4 U w" Local Temperature Tonight's Dim-out Maximum 59 (Half an hour after sunset to Minimum 45 half an hour before sunrise.) I "ntl I ' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BIUTlSn (fobUm NEWSPAPER 10:33 p.m. to 4:42 a.m. ' . o . PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JUNTiri!m PRICE: FIVE CENTS Otitic sive Of Japanese Collapses Prince Rupert Man Saves Corvette From Foundering in Wild Atlantic Storm AT A NORTHERN IRELAND PORT, Jime 1 (CP) The Royal Canadian Navy might have had one corvette less today if it had not been for a 63-year old navy man now based at Prince Rupert. He is Chief Engine Room Artificer John Griffiths who was in service on H.M.C.S Brandon when she started shipping water throutrh a gale and then found that the pumps would not work because of waste jammed In the intakes. "Somehow Griffiths kept one pump working all the time, enough to keep even with the water coming in," said Lieut. Commander John Littler, the Brandon's skip per "He and his men had to work in the water for twelve hours to do it with the seas so high water was pouring in through the ventilators and doors but he brought us through." COUNCIL MEETING DcGaullc and Giraud In Opining Session at Algiers Yesterday IMPASSE REPORTED ALGIERS, June 1 General DcGaulle and General Giraud were reported to have disagreed today and were in an impasse in negotiations to form a Joint administration. ALOIEHS. June 1 Ot The new seven-man executive committee set up under the Joint presidency oif General Chanes DeOaulle and Genera) Hen 1 Giraud to govern liberated Frenchmen and French territory and tp direct the French war effort until the homeland Is freed, fteid its first meeting yesterday with both the leaders In attendance Thr session lasted nine houts and fifteen minutes. It was held in tecret and there was no communique General Alphonsq Georges, who hat lut escaped from Vichy France to North Africa, has been appointed a; one of the. members of the council. BUILDING PERMITS Total of $7,525 in May as Against $1,300 in April Building permits to the value of $7,525 were Issued by the City Engineer's department during , the month of May, bringing the total the first five months of 1943 to "aiue of building permits issued for $200,085. In April permits totalling ( $1,300 was issued. In May, 1942, permits were Issued to 'lie value of $18,170, a considerable increase over this year's value for the same month, but the totai for the first five months was only $45,630. Last month building permits ere issued to the following: Grand Cafe, coal shed $ 75 A. O. Olxrn. P.lovpnlh AvpntlO East, frame building 500 Prince Rupert Co-operative, warehouse 2,500 M. Norgaard, Alfred Street, addition 250 slft Canadian Co., addition 3,200 G Basso-Bert, Water Street, replacing cabin 350 "ank McLean, Eleventh Street, cabin 250 V Basso-Bert, Blggar Place, repairs 400 cl D. B. Martyn returned to the yesterday morning from a trip Vancouver, Victoria and else-ere in the south. HONORED BY KING Skipper Jinmy Thomas is Made Member of Order of British Empire OTTAWA, June 1 (CP) Skipper Coxswain W. J. Thomas or the Fishermen's Reserve at Prince Rupert has been created a member of the military division of the Order of the British Empire in the King's Birthday honors announced this afternoon. Skipper "Jimmy" Thomas is one ,of Prinze Rupert's best known pioneer mosquito fleet operators of Prince Rupert. He has been here since the early days and for years operated a charter power cruiser. He now owns and operates the well known fish packer Viner. The choice of Skipper Thomas for King's Birthday honors will meet with general approbation. - Reserves Are Warned To Be In Readiness OTTAWA, June 1 Hon. J. L. Ralston, minister of national defence, speaking In the House of Commons yesterday, again warned the reserve army that it should be prepared to defend .the shores of Canada. The equipment of reserve units is being completed as rapidly as possible. The reserves