0 y p La DAY NOVEMBER 8, 193 uny ft N -.a . rayrolli" Pi' Milk because ry flavor, both fee and because jver to the last , R of Haney." ,ji flavor has t tsk'ns about It and IsZei more than one PK'f!? Milk ICIFIC MILK fi snd Vacuum Packed h !x)cal Haw and P pasteurized MILK y LEXTIN DAIRY PIIO.VE 657 H ,........... 1 s Kivc you ... 9' 0 Violet Hadland Bridie on- Saturday Ilia Hadland of Prince Rupert became the- bride of Dirtle Larson, ftlsw 0 Prince Rupert. Rev. James A Donnell officiated. "Largest Organization of j u ina in me wona Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association JOHN LLOYD wmr.HT Resident Representative Plonrer ltoomr No. 6 IG7 3rdAve. P.O. Box 952 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 741 and I will gladly call We are the only store In town carrvine Frozen Fruits and Vegetables We have ben grant n u (leery-from t'ie Wartime Prices and Trarf Board and Uie City of Prinze Rupert to manufacture monu menu and tombstones and wish to announce to the public that we are now operating and rrranufaetwiiv.! monuments In Prince Rupert and are able to take care of all orders. Our workshop U located at C02 Fifth Avrnur East until further t-.'Au - We will be at the shop from 9-30 a.m. to 3 p m. dally. ;f u tie shop Inquiries may be made of A. 6 8Ut Hon.se or see Jack Malr at 744 Sixth PI-.imw Black 984. XMAS PERM "r PERMS are hard to BEAT n n e t t c 'P o w e NATIONAL MONUMENTS : A, E. WEIXL, Proprietor HIIBK HE RUPERT WOOD COMPANY V ' to advice that your fuel dealer can now supply you with your wood retirements. Deliveries will be made on receipt of payment. Anyone wishing to protect '!hez selves will Ikj well advised to nu!;e payment now to ensure delivery. J x 500 coal miners are now on strike. SEE YOUR DEALER NOW fdp out the coal shortnuc by burning wood. T Special Announcement 0 OUR CUSTOMERS lue to new rreulatlon placed upon us by our Mna!m, and the shortage of certain commodity and the extra work caused by the rationing "upon, we are forced to go on a cash' basis com mmclng Nov, 15. We hope that the clinr.e will B"t Inconvenience you. We wish to continue ser- "nj: joU to the best of our ability. We thank you 'r your patronaje of the pa(.t and trust you will '"Pport u In the future. SEVENTH AVE. MARKET I I e a u t y S h o p p c 1 s,rt (Across from Post Office) Phone Blue 917 LOCAL NEWS NOTES 1 i The Prince Rupert Oyro Club was In monthly executive session today preparatory to 'the regular business luncheon to be held on Wednesday. j Major A. 8. Parkes, Army auxil iary services officer for this area, leaves tonight for Van-ver In company with boxers from this area who have been se lected for the forthcoming Paci fic Command sport meet. Track and field men will be going south at the end of the week. Canadian Legion (BJSJ No. 27. AH children of Veterans who are 12 years of age and under will be welcome at the Annual Christmas Tree. Please advise Mrs. Prank Ellison, or leave names at the Bulkier Market as early as possible. (It) fi Among those In charge of hnterpnse droeery f Poppy Day tagging Saturday Announcing Opening of ATiONAL MONUMENTS Here's Quick Relief from SINUS PAIN 3-Purpose Medicine Helps Clear j Out Congested Sinus Areas j tNC best wiy to get relief from tortur- 1 Int tlniu pain U to clear congestion from nual passages and give sinuses 1 a ehsnre to drain. A few drops of j Vki Va-tro-nol In each nostril 1 usually enough to bring this comfort- lex ireiiei. i 3 'PURPOSE MEDICINE Vatronol Is to 1 laeceiilul be-cauM It doe three Important Uilnn : (1) shrink! swollen membranes o! the now. (3) help clear out paln-cauilng congestion