PAOE TWO COSTS LESS THAN GARRY-YET IS A RICH SATISFYING BLEND THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Limited, Third Avenue O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to use. for publication of all news despatches credited to it or to the Associated Press in this DADer and also the local news nubllshed therein. All right of republication of special despatches therein are also reserved. DAILY EDITION Thursday, June 10, 1943 Further West, the Better ... In the report of a discussion at Monday night's meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce it was mentioned that surveys were being made for a road direct north from "Prince Rupert" to the Peace River. This should, instead, have read direct north from "Prince George." The report referred to was in regard to an issue as to which route, would be the more beneficial to Prince Rupert north from Prince George or north from Van-derhoof. Logically, the Vanderhoof route would be the most advantageous to Prince Rupert. Indeed, as E. T. Kenney, M.L.A. for Skeena says the further west the better. Prince Rupert is well justified in continuing the campaign' with this end in view. Certainly, strong interests are still at work endeavouring to divert the Peace River traffic elsewhere than to Prince Rupert. The Task Ahead ... Victory, complete and final, although on the horizon wuii ine nignimare oi possioie cieieat and slavery now gone, is not yet in the grasp of the United Nations. The Germans are still holding the land fortress of juiupt;, wiin access co me wealth and resources of that continent and- are masters of millions of enslaved people ' who are supplying their war and peace requirements, j The Japanese are entrenched in the island fortress! ui me racmc adjoining Asia and in Asia. They have conquered an immense empire, one of the richest parts of the world, filled with war supplies of every kind and exceedingly difficult to reconquer. There is much hard fighting ahead. It may be the sort ol fighting that is highly concentrated in time and mav be over soon with victory to us, or it may be spread over a long period and become a war of attrition. Which type it will prove to be is a matter of opinion but it is the part of wisdom to prepare for both eventualities and to press forward with all our strength, especially when some suc- deflatsare Cmmg t0 US 3fter many bitter and costly It has been the democratic tendencv of the free neo- til !?V00 hP?fully at the bHht Me of interPna-w 81 uat,on.s .and to refuse to realize the evil inten- beTvoS ne aoided, L lest Wn victories -'? r P,anf turn f thei.r enemies' Thi "ould qu ckly into defeats n dne bGf0re When vnceVe SaceJcT way to com- nnJi16 m-st certain hope of victorv is to keep dealim? 2trnraepi(rel,bl?S in f theatres ofeewih P y acceIerat,nS Nations. strength of the United Your Chocolate Cake will win praise ii you use , The Chocolate Cocoa ACTIVITIES OF Y.M.C.A. AND Y.W.C.A. By DOROTHY GARBUTT The Hostess Today the Service Wives Club meets In the ladies' lounge at the Y. All service wives in the vicinity are welcome at these meetings. It is one way to make a nice circle of friends duijng one's stav in Prinr Rupert. The boys at Falrview are holding i dance tonight and are anxious tn have a good attendance of Junior hostesses. The girls will meet at the Y where there will be trans portation to nick them ud. ywha Ciiaperones will be Mrs. Frances Norrington and M:s. Linda Eric- ; son. representing the Women of the Moose. We are sorry to hear that Ernie Teager. YMCA supervisor, who Is stationed somewhere in Al aska, is still ill in the hospital in Vancouver with peritonitis following an operation for appendicitis. ' Wilson McDuffee, who used to be stationed at Seal Cove while on the Y staff last summer, Is going overseas. Next Monday evening the BoOjip , Defence boys are holding sj dance of v. r. w j-il.. . "ic iiujjicii. inure aeians later. If I tell this one all the quartermasters in town are going to be a ter me but I heard of a cute hie trick the other day. It seems that one of the soldiers put a zipper along the edge of his wedge cap and fixed a badge on it and there was a smart little purse for the jgirl friend back home. So if