are being called upon to man the anti-aircraft de- fences. Couple Robbed VANCOUVER, June 1 Last evening as a local couple were leaving a shop on Robson Street which they operate they were held up and robbed of $400 in cash. Two arrests have been made. n k of t a f nriro H.AtllJALIllV) OF BRITAIN Have Totalled 611,000 so Far in War of Which 10,122 Have Been Canadian LONDON, June 1 G Great Britain has suffered 514,000 casualties in all ranks of the Empiro armed forces in the first three years of war, Deputy Prime Minister Clement Atlce told the House of Commons today. Of these Canada's casualties were 10,422. Of the total of 514,000, 72,000 have been killed, 226,000 are missing, 107,000 are prisoners and 88,-000 have been wounded. Classified, In addition to Canadian, the casualties have Included 275,000 British, 54,000 Australian, 19,000 New Zealand and 101,000 Indian. v Mrs. Lloyd Wolf returned to her home yesterday morning from CLEANING UPATTU Only Matter of Time Before maining Jap Snipers Are Cleaned Up Re- WASHINGTON, D.C., June 1 Small remaining pockets of Japanese iesistance on 3ttu Island have been surrounded by the I I Americans and it will only be a 1 matter of a short time before they are cleaned up. There are only a few Japanese snipers still hidden in rocks and gullcys. United States engineers say it will only take a few days, with tfie use of mechanical equipment, to have the air base on Attu, which the Japanese had been building with hand work, in lead-incss I for use. Chinese President Very Much Alive His Condition is Improved and He Has Granted Interview CHUNGKING, June 1 President Lin Sen of China is not dead. His condition is slightly imprdved and he has been able to grant an inter- vlew. . ARE UNFIT Fifty Percent of Those Who AddIv Accepted OTTAWA, June 1 Fifty out of one hundied men applying for active service in the Canadian Army were being rejected. Col. J. L. Ral ston, minister, of national defence. told the House of Commons yesterday. Of these thirty-five were physically unfit and fifteen percent emotionally unsuitable. Baseball Scores National League Philadelphia 10-2, Chicago 4-8. Brooklyn 0-1, St. Louis "i-0. .. Boston 6-0, Pittsburgh 1-4. New York 4-0, Cincinnati 6-0. (Second game called at end of fifth). American League Chicago 10-4, New York 5-10. (first ten innings). St. Louis 1-6, Boston 2-7. (first thirteen innings and second ten). Cleveland 7-7, Washington 8-6. (second thirteen innings). Detroit 7-3, Philadelphia 0-4. International League Montreal 9-3. Buffalo 2-2. Newark 2-6, Jersey City 0-5. Rochester 2-4, Toronto 1-0. (first game twelve innings). Syracuse-Baltimore postponed. American Association Minneapolis 8-0, St. Paul 6-3. first called at end of eighth). Toledo 11-1, Columbus 5-8. , (first called seven Innings). Louisville 0-5, Indianapolis 9-0. Mlwaukec 8-12, Kansas City 1-8. Coast League San Diego 6-4, Hollywood 2-2. Seattle 7-0. San Francisco 5-2. (second called at end ot tenth on time limit agreement). Portland 7-2, Los Angeles 6-3. Oakland 7-10, Sacramento 4-0. International Armed Force in Post-War Days 1 DURHAM, North Carolina June 1 Speaking at the convocation of the North Carolina College for Negroes here yesterday, Under Secretary of State Sumner Welles set out a six-point program 'for postwar security and peace. He advocated a strong International armed force. 1 Enlistment Of SchooljBoys Specal Arrangements Are Being Made to Take Them Into Army OTTAWA, June 1 Arrangements are being made for High School students Urjoin the army In the category of boys. A certain number, specially selected, will be given one year of university prter the war is over. . RESUMPTION OF ATTACK Allied Fighting Planes Back Over Enemy Territory Yesterday LONDON, June 1 O) Allied fighters swarmed across the English Channel yesterday to resume the assault on Reich controlled territory f.rtef a night of comparative inactivity in the air war. Docks, rahvay llnes factories and oil stations in this Low Countries and France were vigorously attacked. Two enemy'blanes were shot down over Sieuport. Again today Royal Air Force and Rval Canadian Air Force fighters sPea over ine southeast coast to- aay 10 resume attacks on the Nazl- held Channel coast. No Barquentine NamecLAngelus Vessels, Reported Sunk in South Atlantic OTTAWA, June 1 B Shipping reco:ds do not list as Canadian- registered any barquentine Angelua ; which was reported yesterday to have been sunk in the South At lantlc with eight of ten members of the crew going to their deaths. Two survivors were reported in dispatches to have said she was Canadian but did not name her home port. WAR 'STRIKE ON 'IN MINES Collieries of United States Pretty Well 'lied up Today Following Expiry of Deadline WASHINGTON, DC, June 1 (CP) Work whistles sounded in vain in the most of United States government-operated coal mines today as by far a greater proportion of John L. Lewis' United Mine Woikers again followed his injunction 'against "trespassing" on mine property in the absence of a contract. Expiiation at midnight of the twice-extended truce which kept the pits operating in spite of deadlocked wage negotiations brought no word from Lewis to the men but he had made it clear previously that the minejr would not "trespass" when the ccntn't t ran out. A general work stoppage' was quite evident today with hundreds of thousands of miners affected in Pennsylvania, Ala- 1 bama, Kentucky, West Virginia, Illinois, Ohio, Colorado and'other ! states following the expiry of the old agreement. If appeals to the miners fail, 1 1 oops may be sent into the coal fields, it was said here today. SABOTAGE NOW SEEN Inspector of Ontario Police Thinks It Quite Evident In Attempt To Wreck Train FORT WILLIAM, June 1 W Police and railway authorities yester-' iy , '-lunched a Joint and far-reaching investigation Into the reported attempt on Sunday morning to wre:k a Canadian Pacific Railway Montreal-Vancouver pass-engei train, about nineteen miles v" of here. "There definitely is sabotage in this case," said Inspector W. O. Ingram of the provincial police. No arrests have yet been made. NEWS OIL PLANT SMASHED LONDON A Diusburg plant capable of making 100,000 tons of synthetic oil annually was wrecked in a Koyal Air Force raid on May 12, the Air Ministty said today. BEATING U BOAT MENACE WASHINGTON James F. Byrnes, head of the New United States war mobilization board, said yesterday that United States merchant ships are now being built four times faster than they are being sunk. ALLIED SHIPS AT GIBRALTAR LONDON The Spanish radio at Madrid says that great num-beis of Allied ships are moving in and around Gibraltar. There were no less than 92 yesterday including transports and destroyers. LONDON HAS AIR RAID LONDON Two enemy bombers got past the London defence early today and bombed suburban areas, ten being killed with some damage done. There arc still three Sunday school teachcts and 18 children missing following the bombing of a church at Torquay on Sunday. RUSSO-GERMAN FRONT LONDON Berlin claims that the Germans drove a wedge into Russian lines on the central front between Viliki Luki and Smolensk. LAE GETS BIGGEST RAID ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN AUSTRALIA Lae, strong Japanese base on the noitli coast of New Guinea, had its heaviest raid by Allied bombers yesterday when 36 tons of projectiles were dropped to cause great damage. Airport runway, town area and wharves were hit. ITALIAN GENERAL DEMOTED .... NEW YORK'"-!. General Ezlo Rosl, chief of staff of the Italian army, was relieved of his post today and was appointed commander of an army group, the Berlin radio said. TO FIGHT FOR ALLIES CAIRO The French fleet at Alexandria has volunteered to fight for the Allies as a result of flucccssful negotiations by General Henri Giraud, it was announced last night. The British government was kept Informed throughout the progress of negotiations. Five Nip Divisions of Seventy-Five Thousand Men Routed In China Chungking Appears to be Saved as Enemy Suf ft!rs Heavy Reverses in Ichang Area Many Planes Shot Down CHUNGKING, June 1 (CP) The Chinese routed five Japanese divisions of 75,000 men southwest of Ichang on the Yangtse River, a special communique said today. The communinue also said that ai i" WA viiwiuji bianco vpic OllUO down and eight more probably destroyed in Allied raids u" uivmuay. inv XT . 