F a a o a o 0 o a a 0 o o o a a a o o o a a a a o a o 0 0 o a a Expert OPTICAL SERVICE jSrVN n .1 c Chas. Dodimcad If I JOw- ) f Optometrist In Cham J Watch, Clock, Jewelry . y Repairing, Hand Enrravlnf VISIT OUR BASEMENT STORE for Fine China, Dinnerware, Glasses, Baggage and Novelties. MAX HEILBRONER Jeweler Diamond Merchant Row After Row Of Pleasing Women's Shoes PRESENTING SUMMER FASHION LEADERS Numerous Pumps and Ties In the Season's NEWEST WHITES and SPECTATORS. Sizes from 4 through 9. See them today. They're New They're Smart! Colorful Summer Shoes. Reds, Biege and Multicolors. Leather or hop sack uppers. Leather or wood soles. Newest open heels, too. Mail Orders Promptly Filled RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" S THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner's rhone BLUE 907 ? AVAVWMV.VAV.VJ'AV.V.VW.VAV.WJ,AW A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd. A GOOD PLACE TO BUY BUY WHAT YOU NEED . . . SAVE ALL YOU CAN STORE HOURS 9:30 to 12:00 noon; 1:00 pjn. to 6:00 p.m. CLOSED lALIi, :DAY EVERY THURSDAY Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert VICTORY SHOE RENEW 503 Richard Street, Vancouver, B.C. Mail or Express your Shoe Repairs to us. We give you quick service, and the best job and material obtainable. We Pay The Return Charges LADIES' 'Gionella' Dress Shoes In Brown Suede, Brown Crush Kid, Brown Calf, Black Softie Calf, Black Suede in low, spike and cuban heels. High styled lines to suit any taste and priced to suit any pocketbook. MEN'S "PALMERS" MOOSE HEAD WORKING BOOTS in 6" and 8". Just arrived.', ; jj Family shoe store ltD. tt The Home of Goo'd Shoes" 4 4 5 5 5; 6: 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9; 9: 10 10 10: 10 10 11 7 7: 7: 8: 8 9 9 9: 9 10 10: 10: 10: 11: 11: 11 12 12 12 12 1 1 1 2 CFPR (1210 Kilocycles) SCHEDULE Thursday P.M. :00 Afternoon Muslcale :30 The World's Great Singers : 00 Tea Dance Time :30 Piano Recital : 45 Oracle Fields :00 CBC News 15 Gospel Interlude :30 C.C.F. Talk : 00 Major Bowes :30 Bins Crosby :00 Fred Waring : 15 Front Line Family :30 Great Music :00 Melody Roundup : 15 Announcer's Choice 30 Maxwell House Show 00 CBC News Rebroadcast 05 Recorded Interlude 15 G. I. Jive :30-T-SpotIIght Bands : 45 Organ Reveries :30 Silent Friday j aujAifUVjJuti 30 Musical Clock 45 CBC News 50 Musical Clock 30 Morning Devotions 45 Hawaiian Melodies 00 March Time 15 Friday Scrap Book 30 CBC News 35 Transcribed Varieties 00 Morning Visit 15 Badge of Honor 30 Wllf Carter 45 They Tell Me 00 Scandinavian Melodies 15-Broadcast of Messages 30 Petit Concert P.M. 00 Sophisticated Strings :30 To be announced : 45 CBC News : 55 Program Resume :00 Belle McEwen :15 Carson Robinson :30 To be announced :00 Silent High Low . Local Tides Friday, June 11 7:18 15.9 feet 20:13 17.7 feet 1:10 9.1 feet 13:25 6.9 feet ""moSejawT The most extensive search for oil and gas ever made In Saskat chewan Is now under way and It Is estimated that between 30 and 50 wells will be drilled "this summer, Hon. W. F: Kerr, minister of natural resources,, -said recently. Some of the greatest activity centres around the area south of Re-glna and Moose Jaw, the minister said. Expenditures already incurred in the search exceeded the $1,-000,000 mark some time ago and are continuing on an Increasing scale. A complete survey of all male high school and collegiate students over 14 years of age in Saskatchewan is now under way in an effort to determine how much help will be available from that source this summer. Results of the survey will be compiled by the staff under W. W. Dawson, supervisor of farm labor requirements. Lake levels in the settled section of Saskatchewan south of Prince Albert to the American border are all back to their previous high levels for the first time since before the drought years, according to surveys made by the Water Rights Branch of the provincial Men,Women0ver40 Feel Weak, Worn, Old? Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vitality? rxw wk. rundown. MUuitM condition tnkt too trH tut 1 out. M? Try Own TonM Tlblttt. Omtatn lentrtl toalrt, ntnulftnu. ona veedod fur 10 or 0. Help Jn tH norm I prs. Tim. TV UIIIT. Trt!M3ia. 8A VB REAL MONEY K. II- M or porikl -Economr" ! od un m Ira. to ftfe. Ai U druaiuta. Burt uxt. My Feet Are Better ACHING BURNING SORENESS GONE That's what so manv sav after rubbing feet and ankles night and morning with Moone's Emerald ou. You get great and prompt relief from the itching burning soreness so often caused by congestion and overwork. If you're on your feet all dav start using Moone's Emerald Oil tonight. Get a bottle from any good druggist today economical Mmey back if not satisfied. ORMES LIMITED RATION NEWS TeaCo fTec and Sugar Coupons: Butler Coupons: Meat (Spare "A") Coupons: Nos. 7 & 8 Became valid May 271 Remain valid Nos. 9 & 10 Become valid June 24 until declared invalid. Nos. 12 & 13 Became valid May 27 Expire June 30 Nos. 14 & IS Become valid June 10 Expire June 30 Nos. 16 & 17 Become valid June 24 Expire July 31 Pair No. 1 Became valid Mav 27 Ex Pair No. 2 Pair 'o. 3 Pair No. 4 Pair No. S i I r Voided Meat CoiipMiiii Ration Cards If the Spare "A" Meat Coupons in your temporary Ration Card are voided by horizontal black ink lines, you must secure new valid Coupons in order to purchase meat The only temporary Ration Cards to which new meat Coupons will be attached are those whose life extends beyond May 27, 1943. Applications should be made to Local Ration Boards, and must be accompanied by present Ration Cards. Lost Ration Books If you find a lost Ration Book you-should mail it at once to your, Local Ration Board. When you turn in the found Ration Book be sure to state that you found it. Damaged or Destroyed Ration Books If you loose your Ration Book, or damage it so that it is no longer fit for use, you should report the fact to your Local Ration Board at once. In such cases arrangements arc made to issue a temporary Ration Card good for 30 days, pending in-; veitigation and issuance of a, new book. ', Meat Allowance for Medical Cases Extra meat rations will be provided for diabetics or coeliac Became valid June 3 Expire June 30 Becomes valid June 10 Expire June 30 Becomes valid June 17 Expire July 31 Becomes valid June 24 Expire Julj f cases only on the recommendation of a doctor. Applications", along With doctor's certificate, should be sent to the nearest branch of the Ration Administration. Diabetics who have already surrendered to the Ration Administration, sugar Coupons from their ration books need not present a second certificate from a doctor when applying for extra meat rations, providing the amount required is not in excess of the maximum allowed. Meat Ration Charts Be sure to take your Meat Coupon. Value Chart with you when you buy meat. It saves time ... makes buying easier. If you have not received one, or have lost your'copy of this chart apply to your Local Ration board for another. Merchants requiring additional Meat Coupon Value or Wholesale Meat Value Charts may also wrure these from their Local Ration Board. May Fair With Your Grocer for your mm sake. Housewives are urged to see that the correct Coupons and "e right number of them- are , taken by the delivery ,boy for any I rationed' commodities- she buys ; and hatf delivered td her' home. t a grocer does not get the proper Coupons to cover his sales, he can't buy the proper amount of replacement supplies and therefore will be unable to take care of his customer's future needs. ' RATION ADMINISTRATION ' 1 ,,,n RtHon N,n-Wk of Jn. m, mt. 0 r?i.narfmfnt of Natural Resources. "The spring run-off was excellent hi vpnr nnrl lake levels through out the province are back to STelr pre-drought levels," saia j. McGavln, chief engineer of the water rights Drancn. Former residents of Moose Jaw living in Winnipeg, gathered re cently for, a reunion. More than 125 attended. Addresses were given by P. Watson, Russ Abraham, "Spec" Waugh, and Bill Alexander. The last names settled In Moose Jaw In 1889, and belongs to that rapidly thinning band of real pioneers of the "Friendly City." J. B. Halg, former prominent lawyer in Moose Jaw, was chairman for the occasion. MY CONSTIPATION WORRIES AREOVER! I Prevent That Trouble by Getting at its Cause I had an awful time with constipation. All the harsh cathartics I took gave me only temporary relief. Then, I learned two things. First, that my constipation was the common; ordinary type caused by lack of "bulk" in my diet. Second, that eating KELLOGO'S ALL-BRAN regularly gets right at the causa of such constipation, p I eat KELLOGO'S ALL-BRAN every dayf.lt' mighty good as a cereal and lelicious in muffins, too. I drink plenty ysf water.. And with this simple plan I feel like a new person. Your nearest feroeer has ALL-BRAN in two convenient sizes. Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada. FOR SALE 16 Cotton Mattresses, at 13.50 9 Used Beds and Springs, at . . $9.50 2 Electric Ranges at a very low price. B.C. Furniture Phone HIack 321 THIRD AVENUE I XllKr,:l3BXaTJ;XslrraBITlTl'3'1 i GOLD SEAL! P 1 ffcJPj) I 'Q4CX- fv 3 I anl p Fancy Red Sockeye jj Salmon y y n Ilerrlnf H In Tomato Saoca are both on active service but will be back on your h grocer's shelf soon as condl- S ditions permit. g B "BTBtrKraTa NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Z AH EL Li, PROP. "A Home Awa; From Home" Rates 7S na 60 Rooms Hot tt Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Bos 111 WOOD FOR SALE 100 Cords of 14-lnch Wood must be delivered right away. Order now for your next winter supply. $12.00 per Cord, Prices higher after this shipment. HYDE TRANSFER, Phone 580 I . ii i uiua irusi suownr v II arARTiv v asm w sssssi ssssssi laaav tii.. ... II I m K IhLMMr I II I I IS I H Lt H m MPMT-Tn 1 I I K . sS Mr iftur I m m l Vri 1 1 11 y lAlfiDtirnrJWmittm mm BUY... .rU KIMNtOV; JA. OWH - JON iO.fkV-SCailM.lAvt OuOUVNiCnOll World News Complete Shows at 12:30, 2:34, 4:51, 7:04, 9:21 Feature at 12:30 ,2:47, 5:04, 7:17, 0:34 I o4l union n Complete Showj Tonl3hf 7 12. B in "Slightly Danrerou," at 7 45, 9:43) HlnQincr Thurcrlauc viuwmg i imi miu jo As a war economy measure THE VARIETY STORE t Will close all day Thursday, starting June 10 F- . - . . RUPERT BRAND Sole Fillets . . . At Your Local Butchers NO WASTE READY TO COOK Canadiau Fish & Cold Storage PRINCE RUPERT 1 Fresh Local Raw and 5 VALENTIN DAIRY 1 3 PHONE 6ft7 g BBHliniKKaUDIXVXQK Co. Ltd. nmsn C0LCMBU Pasteurized MILK a 10 Wallace nioc I M ; nubser f, in. - n.c, b.a. Chiropractor