there's a sudden rush of lost caps the men on duty at the quarter stores will have a faint Idea what it's all about. I'd like to thank Mrs. Ashcroft (Navy) fo: the large parcel of silver paper she left with us. It, together with the silver paper given by Mrs. Peagam, is on its way to the Red Cros3 salvage department In Vancouver. The papers are full of advice these days on what sort of letters civilians should write to the boys. I'd like to remind the boys to keep their news as cheery as possible when writing home because a mother or a wife can do an awful lot of worrying over Just one small grouch. PURE WHITE r OH OY NO TAXES! MANCHESTER, June 10 ffi Bv some tokens the life of a prisoner or war isn't so bad. Here's what a prisoner in a German camp wrote nis rolks: "Did you ever stop to think how lucky a prisoner of war-really is? No rent, taxes or rates, shopping bills or creditors." COLONIES IN WAR LONDON, June 10 TO The Colonies have contributed more than $123,000,000 towards the cost of the war. Oliver Stanley, Colonial Sec retary sam. in addition $36,000,000 have been loaned to thp Rrltfsh government free of Interest. SUNDAY SUNDAYS Dominica was called Sunday by Columbus because he it on that day In 1493. PPCC Webster's Twentieth 1 lYEd Century Deluxe Dictionary, Webster's New Office and Professional Dictionary, Mechanical Encyclopedia, also Cook Book. II. ROTIIWELL, Prince Rupert Hotel J. L. Curry (Late of Yukon) Chiropractor Westholme Rooms OPPORTUNITY WILL BUY, TRADE, or SELL What Have You? Phone Black 823 TOT DAILT NEWS 9 CANADA NEEDS YOU STRONG Follow Canada's Food Rules for Health and Fitness FREE ! A Valuable Recipe Book "Economy Recipes for Canada's Housoldiers" containing many recipes suited to today's requirements. Send a postcard with your name and address with the words "Economy Recipes". Address Dept. 4M, The Canada Starch Home Service Dept., P.O. liox i j , v aacouver.u.i I NUTRITION Mil hfQlfm H CAMPAIGN issssssssssssBA'J J 1 1 CdflHI Till CANADA STARCH CO MPJIN Y. timiletf Baseball Standings Rational League W. L. Pet. St. Louis 27 14 .659 Brooklyn 29 17 .630 Cincinnati 21 19 .525 Pittsburg 22 20 .524 Boston 17 19 .472 Philadelphia 18 22 .450 New York 16 27 .372 Chicago 15 27 .357 American League W. L. Pet. New York 23 15 .605 Washington 24 19 .558 Philadelphia 22 21 .512 Detroit 20. 20 .500 Chicago 18 18 .500 Boston '21' 23 .477 Cleveland 20 23 .465 St. Louis 14 23 .378 'BRILLIANT IMUSICIAN 1 Cyril Hampshire, Piano Master, i Delights Loral Audience I Piano lovers of Prince Rupert audience which gathered last night at the First Presbyterian Church to listen to one of Rupert's rare musical treats when Cvril Hamn- shire, brilliant and talented concert pianist from Toronto Conservatory, rendered an pyrpllpnt. re cital. Mr. Hampshire's' technlqua and discrimination was greatly ad mired by all. His program was of versatile character and admirably selected. Peter Lien, in Introducing: Mr. Hampshire, said he came out from i England in 1921 to Moose Jaw, moving to Calgary and later to Hamilton, where he Is now located, j Principal of Hamilton Conservatory j oi music and the examiner for Toronto Conservatory of Music, Mr Hampshire is a remarkable player. His touch and his easv manner at the piano is something I to be admired. His descriptive num-! Ders were particularly interesting. The program was as follows: "Prelude- from the cantata, "We Thank Thee, God (Bach-Sllotl). "Intermezzo, Op. 118, No. 2" (Brahms. "Scherzo from Suite, Op. 31" (Bargiel). "Sonata, Op. 2,No. 3" (Beethoven). This number was played in four knevements without interruption Allegro con brio. Adagio, Scherzo and Allegro Assal. After an Intermission amid ereat applause Mr. Hampshire stepped on to the stage and continued his concert: Valse in E minor" (Posthumous). "Etude in A flat, Op. 25," "Fastasla in F minor. Op. 49" (Chopin). "Doumka" (Russian rustic scene) (Tschalkowsky). "Tango" (Albeniz-Oodowsky). "Seguldillas" (Albeniz). "Paradise Birds" (Cyril Scott). "Ragamuffin" (John Ireland). "Ragamuffin" depicted the .street urchin of London, as Mr. Hampshire laughingly said "a cheeky piece." Mr. Hampshire nlaved for hi encores, "Gollywog's Cake-Walk" One pound of fat supplies enough