" thS DilLt'NIWa. BATURniv ... PAGE FOUR MAY is o 0 p 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 I- 0 0 0 Expert OPTICAL SERVICE Xl ' Chas. Dodimcad QX y" I f Optometrist In Charge L J Watch, Clock, Jewelry y Repairing, Hand Engravlnr VISIT OUR BASEMENT STOKE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant All dressed up to go places in Your Peoples Store New Spring and Summer Coat. See the new summer "Jeep" or Short Polo Coats, too. Ahd don't forget, if it's a Tweed 1 or Solid Color, go, to Peoples Store first. ACCESSORIES, TOO . . . The Coat is only as smart as your purse, hat, gloves and dress that go along with it. Get them all at RUPERT PEOPLES STORE KWONO SANG IIING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY House Next to King Tal 812 7th AVE. WEST All jour patronage welcome Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders 'from 2 p.tn. 16 a a.'rif. ' Phone Red 247 Cemetery Service Those wishing plots fixed at Falrview Cemetery, phone the caretaker at the Cemetery between 12:00 and 1:00 p.m. week days. BUY THE NEW Victory Bonds R. E. MORTIMER I'hone 88 324 2nd Ave. 5 UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. Will be CLOSED ALL DAY THURSDAY, beginning May 13. DAILY STOKE HOURS, EXCEPT THURSDAY, 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon; 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., commencing Monday, May 10 Store located at 321-3rd Avenue West. rhone 775 Count jour blessings and in thankfulness BUY VICTORY BONDS "GALIVANT" SHOES 0 o 0 '- - 0 0 S IN BROWN AND BLACK BROGUES, GILLIES, TIES AND LOAFERETTES. V Welted Soles and Genuine Calf Leathers. Perfect Fitting Lasts in Fittings AA to C Width. Priced $5.85 and $5.50 Family shoe store. ltD. "The Home of Good Shoes" CFPR (1249 Kilocycles) SCHEDULE Sunday . A-M. 10:00 The Choristers 10:30 Mart Kenny 11:00 CBC News 11:05 Sunday Morning Concert rju. 12:00 Luncheon Music 12:30G. I. Jive 12:45 Old Country Mall 1:00 One O'clock Muslcale 1:30 Waltz Time 2:00 CBC Sunday Symphony 3:00 CBC Discussion Club 3:30 Charlie McCarthy 4:fl0 Jack Benny 4:30 Fitch Bandwagon 5:00 Etchings in Ivory 5:15 Just Mary 5:30 Dramas from the Bible 6:00 CBC News MANY BUY OF BONDS 6:15 The Cavaliers 6:30 The Army Show 7:00 Personal Album 7:15 Yarns for Yanks 7:30 Mall Call 8:00 Front-Cine Theatre 8:30-uFrcd Allen 9:00 We Who Fight 9:30 Music for Sunday" 10:00 CBC News 10:15 Organ Reveries 10:30 Silent ' NATIONAL SERVICE 4 t Over Five Million Dollars Sulv scribed by Rallwaymen MnMn?RAr.. Mav 15 Well over ftvp miiunn dollars In subscriptions to the Fourth Victory Loan by em-'ployces of the Canadian National Railways and its subsidiary or ganizations, TransCanada A l r Lines, and National Railways mu-nltios, Limited, has established a new recorcVin employee purchases of bonds to support Canada's war effort. This result had been achieved with a few days of the campaign yet remaining during which it was anticipated that, the total of subscriptions by these railway employees would be substantially Increased. Tn a statement Issued today ai headquarters of the National Rall-u-nvs it is shown that 58210 em- rdovees subscribed to the Fourth. Victory Loan a total of $5,388,100, these purchases having been com vileted from the opening, of the campaign, April 26, to the night of May 11. A breakdown of the total Indi cates that 55,887 employees of the railway purchased bonds to an amount of $5,188,100; 1,050 employees of National Railways Munitions Limited, made purchases of $109,000; and 1.273 employees of TransCanada Air Lines bought bonds to the extent of $91,000. Workers of the Canadian Na tional system-have so far surpassed the total of their purchases in the Third Victory Loan by $488,600 or nine per cent. In excess of the final amount of $4,899,500 achieved by them in the Third Victory Loan" campaign. The number of sub scribers has 'increased In the Fourth Victory Loan by 3.320 or six per cent. A band of wild peccaries will attack a hunter who kills or wounds one of them. SELECTIVE NOTICE TO CERTAIN EMPLOYERS AND EMPLOYEES Notice is hereby given thai men employed In certain pecifled lines of civilian employment, who are in age and marital classes already designated under National Selective Service Mobilization Regulations, must report for interview not later than May 19lli, 1943, to an , Employment and Selective Service Office. A. Objective: ' . The Order makes available for essential employments the services of men in age and marital classes designated as callable for Military Training under National Selective Service Mobilization Regulations, who are presently employed in specified non-essential employments. O. EMPLOYMENTS COVERED BY THIS ORDER: .Men, of the specified categories, are . covered if now employed in any of the following imlutric: (1) taverns; liquor, wine and beer stores; (2) retail sale of oil ml y, confectionery, tobacco, books, stationery, news; (3) barber