PAOE TWO THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA "Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue Q, A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS i The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to 'use for publication of all news despatches credited to It or to the 'Associated Press In this paper and also the local news published therein. -'All 'rights ol republication 'of special despatches therein are also 'reserved. DAILY EDITION EDITORIAL Use of Manpower . . . Thursday, April 8, 1943 Becoming Nonchalant ... Prince Rupert takes its Avar alarms quite nonchalantly now as indicated by the attitude struck by most of the people on Tuesday afternoon during the precautionary bl&ckout period. They took it quite as a matter of fact the men carried on with their work, the women continued their shopping and the children might as well have remained in school as being dismissed to play about. Certainly no one seemed to worry much although it should be general knowledge that alerts are no longer called in this :area now unless there is some definitely good reason for them thistime it was unidentified surface craft 'in the vicinity. 'Of course, we would not advise any one to get overly excited or .panicky. Just the same we should not be too complacent about it. One of these times it might be the real thing and we might wonder if we would be prepared if it "were. Because nothing has happened so far is no reason to believe that there is still not a definite possibilitya .possibility against which we should all do something to guard. Prescription for Peace ... A local service club was given a suggestion .yesterday by a visiting international official as to the real prescription for peace the development of true friendship among men and the spirit of human service. We hear about monetary reform, economic changes, social security and other panaceas for the salvation of the world. None of them are complete and could stand al6ne unless there is the spirit and the goodwill behind them the desire to be friendly and to "serve unselfishly the Golden Rule, if .you Me. Unfortunately, our human nature is such that it makes these things difficult to obtain. Peace and goodwill cannot be legislated or machinated. They are developments of a spiritual rather than a material nature: They must needs be. As we see it the efficient and proper use of manpower will yet be the most important factor in winning this war. Tn this regard our enemy has been able to show us the way thus far. We shall win but we could be winning faster were our manpower, better marshalled. There might have to be compulsion or even regimentation. We may have to fight fire with fire but we should not forget that the idea is to put the fire out. In the fight against totalitarianism we might have to resort to a measure of totalitarianism but the ultimate objective is the destruction of totalitarianism with the Restoration of democracy and all is precious privileges. Enjoy spring on a budget! Somehow you HAVE to express that everything new feeling that Spring brings, but budgets and the times being what they are well,, the whole affair seems somewhat dampened. But don't be downhearted. Come In and see our delightful display of Spring notions. Oh, so many things that will satisfy that Spring dress-up urge and yet all so inexpensive, you can buy oodles without the slightest qualm of conscience. 'DO COME! THE VARIETY STORE "Where your dimes are little dollars" PHONE RED 120 518 3rd AVE. WEST You Get Smoother-Looking Shaves... Quicker and Easier with GILLETTE I Lather I SHAVING n UDE OF FINEST ingredients: this new Gillette Shaving Cream produce a luxurious lather that softens whiskers speeds shaving rinses off instantly leaves the) faoe feeling fit and refreshed. More economical, too ... a mere dab is plenty for each shave . and a tube of Gillette Shaving Cream holds 3 full ounces QQC sells everywhere for only 00 Mode in Canada at the some plant as Gillette Razors and Blades. fnoy the luxury of on AIL GILLETTE SHAVE SAV-MORS CHAMPS Defeated Peoples Store Last Night 'In 'Finals of Mixed Howling League Sav-Mor won the Mixed Bowling League championship last night by defeating Peoples Store two I games to one in the final play-off I between the winning teams ' of the (two halves. C. Pedersen had single average score for the evening of 263 while Bessie Reaugh had the high aver- Vage of 232. Individual scores: 4 Peoples Store 12 3 TtL B. Peterson 147 141 190478 lc. Pedersen 168 361 261790 jL. Felsenthal 118 106 92316 N. Campbell 239 176 167582 D. Balllnger ' 190 210 135535 D. Mclnnerney 221 158 132511 Totals 1083 1152 