' ... tTTwr. 1. 1943 ,Y JUt' - THE DAILY NEJVS PAOE.THREE' Evenson NOTICE 's Ideal Cleaners OPEN FOR BUSINESS MONDAY. MAY 31 All Orders over $5 picked up and delivered. All smaller orders, cash and carry Please ftirriish hanger with each garment PHONE 858 I I J ii V f f f f If 1 V Through the years, the physicians of this community and their patients have come to know that they can depend on us. Ormes Ltd. it Pioneer Druqgiats TUE REXALL STORE PHONES 81 and 82 Open Daily from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 - 2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. UY... UPERT BRAND Sole Fillets . . . At Your Local Butchers NO WASTE - READY TO COOK i n i on MDi narfian hsn fci.n maiorae n fil .... . - I vt t NOTICE Hox 2G1, Prince Rupert, B.C. fin nrwl nffni Turin 1 tViia Aftsnpintin'ri has decided '11 (11111 111 III 111(3 A L1IIU mt.iju - - to handle Non-Member business with the excep- of Marine Trade and U.S. and Canadian Gov- Ptlte' Vmoinooa , i i LI. o take care of our Non-Memuer pusiness, we n Consumers' Co-operative Association has formed which you and all other consumer join. Help Yourself Help Us in The Kaien Go-op Now Hincr tn Hm riiffiViiH.v of obtaining labor and PMil fTU- xr - f:.-Aet it imnncci n III -! lclieil V.;U-UI). llima ik "' f 10 fin vs. ""-will nVC, OIUIC 1VJI liuuut J 'uhe TMnoo p.,.,.f iTieiiormAn's Cn-nn. Cow Bay e Wll spvvp tnp mnm inrs! to the Oest 01 uiwi 1 L V 111 U IT v i uiu meantime. Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association LOCAL NEWS NOTES A Women at the Moose, Invitation Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, June 2. (128) A Moose Lodge meeting tonight at 3 o'clock in Eagles' Hall. A Bedding Plants For Sale. Wilding's Greenhouse, Alfred St. (tf) Mrs. Ernest Gammon returned to the city yesterday morning from a trip to Vancouver and Kamloops. A Annette Powell's Beauty Shop for better permanents. Fourth St., across from Post Office. Phone Blue 917. (tf) Lieut. Col. G. C. Oswell. officer commanding the local reserve unit, is returning to the city tomorrow fiom a two weeks' trip to Vancouver Island. An overheated oil-burner in Don Wilson's barber shop on Third Avenue called out the fire department at 8:50 this morning. No damage was done. Latest recruit into the Canadian active army in Prince Rupert is Edwin Emel Arthur Puttinen, 27, of Port Arthur, who has been doing construction work at Tyee. Tomorrow's program at the weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club, arranged by Lieut. Gordon Bryant, will take the form of a demonstration by the lo cal reserve unit, the Prince Rupert Machine Gun Regiment, under the direction of Capt. J. R. Hall. Gvro members o fthe unit will appear in uniform to participate n the demonstration. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that from this date I shall not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by anyone other than myself. SIGNED at Prince Rupert, British Columbia, May 31st. 1943. OLE KILDAL. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT All Dogs six months old and over must have 1943 License Tags. These can be obtained at the City Hall or from the City Poundkeeper on and after June 15. All persons with dogs not licensed are liable to penalties. J. UNWIN City Poundkeeper. Auction Sale OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Etc. On THURSDAY, JUNE 3rd, On Premises of Ideal Cleaners, MeKride Street, Commencing at 2il5 p.m. Instructed by the Owners I will SELL BY AUCTION the following articles, consisting of large Barry-more Axmlnster 9x12, Walnut Gateleg Table and 4 Dining Chairs, Hall Runner and small Carpets, Walnut Centre Table (hand carved), Walnut Bedroom Suite with spring filled mattress, Underwood Typewriter In excellent condition. Kitchen Table and Chairs, Electric Motors, 1-3 H.P., Pots and Pans, Dishes, etc. Must be sold Terms Cash. GEORGE DAWES, Auctioneer Phone Red 127 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZARELLI, PROP. "A Home Away From Home" Rates 75c n 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. rhone 281 P.O. Box ltl i Tin: siTitKMi: rm iiT ok kkitisii ( U MltlA IX I'ltOIIATi: IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" ANT) 'N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP CHARLES FREDERICK SWAN SUN DECEASED -INTESTATE take NOTICE that bv order of His Honor W. E. Fisher, mode on the 21st rrf Mnv A II 1943. I was aiTOOUlietl Admlnietira.tor of the Estaite of CHARLES wupntrtjiric KWANSON. deceased, ana cii mhim .liavfntr clafcmn against the said estate are nereoy required to. uu--th mm nmtrlv verified, to me on or about the 25h day of June. A.D. 1943. and all parties imieimea to uie n are required to pay the amount of their inMtnuu tn m forthwith. nATrn n.t. Prim Rupert. B.C., this 25th day of May, A.D. 1943. vnnMAN A: WATT. lEllo's Pay Casn for Furniture, Stoves, Tools, Musical Instruments. Commander D. E. Wallace left this afternoon for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. W. R. McAfee is spending a few days at Georgetown on business )n connection with his sawmill A' HEAR Cyril Hampshire, Concert pianist, Presbyterian Church. Wednesday, June 9, 8:30 p.m. Admission tickets at McLaren's Music Store. . (127 Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Cameron expect to leave the city about the middle of this month for Vancouver where it Is their intention to take up future residence. Mr. Cameron" has just about completed the disposal of the local Jewelry business which he has conducted since the veiy early days. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. ADiptheria susceptibility (Schick) testing for adults at Health Unit Office (2 doors from Library) Monday and Friday, 5 to 6 pm.; Saturday 9 to 12 am. St. Peter's Tea and Home Cooking. Mis. J. W. Morehouse, June 10th. Hill 60 Mystery Tea, June 3rd, Mrs. G. E. Moore, 5th Ave. W. Parent-Teachers' Tea. Oddfel-iows' Hall, June 4. Coast Regiment Service Men's Dance, Empress Club, June 4. Navy Tea, Mrs. Borland's, June 10. L.O.B.A. Invitation Dance, Odd fellows' Hall, June 14. Valhalla Invitation Dance, Odd fellows' Hall, June 25. in tiik m i"ki:mi: coi kt ok mtmsu roi.VMiti in rimitATK IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINIS- TSTRATION ACT" and JN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF PHILIP DAVIS. DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that toy Order of Hit Honour Judge Fisher, Local Judge o) the Supreme Court of British Columbia I una on the 27,th day of May, A. D. 1943 appointed Administrator of the estate C Philip DavU. formerly of the City oi Prince Rupert. Deceased. who died on o: about ithe 25th day of March, A.D. 194S All persons Indebted t the said EstaV are required to pay the amount, of tlvelT Indebtedness to Jne forthwith and ar persons havlnn cltms against the sa'v Estate are mrulred to rile tnem wttn m properly verified on or before the lSlr day of July, A. D. 1943, tailing wnicr distribution will toe made having regard only to uch claims of which I shali have been noitlfled. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C.. thU 27th day of May, 1943. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator Prince Rupert B.C savoy HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 541 ' FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT Willkie Speaks to Church Gathering DETROIT. June 1 - Wendell L. Willkie, speaking before the general assembly of the Presbyteiian Church here yesterday, referred to the Importance of keeping postwar leadership among the common pe6ple. He advocated post-war goodwill among the nations and paid tribute to the work of foreign missionaries In the past. This had been brought home to him in his recent travels. CLASSIFIED FOR SALE Two 8-foot mahogany Wall cases; two 8-foot mahogany Floor cases; one Carey safe; one desk; one dining room suite; one buffet. R. W. Cameron, Jeweller. (127) FOR SALE 1933 Chev. Sedan, tires Just like new. $225 cash. Apply 1323 Piot Avenue. (1271 FOR SALE Baby buggy, very good condition. $25.00. Black 751. m (127) FOR SALE Gerhard Heiritzman piano, good condition. Cash. Box 493 Dally News. (131) FOR SALE 10-room house, lot arid furniture. $2,500. 735 8th Ave. East. (132) FOR SALE Dalmation puppy, male. Call 108 7th Ave. E. (127) FOR SALE Used furniture of all descriptions. Visit Ello's used department. Third Axehue next to Daily News, Prince Rupert. HELP WANTED APPLICATIONS will be received for the position of Accountant for the City of Prince Rupert. Amjlicants must have had pre vious municipal accounting ex-j perlence. Apply, stating age,' qualifications, experience, salary, expected and date available to Unemployment Insurance Com- WANTED WANTED Wall tent 10x12 or larger preferred. Box 500. Dally News. ' (127) WANTED URGENTLY House or apartment for young couple with small baby. Phone Blue 878. (200) WANTED Room or light house keeping room for navy couple. Urgently. Box 501 Dally News. (132) WANTED Stenographer for local! . 1. I .3 t t. lAlAnVrY.A suipyiuu, one wiui icicjjuuhc switchboard experience preferred. Good wages plus cost of living bonus. Apply National Selective Service. A.F. 54. WORK WANTED FOR Painting and Paper Hanging, Phone Red 738. (131) BOARD AND ROOM BOARD AND ROOM 718 Fraser Street. Phone Green 880. (130) LOST LOST Wallet containing valuable papers between Dry Dock and Staff House commissary. Finder please return to Box 499 Dally News. (128) VICTORY SHOE RENEW 503 Richard Street, Vancouver, B.C. Mail or Express your Shoe Repairs to us. We give you quick service, and the' best job and material obtainable. We Pay The Return Charges COMMENCING JUNE 1st Due to shortage of help we will close at 5:30 every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Thursday we close at 1 o'clock. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Official Adminltrn.tor, Phones 18-11) P.O. nox B7B Prlnoe Rupert, u.v. MORE ALARMS DURING MAY Fire Calls More Nume rous Owing To Congestion The Prince Rupert fire department answered eleven calls during the month tf. May, putting out thr fires In ail but two cases before damage was done. In the amount of damage done the largest fire was at the Blain carpenter shop operated by the B. C. Bridge anc Dredging Company, and a fire a King Edward School followed. Ir neither case have the damage claims been adjusted yet. There were eight fins during April and. since the beginning of the year, there have been 60 calls, as against 39 for the same period in 1942. The Increase is attributed by Fire Chief Lock to the present con gested condition of the city. 1 Tonight's train, due from, the East at 10:45, Is reported to be Iwo hours late. I CORRECTED NATURALLY! I Stopped "Dosing" Myself I learned that lack of the right kind of "bulk" in the diet is a common cauie of conitipation. So I tried getting the needed 'bulk" with KELLOQO'S ALU BRAN. ALL-BRAN Is delicious as a cereal, or in tender, tasty muffins! Enjoy it every morning. Drink plenty of water, too; and don't forget, ALL-BRAN doesn't work like purgatives. It takes time. In two convenient sizes at your grocer's. Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada. REPRESENTATIVES OF THE National Cash Register Go. of Canada Ltd. Will be at the Prince Rupert Hotel June lith to June 19th. Sales, and. Service, SALE - Clearing Shoes $100 a Pair BOOKS COATS; DRESSES, WAISTS, SOCKS, MISCELLANEOUS at astonishingly Low Prices SEE OTJR WINDOWS Continuing Until Further Notice STYLE SHOPPE (Next to Bulkley Market) GARDEN Make Victbry Garden : 10c How to a . . . Better Gardening 35c Pocket Book of Vegetable Gardening 39c Everyman's Encyclopaedia of Gardening . $1.00 'Canadian Home Gardening $2.00 Audel's Gardeners and Growers Guides, 4 volumes, each $2.00 Audel's Flower Educator $2.00 New Garden Encyclopaedia $1.00 Practical Encyclopaedia of Gardening . . $5.50 If you lose anything, advertise for It. I I I i S 1 til n :! i f 1 !.! - 1 i 4 .... m