and 3 ) cootbes Irrttatton. JfvOv Many ilnus jut- leren aar It's bet VICKS-tJ relief they've um tnr aim Xouna-TryUt VA'TRO-NOl SKKVICKS TO Vancouver, Victoria and Waypolnts, Stewart . and North Queen Charlotte Islands Full Information, Tickets and Keserratlont FKAN'K J. SKINNER . Prince Itupert Atent Third Ave. Phone 568 OIL RURNERS CLEANED HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE Black 735 221 Seventh Ave. West VTYTYYYYYYT Y YYYY YYYYTYYT Meet Me At JOHNNY'S Johnny's SNACK BAR (Our Coffee Is Tops) In the supreme Court of llrlllh CotiiniM;! hi rrolmle In Hie Matter of th ".dnilirttrHllur Art" nml In t lie M.illrr of the Otnte of John mtrlrk HarrUnn, Uerraseil, TAKK NOTICE Jt toy orrtr of 11 1 Honor, W. E. I'ldhcr. tnade on tlx- tinA ttoy of November, A.U, 1943, I viiui oijirpol tiled AdmUilAtrator lth WUI Bnnexnd) of th Ett (f John PaArlck ltivrrlfron. deee1. mid oil purUe lwvlmt claims Um ftld extte ore hereby requlre-l to furnish mjw, property verlfletl, u tm on or .bcit .the flnt day lit Dnrennber. AD. 1943, und alt tur' le UHtd to th estate re minli tn pay ihe amount of Uielr m;l ' i-dne- t m X;mhWlth, I DATKT) nt Trlnoe Rjert. BO this flrat d.iy of Novwuber A.I). 1943. NORMAN A, WAIT Offlrlal AdmlnUtntor, Prince Rupert, B.C. BLACKOUT RELIEF THE DAILY nrt7S At a quiet ceremony Saturday n"sewlvM' Lea8 Meeting, a Labor Progressive Party meet-' Tuesday Tuesday, 8 n m rt East tvj End p.m.. ine tonleht. East End Hall, at evening tn the Manse of First ,i.n n,u 71. vujmtw ec- 5th Ave. West, fit) 8 o'clock. Major Moraunt. chief Army padre In this area, returned to the city Saturday night from a trip to Vancouver. .-Canadian Legion WESl) Executive Meeting tonight' at 3 o'clock. lti iwere Miss Eileen Gibson. Mrs. Moving Pictures tonight, Mon 8tewart. Mrs. E. V. Whiting, Mrs. day, No. I Dining Hall. Dry 5 C V. Evitt. Taggers included Dock Employees and Families. ' h Jimmy Ftnlayson. Florence Starr. 3) Billy 8tarr. George WatU. Mary Jj'calder. Billy Ftnlayson. Mar-1 'garei Doiron. j Rev. E. T. Thompson of To ronto, serretary of Sunday School and young people's work for the Presbyterian Church in Canada, will arrive in the city Wednesday next week from Vancouver and will be here until Thursday evening when he will proceed east by train. -Prince Rupert Industrial Workers Union Meeting. Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. In Valhalla Hall, corner 8th and 9th. All Retail and Wholesale Clerks and Warehousemen cordially welcome. (263) FDTViBURGH 9 It's not so dark in Edinburgh since Herbert Morrison. Minister of Home Security approved a modified -n f sre-n UghMng. There ad nrcvtauly ben no llght- ng at all Dailv News Advertising Brings Results. FOR SALE FOR SALE Five room modern house, 990 Ambrose Ave. Phone Red 480. Immediate passes -Mon. (261) FOR SALE Bed with coll spring and mattress. Call evenings 1438 Plgott Place, 261 FOR SALE Piano. May be seen between 7 and 9 pm. Midway Orocery. 263) FOR SALE 7-roomed house. Phone Black 939. '266) FOR SALE 2 counters, 20 stools. 1 cash register. 1 show case. I toilet and basin. 1 candy scales, 2 ice boxes, 1 meat grinder. 1 cast iron griddle plate. Phone Green 41 after 6 p.m. (268) FOR SALE Two room house on two lots. Immediate possession. $600 cash. Section 8, Lot 2) Lots 23 and 24. Apply Box 619 Dally News. (266) FOR RENT FOR RENT Two rooms Jf fur niture is purchased. Apply 927 9th Ave. West after 6 1263) FOR RENT Light large front LOST One lady's light biege gabardine raincoat. Taken In error from Headquarters' Dance Reserve Drill Hall, Saturday. November 6. Identification In billfold in pocket. (263) LADIES Brown leather glove, Wednesday morning between Rupert Hotel and Three Sisters Cafe. Finder please leave at Daily News office. (26H LOST Fox Tterrler with black spots on eats and tall. Please Phone Green 883. (262) PERSONAL 'JET" for polishing hot stoves Is a boon. Winter months mean hot stoves always, "JET" Is safe, handy. Sold CHRISTMAS Gift subscriptions, special low rate. Attractive gift card and envelope Included. Please phone Green 59. DAY NURSERY Reasonable rates. Apply 441, 7th Avenue East. (280) ' SHRIMPS FRESH EVERY DAY Boat "W.S.I." First Float west of Imperial Oil Co. dally after 4 p.m. SWEDISH SHIP LOSSES DUBLIN "O More than 25 percent of the Swedish merchant fleet, as It was In 139. has been, lost through reasons directly due to the war. said Nils L. Jaenson. Swedish consul In Eire. I RELIEVE ACHES I I AND SORE THROAT 1 ASPkJhi Canadian Legion (B.EJ5.L.) ARMISTICE DAY Morning Fall in at Canadian Legion Rooms at 10:30 ajn. for parade to the Cenotaph. Evening All members of the Canadian Legion are invited to a Smoking Concert in the Legion Rooms to celebrate . "Our Day." You are promised a specially good program with first class re- freshments, so reserve this evening to be with your comrades at the Legion. HELP WANTED WANTED The Dally News is open to receive the names of bright and honsibpya. -or-glrls who are desirous of obtaining delivery routes. tf WANTED Chambermaids for local hotel. Apply National Se lective Service, AF 96. 266 WANTED Female cook for local hotel. Apply National SelecUve Service Office, AF 85. (266) WANTED $25 Reward for information leading to the renting of an unfurnished house, four rooms or larger. Immediate possession. Phone Red 877. 261) $50.00 Reward for Information leading to the renting of a furnished or unfurnished house, responsible couple. Apply Bor 61ff Dally News. (264) NAVAL officer and wife, no children, desire furnished apartment, room with kitchen privileges, or sleeping . room. Phone 231. 1263) room suitable for 2 gentlemen $25 REWARD for finder of small sharlne. Phone Black 965. LOST furnished or unfurnished house. Civilians. No children. Apply Box 605 Dally News. (280) WORK WANTED WORK WANTED Can take electric work in spare time. Box 6 1 8 Dally News. 263 ) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD, 718 Fraser Street. (tf) ! SKEENA MOTOR j 1 G. L. Brookes, Mgr. 24-Hour Taxi Service Trucking of all kinds Bus Service to Airport Special Charter Free Parcel Checking Room PuMie Waiting and Rest Rooms for Men ami Women P.O. Box 101, Terrace "YYYTYYYTYYYYYYYYYYYYYVY FOR SALE I FRESH SHRIMPS Dally 4 o'clock. a Boat "Mais." Upsett's Dock 1 Quietly Wedded Here Saturday Mrs Beatrice Elizabeth Ayers of Prince Rupert and. Lionel Oasper of Blllmor were quietly married at First United Church Manse on Saturday afternoon. Rev. James A. Donnell Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged: for a full month at 25c a word. WA. Coast Regiment Service Mens Dance, Nov. 8. Empress Club. Little Norway Tea, Nov. 10, Mrs. Jens Munthe, 431 4th West. Dry Dock Employees' Assocla Uon Dance. Friday. Nov; 12. Aristocrat's 12-piece orchestra. A Canadian Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, Nov. 12, Oddfellows' Hall 18. Cathedral Tea and Sale, Nor. L.OJLJkf. 2 L.Oi. 2310 Orange Dance Man. Nov. 22, 9:30 sharp. Oddfellow' Hall, Jean de Carlo's Orchestra. L.O.BA. Dance, Nov. 25. Odd-. fellows' Hall, 9:30-1:00, Jean de Carlo's Orchestra. Refreshments. Valhalla Invitation Dance, November 26, Oddfellows' Hali Dancing from 9:30 to 2. United Churct Bazaar December 2nd. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar. Nov. 2i CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Advertisements are payable in advance at the Offiee No telephone orders Kate 2e per word per insertion. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL -GEORGE LrRORIB Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Wallace Block Phone 387 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 206 4th St. Phone 655 B. LAMB, TAILOR Ladles' & Men's Made-to-Measure Clothes. S02 Third Ave. W. Black 787 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers. Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 International Correspondence Schools Canadian Limited B. F. Lovln, Representative Bos: 526 1315 Piggot Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. FRATERNAL ORDERS Prince Rupert I.O.O.F. LODGE NO. 63 meets 2nd and 4thTuesdays every month at 8 pjn. ; When at Terrace Stay at f Philbert Hotel But make advance Reservations 4 1 Box 5 Terrace U & I CAFE Will open 011 Sunday, Nov. 7, under the old manage- ment. CHRISTINA V1ETC4I Try a ciassifiea Ad In the Dallv New fnr Qutck Result Mirths login, SWt's famed HomeEcooo tain whose wecklf cooking, column, it .al regulix (utate of (bis page, Look foe these valiuble tlnu every Monday Here- is- another way to-have: your roast-a nd extend it, tool Veal, like all meats, is best roasted u 323', fit siJrup on a rick in an open pan. Allow 40 minutes per pound for this boned roast, 3) to 40 minutes for leg or shooldcr. Over 6 lbs. allow about 5 minutes per pound less. Spread but boned veal (butcher will usually remove bones on re-' quest, if meat is not already boned and- rolled). Spread meat with and tie firmly. Shape remairunglh stuffing in small balls . . . forcoolcv ing around the roast in final hi!3 hour. Koast the veal as above. Carve In thin slices a stuffing bill or two for each, saving, "Mtit Complete," Mmhi Login's handbook of melt cookery is on recipe book you cannot do without. Send 10; for tout copr to Swift Cinidim Co. Limited, Dept. NE 43, New Westminster. Meat is material of war- 3 H f AO? "THREE Jj- - 'V ) Stuffed Breast of Veat DRESSING FOR BREAST OF VEAL rA.tr tr nrni(.. ! sausage- whenever it it obsiln-able). It is well worth tiif?to usc-ttaj low-coupon rjceajftto jft extend your tender and suecu. lent Veal Roast. 1 lb. sausage meat 4 cups breadcrumbs 1 up. salt V4 up. pepper jLl tsp. sage ot othet W Anurrlirrli4 2 tbtps chopped onion Mlx ingrevlicnts, If motsrenm is needed, add a little warm water or gravy. Pack in roast. Use remainder for garnish. --- SWIFT CANADIAN CO. LIMITED? a Dominion-wide organization deroted to the conscnatwn-3 and efficient' distribution of Canada's' food resources 4t VAI.ITARI.E EXPERIENCE XTo overcome a shortaee geuof British commando raids gain- wedding rings, 509,000 ringsolt ed most valuable experience for a utility pattern are to be man the army's subsequent great ufactured in the next 12 months amphibious attacks. The utility rings sell for $6.50:, A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE A GOOD PLACE TO BUY 3 6 BEDROOM SUITES, Just arrived, in Eastern Hard- 1 wood. Sold in 3 or 4 pieces. Spring filled mattresses-' with foundation to fit 100 KITCHEN CHAIRS. Eastern Hardwood. . j 20-CRIB MATTRESSES, Standard sizes; 'rT" . .-. : ' . '1 i ' ' tl.,- , - " . 1' ' Each -J- : i 1. ,r -'. ,.:.a50 and! $.550 Phne 775 ... Coutt's Canadian 1 - . 32T3rri Avenue 4 i 4.- i 1 Christmas Cards Patriotic Cards Special Cards for Overseas Cards for the Family Cards for Sweethearts 'Cards for Friends Send Coutt's Fine Cards The Finest' Greetinff Cards Made Come in' andi see them and make your selection NOW!