977 Sav-Mors 12 3 Ttl. R. Labelle 169 155 168492 A. Alger 192 168 224584 E. Stegavig 149 146 242537 P. Stegavig 232 144 182558 B. Reaugh 304 174 219-697 K. Grant 223 201 174598 Totals 1269 988 1209 THE 'DAILY NEWS THURSDAY. APRIL 8 LETTERBOX International State Editor Daily News: Please permit me to extend congratulations to E. T. Kenney. M. L. A. for Skeena on his wisdom and courage In giving publicity to his plan for an International state rith 'PrinceRupert as the principal ea oiitlet. Let'tne remind the'tlmld and the skeptical in the words of E. A. Guest, that: The things that haven't been done before, Those are the things to try Columbus dreamed of an unknown shore : At the rim of a far-flung sky Anyone who has thoughtfully sad the terms of the appointment if th 'Canadian-American Planning Commission, together with uch Information as to the terms of he 'Atlantic 'Charter as has appeared In the press, must have ome to the conclusion that the creation of an international state. such as has been suggested by Mr. Kenney, Is In the minds of the world's leading statesmen as a' co rollary to world peace. The territory outlined In the pur view of the commission's charter offers nearly all of the resources that will be required by the Indust ries of the world in, the rehabilat-ion period and after. With a connecting link of railway from Haz-?lton to Dawson City, as charted and planned by Sir Wilfrid Laurier thirty years or more ago, the trans- p citation problems of the territory would be well cared for. The necessary facilities and outlet for transportation to the markets ot the world are well provided at P:ince Rupert. It now requires only the will to do and of course, the suppression cf opportunism on the art of selfish interests. Your report does not state how Mr. Kenney's Ideas were received by the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. As a citizen of Canada, I hope they will do their logical pait ln'preparlng the way for these great events of the future which it appears is their duty and their op portunity. We should not regard the engin eering forces of the United States, as being a springboard for "the last battle of the world the Armaged don of the race" but rather are'they here in . pursuance of the "good neighbor" policy and to help fulfil prophecy: "Men my brothers, men the workers, ever reaping" something new; That which they have done but earnest of the things that they shall do; "For I dipt into the future, far as human eye could see, Saw the vision of the world and the wonders that would be; "Saw the heavens fill with commerce, argosies of magic sails. Pilots of the purple twilight, dropping down with costly bales: ''Heard the heavens fill with shouting, and there rained a ghastly dew From the nations' air navies, grappling in the central blue; "Far along the World wide whisper of the south-wind rushing warm, With the standards of the peoples rushing through the thunder storm; 'Till the war-drums throbbed no longer ,and the battle - flags were furled, In the Parliament of man, the Federation of the world." It is within the range of vision and of possibility that 'Prince Rupert 'may be the seat of the world's first international Parliament, the Parliament of man that will lead to the Federation of the world. Lei tUe scoffers scoff I T. A. McINNIS NEUTRAL SWISS Switzerland by another name is Schweiz, Suisse or Svlzzera and its population as counted in 1941, RY'S COCOA L eads in Quality . GYRO HEAD PAYS VISIT (Continued from Page One) of the ills and eradicate it If possible. Building friendship among men Mr. Kagy saw as something worthwhile and If Gyro could do something In a small way along this line it would have been well worthwhile. ie decried the development of the idea of business benefit among service club members. 'Following his address in which ie biought the greetings of International President R. G. Rutherford of Kelowna and the Cleveland elub, Mr. Kagy discussed matters of Internal club nature with the 'uncheon. Outstanding Event Outstanding event In connection "vtth .the visit of Mr. Kagy was a llnner dance held last night In the "Sagles' Hall. The Gyros put on this party In spite of the inability tn '?cure a restaurant which would undertake the catering by providing the dinner themselves, doing the preparing, cooking and serving entirely themselves. The result was one of the finest meals the club has had and it -was a great treat for ine memoer ana ineir iaav mentis who turned out to the number of upwards of fifty persons. . The menu consisted of celerv. olives, crab cocktails, the fresh In gredients of which were caueht bv the members at Dundas Point, roast turkey, mashed potatoes. ?reen peas, rolls, apple and lemon ole, cheese and coffee. The tables were attractively decorated with blue and gold crepe paper runners iver the table cloths and tall tap- ti. the effect being quite attrac tive. There was also an excellent pro-:ram which included a brief but :nsDirinz address bv Mr. Kaev greetings from various local or ganizations and entertainment by i party of military men consisting if Spropnnr. nipnvpr wllcnn Rtr. eeant Reg Kings and Gunners Oil Moro and Tony Przednowek. Mr. Kay. in his talk, further de veloped the theme of friendship a3 xemplifled between Canada and the United States and which was today more than ever evident In Prince Rupert. The development of this friendship was quite as lm-Dortant. he felt, as-material accomplishments. Without It there would always be trouble. ; Greetings of the Prince Ruper I Senior Chamber of 'Commerce were j brought by 'Arnold Flaten, the past president, and or the Junior Chamber by President Robert PaVker. President George C. Mitchell bought a message from the Rdtary Club. The program oy the military narty included recitation and humorous monologue In pantomime by Sergeant Wilson, recitation by Serjeant Kings and piano accordian duets by Gunners Moro and Prze-nowek. President W. J. Scott was in the chair and, in the. course of the nroceedings, acknowledged the assistance of many Gyros in preparations for the dinner. W. F. Stone had been in general charge with tl.'C. Mills, Dr. R. G. Large and Dr. I. J. Gibson as cooks; Dr. John MacDonald, H. S. Meadows. Arnold Flaten. George Rorie. G. A. Hunter md Mdvor W. M. Watts as bull cooks. Waiters, dressed as such for the dinner and efficiently tending the tables, were W. D, Lamble, T. W. E. Henry. Jack Ray, Dr. Jen3 Munthe and G. D. Bryant. Ladies who assisted were Mrs. R. O. Large. Mrs. C. C. Mills, Mrs. Arnold Flaten and Mrs. H. S. Meadows. Those present at the dinner were b. l. Kagy, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Flatpn Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker. Mr. nnd Mrs. George C. Mitchell, Mayor md Mrs. W. M. Watts, Dr. and Mrs. lens Munthe, Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Morris. Dr. and Mrs. John Mac-Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dibb Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Balagno, Dr! nd Mrs. J. J. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. TI. S. Meadows, Mr. and Mrs. William Cruickshank, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. E. Henry. Mr. and Mrs. F. jj Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. Alt Rivett. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Lamble, Mr.'1 ind Mrs. C. C. Mills. Dr. and Mr.v R. G. Large, Mr. and Mrs. W. F.' Stone, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Rorle, Miss Mar-earet Wiggins. Miss Van Horn. Jack Ray, Robert Sutherland, Capt. Andrew Johnstone fNanalmo), a, A. Hunter. D. O. Borland and Art Morrison (Grand Forks). Responsible for decorations were W J. Scott. W. D. Lamble. Frank Skinner. Jack Ray, W. F. Stone and T. W. E. Henry. Last night's proceedings concluded with a couple of hours, of dancing, music being by Bobby Wood's Orchestra. This afternoon Mr. Kagy Is being taken with club members for a short harbor cruise aboard Dr. R 6. Large's yacht Soogwllls. M -.BlSJSSSSSSSSSBk. ummm Try Upton's Noodle Soup Mix today t See how quickly and easily it's prepared. See how much more soup you get for your money. Taste that delicious chicken-v flavour. Then you'll know why it's the "soup sensation of the nation". In 7 'minutes Upton's Noodle Soup Mix makes a clear golden soup ... so smooth and appetizing that it tastes like the best slow.simmered soup ever made at home. And remember, Upton's Noodle Soup Mix is also convenient for sending overseas. fy thh new tup ummlitn. Ait wr wir r Lpltm'i KJlt Stup Mix tuUf. I . j sw m BUY... - RUPERT BRAND Sol e Fillets ... At Your Local Butchers NO WASTE . HEADY TO COOK Canadian Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE KUPEKT Cq. Ltd. BRITISH COLDIBU A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd A GOOD PLACE TO BUY CO only, "MASTEKCUAFT" 'HASSOCKS Round, Square and other shapes. Different Colors. Priced from S.'I.wO Phone 775. SHOES 327 3rd AnM SHOES SHOES CIosin: out all Shoes from The Annette Ladies Wear and The Style Shoppe Sdme of -these are New Shoes just received 'today. Beatnnonts, Wilmonts, "Debs, Graceline, etc., are among well known makes. All shoes to be sold at greatly reduced prices. These Tor Sale TUESDAY, 9 A.M., MAKCII .11, 19W "THE STYLE SHOPPE (Next Door ilulkley Market) SEE OUR WINDOWS