Calf Leathers. Perfect Fitting Lasts in Fittings AA to C Width. Priced $5.85 and $5.50 Family shoe store ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" CFPR (1210 Kilocycles). SCHEDULE w Tuesday P.M. 00 Afternoon Musicale :30 Hoosler Hot Shots 45 Melodic Moods : 00 The Dansant :30 MacMillan Club Quiz ;00 CBC News : 05 Musical Interlude 15 Salon Music : 30 Music for Moderns ;00 Fibber McGee and Molly : 30 Victor Record Album : 00 Fred Waring's Pennsylvan lans 15 Front Line Family 30 Great Music 45 Song Sheet 00--Bob Hope 30 Words and Music 00 CBC News Rebroadcast 05 Musical Interlude 15 G. I. Jive 30 Rippling Rhythm 00 Silent Wednesday A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 7:45-CBC News 7:50 Musical Clock 8:00 Musical Minutes 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Vernon Geyer, Organist 9:00 South of the Border 9:30 CBC News Rebroadcast 9:35 Transcribed Varieties 10:00 A Morning Visit 10:15 Hoosler Hot Shots 10:30 Wilf Carter 10:45 They Tell Me 11:00 Scandinavian Melodies 11:15 Broadcast of Messages 11:30 Petit Corner P. M. 12:00 Luncheon Music 12:30 Western Airs 12:50 CBC News 12:55 Program Resume 1:00 One o'clock Musicale 1:30 B.C. School Broadcast 2;00-Sllent PHONE 6.17 o aat nnH E A a. VOtl AWUl HUM UIIU I Pasteurized MILK g I VALENTIN DAIRY KWONG SANG IIING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY House Next to King Ta! 612 7th AVE. WEST All your patronage, welcome Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. Phnne Red 24,7 SERVICES TO Vancouver, Victoria and Way-points, Stewart and North, Queen Charlotte Islands. Full Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 J. M. S. Loubser Chiropractor Wallace Block Phone 141 " THE DAILY NIWS FINE FILM SEEN HERE 1 "Forever and a Day" Coming Capitol Theatre This Wednes-nesday and Thursday 'WHAT IS to ,, With an engrossing story covering a century and a third of English history and an unusually distinguished cast of screen luminaries, "Forever and a Day," entertaining and replete with colorful Incident and deft characterization, comes to the Capitol Theatre here this Wednesday and Thursday. A sturdy old English home, built in 1804 by the fiery Admiral Trimble, is the axis about which the story turns. The lives and loves, joys and troubles of various generations of the old admiral's descendants furnish material for the different episodes that occur from that time up to the Luftwaffe raids over London in 1940 when a heavy bomb smashes the structure to fragments. Two of the admiral's great- great- great- great- grandchildren, an American reporter whose London-born father still owns the property and an English girl who was born and brought up j in the old house and wants to buy it, serve to introduce the plot and carry it over the intervals between the episodes. It is these two who. after the bombing, decide to rebuild the old place together if they can help to make a new world where homes and human lives will be safe. C. Aubrey Smith plays the part of the old admiral and Ray Mill- and, Claude Rains, Dame May Whltty, Anna Neagle, Jessie Matthews, Ian Hunter, Charles Laugh- ton and-Cedric Hardwicke have important roles in the earlier sequences while Ida Lupino, . Brian Aherne, Edward Everett Horton, Merle Oberon, Herbert Marshall, Robert Cummings, Elsa Lanches-ter, Roland Young and Donald Crisp are seen In later episodes. Kent Smith and Ruth Warrick portray the two descendents In the opening and closing sequences. The main trouble for the man with a new lot Is how to overcome I the tremendous job of clearing the entire lot. It Is a dejected looking thing with all those stumps, stumps and sticks matted through the ground, and muskeggy, boggy growth covering the whole lot, not to mention any new second growth that has to be cut down and dug out with the rest of the rubbish. Mentioning those young evergreens I ,thlnk It will be the right place to suggest something about them. It is obvious enough to everybody that, these young trees are In their native habitat so much so that they really give this city a certain air that,- with very little effort, could be made Into something just as impressive as the avenues of palms are in Los An- i geles and points south. Granted that we have so many of these young trees here, that does not make them any the less noteworthy to the observant party or even to the layman who feels and enjoys the- unusual aspect without even stopping to analyse why this is so. Most of the cultivated older gar- For Income Tax RETURNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 321 2nd Ave. Cemetery Service Those wishing plots fixed at Falrvlew Cemetery, phone the caretaker at the Cemetery between 12:00 and 1:00 p.m. week days. Sweep Chimneys Now No Sweeping done in wet weather. Oil burners also cleaned and ' serviced Phone Black 735 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE High Low K 111 News and Sport- light Complete Shows 1:00, 2:44, 4:51, 7:00, 9:10 Feature 1:00, 3:07, 5:14, 7:23, 9:33 Local Tides Wednesday, June 2 High 0:35 21.3 feet v 13:22 19.1 feet Low 7:15 2.2 feet 19:15 6.8 feet Thursday, June 3 1:11 21.3 feet 14:01 19.1 feet 7:54 2.0 feet 19:52 7.0 feet WWITHOUT A zr LANDSCAPING YOUK GAHDEN dens here have eliminated 'these beautiful trees and shrubs entirrlv and little wonder for, when they were ambitious enough to make an attempt at a garden, the balance of their surroundlnes thickly overgrown with these evergreens that they simply had to eliminate them altogether to let as much sunshine and air Into the clearing as possible. In time neighbors bought other lots around them and the most natural thing would be for them to play the old came of "Follow your leader" for what was good enough for the Johnsons next door-ought to be good enough for them. This all happened when the present city of Prince Rupert was only a very young village with the inhabitants counted in units of one where they now may be counted in tens.. not In snv hnnHrnHc ... ...... 1 But the necessity of that rl.m U altogether gone and so are the evergreens and now you may go for blocks and blocks without ever anything of these impressive trees or natural groupings' that needed no human hand to guide them In their effectiveness. At that time, when ail the soli was new and not so very produc tive because of all the acids that were continually draining In from the surrounding bush, the main concern was to get as far away from these detrimental growths as possible and every available-Inch of ground had to be used for the raising, of the much needed vege tables. This Is not the case today how ever, but It Is only In a very few places that you may see these plants made use of, The entire American coastline from the Bering Straits to Fuego has gone garden conscious and a regular planning for proper effects, especially where some native attractions can be made useful, these may quite well come back to their own rights and If properly handled be made Into a stunning general effect A. OTTO OLSEN, Your Friendly Gardener, FAVORfFE STARS Written with an eye .for $heer drama alone! Regardless of the wealth of talent needed to match its mighty theme! The 1 tremendous years required for its making! Here it ill Every moment great as it was dreamedl 'Wk W BRIAN AKCRNE -ROBERT CUMMINGS-CHARLES LAU6HT0N - IDA LUPINO -HERBERT MARSHALL RAY M1LLAND-ANNA NEAGIE- MERLE OBEflON me iion Nicrt muci ciaotj coom noun coon DONAID CUSP JUNI DUHH iSOirt IISOM IIOINAlt) OAI0INM IDMI.N9 CWINN C10IIC MAIOWIMI HCHAIO HAYDN HAUIWIU HOMK (DWAIO IVIIftl HOTON PAtllC NOWll$ USA lANCHfSIH ANNA ttl CINI tOCKMAII IfSUI WATTNIWJ, ICTO MtUGtEN UNA o CONNOt IIOINAIO OWIN ClAUDI IAINS C AUIIfl IxlIM - kNl SMITH AlIHUt tlfirn( . urm WAIIC 0AME MAT WMITTt IOIANO TOUNO STARTS TOMORROW Jjk? CAUTION OF YOUNG MAN Did Not Take Any Chances in Applying for Driver's' Licence "I want to be examined for p. driver's licence," he told the con-i stable at the desk. "Have you a car?" he asked. Complete Show? Tonlte, 7:03, 9:04 "7 Sweethearts" (at 7:27, 9:28 WPi v . e pui. on n.j ap and west r thero a vphlr io k. .......v UK JQITP own deep diup Maria, in answer 10 Diur. qutf'-jil - w -1 ' U4 n -1 1. . . . was ai iiume u uiaiijr r.S OCIK a police station, without a wea CUSTOMS AND EXCISE 1 J ' 41 , . . . "Thpn wp'll spp Vimi; vnu rfrlvn month of Mav this vear tnbV said the constable. $74,9771.48. FLOOR COVERINGS For your Floor Covering Requirements visit. Ello's Furnito Store, next to the Dally News on Third Avenue EIlo's have a tremendously large stock of Seamless Axmliuier Carpets, Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs, Inlaid Marbolcum. Congo-bum, Feltol, Rcxolcum, six feet wide. Ello's enormous turnover in Floor, Coverings for years glva you better choice at money saving prices. Buy War Savings Stamps at Elio's. Saleslady to serve jroi Just say: "My change In War Savings Stamps." Elio Furniture Store Third Avenue (Next the Daily News) few 1 Trlnce Rupl ; w. a ri v FIRST AIDS FOR SUMMER GROOMING! it's s 1 . Don't wilt like the last Rose of Summer while j ...... ... . u j..... - ,uv, nf-rsonal necessity you'll afways find In profusion at . THE VARIETY o They'll "keep your hair curly and your teeth pearly wi"1 tlcally no effort at all. " ' we've bo Check the list of what you1 want. No doubt we have it. vv many things I ' THE VARIETY STORE PHONE RED 120 "Where your dimes are llttie dollars sir 3ra