glycerine to fire 150 bullets from a Bren gun. ACK-ACK RECRUITS Drive to lie Conductrd for Special Company in Local. ,Re.:lmeiit., A recruiting drive for one hundred men for an anti-aircraft company to be formed In connertlnn the Prince Rupert Machine uun (reserve) Regiment is to be held next week with headquarters at the Victory Loan hut on Third Avenue at Fourth Street which will be onen on Mon. day, Tuesday and Wednesday dur- mb cacn aay as well as in the evening for the signlne ud of rerrniu A Bofors gun will be placed on the street and each evening a section from one of the local antiaircraft batteries will demonstrate mobility and placing In action of the guns. Later in the week there will be a demonstration of antiaircraft guns In the local dry dock yards. MATCHES SINK SHIP LONDON, June 10 O) The British submarine Unbending, back from a Mediterranean patrol, re ported her men used a box of matches to enemy submarine whose crew had taken to the boats after gunfire. fill and TIRED Hit MPME the Antiseptic Lihiheht by Debussy and, noticing the number of young children In the audi- ence, he played his version of "Tnree Blind Mice." The ushers, charming in their formal evening gowns, were the Misses Janet Rochester. Bernlce Eastwood and Nancy Owens. Peter Lien presided at the door. Hemsby King and Arne Lien as. slsted in taking the tickets. Mr. Hampshire's piano was through the courtesy of Miic-Laren's Music Store. FAT IS AMMUNITION! Fat and bone conservation begins at home and ends in the firing line - DO YOU KNOW - Two pounds of fat will fire a burst of 20 cannon shells from a Spitfire or 10 antiaircraft shells. Bones produce fat and aircraft glue. If we saved fat at the rate of one ounce per person week th.s per would mean 36,000,000 pounds per year enouah 9 to produce 3,600,000 pounds of glycerine ?or explosives OUR FIGHTERS DEPEND ON YOU "Every householder who delivers to a retail butcher co lector, or Salvage Committee, any rendered ?r LSded fats or bones shall be entitled ta receive from the person Tn whom they are delivered 4 cents per pound net wdaht for rendered fats, and 1 cent per pound for Ln rendered Vais" wortrt7,:rT9r:dpeoorad.d!,ec, quofa,ion uom "Rendered fat" means fat melted down and strained tn remove so id matter. It includes drippings and I stra 5Tra,neJ ned I oan Pn grease resulting from the cooking of meat; "Unrendered fat" means raw or partially cooked fat freo from lean meat and bone, but not fully rendered meQnS fQW r C0ked bnes of ond hog?"" ca'e sheep EVERY OUNCE COUNTS I SAVE AND STRAIN EVERY DROP TO SPFFn VICTORY. SELL IT TO YOUR BUTCHER 5 : OR GIVF GIVE IT TO YOUR SALVAGE COMMITTEE NOTICE TO BUTCHERS, HOTELS, ETC. You have been mailed a copy of OrrW A An -ru- , operators of hotels, restaurants and other esiabLmentf' ffeC!S are served. It is of immediate Importance fc X , n'6,"165 terers. If your copy has been lost vou rnn L" chersLQnd slaugh-nearest office of ffieWme' P&cJTand TrSSaSf6' fnm fcjl-UIJUWJI,UHEM.?ILIJ.m ! i iii.iiiui-wj.mi k'llBI'Iil kl .J.U.I. THURSDAY jtjkj. LIKE MAGC WITH m&tm BLA0!S MMT! YOU GET CIEANER LOOKItiS SHAVES. .FASTER AHD BWE GILLETTE J n I A r rs s m ..... wi 1 dlhuco U&T LOHGtR .SM YOU MONEY! Blue Gillette Blades ride easily and quickly through toughest beards! They're precision-made of steel diamond-tested for hardness and have the sharpest edges ever honed. For slicker, smoother shaves try long-lasting Blue Gillette Blades. PRECISION. vnmA to hi your Clll.tU Raior ixtljr and void scrap, and Irritation o mUfit b!ad( SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, I'rop. rbone 37 P.O. Box Ml FRASER STREET FKINCE KUrtKT Cemetery Service Those wishing plots fixed at Fairview Cemetery, phone the caretaker at the Cemetery between 12:00 and 1:00 pjn. week days. KWONG SANfi IIING IIOP KEE CHOP SUEY House Next to King Tat 612. 7tb AVE. WEST All jour patronage wflcom Opens 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. Outside Orders from 2 p.m. to 2 Jn-Phone Red 247 For Income Tax RETURNS SEE R. E. MORTIMER Phone 88 321 2nd Are. Sweep Chimneys Now No Sweeping done in wet weather. Oil burners also cleaned and serviced Phone Mack 725 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE