! THE DAILY NEWS I - rrr PRINCE RUPERT, BRITISn COLUMBIA ! Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday by Prince 1 '.'Z',. Rupert Daily News Limited, Third Avenue ' . .7 O. A. HUNTER, MANAGING EDITOR DAILY EDITION il Monday, November 8, 1943 We Made a Good Showing ..... Prince Rupert may feel a measure of justifiable satisfaction over its showing in the Fifth Victory Loan campaign which resulted in a substantial oversubscription. The final figures on subscriptions will not be available for a few days but loan headquarters anticipate that their volume will exceed that of the last campaign in May when the wartime construction boom, since receded, was at its height. Further, the city campaign in the fourth loan received credit for a substantial volume of subscriptions from the forces whose contributions were handled entirely separately this time. '-A-bright spot in this campaign was a considerably better volume of sales to dry dock employees in spite of the fact that the payroll of the yard is considerably lower than it was in the spring. The dry dock workers are evidently taking the war more seriously than they did before. They have also learned the value of investing in this practical and profitable wav. What may be said for the dry dock may also be said for the general public. We have now become Victory Bond conscious. WAR WEAPON tbtrl Dtttaiig (Uwi M mxl CMtihti. Ctntt ml 'fPf ' it'lttttnt k(iwj, imrplmt u wpei tUck iiSbt mull dj Uft in imtjtct lUtei. timtk Hflkf Invnibl royx thrown by tpccioll dxigntd Cdnen Molds lenpt it "fighting- tk flvornuni in. itrumtnl pontll of nigKl fighting plonM, Mnring in blotkwh, d1cting flowt m coitirvjt helping in protpvef-ing ond or torting. A valu-obl wropon of war today. Block light lompt will find monjr opplicotioni in poc-tMM. for dttaih contact your nearott CO.E. offko. MADE IN CANADA EDISON MAZDA IS REAL WAR This is not a phoney war: The Canadian Army is in the thick of the fight. The only way we can win Is on the field of battle. If physically fit and between 18 and 45 you are eligible for ' the Active Army, which Is still an entirely volunteer Army. "Visit your nearest Army Recruiting Office today. -Don't delay. Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druqtj is ts t jT,' "KXALL STORE PHONES 81 and X' Pen "ally from a.m. till 9 p.m. ' Sundays and Holidays from 12-2 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. THE REX CAFE NOV Op CHOP SUKY 82 . en for Business CHOW MEIN Opening Hours: .') p.m. to 2 a.m. fnll Ave. (across from Rupert Hotel) Phone 17.1 LETTERBOX TALKING OP SWINDLES Speaking about swindles, there was the O. T. P. swindle, during the last war. by which Prince Rupert and the northern Interior took a buggy ride for 25 years. Now, we see an attempt to repeat. Glad to note however, that old Rip Van Winkle has one eye open at last although the Alcan Highway war not our idea of a square deal or an Alaska Highway. This old racket has about played out. I wonder how many have forgotten the buggy ride Canada took when the C.P.R. swindled us out of twenty-five years' taxes? Or. what a nice piece of statesmanship little Arthur put over during his brief term as premier the White Elephant. Then, the CPU. sticks Its nose into that nice phim, and if they do not take advantage of their fifth column disposition it will be a miracle. Now that thev have pushed themselves Into the CXM. offices in Rupert, we just wonder how lonst it will be before the CPJt strata fee CX. completely. I wonder how much longer the publk w1U stand for the fruit racket. For the past two years in particular, the fruits from southern B. C. have not been fit to eat. Anyone who knows what fcult should be like will agree that It Is trash. Whether It Is because It la picked too green, or what, the trash Is not worth packing home as a free gift. If our agricultural experts are at fault, they should be strung up. Add to this, the fact that only the most Inferior culls ever reach Rupert and you have cause for mu-rder. Take the passenger cars we ride In as far as Jasper. They have been discarded by all other regions of Canada and sent down to Rupert as Rupert will and for anything (and still beat Ontario over the top on the Victory Loan). In spite of the fact. also, that British Columbia gets only a mere fraction of the liquor ration the othe. provinces get. i ine ustramon governmen places Rupert on a 40 percen" i : of normal rations, then ships thousands of troops and laborers to help dispose of tha meagre dole. I am not so sure his praYers1 THS DAILY NEWS that other provisions have no been made for many of thes others but they use up their own allowance and then gobble mos of the civilian ration as well. Which means that the public have to pay through th nose and get stung going- and imilng. Did I say that Rip Van Winkle had one eye opened at last. Maybe I was too optimistic. DONALD DUCK. ENDORSE AMBULANCE FUND Editor, Dally News: The situation which has developed in regard to our ambulance is Indeed serious. Dr. Large. In his letter of Saturday. November 6, has pointed out the difficulties which may be encountered through this state of affairs. We believe it is the duty and privilege of each one of us to get behind this WT i iaiLanswerett - A GREAT FAMILY J LINIMENT A rfc. Ti sr. 'RECORDS TO BE REVEALED Sane tlmonius Hypocrites to Get Shock of Lives on Judcntent Day An attentive audience lMMd to Evangelist Bahner -last evening In the Oddfellows' HaU nortray the sokinn scenes of the Judgment In Heaven which has been In progress for almost a century. Mr. Balmer based his conclusions on the prophede of the Judgment as recorded in Daniel 7: 9. 10. 13. 26. declaring that drive and make It an overwhelming success. On behalf of the Irlnce' Rupert Registered Nurse" Associa tion we heartily endorse Dr. Large's suggesUon that a public subscription be opened In your paper. Mr. Editor, and we make a contrlbuUon of $25 to further this worthy cause. Catherine Bryant. R.N. President i Mrs N Mackay. R.N. i Secretary i It was within the proving f Industry is helping win the war... industry must help build a peacetime world The will of our soldiers assures an unconditional surrender... The will of our people can assure a just and durable peace T ottty the United Nations arc joined in their determination to win a decisive victory. On every battle front and on v every farm and in every production centre a singleness of purpose is speeding "unconditional surrender". Tomorrow millions of soldiers and workers can have steady - MONDAY mankind to learn from the Bible just when the Judgment began. A clone study of this prophetle chapter would revnl that the Judgment tension was to convene sometime after the year 1798 AD. and of necessity end before the second comln of Ohrtst. in which event He would rome with the reward t for the righteous. Continuing the speaker read from Rer. 14: 7. 'Tear God and give glory to Him for the hour of His Judgment U come." This solemn statement and wamrnt meMagc was associated with the preaching of the everlasting gospel 'o every nation, kindred, tonfue and people. When this was accornonshed Christ would return for all the righteous who were Judged and accounted worthy by the Heavenly tribunal which was In seaskm at the present time. Said Solomon in Ecel. 3: 17. "Ood shall Judge the righteous I a weR as the wtcked,M In thh Judgment session the evangel-1st said that the record of the righteous only would be dealt wit. quoting 1 Peter 4: 17 "For the time is eome that house r ! (j. The n;.:, . eepted Chi ' The Book " thing to the Book i 3tlter Mil; . Jens Sam tnt ov- ..r,, blot un: Book of I The cv.i: . audleru'i WOUld ha. The hi. employment if they also unite with determination to hrin about "a just and durable peace". Prosperity can be realized only through the will of an in- 7" formed and a united people. With their courage and their determination, the people's will to accomplish a righteous ' peace is irresistible. People here, in common with people of other lands, can prosper materially and spiritually after the war ends but only if now the peoples of the United Nations make loud their demands for "a just and durable peace". unfold (! kept sm :, men. Thr who had : ' Vld p: v (i Christian Of hi lite V revealed IW 111 lui::. precept , : , ttood ami , accepted ::. -ounted riK:.--With eti-rn . las. 2 10 '. GONE 1011 Durtne i4' I Axis .ih:,., sunk r . the R. . . v M, .iliMy nBfc 1 1 THE INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY nr. e.iiina tiuirrn M.'.l - J n "3 I t a t coon MM, m '--JVC ' W -i . i I