shops and beauty parlours; (1) retail and wholesale florists; (.) service stations (pasoline-filling stations); (6) retail sale of motor vehicles or accessories; (7) retail sale of sporting goods or musical instruments. Also, men are covered if now employed in any of the following occupations, whether in above industries or not: (1) waiter, taxi driver, elevator operator, hotel bell boy, domestic servant; (2) any occupation in or directly associated with entertainment, including but not restricted to theatres, film ageirVies, motion picture companies, clubs, bowling alleys, pool rooms; (3) any occupation in or directly associated with dyeing, cleaning, and iressing (not including laundry work); aths; guide service; shoe, shining. C AGE AM) .MARITAL CLASSES OF 31 EN COVERED BY THIS ORDER: (a) Every man born in' any year from 1917 to 1921 (inclusive) who has reached age 19. () Every man born from 1902 to 1916 (inclusive) who, at July liSlh, 1910, was: (I) unmarried; or (ii) divorced or judicially separated; or (iii) a widower without child or children. (c) Every man born from 1902 to 1916 (inclusive) who has, since July 15, 1910, become a widower without child or children now living. (it) Every man born fropi 1902 to 1916 (inclusive) who, since July 15, 1910, has been divorced or judicially separated. D. Procedure to be Followed: All men as defined above iiust report to an Employment and Selective Service Office not later than May 19tl 1943. Men resident outside a city or town having Or Compulsory Employment Transfer Order an Employment and Selective Service Office, who are too far removed to call personally, may write to the nearest office in the first instance, and await further directions. E. OBLIGATIONS OF E3IPLOYEES: When directed to accept employ. . ment, subsequent to the interview referred to, men described in Paragraphs B and C above are required by the Regulations to follow the direction given. F. OBLIGATIONS OF EMPLOYERS: It will be illegal for an employer to retain in his employ after 3Iay 19th, 1913, anji men referred to in Paragraph C above, at any of the employments set forth in Paragraph B above, unless a special permit has been obtained from a National Selective Service Officer, permitting such action. G. Transportation: Special provisions will be made for the transportation of men moved to work at a new place 6f residence. II. Appeals: If directed to transfer to employment subsequent to interview, a man may, if he objects, enter appeal with a Court of Referees, within 7 days of receiving such direction. I. Penalties in Case of Employers: Penalties are provided for any employer who retains in, or takes into, his employ after" May 19th, 1943, any man covered by the Order, except under special permit. J. Penalties in Case of Employees: Penalties are provided for failure on the part of any employed man affected, to register under this Order, or to follow ,. a' subsequent direction to employment, and in addition to other penalties,' refusal 'to comply renders a man liable to compulsory labour service in an Alternative Service Work Camp. K. Special Request to Employers: Each employer with three or more men covered by this Order in his employ is requested to co-operate by getting in touch with the Employment and Selec tive" Service Office, to arrange a time for the interviews, of his employees. L. Authority: This Order is issued under authority conferred on the Minister of Labour by National Selective Service Civilian Regulations (RC 24ft of January 19th, 1943, and amending Orders in Council). A -jLfcl Men referred to above inust p'rcs.cnt documents at the, employment office, VtT' ' indicating compliance viith Mobilization : kgiildtiorii ' ' - ""' Humphrey MiruirxL, Minister of Labour A. MacNamara, Director National Selective Seri'ice D2 u.. II uiunirtv.. MlYMIYAV - oiivivniu mvnittl FOR 2 DAYS Complete Shows 1:00, 3:04, 5:08 7 n . 1 Fcaturc at 1:40.3:.5:;7:52,!i m run i r-rr. niiirirvKBL m Kill I MY flNIM il 1 '"U.iv unnUmi 1 AMh MEITUED EfMMdtill l1blllll.IV Bb j II ALAN WmmfM nun m mmm n lit mm mm mm m.-w. ' f i M7ir.-'Th.t Gun Fnr Vl "naskateers" i Urjtai "Coal Black and 7 'Dwarfs il Xm-m flbmorraijo a czr iCAPlf&LW- 7:00, 9:06 aa Feature, " - 7:25, 9:31 Sunday, 2:30 p.m., for Armed Services Only Rosalind Russell In "I LKJIIT FOK FREEDOM" SUNDAY MIDNITE SU,riTI.,lf r.inl.H ullli Vlr1l. HrlrLrn : I CARPETS AND CONGOLEUMS BACK THE ATTACK WM Choose a Fine Rug from our Large Stock Elio Furniture Store Third Avenue, Next the Dally News, Trince Ruptrt mmxmmi mmmmmsm rainimti mxm 1 m it m It Is Littl Ormes Enough To Do ltd Ptonecr ruqsts THE ItEXALL STORE PHONES 81 88 Open Dally from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 - 2 pm. and 7 mil i if miiif iif u j j i-M uuuuuuuuu u u u uu mmmpvt'- It's interestincr to know when reading the Dai y icfrift nre dninR 11 ' . i J. A tooiCHiroiHoirHw