1.. re neutrality Ut Sweden Has Been Broken MIAMI. Florida, June 1 Members of the crew of the Swedish steamer Industria, torpedoed off Brazil by a Ger- man U-boat, have been landed here. They reported that the captaln captain and and two two officers officers were were ; , I' taken hostaee. Thus Rwpriish neutrality Is violated. SEATTLE HAS FIRE Three War Plants Destroyed and Loss is Estimated at $350,000 SEATTLE, June l Three Seattle war manufacturing plants, includ ing a factory fo: the manufacture of pre-fbricated houses, were des troyed toy a $350,000 fire. A watch man. Fred W. Martin, who made a valiant attempt to put the fire out In its Incipient stage, was critically burned. An overheated stovepipe was the cause )' the fire. HALIBUT SALES Summary American 67,000 pounds, 18.7 and 17 to 19.2 aond 17. Canadian 139,700 pounds, 18 and 17 to 19.8 and 17. American Yukon, 30,000, 18.7 and 17, Storage. Reliance I, 22,000, 19.3 and 17, Royal. Oona, 15,000, 19.1 and 17, Royal. Canadian Viking I., 13,500, 19.8 and 17. Booth. Morris H., 17,00, 19.7 and 17, At lin. Velma C, 21,000, 19.7 and 17, Pacific. Borgund, 8,000, 19.4 and 17, Pa cific. Fenella, 9,000, 18.1 and 17, Atlln. Neptune II., 10,000, 19 and 17, Booth. Takla O., 4,5t0, 19.3 and 17, Stor age. Cape" Race II, 5,200, 18.1 and 17, Booth. Cape Spear, 17,500, 18 and 17, Storage. Domino II, 15,000, 19.8 and 17, Booth. Kalen, ,14,000, 18 and 17, Storage. Mother II, 5,000, 18.1 and 17, Pacific. , Hoarded Goods At Lillooet Large Quantities of Sugar, Canned 3111k, Rice and Other Commodities Taken Over LILLOET, June 1 Large quantities of allegedly hoarded sugar, canned milk, rice and canned beet have been seized here at the instance of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. No prosecutions have yet been started. taiesi Japanese drive upon. .wiungiung appears 10 pe collapsing with defeated Japanese forces hi flight. MEAT SALE HERE HEAVY Rationing Caused Rush Last Week But it Has Been Quiet Since While the first three days of meat rationing cannot reveal lo- cailI at leasl any sure lntcatlon ui uic ticuua wjutu win oe caused by It, it is thought unlikely "at Prince Rupert meat markets that rationing will cause any Increase In their troubles. One meat mar ket reported that sales for Thurs-dayt Friday and Saturday had shown a slight 'slump, owing to the fact that people had bought meat In heavy quantities for sev- eTardayS-before tn anticipation of landed rationing shortages. Most of the city's meat markets have been operating in high gear tor months and, while it Is not known if the rationing order will reduce the quantity of their sale's. It certainly will not Increase them, ana 11 may nave the effect of distributing the week's business more evenly throughout the six days. It Is expected that the sale of certain choice cuts of meat will be reduced because of their high ra tion value that is the lower" quantity to be obtained per coupon.: Soviet Russia Is Recognized By Egypt Gov't CAIRO, .June f The Egyptian government yesterday joined other United Nations in recognizing tha government of Soviet Russia. AXIS AIR LOSS BIG Score of Combat Over mediterranean in 13 Days was 432 to 45 ALLIED HEADQUARTERS IN NORTH AFRICA, June 1 Four hundred and thirty-two Axis planes"' were destroyed over the Mediterranean during the last thirteen days whereas- the Allies lost only forty-five, it was announced .yesterday. WANTED 20 Women for handling fish. Standard rates of pay Apply in person CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD.